The Seventh Swordsman

By Raihantheruler

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"My sword is yours in victory and defeat", Naruto remembered pledging those words to the Second Mizukage as h... More

The Seventh Swordsman
The Plan
The Raid
Twin Flash
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 1
The Sword Of Darkness
Hero Of Mist
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 2
Last Light
I am Death
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 3
No Mercy
The Black Flash
World Of Victors
Madara Uchiha
Naruto Namikaze
A New Leaf
The Dark Prince
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 4
Operation Thunderbolt
My Honour Was Loyalty
World of Lies
Broken Crest
The General
Rebellion is a Hero's Privilege
Civil War
A Price for Peace
Breaking Bad
A New Dawn
Battle of the Raging Seas
Surgical Strike
Battle of Rezang La
Battle of Hydara
Cycle of Hatred
Reach Into His Heart
The Great March
Winds of Change
The Beginning of the End
The Kage Summit
Declaration of War
Battle of Nations
Final Hour
So It Begins
The Young Wolf
The Last Spartan
The Fall
Hero Of Humanity

My War

229 11 0
By Raihantheruler

Tobirama Senju alongside his niece and the rest of his guard had not expected to meet Kisame Hoshigaki, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen as their escort before they even reached the Kirigakure army camp.

The infamous warrior had greeted them curtly and escorted them respectfully to what was now a full blown military function being conducted by their allies.

"I have a feeling they planned this demonstration instead of us springing up in the middle of it" said Shisui Uchiha, the young leader of his clan. The boy had proven himself a capable warrior and a fine leader after the death of his father Kagami in battle, one of Tobirama's prized students.

Tobirama agreed with the Uchiha's suggestion as their entire entourage was now seated upon a large stage built to observe the entire ceremony and even joined by all the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who seemed proud and eager for the ceremony.

The former Hokage could understand their feelings considering it would be their men participating in this ceremony and their performance would reflect upon their General's conduct as well.

He smiled when he saw Tsunade was quite excited for a change when the war drums started beating and the ground started shaking a little at first before it transformed into a sizeable tremor.

In the past one year, Kirigakure had not just conquered nations and increased its power significantly but also brought more improvements and changes to their military structure.

It was evident when the 1st Legion under the command of General Mangetsu Hozuki began the flag march. The Hozuki clan head looked extremely proud when the finest representatives from his 10,000 strong army roared a mighty war cry before pointing their swords respectfully towards their leader and the other dignitaries. They were considered to be the finest fighters of their nation, always serving as the vanguard in every campaign.

Following them was the 2nd Legion under the leadership of General Ameyuri Ringo. The female swordsmen grinned victoriously when the representatives of her 8,000 strong force fired off a sea of lightning bolts from their swords making the very skies rumble tremendously.

The 3rd Legion under the leadership of General Kisame Hoshigaki were unique as their leader. Tobirama's eyes widened in surprise when he saw the small group representating the 8,000 strong force marching in discipline upon a tidal wave of water that they also controlled. It was bizarre sight but one which also displayed the sheer control these ninjas had over the water element, a feat which truly earned them the former Hokage's respect.

The 4th and 5th legion were under the command of General Haku Yuki and General Jinpachi Munashi, both having 8,000 warriors each and respectable fighting forces to be be wary of.

"Each legion is an army on its own" commented Shisui warily,

Tobirama agreed with that accurate assessment from the Uchiha leader as he had seen a complete contingent in every legion.

Scouts and Sensors, Battle ninjas, Medics, Sealing Experts, Communications Specialists, Airborne Special forces, Engineers, Logistics and Support Units.

"Lord Fourth call its the Corps system" said Mangetsu proudly, upon seeing the Konoha delegation's curiosity.

"Is your Navy a part of it?" asked Tsunade excitedly,

"No, they are an independent force led by Admiral Zabuza Momoichi. We rule the Seas with their help"

Tobirama gestured his grandniece to maintain her silence instead of answering upon that remark, nor did he miss the slight tightening of Zabuza's fists even as the man kept a stony silence.

So, there are cracks no matter how small.

"Impressive. Although I wonder if your men are not exhausted from the constant campaigns. Haven't they not seen their homes in nearly two years?" he asked carefully,

"We march for as long and far as our Mizukage desires" answered Mangetsu curtly, but Tobirama smiled when he saw the boy's clenched fists indicating that his remark had some truth which the Kiri leaders found hard to digest.

They were interrupted when the troops of all the legions saluted towards the North as the former Hokage felt a powerful presence arrive inside the camp.

His eyes widened when he saw the person to be none other than his own son, The Fourth Mizukage.

What is this?

Tobirama was left speechless and rattled when he caught a good look of the man who had taken the ninja world by storm. The last time he had seen him, he had been a young man in his eyes.

Full of youth, Idealism and Patriotism.

Now there was a Veteran Kage before him, one born and shaped by the horrors of the ninja world. He was in an even fitter physical form than earlier. He had allowed his hair to grow slightly longer and his cheekbones were more defined. What was most surprising was the thin but well maintained goatee that gave him a more mature appearance. His eyes- the same as his mother's looked at the legions saluting him and their allies in an equally cold and calculating manner.

But what was most disturbing was his chakra.

There had always been a hint of malice in his powers, most probably due to the dark power he inherited from his younger step brother before he died. But now his entire chakra felt like a cold and merciless power threatening to consume anything that got in its way. But there was a more disturbing presence that rankled Tobirama terribly.

He was not surprised when the Mizukage looked at him and offered just a single nod.

Tobirama and Tsunade had multiple questions running through their minds when only the two of them alone were requested to have a private meeting with the Mizukage.

They had voiced their concerns that they would be more comfortable having their own entourage alongside Kiri's top Generals be present for this important meeting, but were only told that this would be a personal meeting followed by the official dialogue later with all the top leaders present.

The guards outside the Mizukage's command tent allowed them to walk in freely but what they saw inside left them completely speechless.

Tobirama's lips trembled as he saw his son not sitting upon some high chair or appear intimidating, instead he found him beside a beautiful young woman with the two of them holding a young infant in each of their arms.

"Welcome, Lord Tobirama. I wanted to introduce my family to you first before we begin any talks...if that's fine with you" said Naruto with a gentle and welcoming smile,

Tobirama had to fight back fiercely to prevent his eyes from becoming moist at the sight before him. He had known his boy had married again with a woman named Mei Terumi-the Six Tails Jinchuuriki more than a year ago, had even been disappointed when his son had not told or invited him for this important event.

But this...

He found himself walking forward towards the couple on his own and didn't even know as to how was Tsunade taking this revelation. As he reached his son, he looked at the infant in his arms.

His Grandson.

There was a newborn boy looking at him curiously with his innocent green eyes that he inherited from his mother. His blonde hair and facial features were near identical to his father's and the core of his chakra was strong.

"Arima Namikaze"

Tobirama struggled with the lump in his throat upon hearing the child's name even as the infant raised a curious fist towards him.

He wanted so badly to touch his grandchild, to hold him in his arms, to really feel the next generation of his own lineage...but looking at Mei, he hesitated. She didn't know his real identity and could not be allowed to know-

"Do you want to hold him?" she asked kindly,

Tobirama nodded gratefully, not wanting to figure out as to why she was so kind in allowing a stranger to hold her child. Maybe it had to be with the subtle but reassuring nod that she received from her husband, something which Tobirama didn't see in his current state.

"What's her name?"

Tobirama was so lost in his own happiness as Naruto allowed him to hold his grandson that he barely managed to hear an excited Tsunade ask about the infant in Mei's arms. Looking at her, he only then realized the children were actually twins.

Except the young female infant had faint auburn hair like her mother and shared her facial features unlike her brother. But one look in her blue eyes was enough to prove just who's daughter she was.

"Inoue Namikaze" said Mei with a warm smile, earning a burp from the infant and a wide smile from Tsunade.

Tobirama looked at his son with the unsaid question clearly present in his which Naruto just gave a nod. In the end, it wasn't that surprising that his son ended up naming his granddaughter after his own mother whom he loved dearly. A feeling which Tobirama himself shared.

"You have done well for yourself, Naruto" said Tobirama honestly and with true happiness reflecting in his voice,

More than his numerous conquests and other achievements, Tobirama was most proud of the family his son had managed to build even after everything he went through. Maybe they would be able to fill the hole in his heart which even now Tobirama saw in his bittersweet smile.

"Yes" was all Naruto said,

"It's good to see you again, Lord Tobirama and who is this young lady?" questioned Mei sincerely,

"You have grown taller and stronger since I last saw you, Tsunade Senju" commented Naruto with a faint smile, before the Senju clan head could answer that question.

Mei curiously watched the young Senju teenager blush upon that praise even as she shook the Mizukage's offered hand shyly.

"She's my grandniece and the future leader of my clan" answered Tobirama respectfully,

Mei smiled widely and shook hands with the future Senju clan leader much to Tsunade's delight. In all honesty, Tobirama found it quite hard to believe that this young woman was not just his daughter-in-law but also the second most powerful person in the new Kiri nation.

While Naruto and his armies had continued their Great March to conquer more and more nations, the responsibility of uniting this new superpower had fallen upon her shoulders not just as the Mizukage's wife but according to some rumors as his chosen successor as well.

Just like her husband was a great leader, she was one in her own right.

Her very first act was to Ban Slavery practiced by many of Kiri's ninja clans since their village's founding, she even went a step further and abolished the entire feudal nobility prevalent not just in her own nation but across the vast territories her husband conquered. That instantly made her a hero in the eyes of their new subjects and common populace who had concerns about being abused by this new leadership just like the past.

With the vast wealth and resources they had conquered, Mei Terumi actually formulated a wise strategy of stabilizing their large nation. Instead of the benefits being hoarded by the ninja clans in the past, she offered them a respectable portion for their loyalty. She also honored her husband's promise and ensured the families of every deceased warrior from their army irrespective of which territory they came from and who died in battle never paid any taxes for the rest of their lives. She even repaid the debts accrued by the Kiri shinobi apart from giving them financial and honorary rewards that ensured their absolute devotion and loyalty not just to their Mizukage but also to herself.

But it was the Civilians who benefited most from her leadership.

With Naruto's blessing, she was free to govern their empire and make policies she found suitable for its development. She increased taxes greatly upon the richer sections and utilized the additional resources to make Education and Healthcare a basic right for every citizen across their nation. It was a historic decision and the first of its kind in the shinobi world. It was still in the process of being fully implemented and had its challenges, but the people were now truly hopeful for their future and that of their children.

She was the one who persuaded her husband to dismantle hidden villages in their conquered territories completely. Not only were the powerful symbols of the past but also huge cost centres which consumed vast resources that were in the way of her welfare initiatives for the common citizens. Normally, such a move would have led to widespread riots and discontent...but the exhausted populace from the conquered territories wanted an end to the war. When they saw their shinobi would be no match for the ever growing Kiri armies and its powerful Mizukage, they backed the move and those fighters were absorbed by Naruto in their nation's standing legions.

Mei used those freed up resources to strengthen their nation's Infrastructure by developing roads, ports and waterways. She established a permanent channel of transportation between the Land of Water and its conquered territories on the main continent. She supported the farmers and was on track to make their nation fully self reliant in food production in a few years. She formed regional and local governments whom the people could approach for their concerns and wishes and who in turn would report to her, and she would in turn keep the Mizukage apprised with the true situation of their citizens while he focused on Security and International Relations.

"I have heard great things about you, Lady Mei" said Tobirama respectfully,

"Likewise, Lord Tobirama. I have heard great things about you from Naruto as well" replied Mei courteously,

"Oh? Is that so?" he asked with a harmless smile, while glancing a peak at his son who was looking at his child instead of paying attention to the conversation happening around him.

"Yes, you are a great shinobi. He respects you as a Warrior and strategist, the way you defeated the Land of Wind was quite impressive" congratulated Mei,

"I had help" answered Tobirama simply, earning an inquisitive look from the young woman.

"Some of your battle strategies were so alike to Naruto's own. Pardon my forwardness, but in many ways you are quite similar to Naruto here"

Tsunade paled a little upon hearing those words and looked at the Kiri matriarch warily, if only the woman knew how close to home her prediction had been and that she was surrounded by her husband's family at the very moment.

The father and son merely glanced at each other upon that remark until Naruto smiled before handing over his son to his wife.

"I want to take a walk with them. Can you get the rest of their party and our comrades seated for the negotiations please?" asked Naruto,

"Very well. Don't keep everyone waiting too long" warned Mei, earning a mocking bow from her husband before she went away with the children in her arms.

Only when she was completely gone did the smile vanish from the Mizukage's lips as he looked at twin Senju's before him in his usual calculative manner.

"Judging from the way Tsunade has been staring at me...did you tell her the truth, Lord Tobirama?" asked Naruto seriously, making the young girl blush.


The Mizukage sighed upon that straight forward but curt reply from the former Hokage even as he gestured them to accompany him for a walk.

"Mei's pregnancy was quite a well kept secret"

Tsunade listened attentively as Tobirama made the careful comment as they arrived outside the Kiri camp and took up position on a small hill nearby.

"I was not going to allow the past to repeat itself" answered Naruto coldly,

Tobirama grimaced as he was reminded of the fate of his first daughter in law-Ino and his first grandchild. Considering their tragedy, it was no surprise that his son had gone to great lengths to not let the same tragedy happen again in any form.

"They are beautiful babies. Can't believe I have cousins so young" said Tsunade with a happy smile,

Tobirama saw the icy demeanor of his son fade a little as he offered a genuine smile to his niece. Bringing her here might have turned out to be a good decision.

"They wouldn't mind some more family. And Tsunade, I am so sorry about...Nawaki"

Or maybe it had not been such a good idea, after all.

"He was a brave fool, even idealistic. I had asked him not to lead one of the teams in the Vanguard that attacked Sunagakure, his dream was to be Hokage after all. But hearing of your battles and how even as Mizukage you still lead from the front made him want to be the same kind of leader. I don't regret his choice or his sacrifice...please do the same" said Tsunade frankly, even as she fought back her own grief over her brother's passing fiercely.

"He would have made a fine Hokage, so shall you in time"

Tsunade was surprised upon that praise and looked up to see the Fourth Mizukage staring at her with pride and respect in his eyes.

"It's always the warriors that pay the highest price while those in power..." said Naruto, and stopped when he saw the way Tobirama shied away from that remark.

"Is that why you are always on the frontlines?" asked Tsunade,

"I had a younger brother once too. Long ago during the first war, we made a vow to each other. That we would never act like the despicable feudal dynasties or cowardly Kages who hide in their castles and villages while sending young children to die. That we would always lead from the front and seize our victories ourselves. I was ready to die for that brother no matter when, no matter where...but in the end the one who was sacrificed was him. I always relied so much on him and in the end he even gave up his life for me and our yes I understand your pain more than you can imagine" confessed Naruto honestly,

It brought the young girl to tears but in that grief, he also saw gratitude in her eyes for being able to understand how she felt.

"Then you agree we must end this war so that there are no more sacrifices like Nawaki" said Tobirama seriously,

"I'm not so sure about that"

Both Senjus were quite surprised by the candid admission of the Mizukage as he glanced at the skies longingly.

"Iwagakure will never learn. With their backs to the wall, they want peace now on their terms. The moment they see that is not the case or things start going their way, they shall attack again. I will not allow that happen" said Naruto seriously,

"The Land of Waterfall has aligned with them to protect their nation from your army that is camped at their doorstep. Together, they have 70,000 fighters and three Jinchuuriki in their ranks. As much as I want to make them pay, Konoha does not have the strength left to face such a brutal conflict" admitted Tobirama,

"Numbers alone are not a reflection of military strength. Power no matter its form is only effective if wielded wisely and with accurate precision. You'll have to convince my Generals about this peace that you want to make" said Naruto calmly,

"Still there must be something that you want personally. Something which you can't openly reveal and is the reason why you brought us here alone" retorted Tobirama with a knowing look,

Tsunade saw a faint smile arrive upon Naruto's lips as he looked towards the East with a longing gaze.

"Uzu" whispered Tobirama hesitantly,

"I have conquered many things but have not yet achieved what is closest to my heart. It's still out there across the ocean...calling to me. Minato Namikaze's life revolved around it, as did the beginning of Naruto Namikaze. It can't end without it. To right the wrongs of the past and to hold a traitorous man accountable, I must keep going forward. I have to finish the story that Hanzo Uzumaki started" whispered Naruto solemnly,

"Uzu is our oldest ally, the Uzumaki are our relatives. We can't allow you to attack them" denied Tobirama sadly,

"Despite everything that has happened, I was a shinobi of Uzu. My family, friends and comrades died defending it. Minato Namikaze met a disgraceful end for its future and stability, hated by his own breatheren. I may have taken freedom of many feudal dynasties and shinobi nations for my own dream, but I won't take away theirs no matter how much power I have. They shall remain free" said Naruto honestly,

Tobirama relaxed a little upon hearing those reassuring words. He knew there were many things his son was hiding from him, the birth of his children being one such example itself...but in this he seemed sincere. Uzu was extremely lucky as was Konoha for an attack on that island nation would have resulted into a war between them and Kirigakure.

His son understood that and despite everything that happened, a part of Naruto's heart loved the island he was born in alongwith having a soft spot for the Uzumaki clan.

"Help me bring the Uzukage alone to justice and restore a part of what he stole from my Spartans. One man's fate to end the Second Great Ninja War, that is my offer for peace"

Tsunade had been silent till now, watching the father and son interact with each other. Knowing the full truth and hearing Naruto's feelings, she couldn't help but respect how much he had endured to reach to this point.

"I will have to take this up with the Fire Daimyo and the Third Hokage. We can't take such a major action no matter how just without their consent and understanding of the consequences that shall follow" said Tobirama carefully,

For a brief moment, Tsunade saw a flicker of true regret flash in the Mizukage's eyes upon hearing his father's guarded words.

"I must protect your nation and family. I must do the same"

Tobirama watched his son starting to walk away with those parting words and was even more surprised when Tsunade ran after the retreating Mizukage.


Naruto stopped and turned back to see his niece looking at him earnestly.

"You're our family!"

She watched a lone tear fall from Naruto's eyes as he looked into her eyes and his question made Tsunade freeze.

"How far are you willing to go to protect your family, Tsunade? What are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace? I know my must know yours"

Naruto had been walking back towards the camp when he felt a familiar sensation across his left arm. Expanding his sensory powers, he felt a unique chakra at quite a distance that was calling out to him.

Answering that request, he teleported himself to the other end to find Zetsu and Madara waiting for him with the latter holding one of the Mizukage's famous three pronged kunai in his dark hand.

"Why have you come here?" asked the Fourth Mizukage seriously,

He narrowed his gaze when he saw Madara Uchiha of all people looking more than concerned as he unfurled a scroll from his pouch and made a single hand sign unsealing its content.

The Mizukage took several steps back upon seeing just what the Uchiha had brought for him to see.

"Do you still consider yourself to be the devil who wants to destroy the shinobi world and its corrupt system?" asked Zetsu seriously,

He barely received a nod from the young Kage whose gaze was fixed upon the revelation that his accomplices had brought for him to see.

"Too bad. Now you must be the leader who must unite the whole human race to face its greatest threat in history. All of us must rise above our differences and set aside old grievances no matter how much we hate it" advised Madara unhappily,

"Where did you find this?" asked Naruto hesitantly,

For in front of him was a cold corpse of a strange looking humanoid being with horns. He knelt to observe the body more closely and saw the large hole where the heart should have been- the fatal injury that led to this being's demise.

He sensed for the remnants of its power and found its chakra signature to be unlike anything he had ever experienced.

It was not similar to any human or even any animal of this world.

"This was a Scout that came searching for the Gedo Statue under my possession. There will be more coming soon if they are not already here" warned Madara, and for once seemed truly concerned of this development.

"I thought we'd have more time. Decades atleast" whispered Naruto,

"Guess we were just unlucky. Scouts are not too far ahead of the main army usually...but you would know that, Lord Fourth?" asked Zetsu flatly,

"The Second Great Ninja War was just a sideshow which is over now. The real act begins now..." said Madara frankly,

"How long do we have?" asked the Mizukage seriously,

"A year. Maybe more if we are lucky, I can't say for sure. What I do know is that we are far from ready for them...this bastard was not easy to kill. I would say their Scout was equal in power to a veteran Anbu of your legions...that should give you an idea of what we are about to face"

Naruto harshly clenched the grass upon the ground as he saw the lifeless pale eyes of their final enemy staring back at him.

"The Otstusuki" he whispered fiercely, understanding exactly what this meant for their world and his family.

"I once made a decision to make the Uchiha and Senju, two bitter enemies to join forces in order to save this world. We made great sacrifices for the sake of humanity and our families...even so we didn't achieve the peace we fought for. Humanity has always disappointed me, Naruto. I know you feel the same way to an extent...but it is still a part of who we are..." whispered Madara somberly,

"I am no hero, Madara" answered Naruto honestly, not after his numerous failures and everything he had done in the pursuit of his own dreams.

"That's exactly why..."

Naruto looked up to see the former Uchiha leader giving him a knowing smile.

"This war will be unlike anything we have ever faced. To face the greatest monsters of this universe, we need a devil of our own. Someone willing to cast aside their humanity to protect that of our race and its future" said Madara honestly, as he offered his hand to the young Kage who sighed tiredly.

"I am sick and tired of wars" lamented Naruto, even as he accepted the Uchiha's hand as the older man helped him get back on his feet.

"Or maybe the two of us were born for this. Gods of War who must save their minions even if they hate our very guts" teased Madara with a smirk,

"Now you're just being cocky" retorted Naruto with an amused smile,

"Hashirama is no longer with me in this great war. Yet I feel confident of our odds if we play our cards won't be easy and certainly not without very costly sacrifices. Maybe history will remember us as even greater monsters than the Otsutsuki themselves" said Madara with a dry chuckle,

"You two already are" retorted Zetsu sarcastically,

Naruto saw Madara extending his right hand towards him once more as the Uchiha looked straight into his eyes.

"Will you be the devil that saves humanity?"

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