Again | Luke Hemmings

By trevmoran

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All she wanted to do was to live her life and forget. All he wanted to do was to let her give him another cha... More

Alternate Epilogue


222 11 14
By trevmoran

"Yeah, mum, I-" I stopped when I heard a knock on the door.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Mum asked, worry laced in her tone.

"Nothing, nothing. Someone's at the door." I said, getting up to open the door.

I screamed when Michael picked me up from the ground, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Stay still." A voice. . .Calum? said and covered my eyes with a blindfold.

"Michael! Put me down!"

I heard my mum try to call me from my phone but someone swiftly took it from me.

"Hey, Maria. . .it's Calum. . .yeah I have her. . .Yes. . .Yes. . .No. . ."

"Calum!" I whispered angrily and he only shushed me then continued talking to my mum.

"Yes. . .she's safe with us."

"No I'm not!" I yelled so she could hear me.

I earned a light slap on my bum and I gasped in surprise, slapping Michael's bum as well.

"We have to go now. Bye." Calum cheerily said.

"Let me down!" I repeatedly pounded Michael's back.

"I will!" He replied, stopping on his tracks. I didn't know where he was taking me and I was kind of scared. What if they were going to put me in a whorehouse? What am I going to do? What if they were secret serial killers planning to kill me these past few years? What if-

"Is he there already?" I heard Calum ask.

"I think." Michael answered.

"He? Who's he?" I asked, trying to break free from Michael's hold.

"Someone." I heard Calum chuckle.

"Who is that "someone"?" I groaned, removing the blindfold but I felt a pair of hands grab ahold of mine.

"Are you guys like serial killers?" I asked.

"I can't even hold a knife. What makes you think that?" Michael laughed.

"Well, I don't know, the two of you randomly show up on my door, kidnapping me to somewhere I probably don't want to be in right now." I said sarcastically.

"Trust us, Joey." Calum cooed. I can imagine the smirk in his voice.

The sound of an elevator door opening alarmed me.

"Okay, Joey, it's useless calling for help because everyone is a part of this." Michael said as I felt him enter the elevator. Calum's grip on my hands never loosened because he probably thinks I'm going to break free and hide in my room. I would.


The smell of wet grass filled my senses, cars honking in the distance and people talking in their british accents everywhere. All of that started to fade when when I heard the sound of Michael and Calum's footsteps echo in a. . .room?

Michael finally put me down, my bare feet touching cold tiles.

"You should've gotten her shoes, smartass." I heard Michael tell Calum.

"I didn't even notice she had no shoes on!" Calum defended.

"Well you smartasses could've sent me a text or something before kidnapping me." I said.

"Okay, time to release the princess." Michael laughed and I bumped him with my shoulders.

Calum let go of my hands, threatening me that if I run, they won't bother looking for me.

One of them spun me around multiple times until I felt dizzy, holding on to one of them so I don't lose my balance.

They spun me around a few more times and I swear, I felt nothing when I tried to reach for one of them.

"Cal?" I called, my voice echoing through the walls of this place.

"Michael?" I called. I didn't even hear them leave.

"This is stupid." I muttered, removing my blindfold.

It took me a minute or two for my eyes to adjust so I blinked multiple times. I looked up from the ground and saw a big sign in front of me that said "I juSCOTTISH big crush on this great girl" and an arrow that pointed down to a wooden box placed on top of a table. I walked over to it and picked it up, admiring the wooden carvings. A small post it with "open me" written on it is pasted at the edge of the box so I did. I gasped when I saw a silver necklace with a small silver sun with my name engraved around it. I placed it back in the box, looking around until I saw another arrow that pointed to the right.

It was a sharp turn so I followed it until I ended up in another room. It was much smaller, compared to the first room. The walls were plain white, no windows, two doors at opposite sides of the room and another big sign with an arrow that pointed to an object below it.

The second sign looked like it was forming a sentence with the first one with:

And I hope SHEFFIELDS the same way about me

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at how corny it was. I walked over to the object and I don't know, I felt giddy inside.

I held a fake rose that was covered in glitter so it twinkled under the light. A small note was folded between the red petals and I unfolded it, reading what it said.

As cliché as this sounds, I will love you until this rose dies.

I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips as I followed another arrow that lead to the next room.

Again, another big sign and object sat on a table with arrows. With big, black words, I almost laughed at what it said.

I bought her these Ritz. All the way from Manchester and I hope she likes cheese as much as she hates grease.

On the table was a big pack of cheese Ritz biscuits with a small stuffed puppy dressed in a small tuxedo.

There was another note that surely had a pickup line or pun. I followed the arrows until it lead me to the next room and the next. This maze was killing me.

Though these lines, puns, I noticed that these were the places we've been to. All of these gifts? I'm absolutely positive that it came from the giftshops and stores because of the little initials of the places were imprinted on them. There's only one person who has been going to these shops, only one person who disappears at some point of the day and that person is Luke. Of course it would be Luke. Who else would it be?

What's behind this door is a question NORWICH you can answer. A yes or a no... (open the door to continue this sentence)

I opened the door and saw a beautiful garden with a small fountain shooting water out. Post stand in front of me to form a long path with christmas lights dangling on each of them. I see a few arrows ahead of me so I followed it. I notice another sign, but smaller with bold words printed on it. you can see, I love you a lot and I'm dying to know if you, Jordin Kass,

Another arrow pointed to the left corner so I followed it. A large field with more flowers and trees filled my view, butterflies flew around and I couldn't stop smiling. My heart was pounding in my chest because I was getting a mixed feeling of nervousness and excitement at the same time. My stomach was tied in knots when I took the final turn behind a wall, wanting to see the end of the sentence. I quietly walked, the grass was soft under my feet.

When I see another sign, completing the riddle or question or whatever it was, I felt my heart stop. I dropped all the things that I was carrying, making a sound that caused the two people to look at me.

My vision blurred as tears started to stream down my face, my thoughts were blurred and the only thing I could manage to think of was Luke.

Luke kissing Chloe.


Forgive me for saying this but this is the second to the last chapter until the epilogue

Shoutout to SandStyles!

(I'm sorry that the previous chapter was sucky)

please spread this story around? Thank you :-)

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