By Queenbee_Jikook

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Jeon Jungkook, is about to be forced into marriage. He's in love with Kim Taehyung, who's perfect in every w... More

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27 (M)
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By Queenbee_Jikook


Jungkook's anger burned bright for those first few days back at sea.

If his father hadn't known Jimin was pregnant, that would have been something but Jungkook had given Kai explicit permission to pass that information on.

He hoped that news of impending grandchildren would change the king's mind.

It made him sick to think his father had been willing to put his own family at risk.

No matter how illegitimate they may have been in the eyes of the crown, they were still blood.

Jimin was clearly rattled by what had happened.

At first, jungkook assumed that was why he wasn't settling back on the boat.

The omega wasn't sleeping well and was off his food.

It was only when he found him throwing up one afternoon that he started to think it was something more.

"I'll get you some water," he told the omega helping him up onto the deck for some fresh air and alerting Tae.

When he climbed back up Tae had Jimin sitting down talking quietly to him.

He crouched next to them. "How are you feeling, Baby?"

"Do you think you could keep some water down?"

He held out the cup and Jimin took it sipping the water slowly.

Taking a closer look at the omega, he didn't like what he saw.

"Does your stomach hurt?"

Jimin shook his head. "No, but my head aches."

Jungkook glanced at Tae who pushed to his feet.

"I'm going to get the monitor Kai sent with the supplies."

It had been a welcome surprise to find a small blood pressure and heart rate monitor among what Kai had sent to the island.

They'd been keeping an eye on Jimin's readings knowing that was important during pregnancy.

"Any other symptoms?" Jungkook checked.

"Anything, no matter how small or insignificant might be important."

Jimin chewed on his lower lip before answering. "It's probably nothing but I had a pain this morning."

"Not my stomach but higher." He gestured to his ribs.

"Like someone had tied a belt really tight around me."

Taehyung returned with the monitor wrapped it securely around jimin's wrist and pressed the button.

"It was a little high the last two times I checked it," Tae said softly.

"But nothing too concerning."

Jungkook held Jimin's other hand in his while the monitor took its reading.

He knew from Tae's face that the news wasn't good.

"Let's check it again," Tae said.

"Other wrist."

They switched and tried it again and he got a firsth and look at the number this time showing it to Tae whose face grew grim as he shook his head.

"It's definitely higher than it should be But it's still nothing to panic over."

"High blood pressure and pregnancy go hand in hand,"

he told Jimin. "What you need is bed rest."

Between them they helped Jimin down below deck and settled him in bed.

Then the two of them headed back up to the wheelhouse to talk.

He knew from the expression on Tae's face that he wasn't going to like what he heard.

"The blood pressure alone is concerning but pair that with his other symptoms..."

"I think we're in over our heads He's carrying at least two babies"

"He needs medical attention"

"Proper,trained,medical help."

There was no arguing with what Taehyung was saying.

"I'll call Kai."

"See what our options are."

Either they found another country on whose mercy they could throw themselves or they risked traveling back to home.

"We need to act fast Kook."

"He could go down quickly."

"How far are we from land?"

"Hybe's still the nearest."

"At full speed we're not even two days away."

"The next closest is three days and that's a small island with probably only a clinic."

"We'd still have to travel on by plane to a proper hospital."

"You call Kai, I'll set course for Hybe."


"This is our mate we're talking about."

"Our babies."

"I'm not taking chances."

"If Kai comes up with a better plan, then great."

"If he doesn't, we haven't lost any time."

While tae went to the wheel house, he grabbed the sat phone dialing Kai's number.

His brother answered on the fifth ring,sounding concerned.

"Kook, are you in trouble? There's been no word of you being pursued by the navy."

"It's not that," he told him.

"Jimin's sick."

"His blood pressure is high and getting higher."

"We need to get him to a doctor."

Kai was silent for a moment.

When he spoke, his tone was decisive.

"Come to my house."

"I'll make sure there's a doctor waiting for you."

"If we come to you, we'll drag you even deeper into this."

"I'm already in this up to my neck," Kai said with a huff.

"And you're short on choices."

"Dad doesn't have the slightest suspicion I'm helping you."

"News of Jimin's condition came from a concerned third party."

"Dad doesn't think I know a single thing about where you are or what's happened."

It was hard to believe but if it was true Kai's house could be a safe haven, for a while at least.

"We'll be there by tomorrow night It's probably best we approach the coast under the cover of darkness."

"We'll be waiting."

"Oh and Kook?"


"I didn't want to tell you before I was certain but I've gotten a positive response from one of the countries I approached on your behalf about asylum."

"We're still working out the detail but it sounds like they may be willing to take all three of you travel papers or no travel papers"

"I'll fill you in on the details when you get here."

Jungkook leaned forward bracing his elbows on his knees feeling relief at hearing some good news at last.

Maybe there was an end in sight to their journey.

"Thank you, Kai."

"I don't know what I did to deserve a brother like you."

"Nothing," Kai joked.

"Absolutely nothing."

He hung up and went to Tae, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

"Kai has invited us to his house, He's rolling out the welcome wagon." He checked the map and Tae's course.

"We'll sail through the night avoid the shipping lanes and be there before dawn the day after tomorrow."

"Unless someone figures out we're coming."

"Let's hope they don't And even if we're intercepted at least Jimin will get the help he needs."

He hugged Tae resting his head against the alpha's shoulder.

Tae returned the hug gripping him tightly.

"We made the right choice, didn't we?" Tae asked him.

"I mean, we could have left Jimin back on that island, minding those goats."

"He was happy there."

"He was existing there."

"If we'd left him alone, all three of our lives would have been the emptier for it," Jungkook insisted.

"Our love isn't the problem here, My father is."

Tae ran a hand through his hair and kissed his cheek.

"Go below and keep Jimin company."

"Let him know what's happening."

"We'll swap at dinner time."

It was his turn to kiss tae a long slow press of his lips to the alpha's.

He took the stairs two at a time rushing into the cabin where Jimin was.

The omega was lying on his side, his eyes closed.

Jungkook took a seat on the edge of the bed and spent a while watching the omega sleep.

Jimin turned onto his back and stretched, his eyes flickering open.

"Hey," Jungkook said smiling at him and cupping his cheek.

"How are you feeling?"

The omega made a face.

His expression said it all.

Jungkook brushed his hair from his forehead. "We're taking you to see a doctor."

"Taking me where?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook reached for his hand knowing Jimin wouldn't see this as good news.

"Back to hybe."

"To Kai's house."

"He's promised to have a doctor waiting for us there."

"Once we're sure you and the babies are okay."

"he thinks he's found some where for us to go."

"A new home."

Jimin shook his head at the word Hybe.

"No, we can't go back."

"They'll capture us, all of us, I—"

"The most important thing right now is making sure you're okay."

"No one knows we're coming, hybe is the last place they'll expect us to be."

"We'll be there and gone again before they realize."

He swung his legs up onto the bed stretching out next to Jimin so he could wrap the omega in his arms.

"Everything's going to be okay."

Jimin just huffed in response, taking Jungkook's hand and pressing it to his bump.

"Feel that?" he asked.

Jungkook shook his head at first, not feeling anything but then— "Hey, he's kicking."

"Maybe. It could be a hand."

"We might have a little boxer in there."

"Two little boxers, maybe three," Jimin said doubtfully staring down at his belly.

He winced then twisting away from Jungkook.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just... the pain's back."

"Like a tightness."

"And my head's still throbbing."

"Okay, lie back," jungkook said encouraging him back onto the bed pressing a hand against his forehead.

"You need to relax, slow your breathing and do as little moving around as possible."

"Like tae said,strict bed rest."

"Doctor's orders."

"Neither of you are doctors," jimin pointed out with a grumble.

"I'm going back to sleep."

"Sleep is good," Jungkook said.

"I'll wake you for dinner."

He didn't leave Jimin's side for the rest of the afternoon the omega tossing and turning in a restless sleep.

When it came time for dinner he rustled up a quick meal taking his upstairs to eat in the wheelhouse while Tae went down to eat with Jimin.

The first night of their journey to Hybe passed quickly Jimin sleeping through most of it.

The next day was tough on everyone.

Jungkook was wary about being spotted by passing boats.

They kept Jimin below deck with Bam as much as possible and did their best to hide their fears and stress from him.

But it was a long day.

And then the sun was setting once more, night on its way and Jungkook welcomed it.

It would be easier to approach under the cover of darkness.

The night passed slowly, the silence reassuring.

Until he heard running foot steps and Taehyung calling his name.

He ran to the stairs leading below decks,almost slamming into Tae as the alpha rushed upward.

"It's Jimin," Tae said.

"He's worse."

"A lot worse."

"He says the pain in his head and his chest is terrible."

"And he can't see properly."

"Everything's blurry."

"Fuck I'll call Kai."

"We're still a few hours out but..."

"He needs a hospital, Alpha."

" Or he and our babies aren't going to make it."

"Then we get him to a hospital."

"Whatever it takes."


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