Their safe haven

By everlove2069

403K 8.7K 3.7K

After her mother's and step fathers death, Evelyn must move in with her 7 older brothers who she had no idea... More

More info...
Chapter one🫶🏼
Chapter two🫶🏼
Chapter three🫶🏼
Chapter four🫶🏼
Chapter five🫶🏼
Chapter six🫶🏼
Chapter seven🫶🏼
Chapter eight🫶🏼
Chapter nine🫶🏼
Chapter ten🫶🏼
Chapter eleven🫶🏼
Chapter twelve🫶🏼
Chapter thirteen🫶🏼
Chapter fourteen🫶🏼
Chapter fifteen🫶🏼
Chapter sixteen🫶🏼
Chapter seventeen🫶🏼
Chapter eighteen🫶🏼
Chapter nineteen🫶🏼
Chapter twenty🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-one🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-two🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-three🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-four🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-five🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-seven🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter thirty🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-one🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-two🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-three🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-four🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-five🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-six🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-seven🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter forty🫶🏼
Chapter forty-one🫶🏼
Chapter forty-two 🫶🏼
Chapter forty-three🫶🏼
Chapter forty-four🫶🏼
Chapter forty-five🫶🏼
Chapter forty-six🫶🏼
Chapter forty-seven 🫶🏼
Chapter forty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter forty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter fifty🫶🏼
Chapter fifty-two🫶🏼

Chapter twenty-six🫶🏼

6.3K 151 76
By everlove2069

Sergio's pov

If I had my phone on me I would take a picture of chicken's face and frame it. Her face dropped as she looked around at 'Rain' and Lilith. She called that guard Rain and we all had no clue why or how that came to be but it stuck.

She made eye contact with Zion and her face was mixed with slight fear and a lot of shock. Luca wanted to have her 'friends' around her so that she would feel more comfortable. I don't think that worked out too well.

I wanted to punch Rain in his face for the look he gave Eve. He looked at her with protectiveness and like he cared about her. After a few seconds, I kicked him under the table making him glance over at the wall. He's had this weird bond with her ever since he was a kid. I hated it.

Salvatore pulled out the chair that was in between him and Alessandro and pointed to it. My poor chicken looked around like the walls were going to eat her. I cleared my throat making her look down at the chair and chuckle nervously before sitting down.

Lilith started typing on her phone and then she slyly passed it to Evelyn from her spot next to her brother. Evelyn read it and started to chuckle as her face grew red from her holding in her laugh.

Luca looked at her with a blank expression, obviously not amused by the childish behavior but after a few seconds of her turning brighter and brighter concern flashed through his eyes. He leaned back and crossed his legs as he waited for her to compose herself.

Lilith let out a small laugh and with that small laugh broke Evelyn's hold as she let out a loud laugh. Her laugh sounded cute but it sounded like an old door. I looked over to see Rain covering Lilith's mouth while his eyes grew large in fear.

Although my expression are serious, on the inside I wanted to die of laughter as chicken's head landed on the table while trying to regain her breath. Alessandro leaned down and whispered something in her ear that made her clear her throat and nod slowly while looking up.

Angelo sighed while looking down at his plate, although he seemed to be disappointed I saw the tip of his lips slightly before dropping back down. Romeo kept quiet as he took small glances at Evelyn but his main focus was on Zion.

The maids broke through the tight tension that was placed over us by setting down the delicious lasagna on each of our plates. Once they were done they quickly bowed their heads and walked out of the room, leaving us in awkward silence.

Everyone sat still until Luca picked up his fork and started to eat, silently telling everyone to follow. My brothers and I all glanced at Evelyn as we watched her push her food around while trying to make it look as though she was eating. I didn't miss the way Luca silently sighed or the way his shoulders slightly dropped from their tense state.

Finally, the thick air was cut by Angelo speaking. "So Evelyn, Mr.Brown tells me you and Zion are working together on a project? Mind telling us about it?" Leo had told Luca and Luca told all of us that Ev and Zion would be working together on some coding project together.

Evelyn had a small smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes as she looked up and started talking to Angelo. "Yeah, we have one of these every few days or weeks. They are really easy and Zion does most of the work because it is a bit hard." I knew right off the bat that it was a lie but I decided to stay quiet.

I heard a scuff and I glanced over to where the sound came from to see Zion looking at Evelyn while shaking his head. "Nice try, your sister barely lets me help, and when she does it's usually just to check over her already correct answer. You got a lot of skill, don't play dumb." Everyone grew silent as we all turned our heads back to a bright red, tight lipped Evelyn who was trying to sink into her chair.

Salvatore bumped her shoulder and leaned down and whispered something into her ear. He sat back up and she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. I was about to make a comment when suddenly Evelyn did something totally unexpected and flung herself onto Salvatore.

I was expecting her to throw a punch or a hit but no. She just hugged him. I think it's safe to say that EVERYONE was shocked. Even Luca had his mouth slightly open. Rain looked at Lilith and shook his head as she tried to open her arms. I chuckled under my breath and covered it with a cough.

Salvatore sat there like a stick and looked around for help. Luca took the signal and nodded his head at Alessandro who slowly pulled her off of him. Luca spoke as she tried to compose herself once again.

"Good. Evelyn is a Leone, she doesn't need a man to help her. And I heard that you Zion, top of your class in Math, Sergio is the same way it's weird." I glared at Luca before taking another bite of my food.

Luca doesn't know how to speak without bringing up his work aka the fucking Mafia! Making every conversation with 'regular' people weird. The only person who doesn't know is Lilith and that's because her brother hasn't told her yet and I don't think he ever will.

Rain's father was the underboss of our dad. One night my father and Rain's father went out for a deal. Little did they know, it was a trap. My dad got out but Rain's dad wasn't so lucky as he got a bullet right through his skull. Rains whore of a mother remarried and in came Lilith.

Dinner went on as Lilith talked to Evelyn and Luca talked to Angelo. Evelyn didn't touch not one bite of food which made me a little upset but I chose to stay quiet.

I started talking to Salvatore when Zion stood up from his chair. He had his phone in his hand while he looked at Luca and gulped. "I have to go, thank you so much for dinner it was great. Bye Ev." Zion waited until Luca nodded his head once letting Zion practically run out of the house.

Once the front door closed everyone started talking again and the occasional sound of laughter came from the two girls that were talking about something that happened at school. I glanced over to see Evelyn's food gone.

She ate.

I blew out a breath of relief until I felt a slight pinch on my arm. I turned and glared at Romeo who just pinched me but he was looking up at someone. I followed his gaze and saw Rain staring at Evelyn's mouth as she spoke.

The maids came in and took our food away once we were all finished and once they were out of the way Luca sat up and looked at Angelo. Angelo nodded his head and Luca looked at Evelyn. "Evelyn. Why don't you show Lilith your room before she leaves, hm?" Both Lilith and Evelyn quickly got up and ran out of the room.

Rain was about to stand when I took my gun out and pointed it at his head. His eyes widened slightly as he looked around to see all of my brothers have a glare on their faces making his face pale.

I pointed my gun to the seat and he took the silent command and sat back down. Luca stood from his chair and walked over to the glass door that separates the dining room from the rest of the house and locked it.

With a small sigh, Luca hummed before speaking. "Remember your job or you and your little sister die. Do I make myself clear?" Rain closed his eyes and sighed slowly through his mouth. "Yes sir." Luca nodded and walked out of the room.

Leaving us alone was the worst mistake Luca could've made. Romeo got up and rounded the table to where Rain sat in a professional manner. "Tell them what you did, and how you did it." Romeo smacked the side of his head as he began to shake his head.

Rain took a deep breath and looked at me while speaking. "I looked at a manner that guards shouldn't." Once he finished his face whipped to the side as Salvatore recoiled his fist.

Angelo grabbed Salvatore's wrist as he was about to swing again. "Not the face. We don't need questions." Angelo pushed Salvatore out of the way and threw a punch to Rain's gut making him huff out a breath and lean forward.

I set my gun down and rounded the table. Once I got close enough I tipped his chair back so that he was flat on the floor. Before he could move I started to kick him in his ribs earning a few groans here and there.

I had to give it to him, he was laying there and taking it with a semi straight face. Marco walked over and pushed me off and stepped on his chest. "Get your sister and get the fuck out. You look or touch our sister in a sexual manner and I will cut your balls off and make you swallow them. Do I make myself clear?" Rain nodded and coughed once before trying to get to his feet.

Before he could get far Alessandro kicked the back of his legs making him fall at the same time the door was opened.

"Shit." We all looked up and saw Evelyn looking between all of us and then down at Rain. Her eyes were huge with fear as she started to slowly walk forward and help Rain to his feet.

Rain pulled away from her and she blinked at him a few times before moving out of his way while muttering a small 'sorry'. Evelyn didn't turn until Rain made his way out of the room, letting the door slowly close with a click.

Marco walked over to her but she stepped back. She glared at him and then pushed past him and into the kitchen. We all followed her as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

She waited until the front door closed to push past Salvatore and walk to the stairs. We once again all followed her as she walked past her room. My shirt got pulled and I turned and locked eyes with Salvatore who nodded to Alessandro. I turned and saw Alessandro almost panting as his hands shook.

"Ev! Don't!" We were cut off when she slammed Lucas's bedroom door open. Luca was sitting on his bed with his gun pointed at Evelyn. I shoved her out of the way and he sighed while putting his gun down on the bed next to his laptop.

Evelyn walked over to Lucas's bed and sat on the end of it. We all watched in confusion as Evelyn took a deep breath. "Luca. I brought everyone in here to say one thing." Luca turned to us and we all put our heads down except for Angelo who was texting on his phone.

Luca nodded for her to continue and man did she. With one more deep breath, she clapped her hands together and pointed them at all of us. "You guys are all in the mafia I get that. But if I make friends please don't take them away from me or harm them. Rain is my friend, and even if I like him or he likes me it doesn't matter. I don't even like him and I doubt he would ever look at me like anything other than a walking stick." By the time she was done, she had ran out of breath.

We all sat there for a minute as Luca leaned back on his headboard and rubbed his head. "Rain is your bodyguard, not your friend. And I'm glad you are in here with everyone. Now we can talk about why you didn't touch your food until Zion left." The air stilled for a moment as I turned my gaze to her.

I knew exactly how she felt. I was in her shoes before and it fucking sucks. I use to only weigh 99 pounds at age 16. I was depressed and I always worked out to keep myself 'lean' well that was a bunch of bullshit. One night on a raid a heavy set guy ran into me and I was knocked out for three days. Reality slapped me hard in the face and I started to slowly treat my body right and told myself I deserve food and water like a normal fucking human.

That look in her eyes, the scared, tired look was the same as when I was her age. Her eyes started to fill with tears as she shrugged her shoulders while standing to her feet. "I just didn't want to eat, it had nothing to do with Zion. I have to go to bed. Goodnight." As she was walking away I caught her hand in mine making her stop in her tracks.

I looked around and glared at Luca before walking toward her room with her hand in mine. Once we got to her room I opened the door and she walked in and went straight to her bed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry he said that, especially like that. You're not a walking stick, you chicken are a gorgeous human being that deserves only the best in the world. Don't listen to dumbo ears, listen to me your big strong older brother." I flexed my muscles and she chuckled while shaking her head.


I sat down next to her on her bed and I glanced over and saw that her eyes started to close. She must have changed from her school clothes because now she was in duck pajama pants and a white shirt. I chuckled as she tried to fight her sleep and leaned closer so that her head would fall on my shoulder.

She grabbed my hand and started to play with the rings that rested on my fingers. "You know you didn't have to beat him up. I saw the way he was looking at me, it doesn't bother me anymore." I sighed and threw my arm around her shoulder.

"You have no clue how far we would go just to protect you little chicken." I looked down to see that her eyes were now fully shut and her chest rose and fall in shallow breaths.

I smiled as a leaned her onto her pillow and covered her with her soft blanket that I was secretly jealous of. I kissed her forehead and headed for the door. "Goodnight chicken. I love you." I turned her lights down and walked out of her door and into the hallway.

As I was walking to my room I passed by Alessandro's room and heard something shatter. Without thinking I ran into his room and felt a sharp pain in my foot. I looked down and saw glass everywhere as my blood started to drip everywhere.

Alessandro looked up and cursed under his breath while walking over to me. As he leaned down I smacked the back of his head and tried to push him away. "Stupid, stupid fucking asshole," I whispered as I tried to remember that I just put Evelyn to sleep.

He simply rolled his eyes and picked me up like a child. "Oh wow, I feel like a pretty princess." I batted my eyes as Alessandro shook his head while throwing me onto his bed.

I threw my head off of the bed and looked at him with wide eyes while covering my chest with a blanket. "At least get me dinner first you nasty boy!" He scuffed while closing his door and grabbing tweezers from his bedside table.

His hand came near my foot and I pulled my foot back. I have been shot at and stabbed and all of the above. But glass in my foot...HELL NO!

"Sergio. Foot. Now." Sandro looked up at me and his eyes were dark and red. I squinted my eyes as he quickly grabbed my foot and put it in a headlock. I kicked the back of his head and he threw his elbow back right into my balls.

Pain surged through me as I cupped my lower half and rolled over onto my side. I felt bile rise in my throat as I tried to think the pain away. kids...I took a forceful deep breath in as I realized that If I never had kids life wouldn't be half as bad.

Sandro wrapped my foot in gauze and dropped it on his bed while turning away. He pointed to the door and started to walk to his closet. Like hell I'm leaving, he was the one that got me hurt!

I walked over to his closet and shoved his shoulders. "Asshole. I was trying to be a good brother and check up on you and you want to be a bitch?! Fuck you then!" I took out my phone and blocked his number before turning and leaving his closet.

My hand rested on his door as he spoke from his closet. "Thanks Serg. You are a good little brother." I turned my head to see him flinging a shirt over his shoulder.

I nodded and started to walk out of his room. I walked to my room and took a shower before getting into my warm bed and slipping into a dreadful night's sleep.

--(Fun fact: I am taking my sweet time on this book..)--🦋


Word count:3033

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