Lost In Ice (Various x Fem. R...

Par rainydoesnothing

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Y/n awoke in a bed made of ice that was covered in blankets. Now she's the daughter of a crazed wizard who ki... Plus

Melted Disaster/Prisoners of Love
Y/n's Profile
Tree Trunks
The Enchiridion
The Jiggler
Ricardio the Heart Guy
Business Time
My Three Favorite People
Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
City of Theives
The Witch's Garden
Ocean of Fear
When Wedding Bells Thaw
Birthday Chapter
The Duke
Freak City
Stranger in the Ice
What Have You Done
Their Hero
Gut Grinder(s)
Y/n's Profile (Season 2)
It Came From The Nightosphere
The Eyes
Blood Under the Skin
Loyalty to the King
Slow Love
Crystals Have Powers
The Other Tarts
To Cut a Woman's Hair
The Soft Chewed
Her Parents
The Real You
Death in Bloom
Susan Strong
Mama's Cookin'
Mystery Train
Go With Me
The Limit
This Mortal Folly
Mortal Recoil
Adventure #1
Adventure #2
Morituri Te Salutamus
Memory of a Memory
Too Young

What Is Life?

2.5K 111 45
Par rainydoesnothing

"You're gonna lose. Finn. I've been holding back for too long!" Y/n shouted out while smashing the button on BMO's controller. The two of them were on the purple couch while a familiar tune rang through the living room. Finn jerked his arms back while he tried to attack Y/n's character back. Their adventuring had come to an early end when the sunny weather turned into rain.

While they were distracted, Jake made his way into the room from the ladder. He was carrying a large bag on his back. "Hey, guys," he said while letting out a deep chuckle. Finn picked up on Jake's laugh, though he kept his eyes on the small screen.

"What's so funny?" Finn questioned. He let out an angered groan when Y/n hit his character with a major attack. She let out a cocky laugh knowing that it was annoying him

"Oh, you know, just takin' this garbage bag of butter..." Jake was moving the heavy bag over his head, but it was hard for him. He let out a grunt while his thin arms raised it up. "...into the house." Another deep chuckle emitted from his throat.

Finn finally turned to look back at his brother to glare at him, not caring about the game anymore. "Dude. That's not that funny," he said. Y/n pushed more buttons as she was so close to beating Finn. Before the last hit could be thrown, Jake threw the bag at the two. They were both covered in butter. Finn let out a shriek while Y/n gagged from the smell. she could hear the game going off, now showing that she won the round.

Jake covered his stomach while he laughed. "HAHAHAHAHA!" he wiped away a single tear that fell from his face.

"Ohhh, butter pranked! I can't believe I didn't see that coming!" Finn groaned out while staring at his covered arms. His brows were down in a glare.

Y/n wiped the butter off of her head while finally giving in to the humorous scene. "I gotta admit, that was a good prank."

Jake seemed real proud of himself. "Heh, yeah, I'm a genius." he gloated.

Finn stood up and pointed a finger at Jake, a challenging expression on his face. "You have offended my honor, sir, and in so doing, you have awoken the pranking demon that sleeps in my pits!" Finn was now climbing over the coffee table, his face pressing against Jake's. "The demon is coming for you, mortal. It is going to prank you... so... HARD!" he yelled at him. Jake only rolled his eyes at his actions.

"Whatever. I'm gonna take a day-long nap." While Jake let out a yawn, Y/n flicked a bit of the softened butter into his mouth. Jake flinched and gagged while the taste of butter mixed with trash invaded his mouth.

Finn only gloated at his brother's retreating form. "That's right, suckah! Go nap it up, for when you awake, the pranking demon will be upon you!"

In response, Jake slammed the door behind him while the sounds of gagging faded away. Finn turned away from the door as he started to go into a panic. "Aww, man! Nothing's better than throwing a big bag of butter at someone!" Finna let out a sigh while hitting his head lightly, trying to come up with an idea. "Gotta think! What's... a better prank... than butter?!" Finn walked over to a bookcase and grabbed a large book. "Answer me, book! What's better than butter?!"

He started to flip threw the pages, reading them for any ideas. "A unicorn. A treasure hunter! A battleship! A pie! A young girl in lo-" Finn paused and let out a gasp which stopped Y/n from scraping the butter off of herself. "Wait! Book, rewind!"

Finn flipped back to the previous page and stared at the prank "That's it! I'll throw never-ending pies at Jake's face forever!" Finn started to chuckle before he went out in a full evil laugh.

The rain had finally stopped and the sky stayed a gray color. Along the house was a pile of rocks that created a small cave. The cave was dry which made it the perfect place to make something to throw a pie in Jake's face.

Finn had drug Y/n out of the house to build his machine since she was the 'nerd' of the group. Finn had found a microwave for the base of the machine. While Y/n worked on the wiring, Finn worked on putting the outer pieces on the machine. He sang a small tune while using different tools to attach an arm to the side.

"Alright, give it a go," Y/n said while wiping her hands onto the ends of her cloak. The bottom of the cloak had tears, burn marks, and now grease engraved in the fabric.

"It's never-ending pie-throwing time!" Finn pressed the micro-chip button that was on the front of the microwave. When nothing happened he glared at the machine. "C'mon, dude! Turn on!" he yelled. When it didn't respond, Finn picked up the machine and held it out. "Why isn't it working?!" with a final part of his anger, he tossed the machine out into the open. " I'll never make a prank better than Jake's garbage bag full of butter." Finn pouted while plopping down on the ground.

Y/n went to comfort him but stopped when the machine was struck by lightning.

"Ouch!" a new voice cried out.

Finn jumped and landed on his back. "Holy stuff! It talked! Wow-cow-chow!" he cheered. Y/n slowly made her way to the robot and set it up.

"There you go," she said to the little being. The machine moved its one arm around, testing things out.

The robot smiled up at her. "Greetings creators!" he started off. Finn finally bounced up and walked over to the machine.

"Oh, whoa! Hey, man!" Finn happily greeted it. The face was on the side of the microwave instead of the can that Finn had drawn a face onto.

"My name is Neptr, which stands for 'Never-Ending Pie-Throwing Robot.'" the robot chimed in. Finn's smile only widened.

"Oh, perfect! You're exactly the kind of robot we were trying to make!" Neptr tried to move around, but he found that it was hard to do so.

Neptr's smile slowly started to go down while he spoke of his problems. "Creators, I am eager to commence the creation and propulsion of pies forever, but my pie-hucking appendage is... malfunctioning, and my oven lamp is cold, and my tank treads do not roll! They only do skids! Why, creators?!" While Neptr went on his rant, he skid around in a circle to show his troubles. Finn let out a gasp at the apparent trouble that Neptr was going through. Y/n covered her mouth with the palm of her hand. It was getting hard to watch the poor thing.

"Does it please the both of you to watch me struggle?!" Neptr ended his tangent, seemingly sad from the whole ordeal.

"Neptr! Don't say stuff like that!" Finn exclaimed, holding Neptr's 'face'. "Look, I know we just met, and you're probably goin' through a lot of personal stuff right now, but I really like you, Neptr, and I'm not gonna rest until you're working properly and throwing hot pie on my best friend's face. "

Finn held Neptr closer to himself and gave him a hug. "Together, we're gonna prank the poots out of Jake!" the clouds departed and revealed the sun. The rays bounced off of Neptr's metal form.

Neptr let out a large grin. His sad mood was quickly changed to a brighter one. "Haha! I'll always love you, creators!" he chanted out.

Y/n smiled at the little creation that she and Finn had made. Finn just nodded, not fully processing the words of Neptr. "I know you will, Neptr. Now, all we need is more lightning power so you can be operating at full capacity!" Finn turned his attention fully to Y/n. She could see the knowing look on his face.

"And I think I know just the dumb-hole who we can get some from." He smirked at Y/n while she tried to process what he meant.

Suddenly, it hit her. "Oh! You mean my dad."

Y/n had to make a few calls to help with a form of transportation since Jake couldn't join them with their 'adventure'. The three were floating over the Ice Kingdom with sentiment balloons. Finn had a good grip on the strings while his other arm was around Y/n. She carefully held Neptr in her grasp.

"Ooh, what beautiful piles of sugar!" Neptr said, shocked at the environment. Y/n just shook her head at his innocent mind.

"Mm, not really buddy. It's called snow." Y/n told them. His metal face grew a confused look.

"Snoooow??" he questioned, testing the word out on his own.

Soon, they crashed into the side of Ice King's lair. Finn let out a gasp at the impact. Y/n held onto Neptr more as she almost let her grip on the little fella. The balloons floated up to reach the entrance of the lair.

"Did y'all smack us into that mountain on purpose?" Finn questioned the cheeky balloons.

They only smirked and giggled at him. "Yeah!" they cheered out, finding the situation funny. Finn glanced back at Neptr.

"Take note, Neptr. These guys are grade-A pranksters. You guys hang out in case we need a daring escape!" Finn jumped into Ice King's lair with Y/n following. She placed Neptr into Finn's care to initiate the 'plan'. The balloons chanted out words of encouragement to the three. Once they knew that Finn was gone, one held up a wallet.

"I got his wallet!" one cheered out, making the others laugh.

They laughed until Y/n's voice stopped them, making it dead silent. "And I got yours."

Finn had made sure that Neptr was close to him, not knowing how the robot would act trying to sneak around.

"Just gotta sneak around until we find his lightning bolt stash," Finn whispered, glancing around nervously.

Neptr only looked up at the boy. "But, creator, is not breaking and entering wrong?" he asked.

Y/n just walked ahead, checking out the surroundings for anything. "It's not really since it's my dad's place." she then leaned down to Neptr, making sure he heard her words. "But he particularly doesn't like a certain boy with pranking issues-"

Finn heard what Y/n said and he let out a gasp. "Hey!" he shouted in a whisper tone, clearly offended. Y/n and Neptr both giggled at his quick reaction.

While going around a corner, Neptr was speaking in a more hushed tone. "Sneaking! We're sneaking..." Finn glanced down at Neptr and stopped like he heard a sound.

"Shush, Neptr!" Finn tried to quiet the robot down. Y/n passed by a corner in front of the two, leaving them behind.

"Sneaking..." Neptr whispered. Finn was growing more annoyed by the minute. He shushed Neptr again, only to hear their whisper once more. "Sneaking!"

Finn just stopped dead in his tracks and brought Neptr up to face him. "Neptr, you're gonna get us caught!"

"Sneaking!" Before Finn had a chance to tell Neptr to shut up, the Ice King spoke as if another person was there.

"Is that you, honey?" he called out. Y/n froze for a moment, thinking he was referring to her. Finn ran to an area where he wouldn't be seen. Before Y/n could respond, Ice King already started a conversation. "How was your day at work?"

"Terrible! How could I possibly stand to be apart from you, the Ice King?!" a different voice responded. It all came clear to Y/n. Her dad was pretending to have a conversation, with a woman. She stifled a laugh by covering her mouth with a part of her cloak. Finally, her dad came into view with Gunter following. "You see, Gunter, that's how it would go if I actually had a wife."

"Wenk." the penguin replied. Ice King looked up, noticing an 'intruder'.

Y/n just raised her hand up in an awkward wave. "Hi, Dad." she greeted. His alarmed expression quickly turned into a wide grin.

"Oooh! My dear daughter! What a surprise!" he exclaimed. Y/n was quickly brought into a spin-hug by her father figure. She tried her best to return it while glaring at Finn who was mocking her. Neptr joined in thinking it was funny. He quickly stopped hugging her once he realized that he was only in his underwear.

"Oh! Pardon me..." he muttered out awkwardly. He ran over to a basket of laundry and grabbed his blue robe, shoving it on.

"Come, come! I was about to have game time!" Ice King dragged her down to sit on the makeshift ice couch. He pulled up a video game console and gave his adoptive daughter a controller. "Kill the frog! Kill the frog! C'mon!" he cheered her on, trying to get her to join in.

Y/n started to play, acting like she was confused in order to draw attention away from her roommate.

"Oh, he's right in front of you! Lower! L-" her dad let out a scoff at the character on the screen. "Stupid lady. Kill it..." he muttered.

While sneaking around, Neptr decided to whisper to Finn thinking that the time was important. "Creator, if we get caught, I want you to know that I will always love you and my other creator." Finn quickly shushed the robot while Gunter glanced over in an area, thinking it was important.

Y/n noticed and grabbed the penguin, sitting him on her lap. He went to move but realized she was rather cozy.

"Shh! You already told me that! And we're not getting caught! We're gonna get you working so you can prank Jake! He could wake up from his nap at any second!" Finn grew alarmed at the thought of Jake waking up and finding him missing. Maybe even have more time to create more pranks for both him and Y/n.

The worry over Jake wasn't worth it since the golden dog was asleep. Jake shook his arms around with his eyes closed. "I might wake up at any moment!" he paused for a moment before slumping down back into his bed. "Naaaah, I'm still asleep."

Ice King's yelling broke Finn's thoughts. "No, no! That frog is casting magic missiles on my babe!" he grunted while trying to attack the frog characters.

"Quickly! While he's distracted!" Finn whispered to Neptr. He stealthily moved away from behind the couch and slid past the three. He hid behind an icicle that was growing from the ground. He slid around and found a wide arch to hide behind.

"No, c'mon, get out of the- UGH! Move!" Ice King yelled at his own character. Y/n tried to keep both Gunter and her dad distracted.

"Hey, uh, dad. What does this do?" she asked in an innocent tone. She pressed a but that did damage to both the villain character and her dad's character.

"Bah!" Ice King gasped at the instant damage. He quickly grew worried. "Now, now be careful sweetie," he warned her, trying not to get mad.

Gunter made some noise which distracted Ice King. "Baaaugh!" he yelled out in anger. The screen flashed 'game over'. "This game cheats anyway!" he dropped his controller to the ground. Gunter moved forward and knocked the machine down. Y/n dived for it, causing a small scratch to appear on her cheek. Ice King saw the small amount of blood that was forming from the cut. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID, GUNTER!!" he yelled out, scolding the penguin.

Ice King grabbed Gunter and they both started to walk out and towards the bathroom. "Don't worry dear, I'll be right back!" he cheered before disappearing.

"We're home free, Neptr," Finn muttered. Y/n just looked up and saw Finn above her.

"What are you guys doing?! Go and find that lightning thing. He'll be back any min-" she stopped talking as she heard Gunter's feet pattering on the ground.

"Wenk wenk wenk wenk wenk wenk wenk!" he sounded off. He made his way to Y/n with a wet cloth held in his flipper. Y/n grabbed it and started to clean her cheek off.

"Thanks, little dude," she responded to his gesture.

"Gunter, what are you on about? You're starting to infuriate me..." Ice King told the penguin. He moved over to Y/n and put a patch over her wound. "There you go," he said, patting it down.

"Thanks, Dad," Y/n responded. Ice King just grinned and gave her another bone-crushing hug. He let go and stared down at Gunter.

Gunter tried to tug on Ice King's cloak. What? It's almost like you're trying to alert me. Warn me about..." Ice King paused, making Y/n concerned that her friends would be caught. "I don't know, an intruder or something? Perhaps he's lurking in this very room, just outside my field of vision!" Y/n held her breath while her dad looked around.

"Wenk Wenk Wenk Wenk." Gunter pleaded. Ice King just moved away from his grasp.

"Well, knock it off!!" he told him off. Y/n let out a sigh that she was holding in.

Neptr stared down at the three. "What'll we do, creator?" he whispered to Finn.

Finn's face just grew into a grin. "We're gonna prank 'im, Neptr. Hardcore."

Ice King walked in front of a mirror with Gunter in tow. "Hmm. You're looking kinda fat, Gunter! Look at these arms! Fat fat fat!" he took Gunter's flipper into his hands, moving them around almost like a doll. "Daddy's little fattie! Oh, you'll never get a prom date with all that chub on your face, you know!" While he spoke, an ice spike fell from the ceiling and went down his robe. "Ooh, cold! Oh, blast these melty ceilings!" he yelled out while

Finn just covered his mouth, trying to hide his giggles. Y/n looked up and glared at the two.

Neptr grinned along with Finn's giggles. "Creator, you have shown me the joys of pranking! I cannot wait to throw pies infinitely at Jake's face!" he cheered. The laughs and grin quickly stopped as Finn started to slip from the spike he was on.

"The ceiling really is melty!" Finn suddenly fell and slid off of a growing icicle. The two flew off and disappeared from sight. "Whoa! Whoa!" he screamed out. Y/n let out a gasp while Ice King quickly looked around, alarmed.

"What was that?" he quickly asked.

"WAAAAH!" Finn screamed flying threw an entrance. They slid down a dark and long area that was chilly.

They both screamed while taking different turns and heights. They slid by two Ice Toads which jumped up in surprise.

"Alarm! Alarm! Alarm!" the Ice Toads called out. An Ice Bull emerge and started to chase the two.

"Figs!" Finn yelled out. The bull chased after the two while they slid down a hall.

From his bed, Ice King was laying down, reading some romance poems. Y/n was out of sight, finally being free from her dad's sight."Huh? An intruder! Maybe a beautiful princess like in my poems." Ice King said, being alarmed by the sounds.

Finn and Neptr were still sliding down. Finn glanced back at the bull, growing worried by it getting closer. "We've gotta find that lightning as fast as-" Finn was cut off by Neptr.

"Creator! Lightning!" he pointed out a door that he had spotted.

Finn's face lit up in recognition. "It's a lightning-shaped door! And we're gonna smash right into it! Hold on, Neptr! I got a plan!" Finn aimed himself to glide up the wall and he kicked the bull through the metal door. The bull stood for a minute before it crumbled down to ice pieces and organs.

Finn landed and started to walk over the remains. "That was a great plan!" Neptr cheered.

"Nah, that wasn't my plan. We got lucky!" As they walked further in, they spotted a machine with five different lightning bolts.

Neptr's eyes widened at the bright blue lights. "Are those my tickets to the gun show, creator?" he asked.

"Mm-hmm. You're gonna be fully functional just like I promised." Finn nodded.

Suddenly, Y/n into the room. She was sweaty and out of breath. "Guys! We gotta get that thing and go-" she was cut off by the cave shaking rapidly.

Her dad entered the room on an Ice Centipede. He tried to stop the creature in case the intruder was something else. "Whoa, ice-o-pede!" the creature flew him off making him land on his face. He got up to see the real intruder. "Finn?! Oh, why can't you ever be a princess?! Ice-o-pede, attack!" he pointed at the boy. The ico-o-pede instead grabbed him by the head. "Ice-o-pede, no! Aaah!" he cried out. Y/n moved out of the way so she wouldn't get attacked.

"Let's grab some lightning and get outta here!" As they went to bolt after the machine, the ice-o-pede sent a shot that destroyed the machine.

"Hahaha! Finish him off, my semi-loyal pet!" Ice King laughed out. The creature sent different shots at the two, making Finn drop Neptr in the process. Ice King noticed Neptr in an instant. "An innocent bystander?! ZAP!" Ice King put his arm out with the intent of harming Neptr.

"Neptr! NOOOOO!" Y/n screamed out. She ran out and tried to block the attack.

Ice King saw his daughter try to get in the way of his attack and tried to redirect it. "Y/n, no!" he yelled out. The attack went right over her, zapping Neptr in an instance.

"NOOOOOO!-" Finn started to yell out, but paused when he saw that Neptr was alright. "Oh, yeah. That's what we wanted to happen." he smiled, happy with the whole ordeal.

Neptr skid around with full control. His light inside was on and bright. "Neptr is fully functional! Yay!" he laughed out, finally himself.

"Neptr! Yeah!" Y/n cheered out for the robot.

Soon, the Ice-o-pede picked Finn up by the head. Ice King went to Y/n and pulled her back. "Crush him! Crush him like you crushed me!! Don't hurt me or my daughter!" he yelled out.

"Creator?" Neptr questioned, fe
ar filled his eyes from the beast. The ice-o-pede started to slowly crush Finn's head.

"Neptr! The pies! Pies!" he cried out for the little machine. Neptr's eyes lit up, finally able to do what he was made for.

"Oh, right!" Neptr's arm started to move around while pies flew out, hitting the beast. It dropped Finn and let out a roar before dropping down through the wall.

"Come on!" Ice King yelled while kicking the ice-o-pede.

Finn grabbed Neptr and bolted out with Y/n following "What was in those pies?!" he asked Neptr.

"Just boysenberry. Hahaha. And also... poison." Neptr whispered. He continued to giggle while Finn's started to think about his actions. 'Neptr's acting... different.'

They quickly found an opening with the now dead ice-o-pede blocking parts of the exit. "Quick, guys! Jump!" the balloons called for the three. Finn attempted to grab onto the balloons, but they make him miss and fall. Two balloons caught him before he could hit the ground, making the others laugh.

"Heh heh. You guys got me." Finn laughed while floating up. Y/n just jumped out and grabbed onto the balloon strings, making them travel further away so her dad couldn't see them all together.

Ice King finally overlooked them leaving, thinking it was only Finn and the robot. "Something about that robot I tried to kill fills me with... deep longing. Something I felt when..." his muttering stopped while he tried to process everything.

The balloons safely got the three home. Y/n held onto their strings while Finn was thanking them. "Thanks, guys. Your blood-oath is fulfilled," he told them. Y/n let go of their strings and they floated up into the sky.

"Yay! To the mesosphere!" they cheered, getting higher up.

Y/n gave a disturbed glance at a specific sentence. "Finally we can die!"

Before they could head inside, Neptr stopped the two from entering. "I am troubled, creators. Troubled by a sudden urge to... collect princesses," he said in a threatening tone.

"Neptr, that's a heavy unsettling thing to say, but pull yourself together. We're about to prank Jake!" Neptr's expression turned into a saddened one.

"Uh-huh. Sure." Y/n picked up on the sadness that he was producing, but she knew she had to ask him later.

Finn stood next to the door, Neptr in his arms, ready to attack. "One... two..." The door was shot open from the inside, revealing Ice King.

"THREE!" he yelled.

"Uh oh!" Y/n shouted in surprise. She didn't want this to happen yet.

Finn started to back up, readying for an attack. "Run, Neptr!!" he yelled.

Neptr was in awe at the Ice King's powers. "Oooh!" he observed.

Finn stopped backing up and charged at Ice King. Ice King quickly froze him down, stopping his attack. "Aw, man." Finn groaned out.

"I've come to take my son and the daughter that you stole!" he accused the young boy. Y/n brought her hand up to cover her face in disbelief.

"Oh dear glob, help me..." she silently prayed for the moment to end.

"Your son?!" Finn questioned, mildly concerned.

Ice King knelt down and opened his arms. "Come to Papi, children. I won't attack you... unless provoked." he muttered the last part, only meaning it for his 'son'.

"He's not your son! If anything, he's my son!" Finn glared at the older man.

"It was my power that activated his full potential. Zzz." Ice King glared back at Finn while showing Neptr small lighting bolts from his magic.

"Oooh..." Neptr was amazed by the magic Ice King held.

Y/n just crossed her arms. "If anything, he would be my son since I'm a more stable parent." she tried to reason. The two men stared at her for a moment before continuing their banter, ignoring her statement.

When you were struck by my lightning, you also became infused with my private particles. He wants to be with me, Finn!" Ice King yelled at Finn, who only struggled through the ice.

Finn just shook his head. "No way! Neptr wants to help me prank Jake!" he yelled back.

Neptr just looked around in confusion. "I am torn! I am processing a love for both princesses and pranking!" he cried out.

Ice King knelt down by him and placed a comforting hand on him. "Don't worry, son. I'll show you the life you deserve!" He grabbed both Y/n and Neptr and started to spin at a rapid pace.

"No! Neptr! Y/n!" Finn yelled out. He broke free and quickly joined the three.

The four were now in a void that sparked in purple and blue. "Yes! Now that we've entered my imagination zone, allow me to tantalize you with this!" Ice King snapped his finger to show images around. " Princesses! As my son, you will carry on the tradition of capturing ladies!" princesses seemed to surround Neptr. "And of course, my little girl will need a prince." with another snap, the image of Prince Gumball appeared in front of Y/n.

Her face glowed from what her dad was implying. "I'm not only into princes, dad..." she muttered out, covering her blushing face with her cloak.

Neptr seemed intrigued with the princess deal. "Tell me more, Papi!" he cheered out.

Finn was reaching out for Neptr. "No, Neptr!" he called out, trying to help the poor robot.

"I want a son who can do better than I. One who can succeed where I... have failed. You can mate with robot princesses!" he tried to change Neptr's mind to only follow him.

"Can I still prank with Finn after?" Neptr asked innocently.

"NO!! I'll show you what will happen if you hang out with Finn!" soon a vision appear where Finn and Jake appeared to be farting on a sad Neptr.

'Yeah! Pootin' on Neptr to the max!' the vision characters cheered out. Neptr only laughed at the vision.

"Haha! Yeah, I love Finn's pranks!"

Ice King grew angry at Neptr. "NOOOOO!!" the four of them are immediately shot out of the Imagination Zone. "I'm through playing around, son. Who do you choose?" he questioned.

Finn leaned down and offered his arms out to him. "Come on, Neptr. Choose me, buddy. Choose pranks." he pleased. Y/n was forced to the side, clearly not seen as an option.

"I... uh, I... choose... Ice King!" Neptr exclaimed.

"WHAT?! You've gotta be flippin' kidding me!" Finn cried out. Y/n was just shocked.

"I did not expect that..." she admitted.

"He made his choice! Get over it, crybaby!" Ice King rubbed it in Finn's face. He went to walk away, but Neptr wasn't done speaking.

"I'm not finished. I choose Ice King... to prank! Hardcore!" Finn's face grew into a grin while Ice King started to shake in anger.

"WHHHAAAAT-Aah!" Ice King winced from a pie that was shot into his face. "My face!" Neptr and Finn laughed at him while he scraped pieces of pie off of his face. "I birthed you and I can un-birth you!" he yelled out with his blue skin getting stained in berry juice.

Y/n just laughed, finally letting it out in front of her dad. "NEVER!" Finn yelled at Ice King when he tried to close in on Neptr.

Finn punched him which knocked Ice King out cold on the ground.

Neptr rolled over to Ice King while gently petting his head. "Sleep well, Papi. In your Imagination Zone full of beautiful princesses." he quietly told him. Y/n grabbed her dad and leaned him in a comfortable position. She then grabbed Neptr and noticed his worried expression

"Don't worry, dad will be okay," she told the robot. He just stared up at her with wonder in his eyes, realizing he now had a sister.

"You wanna prank Jake?" Finn asked while opening the door for the two.

Neptr just smiled. "It's why I was created," he answered back. The two of them went inside with Finn closing the door behind him.

"Haha, okay. Let's goooooo!" they made their way up into Finn and Jake's shared room where Jake was still asleep. "Jake! Wake up!" Finn yelled.

Jake woke up and let out a yawn before getting attacked. "Ahhh, hey, du—AAAAAH!" Different pies were thrown at him while Finn, Neptr, and Y/n laughed.

In his Imaginary Zone, Ice King was sitting on a hill with Neptr and Y/n at his sides. "Sun is going down. Shall we capture princesses now, Papi?" the imaginary Neptr asked.

Ice King just shook his head. "No, let's just stay here a little longer, son." he felt Y/n cuddle in closer to her dad. Her head rested on his shoulder.

"We love you forever, Papi." the imaginary Neptr told him.

Ice King said nothing and just brought the Neptr in closer to him, along with Y/n.

In that moment of his dreams and imagination, he felt complete.

Ice King, Simeon, whatever, he deserves the world. I just needed some more dad and y/n moments because I know I have some readers with daddy issues or who need a good father figure in their life.

And other sad news, musical is coming up meaning I will have a lack of updates.

But as you all know, I love you guys!!

Continuer la Lecture

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Marceline has a pretty messed up past, an even messed up present and probably a messed up future already laid out for her. But maybe getting partnere...
16.5K 622 18
"Adventure time!" you are BoBoiBoy little sister and your journey begin with your big brother, BoBoiBoy and his friends. [Please read disclaimer befo...