Karna: the lost prince

By Parasanki

195K 8.8K 666

what would happen if Kunti told Pandu about karna ,before Pandu's dead and he accepted karna as his eldest so... More

kunti tells the truth.
Saving Bheem
Leaving Hastinapur
Meeting Parshuram
Aditya : the Saviour
Filler One
First Meeting
Being there for each other
Support System
Lakshagraha Conspiracy
Filler Two
Getting to know the truth
The Tale Continues
Distressed Minds
Filler Three
Meeting Once Again
A Hope
Discussion and conclusion
Filler Four
Everything is Clear Now
Filler Five
How did we let this injustice happen?!
Not Worthy
Filler six
Filler seven
looking for Vasu
Filler Eight
Sakuni's deceit
The big Reveal
filler nine
so close still so far
Saving Shon
Filler ten
Making Strategy
we are brothers.....
Trying again
Patching the hearts
Kunti's heart
Happy Birthday
The Spy
Regret and Forgiveness
Regret and Forgiveness II
Filler Eleven
Romance and chaos
what to do?!
Special Chapter
karna's Boon
Talk before the war
Not an update
Happy days
Great charity
The great Danveer


2.3K 125 25
By Parasanki

"Bade bhaiya...." Said krishna, following karna towards the corridor.

"No, kanha.... please don't even try to make me change my decision,I don't want to be a king ,i am fine with the way I am ,i like helping people,the way I do." Requested Krishna.

"Bade bhaiya, this is the quality which makes you the most suitable person to become king, you don't want to be king but you do everything for the betterment of people and understand the problems they might be facing.
Your treat everyone equally and protect all with your life. You must consider becoming king for the betterment of people...after all it was your father,Maharaj pandu's last wish." Replied Krishna.

"No,don't bring pita shree's name into this.....i am not going to change my decision." Said karna.

"You will not change your decision,even if I ask you, my dear grandson." Karna turned around and found Bhishma standing there with a sadness and hope in his eyes. He gulped and fought back tears ,how could he shatter that hope.

Bhishma continued......" "Putra, I have taken an oath to die only after seeing Hastinapur in good hands, till now I have never been able to rest my heart peacefully, or found happiness,if you are the king ,I shall have peace ,will you not provide this old man with such a relief and happiness at this stage in life."

"I...i...."tried karna with tears in his eyes.

"Please jyestha....we beg you ,urge you to take your rightful place and let us serve you." Said Duryodhana, foolding hands in front of him , Pandavas and dushashan, standing beside him with the same request in their eyes.

"I....I ne...need to leave." Karna left the palace with tears in his eyes.

"Bhrata....." Said yudhisthira trying to go after karna but Krishna stopped him.

Vrushali was already going after karna.

"Devi vrushali is the comfort , jyeshtha needs right now.let her talk to him." Said Madhav.

Everyone agreed.

Karna was feeling overwhelmed and for the first time in his life ,he did not know what to do,he was torn emotionally inside his heart.

"What is it ,vasu?
Why are you so adamant about not being the king, because the way I see it ,you are most suitable and most desired , everyone would be so happy and feel protected ,if you are the one leading everyone.....so tell me what is the reason ,why are you saying no , despite being worthy?!" Asked vrushali gently.

"Because.... because I don't want to be alone again." Exclaimed karna.

"What do you mean ?" Asked vrushali in confusion.

"You know my life and my pain better than anyone else and you know I have always been alone ,only you were there for me. I was ostracized and kept hidden by the family ,that callede their own, society never accepted me and mocked me at every turn of events.
Now ,I have a family and friends ,who love me , and care about me ,the way I am.
I don't want to loose that.
If....if i become the king ,a gap will again get created between me and others and I will loose the unconditional love and comfort once again , i don't want that,I can't accept that, I know I am being selfish.....but I...i " explained karna with tremors in his voice.

"Look at me.....look into my eyes." Said vrushali lifting his face with her palm and making him look into her eyes.

"What do you see? " See asked.

"Love....pure love and care for...for me." Replied he.

"And you think it is ever going to disappear?"

"No...i dont think so." Replied karna.

"The same way is your brother's love for you.....they have got you back after so much suffering ,nothing.....I mean nothing would ever change their feelings for you......I can understand your insecurities because of the childhood you had but that is in past .... now you have a family and people around you ,who will always cherish ,love and care for you......so let go of all this negative feelings and fulfill Maharaj pandu's desire. I can asure you....you would become the most capable king and most handsome as well." Said vrushali smiling a little ,but their was a sadness in her eyes ,as she knew no one would accept a suta women as a wife of their king , and this will be the last of their relationship ,but she was willing to make that sacrifice for her vasu.

"And you will become the most beautiful and wise queen." Replied karna.

"Me.....queen, you know that is not possible!?" Said vrushali not meeting vasu's eyes.

"What do you mean ? ,If i am to be the king ,then you will become my Queen ,after our marriage...!" Said karna as a matter of fact.

"I am.... I am not going to marry you....."said  vrushali turning away from from vasu.

"Why not....."asked karna making her face him gently.he understood what vrushali was thinking right now and said.

You know I am not going to be with anyone else and I am sure my family will have no problem accepting you...if you are worried about it.....it is high time that people start accepting each other on the basis of characters and not discriminate between each other on the basis of caste.
You will become a superb queen and I will not have anyone else sitting beside me, so if you want me to be king ,you better accept becoming my queen." Said karna with love in his eyes.

They both looked at each other with smile on their lips and slight tears in eyes.
They hugged each other tightly.

Vasu returned to the palace and accepted to become king.
Everyone was really glad ,soon a coronation ceremony was arranged and karna became king.

It was a happy and joyous occasion.
All hailed king karna , eldest son of Maharaj Pandu and light of kuruvansh.

Hello guys,
How are you all?
I hope you all are happy and enjoying monsoon.
Sorry for not updating regularly,i am really busy nowadays ...i will try to update more regularly from now on.
Let me know how you like this chapter.
Thank you.
Lots of love.
Smile alot.
Take care,byee.🍀💙👍☺️

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