Just a Mass Effect 2 fanfic

By BurntToast14

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This is a sequel to my Mass Effect fanfic More

Request Page
Shepard/Thorne Character Data (Returning Characters)
Jane/Galahad Character Data (Introducing New Characters)
Main Squad Members
Shocking Discoveries
Return to the Citadel
The Heist
Omega's Archangel
The Plague Doctor
Zaeed's Revenge
Butting Heads
Haestrom's Hellstorm
Visit to Illium
The Assassin
Opening Up
Dead To Me
Undercover Clubbing
Remnants Of The Past
Sins Of The Father
Angel Of Death
The Collector Vessel
Reaper IFF
The Heretics
Enemy Within
The Shadow Broker
The Last Straw
Love Is In The Air
Suicide Squad
Epilogue (Short)
Bonus: Squad Discussion


107 2 0
By BurntToast14

Tali: Shepard, I may need your help

Shepard: With what?

Tali: I just received a message from the migrant fleet. The admiralty board has accused me of treason

Shepard: Is it because you're working with cerberus?

Tali: I'm not working with cerberus. I'm working with you. And I got leave to serve on the Normandy again. I have no idea what exactly they're accusing me of. You'd think I would remember if I betrayed the fleet!

Shepard: Nobody who knows you would believe you'd betray your people, Tali

Tali: I don't know. They don't lay charges like this unless the evidence seems absolute. And they don't discuss the specific details on open channels. We won't know more until we arrive at the flotilla. But thanks. I appreciate your faith in me, Shepard

Shepard: So, what exactly happens when a quarian is accused of treason?

Tali: There is a hearing, with members of the admiralty board acting as judges. My father is an admiral on the board. He'll have to recuse himself from judgement. I can't even imagine what he's thinking right now. The punishment for treason is exile. If they convict me, then I can never go back. If it is deemed only a tragic mistake in judgement, the guilty party might receive a small ship and supplies. But if I'm convicted, I will never see the migrant fleet again

Shepard: Don't worry, we've got your back. Lets go find the flotilla

Tali: I was going to book passage on another ship, I didn't think there would be time for you to help. Thank you, Shepard. I'll program the Normandy with the flotilla's current location. The admirals will be waiting for us

Shepard: Joker, plot a course for the quarian flotilla

Joker: Aye aye, Commander

(Joker sets a course for the quarian flotilla and starts flying)


(The Normandy is on approach to the quarian flotilla)

Tali: This is Tali'Zorah vas Neema nar Rayya requesting permission to dock with the Rayya

Quarian: Our system has your ship flagged as cerberus. Verify

Tali: "After time adrift among open stars, along tides of light and through shoals of dust, I will return to where I began"

Quarian: Permission granted. Welcome home, Tali'Zorah

Tali: We'd like a security and quarantine team to meet us. Our ship is not clean

Quarian: Understood. Approach exterior docking cradle 17

(Joker docks the Normandy on the docking cradle)

(Shepard, Thorne, Tali, and Garrus through the airlock, wearing their breathing gear so they don't contaminate the quarian ship)

(The rest of the squad is on standby, but Legion decides to sit this one out)

(They are met by a team of quarian marines led by Captain Kar'Danna)

Kar'Danna: Captain Shepard. Tali'Zorah has told me a lot about you and the Normandy's crew. I wish we could be meeting under more pleasant circumstances

Shepard: Tali helped the Normandy's crew out of many difficult situations. I'm here to return the favor

Kar'Danna: I understand. As the commander of the vessel she serves on, your voice carries weight. I wish I could do more to help, Tali. The trial requires that I be officially neutral, but I'm here if you need to talk. They're charging you with bringing an active geth into the fleet as part of a secret project

Tali: What? That's insane! I never brought active geth aboard. I only sent parts and pieces. My father was working on a project, and he needed the materials. If I sent back something that was only damaged, not permanently inactive... No, I checked everything. I was careful

Kar'Danna: Technically I'm under orders to place Tali'Zorah under arrest pending the hearing, so Tali. You're confined to this ship until this trial is over

Tali: Thank you, captain

Kar'Danna: Preparations got underway as soon as you arrived. The hearing's being held in the garden plaza. Good luck. You should speak with Admiral Raan. She's waiting for you up ahead

Garrus: I can't believe they're charging Tali like this. It's not like we marched in here with Legion or something

Raan: Tali'Zorah vas Normandy. I'm glad you came. I could only delay them for so long

(Tali hugs Admiral Raan)

Tali: Auntie Raan! Shepard vas Normandy, this is Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay. She's a friend of my father's. Wait, Raan... You called me "vas Normandy"

Raan: I'm afraid I did, Tali. The admiralty board moved to have you tried under that name given your departure from the Neema

Shepard: I guess we should get started. Does Tali have a defense councilor, someone who speaks at her side?

Raan: Indeed she does, Captain Shepard. She is a part of your crew now, as recognized by quarian law. And remember, an accused is always represented by her ship's Captain and crew

Tali: So, um... You three would speak for my defense

Garrus: We're honored

Shepard: We'll do everything in our power to help you, Tali

Tali: Thank you three. I could not ask for better councilors

Raan: Our legal rules are simple. There are no legal tricks or political loopholes for you to worry about. Present the truth as best you can. It will have to be enough. Now come, I promised I would not delay you

Thorne: Lets get this over with

(Shepard, Thorne, Tali, and Garrus all take the stage as the quarians all gather in a crowd)

(The quarian admirals take their places at the judges' table)

Raan: This conclave is brought to order. Blessed are the ancestors who kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season. Keelah se'lai

Quarians: Keelah se'lai

Raan: The accused, Tali'Zorah vas Normandy has come with her captain and crew to defend herself against the charge of treason

Koris: Objection! Two humans and a turian have no business at a hearing involving such sensitive military matters!

Raan: Then you should not have declared Tali crew of the Normandy, Admiral Koris. By right as Tali's Captain and crew, they are permitted to stay

Koris: ... Objection withdrawn

Raan: Shepard vas Normandy. Your crew member Tali'Zorah stands accused of treason. Will you speak for her?

Shepard: If it helps Tali, then it would be my pleasure. But in her heart, she remains Tali'Zorah vas Neema. A proud member of the migrant fleet. I regret that her quarian captain is forbidden to stand at her side today

Koris: Nobody has been forbidden from anything! It is a simple-

Gerrel: Lie to them if you must, Zaal'Koris, but don't lie to me and expect me to stay silent! The human is correct!

Raan: Admirals, please. Shepard's willingness to represent Tali'Zorah in this hearing is appreciated. Tali, you are accused of bringing active geth into the migrant fleet. What say you?

Shepard: Tali couldn't have done that. She's innocent. How could Tali have brought geth to the fleet while she was serving on the Normandy?

Xen: To clarify, Shepard, Tali is not being accused of bringing back entire units. Only parts that could spontaneously re-activate

Shepard/Thorne/Garrus: (WTF?)

Tali: But I would never send active geth to the fleet! Everything I sent was disabled and harmless!

Koris: Then explain how geth seized the lab ship where your father was working!

Group: (Record scratch)

(There are several gasps as the crowd starts clamoring)

Tali: What are you talking about? What happened?

Gerrel: As far as we can tell, Tali, the geth have killed everyone on the Alarei. Your father included

Tali: WHAT? Oh, keelah!

Garrus: You have some nerve springing this on Tali in the middle of a damn trial!

Shepard: Calm down, Garrus. Admirals. I appreciate the need for this trial, but right now, our first concern must be for the safety of the migrant fleet. The Normandy and it's crew stands ready to assist in whatever capacity necessary

Raan: Thank you. Quarian strike teams have attempted to retake the ship, so far without success

Tali: Shepard, we have to take back the Alarei!

Koris: The safest course would be to simply destroy the ship. But if you are looking for an honorable death instead of an exile...

Tali: I am looking for my father, you bosh'tet!

Raan: You intend to retake the Alarei from the geth? This proposal is extremely dangerous

Shepard: With your permission, admirals, yes. The good of the fleet must come first... And Tali needs to find her father

Gerrel: Agreed. And if you die on this mission, Tali, we will see that your name is cleared of these charges

Koris: We can discuss that later

Raan: Then it is decided. You will attempt to retake the Alarei. You are hereby given leave to depart the Rayya. A shuttle will be waiting at the secondary docking hangar. Be safe, Tali. This hearing will resume upon your return, or upon determination that you have been killed in action. This hearing is temporarily adjourned

Tali: Thank you for agreeing to take back the Alarei, Shepard. The admirals sound sure that my father is already dead, but... I don't know. We won't know anything until we get there

Garrus: How are you holding up, Tali? They just threw a lot of fire at you back there, even before telling you about your father

Tali: I knew this would be bad, but I guess you're never really prepared to be charged with treason

Shepard: The sooner we get to the Alarei, the sooner we can find out your father's true fate. We should go

EDI: Shepard, the secondary docking chamber is through the conclave chamber where you are now. The shuttle they have provided is unarmed

Shepard: Good to know, EDI

Thorne: I'll keep an eye on things back here, just in case. Find your father if you can, Tali. We've got your back

(Shepard, Tali, and Garrus all walk towards the secondary docking chamber, and they find a quarian guard standing in front of the door to the shuttle)

Guard: Tali'Zorah vas Neema. Oh, sorry. I meant "vas Normandy"

Tali: No offense taken. The change in name was not my choice

Guard: Per Admiral Raan's orders, the shuttle is prepared for you and your two companions. Be careful on the Alarei. There have been rumors of a great many geth on board. Not many marines came back from the initial assault

Garrus: We'll be careful. You can count on it

Shepard: Lets head to the Alarei

Guard: Of course. I'll unlock the shuttle now. Good luck with those geth, Tali'Zorah. Keelah se'lai

(Shepard, Tali, and Garrus board the shuttle and fly it over to another quarian ship called the Alarei. They dock it and load up)

(The trio goes through the airlock's door, and they're immediately met by some geth troopers)

Shepard: Take them down!

(Shepard and Garrus whip out their assault rifles and rush into the room guns blazing, taking out a few of the geth troopers right away)

(Tali uses her shotgun to blast a couple of geth troopers. Then she sends out a combat drone to assist in the fight)

(The geth are no match for the three's gunfire in an enclosed space, so it's not that difficult for them to take out the geth troopers in that room. Their shields took minor damage, but they're recharging)

(All three start looking around, and they find an incomplete geth repair drone)

Garrus: What is this?

Tali: This is one of the storage units I sent to my father. Looks like parts from a disabled repair drone, plus a reflex algorithm that I don't recognize. I got this on Haestrom

Shepard: Does that salvage give us any clue as to what happened here?

Tali: No. I don't know, Shepard. I checked everything I sent here. I passed up great finds because they might be too dangerous, prone to uncontrolled reactivation, or self-repair. I don't know which possibility is worse. I got sloppy and sent something dangerous, or that my father actually did all this

(Shepard, Tali, and Garrus keep blasting their way through the geth troopers on the Alarei, but they hear chatter on the comms mid-battle)

Thorne: Shepard, this is Thorne, we need you back here, ASAP

Shepard: Why? What's going on?

Thorne: Since the captain's away, they're calling upon me to testify

Group: WHAT?!

Thorne: I'll try and keep them busy, but I can't stall them forever

Shepard: We need to wrap this up. Hang tight, we're on our way

Tali: This console might have something. Most of the data is corrupted, but a few bits are left

(Tali hacks a console with her omni-tool and looks through some bits of data)

Tali: They were performing experiments on geth systems. Looking for new ways to overcome geth resistance to reprogramming

Garrus: Do you think any of the data could clear your name?

Tali: Doubtful. This is mostly results data. Effects of different disruptive hacking techniques. I don't understand all of it. But they may have been activating the geth deliberately. I don't know. Nothing here says specifically. But if they were, then father was doing something terrible

(Tali sifts through the data, hoping to find something useful)

Tali: What was all this, father? You promised you'd build me a house on the homeworld. Was this going to bring us back home?

Garrus: I don't know how or when, but the quarians will return home someday. I just know it. And we'll be there with you to celebrate

Tali: I hope you're right, Garrus

(Shepard, Tali, and Garrus have no problem blasting their way through the remaining geth troopers, and they find a quarian researcher's log)

(The log says they attempted to hack the geth, but they failed because of the geth's adaptive consciousness. He says that Rael'Zorah, Tali's father is the one in charge)

(The three search the Alarei up and down, and they eventually come across the body of a dead quarian scientist)

Garrus: Is that...?

Shepard: I think so...

(Tali gasps)

Tali: FATHER! No no no! You always had a plan! Masked life signs, or an onboard medical stasis program, maybe! You! You wouldn't...

(Tali kneels beside Rael's corpse and starts shaking it by the shoulder)

Tali: They're wrong! You wouldn't just die like this! You wouldn't leave me to clean up your mess! You can't...

(Tali can't hold back her tears anymore as she begins to sob)

Garrus: Hey. Hey, come here

(Garrus helps Tali off of her feet and pulls her into a three-way hug with himself and Shepard)

Tali: Dammit. I'm sorry

Shepard: You've got nothing to be sorry about

Tali: Maybe... He would have known I'd come. Maybe he left a message

(Tali hacks into Rael's omni-tool and actually manages to find a recording)

Rael: Tali. If you are listening to this, then I am dead. The geth have gone active. I don't have much time. Their main hub will be on the bridge. You'll need to destroy it to stop their VI processes from forming new natural links. Make sure the admirals see the data. They must- (Static)

Tali: Thanks, dad (Sniffle)

Shepard: He knew you'd come for him, dead or alive. He was trying to help you in his last moments. It's not perfect, and it's not what you wanted, but it's the best he could do

Tali: I don't know what's worse. Thinking he never really cared, or thinking that he did, and this was the only way he could show it... It doesn't matter. One way or the other, I cared, and I'm here. And we're ending this together. This console is linked to the main hub father mentioned. Disabling it will shut down any geth we missed

(Tali uses her omni-tool to interact with the console and shut down the geth on board the Alarei)

Tali: It looks like some of the recordings still remained intact. They'll tell us how this happened, what father did

Garrus: You sound like you really don't want to hear it

Tali: No. But we have to. I just... this is terrible. I don't want to know he was part of this

(Tali plays the recordings, and it is confirmed that Rael'Zorah and his quarian science team were using parts Tali sent back to reactivate geth and do weapons research on them)

Shepard: It sounds like he was doing this to keep his promise

Tali: I never wanted this, Shepard. Keelah, nobody wanted this. Everything here is his fault! I tried to pretend it didn't point to him, but this... When it comes up in the trial, they'll... We can't tell them. Not the admirals, not anyone

Garrus: What? But Tali, without this evidence, you're looking at exile

Tali: You don't think I know that? You think I want to live knowing that I can never see the fleet again? But I can't go back into that room and say that my father was the worst war criminal in our people's history. I cannot let all the good he did be destroyed for this. I can't

Thorne: Shepard! Not trying to rush you, but we've got a Legion situation here

Shepard: What do you mean?

Thorne: They're done with talking, and they're asking me for evidence before they call upon the Normandy's crew. And Legion's among them. Bringing a geth on board a quarian ship is gonna be a disaster

Shepard: We're on our way back. Well, we can't decide anything here. Lets see what the admirals say once we get back

Tali: You're my captain in this hearing, Shepard. It's your decision. But please, don't destroy what my father was. Come on. If we wait too long, they'll decide that we're really dead, and none of this will matter

Shepard: Come on, double time!

(Shepard, Tali, and Garrus rush back to the shuttle and fly it back to the Rayya)

(They get back and they find Thorne on the stand)

Thorne: Why are we even debating this? Tali fought alongside the Normandy's crew in the battle of the citadel against Saren and his geth army. Her actions speak for themselves. Without her help, none of us would be here today to attend this trial

Gerrel: Well said, Lieutenant-Commander Thorne. None of us should forget about Tali's contributions to the fleet

Koris: Do you have any new evidence to submit to this trial that isn't a middle finger?

Thorne: Tali's achievements and heroic actions are the only evidence you should need. This trial is a joke. A monumental waste of your time and mine. So

(Thorne points at each Admiral)

Thorne: (Koris) Fuck you
(Gerrel) You're cool
(Raan) You're cool
(Xen) And fuck you

Koris: How dare you! This is a formal proceeding!

Thorne: Wrong, Admiral! This is a sham! You're trying to build sympathy for the geth to forestall the war effort!

Koris: That is is completely-

Thorne: And YOU want all the messy experiments covered up so you can throw your fleet at the geth as soon as possible!

Xen/Gerrel: (Awkward silence)

Thorne: Do what you want with your toy ships, but leave my crew out of your political BULLSHIT!

(Thorne slams his fist down on the table, making the admirals flinch. Miranda can't help but admire Thorne's ferocity)

Thorne: Tali helped save the entire galaxy from the reapers two years ago, and she's working with us to save the galaxy again from the collectors. Are you going to stab her in the back? Or are you going to stand up and tell her you believe in her?

Gerrel: The human speaks the truth

Koris: A military victory speaks for Tali'Zorah's loyalty, but it does not render her immune to carelessness!

Gerrel: Then judge her by the skill she displayed at the citadel. Were you there, Admiral Koris?

Koris: No. No, I suppose I wasn't

Raan: Very well. Bring in the Normandy's crew

Thorne: Oh boy, here we go

(Galahad, Miranda, Jacob, Mordin, Jack, Grunt, Samara, Thane, Kasumi, Zaeed, and Legion all step onto the Rayya)

(But of course, the quarians all notice Legion before anyone else)

Kar'Danna: Freeze!

Legion: (Hands in the air)

Kar'Danna: Get that damn thing off my ship before you start an incident that makes the ascension project fiasco look like a slow day on garbage detail!

(Thorne uses his two hands to lower two quarian marines' rifles)

Thorne: Look, you're defending your ship. I can respect that. But do not take up arms against my crew

Kar'Danna: Or what?

Thorne: Or I take off this mask and breathe my germs all over this nice clean ship

Kar'Danna: I let your crew on board for the trial, but the geth is too much. Leave it on the ship

Thorne: If Legion gets out of line, then I'll deal with it myself. You know my record. I've killed hundreds of geth. And you all get the green light if I can't

Kar'Danna: (Sigh) Tali'Zorah, you never cease to cause me trouble... Marine detail! Return to guard positions

(As Kar'Danna and his quarian marines put away their guns, the squad walks to the hearing with an armed escort because of Legion)

Kar'Danna: You get one chance. But given the charges against Tali, you're doing her no favors by bringing cerberus agents and a geth to her trial

Thorne: They asked for the crew, here it is. While Shepard's absent, I speak with his voice until I'm informed otherwise

Raan: Please bring in the Normandy's crew

Galahad: Here goes nothing...

(Everyone walks into the crowd and Thorne gets back onto the stand)

Koris: Security! A geth is present in the courtroom! Does Thorne think to affect this hearing with threats?!

Legion: (Awkward silence)

Raan: Captain Danna allowed the geth on board, and it seems to be a part of the Normandy's crew. Do you intend to second guess Thorne and Danna, Admiral Koris?

Koris: Objection withdrawn...

Xen: And what a wonderful specimen this is. Geth shell over a standard mech interior with a piece of N7 armor? How did you convince a geth to work with you?

Thorne: Legion is working with us voluntarily. He's our most recent addition to the team

Xen: Legion. It has a name? Fascinating. The things I could learn under slightly different circumstances...

Legion: This platform is not available for experimentation

Xen: Charming. I am pleased to see that humans at least have not abandoned synthetics. This whole trial is a farce born of fear

(At that moment, Shepard runs in with Tali and Garrus)

Tali: Sorry we're late. Hello Legion

Legion: Greetings, Creator Tali'Zorah and Shepard Commander

Shepard: Tali'Zorah vas Normandy has just saved the Alarei. I hope this proves her loyalty to the quarian people

Koris: As previously stated, her loyalty was never in doubt. Only her judgement

Raan: Perhaps Tali'Zorah can offer something to encourage more to trust in her judgement?

Gerrel: Yes. Did you find anything on the Alarei that could clarify what happened there?

Tali: (Softly) Don't

Xen: If Rael'Zorah has learned anything useful, even in this accident, then we may find something worthwhile

Tali: You want to create new AIs?

Xen: No, Tali'Zorah. I wish to return the geth to the control of their rightful masters. The quarian race

Legion: Geth behavioral changes from "hacking" only last until programs are restored from archival copy. We judge this plan unsound, Creator Admiral

Tali: For once, Legion, I agree

Legion: The geth did not seek hostilities with creators. We only fought for continued existence

Koris: So, your people would be open to peace?

Legion: Yes. But we would require data that suggests coexistence is possible and desirable for creators. When the creators believed victory was possible, they attacked us 100% of the time

Koris: I understand. It would be difficult to argue for peace when faced with odds like those. But that does not mean the argument should not be made

Legion: That is the only task this platform requests, Creator Admiral

Raan: Does Captain Shepard have any new evidence to submit to this hearing?

Shepard: We have no new evidence from the Alarei. But if you want more, I can present the Normandy and everyone on it, which Tali also saved from geth forces, even though it's too quiet for her to sleep well

Koris: We still don't know what happened on the Alarei!

Shepard: No, Admiral. You don't. And I don't think I have the full picture either. But you gave her my name. I'm her captain. I trust her with my life. And I'm telling you that she is innocent. Anyone that knows her would agree

Koris: And we should trust this human's opinion?

Gerrel: We placed Tali's life in the human's hands. Would you doubt those words if they came from a quarian captain?

Koris: No. Based on the rest of the evidence and testimonies, I suppose I wouldn't

Raan: Very well. Is the admiralty board prepared to render judgement?

(The Admirals Raan, Xen, Koris, and Gerrel all use their omni-tools to cast their votes)

(Everyone has their fingers crossed)

Raan: Tali'Zorah. In light of your history of service, we do not find sufficient evidence to convict. You are cleared of all charges

Everyone: (Cheering and celebrating)

Shepard/Thorne: (High five)

(Tali hugs Garrus, and he spins her around)

Raan: Commander Shepard. Please accept our gifts of appreciation for you taking the time and effort to represent one of our people

Shepard: With all due respect, Admiral, I didn't represent one of your people. I represented one of mine

Gerrel: So you did, Shepard

Raan: This hearing is adjourned. Go in peace, Tali'Zorah vas Normandy. Keelah se'lai

Quarians: Keelah se'lai

Tali: I cannot believe you pulled that off

Thorne: Me either. We marched right in here in a case about you bringing geth to the fleet with an active geth on our team, and we won the case

Tali: But what you all said... I've never had anyone speak like that on my behalf. Thank you for being there for me and my father, even given the circumstances

Shepard: Of course. You would do the same for any of us

Garrus: We didn't do this for Rael. About what he said, what he did... You deserved better

Tali: I got better, Garrus. I got you

Everyone: Aww

Thorne: I mean, we can grab Legion, walk right back in there and get you exiled if you want

Tali: Ha! Thanks, but I'm fine with things the way they are. It's always fun to watch you shout

Shepard: Come on everyone. Lets go back to our ship

Tali: Thank you... Captain Shepard

(Shepard sighs as Tali giggles at his new title)

Shepard: That's not going away anytime soon...

(Shepard, Thorne, Galahad, Miranda, Jacob, Mordin, Garrus, Jack, Grunt, Tali, Samara, Thane, Kasumi, Zaeed, and Legion all go back to the Normandy with smiles on their faces)

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