Create A Divide To Prepare Fo...

By ChillyMillie13

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[Disclaimer!: I do not own the Owl House or its characters.] The students knew what the "Day of Unity" really... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 16

44 1 0
By ChillyMillie13

< One Year Later >

Still, there was no sign of the barrier falling.

Although, now, there was assistance in maintaining it while the rebels' side of the barrier prepared for when it went down.

They couldn't time when the barrier itself and lack of magic fell—as it was sadly presumed to have been a guard who did it. But they could tame the monsters, and thus pass through safely.

In another meeting, someone raised their hand.

Amity N.: What if a few people were to go through and take out some of the key threats? Or at least attempt to expose Belos?

It was a fairly simple question, but various people reacted to it differently.

A few were nervous that it would make tensions worse.

A small group considered it suicide.

A large group found it to be a risky idea, but a good one.

Amity Noceda was in the latter category.

If she was able to do something—anything—to prevent at least a part of Belos' army from reaching her family, she would do it in a heartbeat. Regardless of how risky it was for her.

Many had that same reasoning. Now, the former graduating class was old enough to start their own families—without the difficulties Amity and Luz faced. On top of the teachers and young adults who had most recently gotten their coven marks, only to have them removed a year later.

They had that same protectiveness built into their instincts, now.

But, all involved were still able to figure out that they needed time to come up with a plan.

They would get nowhere if they had no plan.

Someone else raised her hand. Her fiancé and one year-old daughter in the center of her mind.

Boscha H.: Maybe we can go in small groups, like Amity said. But instead of doing anything directly, we can try using magic to get the guards to mess things up, that way, our hands are clean. I don't think Belos would have passed up the opportunity to manipulate our parents against the rebellion after the barrier came up.

Boscha's words had dropped a weight of despair on some of the old students, especially the younger ones, who were only fourteen when they were forced to flee, and were subsequently separated from their families.

What should have been a happy reunion waiting on the other side was instead likely to be a wave of animosity and conflict. Even if they were to defeat Belos and expose him beforehand, four years—no, decades—worth of lying would not disappear after the liar was suddenly gone.

The truth needed to be spilled from the liar to have any real impact.

Four years of hatred directed towards the rebels would only get worse if Belos was simply killed. Especially if no attempt was made to force him to admit the truth. Preferably in front of an audience.

Even if a guard did it, if Terra Snapdragon—or anyone like her—was put in charge, she would only spew more rhetoric to put blame back into the rebels.

If a guard did it, it was too easy to frame it as: "Look! This traitor became a rebel! See how violent they are? Just like we've been telling you?"

There was also the other element.

Belos more than likely took advantage of people's grief, and made himself and the loyal coven leaders out to be their only stability. The only people who "truly" had their backs.

They needed to be careful about this.

That much was crystal clear.

< Later >

The plan was set. Down to the exact roles of everyone skilled with specific magic.

Amity volunteered.

Raine volunteered.

An Oracle Track student volunteered.

Three others without magic volunteered.

Luz couldn't. Not only was she still teaching newer students about glyphs, but, if she didn't stay, Azura could lose both of her parents.

That wasn't to say that she wouldn't step in if an emergency were to happen, however.

Of course, the six rebels needed a way to conceal their identities.

In fact, seeing as how this half of the Boiling Isles was a fully unified front, they might as well have a symbol as well.

A symbol would not only help them define their identity—rather than have Belos do it with his own narrative in mind. But if they left the symbol in places where only they were involved, it would become more tricky for Belos to blame unrelated events on them.

The symbol would have needed to be hard to replicate, with that in mind.

So they opted to use a specific purple colored fabric with the symbol being a patch on it.

If Belos and the other coven members were to try and replicate it, they would have tried to have the symbol printed on the fabric, which would look suspicious.

They additionally added a small detail that would easily be messed up if nobody was paying full attention.

Seeing as how the protest for Eda's petrification was the start of the rebellion, it only made sense to have the symbol owl-related.

So, the symbol was Owlbert, specifically in his palisman form with his eyes closed.

The rebels involved wore their own clothes—though they used clothes that had hoods on them to cover their hair.

And finally, masks were made to cover the faces.

They were a reddish brown color, matching the wood that made them, save for some silver accents to match their silver symbol.

The masks were additionally made in the shape of an owl's face.

They packed glyphs, hand-to-hand combat weapons if needed, food, water, and the newly made symbols. All packed into bags that each of them had.

With the assistance of various teachers, Skara had managed to get control back over her end of the barrier. And had equipped the rebels with a way to signal to the creatures inside that they shouldn't be attacked.

Amity hugged Luz right before she left. Leaning into a kiss as well.

Luz N.: Try not to get caught, okay?

Amity only nodded, kneeling down to hug Azura as well.

Amity N.: We should be back sometime in the afternoon, depending on how long it takes.

Azura almost refused to let go of Amity. She didn't understand exactly what was happening, but she could tell from everyone else's demeanor that something serious was going on.

Amity noticed. Planting a tentative kiss in the top of her daughter's head.

Amity N.: Everything will be okay, sweetie. I promise.

Azura, hesitantly, took her word for it and retreated back to her other mom.

Amity checked to make sure everything was packed, dawned her mask, pulled her hood up, and left with a wave.

Like they had hoped, the creatures didn't bother them, thanks to the special scented cloths they tied to their bags that were similar to the person who created them.

Not only did they not attack, Raine noticed one walking alongside them in something of a strut.

They couldn't see, but the danger was gone.

The main danger, anyway.

< Meanwhile >

The man, adjusting his uniform accordingly, had barely heard the words of the woman he loved.

It was the nerves.

This was risky, and they both knew it with the same confidence that they knew the sun was setting in a few hours.

But, with the leader gone, the conflict should have faded away with them.

That short: "Are you okay?" Was a stupid question, and she knew that it was.

She simply had no idea what else she could say.

For all she knew, this could have been her last moment with the love of her life.

She needed to say something.

But what could she say?

What should she have said?

The moment he met her gaze, it became clear that words weren't actually necessary.

Not immediately, at least.

He lifted his mask, exposing his anxious expression.

Laying a hand on her cheek, they leaned on each other. Both needing the support, yet not needing to say they needed it.

They shared one, short kiss.

Then, the words spoke themselves.

There was no need to think about what to say.

They just said it.

Steve: My heart won't slow down.

Lilith took a deep breath, muttering a reply as she held back her own concerns. Knowing they'd only make things harder.

Lilith C.: I didn't say I blamed you.

That last moment...

Wasn't there something they were supposed to say?

Something that every couple said to one another before facing their potential passing?

Instead of saying it outright, the two looked each other in the eye for a minute.

Steve: Do you want me to say it?

Lilith shook her head, a light smile on her face.

Lilith C.: No need.

Her eyes met his, though they strangely felt identical.

Lilith C.: Do you want me to?

Steve shook his head a single time.

Months of saying the words constantly had made it completely unnecessary to say them now.

At least, between the two of them.

However, they needed something to exchange one last wave of affection.

Just, in case of an emergency.

Steve: What should we do instead?

Lilith squeezed him, though his arms and ribcage prevented it from feeling too suffocating.

Lilith C.: Just, hold me until we need to let go.

Steve smiled weakly, replying physically before he did verbally.

Steve: Of course.

The plan was simple.

Well, the idea of it was.

He was going to take Belos down.

Once again, that was the condensed version.

The steps involved made it much more complicated.

First, working alongside Lilith and the—recently deceased—Gwendolyn to find the perfect time.

A speech addressing the four year anniversary of the barrier going up, and the—second—battle at Hexide.

Second, he needed to act natural until that specific moment.

Easier said than done when the anger had festered the way it had for so many years.

Half of his friends, dead.

Their original plan to take Belos down, ruined.

Remaining allies, changed their minds out of fear.

All Lilith and Steve had now was each other.

And yet, he still had to act like he was loyal to the core reason that all of those things had happened.

Third, he needed to boost Belos' trust in him.

That way, he could worm his way to being as close to him as possible during the speech.

Then, finally...

The day arrived.

It was now nearing the afternoon, Belos' speech had gone on for longer than he'd expected.

But he was too desperate.

Too anxious to get Belos out of the picture when he had the chance.

His uniform had covered his face, but he could have been identified by his voice.

However, this was the first real chance he had been given since before the barrier went up.

To make it worse, the Day of Unity was coming up fast.

He couldn't wait another four years.

Nobody could wait another four years.

It simply wasn't affordable, at that point.

Among being desperate and anxious, Steve was hasty.

Throwing the crossbow up in his hands and firing the moment the aim was right.

Screams belted out of the crowd as the arrow struck Belos from behind in his cold, cruel heart.

He fell forward, not uttering a word. Eyes wide from shock.

The masked figures that had just arrived on the scene were taken aback.

No, that was an understatement.

This had to have been the biggest case of whiplash and bad luck in the history of the Boiling Isles.

No way.

How could this have been timed so poorly?

The one in front turned her head.

Amity N.: Run... Go back, now!

The others didn't need to be told a third time. Turning on their heel and running. Additionally signaling for Lilith and Steve to do the same.

However, the guards were faster. Catching one of the younger rebels by the arm and separating her from the group.

Amity quickly urged the others to get to the barrier. Meanwhile she and Raine devised a quick plan to rescue their teammate, and potentially help the person who killed Belos.

Regardless of how mad they were at him.

Their first moment of luck that day seemed to happen shortly after that. With Steve and Lilith being found alone quickly, and being found close to the barrier.

An introduction didn't seem to be necessary. They each knew what the other party was doing there.

Well, kinda.

Raine W.: Thank you for making this worse.

Steve stared. That much was obvious despite the mask covering his face.

Lilith C.: Raine?

Raine nodded, though they weren't done with what was practically a scolding.

It was rather fun.

Raine W.: Who do you think is going to be blamed for Belos being assassinated? Surely not the entire other half of the Boiling Isles who came over here solely to try and be rid of that narrative!

Amity didn't say anything. It was clear that this was the end of the discussion.

If anything else was to be said, it would have been nothing more than a repeat.

She knelt down. Helping them up and motioning for them to run into the barrier.

Belos was out of the picture, now. Even if it wasn't the way they wanted it to happen.

There was initially some, twisted hope that he'd survived, but Raine's glance toward the stage only confirmed otherwise. Being met with what could only be described as a mummified skeleton blanketed by the white and gold robes.

Once the residents had the needed time to process, some of them would hopefully become suspicious, knowing that there was no spell or potion in existence that could kill a person in that fashion. And cause such rapid decomposition.

But that wasn't the mindset that they, Amity, and Estel were stuck with, right now.

They would have to make do.

And it wasn't like damage control wasn't possible.

In fact, Raine had yelled as there was a person watching the four of them from around the corner. Evidently a citizen trying to help catch the criminals.

Amity and Raine were left alone, again.

Amity N.: What now?

Raine thought fast.

Raine W.: Let them see Estel's face. Perhaps her family is in the crowd. That could be helpful as well in shifting the public's opinion of us.

It was a risky move.

If their identities were revealed, whoever was now in charge could easily use their remaining families as blackmail. Which was an issue because everybody had family on the other side of the barrier.

Showing their faces was a last minute, less-than-ideal option. But it was all they had to try and save Estel.

Amity nodded.

Perhaps they should have waited until it was the right time to save her.

Which shouldn't have been hard to figure out. They were still fairly close, and the reveal of a surviving student would cause a serious commotion.

However, that didn't happen.

Instead, the sounds of clunky machinery and goo approached from the other side, seemingly trying to push the rebels into the crowd where they could be arrested.

It was going to get dark soon, if the rebel was to have her identity revealed, it had to be soon so that a clear view was easier.

Amity's head whipped to where the other sounds were coming from.

Three abomatrons were getting close enough to be a threat. And she was quick to draw her own abominations and summon the fire to take them down.

It had to be quiet, though, so the abomatrons weren't immediately followed by a large group of guards.

Amity N.: I'll handle the abomatrons! You go get Estel!

Raine nodded, leaving Amity to handle the machines.

It felt good to destroy them. Almost as if she were cleaning her hands of what her parents had assisted Emperor Belos in. Even if her father didn't know.

Yes, she wasn't a Blight anymore—not by name, anyway. But that fact didn't satiate the instinctive guilt from simply being associated with what the abomatrons were created to do.

Meanwhile, Estel had also recognized what she had to do, egging the guards and the crowd on to remove her mask and reveal her identity.

If she did it herself, it would have been easy to assume that it was an illusion.

Her arms were bound, anyway. And she had no magic.

No such luck.

The nineteen year old had underestimated how poorly she would handle being forced in front of a crowd that shouted insults at her.

Especially when it was then revealed who would take Belos' place. At least for the time being.

Terra Snapdragon's eyes were cold and sharp, ripping into Estel with a silent fury.

Terra S.: Do you Rebels have no shame?

That one question sounded the alarm.

This was not going to end well for her.

Unless someone showed up and helped her.

Terra smirked at the clear fear.

Terra S.: You break down a school, kill hundreds of innocent witches, and go as far as to kill the last person any of these poor people had for comfort. And yet, I scare you. I'm a little honored.

Terra turned to the crowd, fully projecting her voice.

Wait, where was Kikimora?

Terra S.: Seeing as how serious of a tragedy this is, and because all of you have been robbed of your justice once already, why don't we take this to a vote? What shall we do with this traitor?

The shouts that followed only further buried Estel in her panic.

Tears were driven to her eyes as the weight of her future suffering had become worse.

Terra S.: Is that "petrification" I'm hearing?

And worse.

A loud, loud chorus of cheers reinforced it.

Estel was visibly trembling, losing herself to her desperation and screaming as loud as she could.

Estel E.: This wasn't me! I swear on my life this wasn't me! I was just a student!

This only increased the rage of the crowd.

Perhaps it was because the guard had taken pity, or because he assumed that there wouldn't be any consequences to doing it. But the one holding her by the arm wound up being the person to eventually remove the mask and hood. Everyone else who was in on the risk was too slow to stop it. And at least knew how suspicious it would be if they did try to restrain him.

Thick, curly dark purple hair spilled out in a loose ponytail. Additionally revealing a pair of pale horns, deep olive skin, and silver eyes.

One shout that followed silenced the whole crowd.

?: Estel! That's my daughter!

Estel was visibly sobbing from fear, barely cracking her eyes open to see her parents and older brother rushing through to see her.

Terra and the other guards went into a panic, trying to remedy the situation and spin it against her again.

But, they didn't seem to need to.

Raine levitated the guards away from Estel, going beside her and helping her stand steady murmuring a string of: "I've got you, you're okay".

Then, with a burst of fire from Amity, they were all gone. Not before one witch had fired a curse at them.

Well, not everyone would let them go so easily.

Now, Terra had the perfect weapon.

Terra S.: That student! She's been kidnapped and brainwashed by the rebels! I will be forming a rescue team, shout if you want to join!

It was dark out, now.

The group rushed back through the barrier, barely registering that Steve and Lilith were still joining them.

Estel spent the majority of the trip through trying to calm herself. Trying to process that she wasn't going to be petrified. That she was safe, now.

Well, as safe as she could be.

Amity let out a hiss, walking with a limp as one of the abomatrons had taken advantage of one of her moves. She had lifted herself up to gain height, and the robot had swung it's arm with as much force as possible, hitting her in the thigh.

Still, walking in pain was a much safer idea than staying and waiting for the guards to figure out that she was in a weak position.


At one point, someone had gone next to her and was holding her up. Assisting her in walking forward.

The other side of the barrier was tense.

They should have returned hours ago.

What happened?

Where were they?

Were they alright?

The bell was rung to alert everyone as they finally emerged.

Luz ran up to Amity, Azura holding onto her back.

Whatever was holding Amity up seemed to vanish once she stepped out.

Luz N.: You're okay! What happened?!

Amity swallowed. Noticing the attention of others and deciding to let everyone know at the same time.

Amity N.: Belos is dead.

Those words shook the entire area with both relief, and fear.

Until Raine continued.

Raine W.: Terra Snapdragon seems to have taken his place as the leader. I don't know what happened to Kikimora. Now we must be more careful with what we do. I have known her to be even more ruthless than Belos.

Amity leaned into Luz's hug as everyone processed the news and passed it on, resting her head on her shoulder.

Luz frowned with concern.

Amity's head was pounding, and she could hardly focus on standing up straight.

Despite how tired Luz was, she gladly took her wife's hand and started walking her home, Amity holding Azura's hand weakly.

Luz N.: Let's head home, you seem hurt.

Amity could only nod, still moving sluggishly as she and everyone else processed that Belos was dead.

And that Terra Snapdragon was taking his place.

However, not even that was given enough time to sink in.

Three abomatrons had followed them, along with a note taped onto one. Though that didn't seem like a proper name for them considering that they were all machinery. Everyone was quick to take them down, Amity unable to participate as she was too far away. And in too much pain.

Well, until someone began waving her over.

It was Estel again, gesturing desperately to something behind her—which she didn't realize Amity couldn't see.

Then, she had the note in her hand.

The whole area had gone silent to hear her read it.

Estel E.: "You took this too far when we only left you alone, now we'll start crossing the line like you have been."

Amity had stepped over by that point, seeing the exact words.


The type of paper, the tape used, the ink used, and especially the handwriting.

Her mother had written this.

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