The Seventh Swordsman

Od Raihantheruler

46.9K 1.1K 82

"My sword is yours in victory and defeat", Naruto remembered pledging those words to the Second Mizukage as h... Více

The Seventh Swordsman
The Plan
Twin Flash
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 1
The Sword Of Darkness
Hero Of Mist
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 2
Last Light
I am Death
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 3
No Mercy
The Black Flash
World Of Victors
Madara Uchiha
Naruto Namikaze
A New Leaf
The Dark Prince
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 4
Operation Thunderbolt
My Honour Was Loyalty
World of Lies
Broken Crest
The General
Rebellion is a Hero's Privilege
Civil War
A Price for Peace
Breaking Bad
A New Dawn
Battle of the Raging Seas
Surgical Strike
Battle of Rezang La
Battle of Hydara
Cycle of Hatred
Reach Into His Heart
The Great March
My War
Winds of Change
The Beginning of the End
The Kage Summit
Declaration of War
Battle of Nations
Final Hour
So It Begins
The Young Wolf
The Last Spartan
The Fall
Hero Of Humanity

The Raid

1.5K 34 2
Od Raihantheruler

Ino found herself standing in a very dangerous place.

Heavy rains were falling down from the skies drenching the bloodstained ground and the corpses that littered over it.

It was a story of devastation and pain.

She caught sight of shinobi wearing uniforms of Kumogakure and those from Uzu lying dead for as far as she could see.

Giant craters, scorched earth, destroyed sections of forest, dried up lakes and broken weapons greeted her at each turn. In the far off distance there were huge towers of fire erupting from all over the earth.

It was hell.

Yet the battle was not over.

It was then she sensed that familiar and terrifying aura once again.

Despite her instincts telling her to run away, her legs rushed her towards the direction of that power. Her heart threatened to explode as the presence became even more stronger and the screams of a thousand souls reached her.

Soon enough, she came across a mountain side cliff and took up position at its edge as she caught glimpse of the ongoing battle.

Her eyes widened on seeing thousands of shinobi from Kumogakure standing on one side lead by none other than the Gold and Silver Brothers, joining them in the fight was the elite Kinkaku Blackops Unit.

Judging by their sheer numbers, the entire battalion was present and participated in the battle.

Her eyes widened in horror as she saw three or four dozen young teenagers and even children with familiar red hair of the Uzumaki clan lying dead across the battlefield. They were all dressed in Anbu gear and many still had masks on their faces even in death, it was then she caught sight of a lone boy wearing the same uniform and a wolf mask cradling one young Anbu with bright red hair in his arms. Judging from the boy's lack of movement and nasty hole in his chest, he was dead.

Ino felt something in her chest tighten when she saw the lone boy from Uzu having blonde hair engulf his younger but dead friend in a bear hug. Tears of blood started to fall from the blonde Anbu's eyes and it gave birth to a feeling so powerful that it reached Ino's own heart.


She rushed downhill uncaring of the danger she was putting herself in as that familiar haunting feeling in her heart grew stronger.

However, she was forced to stop when the Uzu soldier laid down his comrade and lifted his gaze towards the enemy that outnumbered and surrounded him.

It was then she saw those red and haunting eyes.


No, she thought for those eyes lacked any tomoe or the pattern of the Uchiha Clan's famed dojutsu. What made her doubt that conviction was the fact that the chakra she felt from the boy did feel familiar to that of an Uchiha. It could barely be sensed but that didn't change the fact that it was there. And those eyes...

However, there was another presence. One more stronger than the Uchiha chakra that she had felt earlier, it coiled around the boy like a shroud and threatened to burn anyone that got near him.

Dark black colored ash started to leak out of the boy's entire body as the enemy army in front of him charged once again with a thunderous roar.

With a deafening and monstrous roar of his own, the last Uzu shinobi charged forward to meet his foes head on.

She was about to scream at him, to warn him to give up and run away but was suddenly at a loss of sense as the world around her started to disappear instantly.

You shouldn't be here.

That voice was one she knew very well and when her eyes opened again in a flash, it was then that she saw herself lying in her bedroom on their bed. She looked sideways and saw Naruto staring at her attentively.

He did not look pleased.

Ino flinched when she saw that they had coiled across each other quite intimately and one of her arms was wrapped tightly around his chest with her fingers resting over his heart.

She realized her mistake.

"Never do that again, Ino" he said calmly, but his disappointment and underlying anger was not missed by her as she ducked her head in shame.

"It happened by mistake. I am truly sorry for that and I won't let it happen again" she promised sincerely,

He looked at her for a few long moments gauging the worth of her promise before heaving a tired sigh and placed his hand over his face.

"It was my fault as well, I suppose. I underestimated the limits of your mind walking ability, next time I'll take proper measures to make sure this doesn't happen" he said outloud,

She could do nothing but nod her consent as she had unknowingly invaded his memories. Since both of them were deep asleep, their senses were extremely dulled and their close proximity allowed their powers to interact with each other.

It wouldn't have been so horrible had they been true husband and wife, but in truth they were operatives serving different nations with secrets of their own.

And she had just caught sight of one of his own.

"Was it true or a dream? The things that I saw" she whispered, her fear had not yet subsided and which was something that he didn't miss.

And yet he chose to remain silent, neither confirming or denying her question.

Instead, he disentangled himself from her gently and stepped towards the edge of the bed. He helped himself to a bottle of water lying at the table beside his side of the bed and silence ensued in their room.

Once he was done drinking his fill, he looked back towards her and gave her a much needed reassuring smile.

"It's alright" he said,

She remained silent but at peace as he got up from their bed and walked bare chested towards their wardrobe. A small smile came upon her lips as she thought about how they were strangers to each other in so many ways with their secrets and yet they both were kind to each other, considerate of how the other felt.

She could easily pretend to display such emotions with other people as she was trained to do so, but with Naruto those same feelings came to her naturally. She didn't have to pretend and could be herself with him, even if there existed a wide chasm between them, they both could understand each other.

She cared for him and in his own way he cared about her too.

Or that was what she herself believed for the other possibility seemed too harsh and cold.

She herself got out of their bed allowing her long and free blonde hair to float in the gentle breeze of the silent night. She was wearing one of his t-shirts and even his shorts which she liked and an action that always amused him. Even now he smiled on seeing her smirk.

Her gaze caught sight of the clock and that evaporated all her happy feelings.

"You guys are going to do it, aren't you?" she asked in a resigned voice, making him look at her.

"The orders have already been delivered by the Mizukage himself. You know I have no choice, besides I've wanted to do this for a long time" he confessed, as she stepped closer to him and placed her hand atop his.

"Is it because of your past?'' she asked,

He just nodded confirming her suspicions but she chose not to push him on this topic any further if the memory she had unknowingly seen was any proof.

"It's true that the Mizukage asked you and the other swordsmen to attack Osaka town by yourself. He wants to reinstate the fear and respect enjoyed by your group across the shinobi world yet even so he had offered all of you the choice of taking Kiri's best fighters in battle with you if required. I knew most of the others from your group had refused the offer for reasons of their own, but why did you even refuse to offer me a chance to fight by your side when I had specifically said that to you earlier" she asked, some anger and frustration seeping into her usually calm voice.

She was further agitated when he didn't answer her question and instead went away to take a bath. Yet she didn't let it go and stubbornly waited until he returned, even so he was silent despite her attempts to make him answer. He remained silent until the very moment he adjusted the haori given to him by the Mizukage and his sword on his hip.

"Why, Naruto?" she asked more insistently,

She alongwith an entire battalion of Hunters, Anbu ninjas and Jounin alongwith chunin were to remain as backup nearby the coastal stronghold and only step in if the Seven Great Swordsmen were in deep trouble. It frustrated her and now even terrified her as she had seen a glimpse of his history with the Kinkaku Unit and Kumogakure in general.

"I and the others can fight alongside you guys. It will make our attack more fast and effective, why won't you consider it? If you are the one to vouch for us aiding you in battle, then the Mizukage won't refuse" she pleaded, making him stop when he was just about to reach the door.

He looked back at her and even though his face was hidden behind his mask, she knew he was smiling.

"You were always the optimist among us both. However, the world needs more people like you" he praised,

"Why?" she asked again, refusing to be blinded by his praise.

He blinked and for a moment he saw them all once again, only for everyone to disappear when he opened his eyes.

She didn't miss the way his fist clenched slightly and the way his shoulders slumped a little for a moment before he composed himself and looked back at her. This time he was fully smiling but she could see the pain in his eyes very clearly.

"My dream died...but your dream is still alive, Ino"

She froze and felt a lump growing in her throat even as tears started to arrive in her eyes as she remembered her village and her own desire to return back there one day. He knew her wish and was doing everything in his power to make sure she lived to see that dream become a reality.

"I want you to be part of that dream too" she said gently, making him smile wistfully.

He placed the tanto version of his sword on his back and turned back to walk towards her. When he reached in front of her, he lowered his facemask and leaned down to place a gentle kiss across her lips.

Ino felt herself melting in his embrace and kissed him back fiercely wishing he would join her dream for deep down he was a good man no matter how much he pretended to be otherwise.

The moment ended too soon for her when he broke the kiss and raised his facemask back in its place.

"Thank you"

With those words, he vanished from their home in a swirl of ashes.

Gengetsu noted the determined expressions in the eyes of his Seven great swordsmen. Armed to the teeth, they were ready to conquer the world with Kiri's colors.

A part of him felt extremely proud to see his own son among these great men and women, but there was another who had recently caught the Mizukage's eye. A fine shinobi whom he could trust Kiri's future with.

The Mizukage glanced down from his tower to see the 501st battalion standing ready and awaiting his orders.

Made up of Kiri's finest Jounin, Chunin, Anbu and Hunter Ninja, it was the most elite unit they could field against their enemies. In the upcoming mission, he intended to have them act as support while the Seven Ninja Swordsmen stormed the front.

Now, it was time for him to choose the one to lead this mission.

"Do any of you have any ideas that you want to suggest?" asked Gengetsu seriously,

"None, Lord Second. We will follow orders" replied Haku obediently, earning a nod from Ameyuri Ringo as well. Unknown to them, their reply had only disappointed their supreme leader who didn't let his personal feelings be visible.

"Well, it's about time to get our hands dirty" said Kisame with a shark like grin,

"The Lightning pups will soon get a taste of my blade" agreed Zabuza,

"Mine too" whispered Jinpachi menacingly,

Gengetsu closed his eyes and tried to stem his disappointment. It was true that Kiri had many fine shinobi who had excelled truly as individual warriors, but there were very few who had it in them to lead others. People who could look at the bigger picture, care about something other than their own desires.

"Lord Second, I propose that the 501st fight alongside us. Having them acting as support is good, but their potential will be wasted if we keep them away from such a crucial battle. Besides, even the Seven of us no matter how strong shouldn't try to shoulder everything alone. We will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies but we must not alienate our comrades" explained Mangetsu, drawing hesitant nods from Ameyuri and Haku.

Gengetsu smiled and was once again filled with pride over his son's thoughtfulness, yet even so he remained silent. Mangetsu's heart was in the right place and he had the potential to be a truly great leader of their nation but he had missed one key factor.

Naruto had listened to the suggestion provided by the Kage's son and it made him remember Ino's own desire to fight alongside him. But it also brought back painful memories, ones that he wished to forget.

He had believed in people other than himself once, could he do so again knowing what had happened when he had made the same choice in the past?

Yet when he thought about the alternative, there was not much choice. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen were a dangerous force, but not one of them except for Naruto himself had faced the Kinkaku and their allies. He alone knew what horrors that unit was capable of. If anyone from their group or if most of them died, then the 501st would be completely unprepared to face the Kinkaku Battalion and an entire regiment of special forces from Kumogakure.

He looked at the hundreds of ninjas assembled below the tower, many of them were so young and didn't deserve to suffer the fate that people whom Naruto himself had once cared about faced.

The decision was made.

"Lord Second, I agree with Mangetsu. Even so, I still propose the Seven of us lead and battle the enemy at first. Our enemy are the Kinkaku and Kumo's finest blackops, it is imperative we who are strong- battle them first and gather as much information as we can and do maximum damage. By collecting that intel, we can instruct our troops of the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. This way, when they do step into battle they are fully prepared and suffer minimum casualties" requested Naruto sincerely,

"Oi, and why the hell should we go to all that effort? They are not kids, but shinobi!" barked Ameyuri in protest,

"They'll just get in our way even if we do tell them" hissed Zabuza, earning nods from Kisame and Jinpachi.

"Naruto-san, time is of the essence. We cannot battle the Kinkaku battalion and the entire regiment of special ops forces while also taking care of our own comrades. At this rate, our mission may not prove much effective. I suggest we go ahead with Mangetsu's idea. The 501st is made up of our finest shinobi, they will know what to do" suggested Haku,

Gengetsu watched as his son directly looked at Naruto.

"Are you afraid that we will lose people? But that is a part of being a shinobi" said Mangetsu calmly, but was surprised when Naruto shook his head.

"I know that. However, we are the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. We are Kiri's sword against its enemies but we are also its shield. We need as many men as we can in this war, most of all we need to rebuild the trust of our troops back into the leadership. If it's too much trouble for you guys to instruct our men, then allow me to do that task" requested Naruto,

Before anybody else could speak, Gengetsu cleared his throat drawing their attention.

"I have heard what all of you had to say. Now hear my decision"

Naruto blinked when the Mizukage directly looked at him without any doubt or hesitation in his gaze.

"Naruto, I name you Commander of this mission with Mangetsu as your Second in Command" declared Gengetsu, much to the surprise of everyone including Naruto himself who had never thought the Mizukage would choose him to lead over his own son.

By the looks of it, Mangetsu also didn't look very pleased if his clenched fist were any proof.

"Why not your own son, Lord Second?" asked Ameyuri with a frown,

"Our warriors will follow Mangetsu. He is a proven fighter" argued Haku zealously,

"Not that it matters to us, but why the newbie...Lord Second?" asked Kisame curiously,

Even Naruto who had remained silent was curious to hear as to what led the older man to make such a decision.

"Naruto is a proven battle commander. In the Anbu, he has led several missions against Kumogakure shinobi. He knows how they fight and operate. He is a strong warrior...but most of all he understands what it means to lead. A commander is not just responsible for the success of the mission but is also responsible for the safety of the troops under him. If you directly pit our troops against foes like the Kinkaku and their allies, many will die a needless death when it can be avoided by using Naruto's idea. All of you have your own thinking, but this mission is not just about you. It's about Kirigakure and its future!" explained Gengetsu fiercely as he turned towards the former Anbu officer.

"I leave them all to you"

Naruto knelt fully before the Mizukage before looking at him with nothing but pure determination.

''I will look after them, Lord Second" promised the Seventh,

Gengetsu nodded and looked at the others assembled before him. To his great relief, they all bowed their heads to his decision one after another. He doubted they would make Naruto's task easy considering each of them were very powerful and had their own agenda.

"If this is good for our people, then I shall follow you...Naruto" promised Mangetsu reluctantly,

Gengetsu couldn't hide his smile this time as he saw Naruto give a respectful nod to the younger boy. The proud father gave his son an acknowledging nod earning a thin smile from the boy.

"Bring glory to our nation"

Mangetsu hopped across the forest trees at a rapid pace in order to catch up with the man he was supposed to follow in this mission. Behind him, he saw the remaining members of his group and the entire 501st following dutifully.

Most of their warriors were excited for some much needed action, but Mangetsu was not at peace for deep down he felt something was not right. The mission as simple as it was, had some much hidden aspects to it.

Ones that were somewhat known to their Commander.

"What do you know about them?" asked the Hozuki heir, as he joined his Commander.

"What makes you think I know anything about our enemy?" retorted Naruto calmly, earning a narrowed gaze from the purple eyed boy.

"You wouldn't have fought so strongly for your strategy to be accepted unless you knew something that I and the others don't. I don't know much about you but the Anbu trust you. You have faced the Kinkaku before, haven't you?" asked Mangetsu seriously,

He waited for an answer and saw Naruto calmly staring ahead as they both jumped across trees at a pace which was impossible to match for most ninjas.

"Once" he confirmed,

"Then it was right of my father to choose you to lead this mission"

Naruto couldn't hide his surprise on hearing the younger boy's honest remark, the fact that he was smiling and there was no ill emotion hidden in his heart was a stark contrast to his earlier behavior. Mangetsu must have sensed his thoughts as he shrugged.

"I won't lie, I wanted to lead this mission. But if you truly know how to fight our enemy with minimal losses to our own forces, then I will believe in you as my Father has. I just don't want more of our people to die in vain" admitted Mangetsu,

He didn't miss the fleeting sorrowful look that crossed Naruto's eyes before he schooled his features once more.

"What is it?" asked Mangetsu hesitantly,

"You just reminded me of someone I once knew"

Before Mangetsu could question him any further, they soon cleared the edge of the forest and saw themselves standing in front of the vast sea that separated the Land of Water from the Land of Lightning.

Their remaining comrades joined them soon enough in a few minutes and Mangetsu decided to address them when Naruto gave a nod.

"In order to reduce time, we will all travel on foot across the sea. Rest up a bit, regain your strength and energy, for once we begin our run there is no stopping or going back" instructed Mangetsu,

"Don't you think that it's a bit more dangerous for some of our younger subordinates? It might just kill them before they even see enemy shores" warned Kisame with a smirk, as he looked at a handful chunin who grimaced.

"There is no other choice. With our old fleet destroyed and a new one in the process of being built, we have no choice but to cross the ocean on foot to reach enemy territory" argued Zabuza,

"It shouldn't be too difficult for most of our force members, but for some it may get lethal. In that case, the strong will have to shoulder the weak" advised Haku, earning a sigh from Ameyuri.

"Troublesome" muttered the red haired female sword master,

Arguments and suggestions were breaking out across the entire force with every member, be they senior or junior interested in voicing their opinions. Ino saw Naruto close his eyes before releasing a short amount of killing intent that made everyone stop.

The 501st and the other swordsmen instantly went on alert when they all felt the power surge in their surroundings.

To everyone's surprise, a massive wall of water rose from the sea. It spanned across the entire coast in length and was nearly 30 feet in height. Most surprisingly, it was stable.

Mangetsu couldn't hide his smirk when he saw Naruto standing on top of that wave with his two fingers raised.

"Hop on" instructed the blonde haired commander,

Ino was left speechless even as their entire force cheered enthusiastically. All around her, their comrades charged forward to take up positions over that wall of water. Instead of running across the ocean, all they had to do now was keep themselves steady over that wave while it carried them across.

Of course, such a journey would involve extreme control and caution to be invoked by the creator of this jutsu.

Judging from Naruto's lack of visible pain or stress was truly surprising not just for her but for Haku as well who was staring at their Commander in a new light.

Even among Kiri shinobi, such mastery over water is found among only a handful shinobi. The Mizukage being one such fighter, but Naruto being an operative from Uzu makes him least capable of wielding such power. His strength lies in Fire and Wind, which is prominent among most Uzumaki warriors. Nor is he a warrior of Kiri who have natural talent with Water element.

"Let's go, Hunter"

Ino was brought out of her thoughts when Haku called out to her, realizing they were the last ones left to join both ladies nodded at each other before rushing forward to join their remaining comrades who had now all taken up positions over that giant wave.

When everyone was in position, Naruto's voice boomed across the entire force.

"Maintain balance with the water at all costs. Leave the rest to me"

He was about to summon a large amount of his chakra when he felt two hands being placed upon his shoulders, two across his back and two blades touching his legs. Looking back he saw it was Mangetsu and Haku who had placed their hands over his shoulders, Ameyuri and Jinpachi had their hands placed over his back and Zabuza alongwith Kisame had placed their swords at his legs.

"Can't let you steal all the shine" said Zabuza with a grin,

Even behind that mask, Mangetsu caught a tiny smile arriving on Naruto's lips as the remaining swordsmen all channeled their chakra inside their Commander who then joined his hands together.

The entire 501st cheered when the giant wave stormed forward, cutting across the ocean at breath-taking speeds and bringing them more and more closer to their inevitable fight.

(Two Days Later)

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the top officers of the 501st had decided to make camp at a remote island barely 50 miles off the coast of Osaka city. Just an hour's march away was the enemy city defended by thousands of special forces ninja.

It was one of Kumogakure's strongholds, one many believed to be unconquerable.

"We have nearly 800 fighters in our ranks, not including the Seven of you" said one of the Anbu officers, who was in charge of a large contingent of troops.

"The enemy has 3 or 4 times those numbers if we include the Kinkaku Battalion. We are at a heavy disadvantage not just in strength but knowing the terrain as well. This will be a difficult battle" commented Ao, the leading officer for the entire 501st.

Naruto stared at the man who was expertly covering the Byakugan behind a simple eye-patch. Even now, the same officer was silently trying to gauge his power with the hidden eye.

"What is your plan, Commander?" asked Kisame amusedly,

"Before you tell us your strategy. I would like to introduce someone" said Ao honestly,

Before anyone could say something, another ninja entered inside the tent. Naruto's eyes slightly widened when he sensed the underlying sea of dark chakra within the woman who now stood before him. She was a beauty, he would give her that and many other men in the room including Mangetsu and Jinpachi blushed, but there were others who were just as wary as Naruto for they had sensed her hidden dark power.

The kunoichi had long and beautiful auburn hair and an attractive figure that stuck very well across her blue colored dress. Her green eyes were full of mischief but deep down there lurked an edge in them. There was a traditional katana at her back, her skin being extremely fair and her chakra swirling around her body playfully.

Her gaze directly connected with the blue eyes of the Commander as she gave him a slight bow.

"I am Mei Terumi, heir to the Terumi Clan...and Jinchuuriki of the Six Tails"

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