✓ | 𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 ; joseph...

By caneshuga

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✔ FINISHED every beginning comes from some other's end joseph quinn x fem!oc [ irl + social media ] started:... More

PROLOGUE: part one
PROLOGUE: part two
ACT I: new beginnings
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
ACT II: paradise lost
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter 12 explanation
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
ACT III: time off
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
ACT IV: reconciliation
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
THE FINALE: chapter twenty-eight

chapter eleven

3.6K 124 104
By caneshuga



It's been a whole week since volume one came out and Jonalynn couldn't be happier for her boy, who had been beside her this whole time. Emotionally and physically.

But today was not a great day for Joni. That same morning she woke up with a weird feeling in her stomach. The same feeling she felt when she ate out with Joseph and his costars last Friday. She tried to ignore it for the rest of the day but it made her head ache.

The couple sat on each other's sides of the bench in Central Park. Minding their own business in their own world, and from time to time, a selection of would walk up to them and ask for a photo, a video, an autograph, or even just a normal hug, in which Jonalynn was not used to, but Joseph had convinced her to deal with as he was partially new to fan interactions.

However, for Jonalynn, it was different, compared to Joe. Joni was not the biggest fan of random fan interactions, especially with being with Joe. When she was with Joe, not many people would come up to her and ask for a photo, but now that more and more people were discovering him through Stranger Things, these interactions became more prevalent recently. It wasn't like all of the smiles she gave were fake, surely, she was tired, but she loved her fans and definitely loved taking photos and videos with them. It was her strong suit.

But now that she can go out in public with her current boyfriend, with her fans recognizing the both of them, it mentally drained her. Double the energy was killed for every interaction she had to put up with.

It was reaching the evening of that Thursday, in which New York would be the most busiest, so Joni and Joe decided to go on their calming walk to the Shakespeare Garden, one of the more secluded places in Central Park.

"I'm still not over that demobat scene." Joni said out of nowhere, sparking a conversation topic.

"Why? Because Keery is shirtless for the entirety of it?" Joseph looked towards his girlfriend, smirking as he teased her. He received nothing but a playful push from her as a joke.

"What? No. That's... That's just- No." She said, chuckling.

She knew it was a joke. However, Joseph was always teasing her, whether it was about Joni's relationships with his other castmates or about Joni's extremely busy schedule that made it seem like she had no time for him. Whatever it was, he always teased her about it, and she loved that about her relationship with Joseph. They could always take a joke.

"First of all, Joe has a girlfriend. And second, I am in love with the other Joe."

Joseph squinted at her, testing his own joke, again. He then pointed to himself and looked around, questioning if Jonalynn meant him. "Me?" He scoffed.

"You're crazy." She let out a short laugh, before shaking her head 'no' and smiled at ground below her.

"I know." Joseph smiled, as he used two fingers to tip Joni's chin back up to look at him before kissing her on the lips. A gentle, tender kiss like he usually made it. "Just messing around, love. Oh! Speaking of messing around." Joseph pulled out his phone, trying to find a particular app.

"Oh no." Jonalynn said, almost laughing to herself, as she saw him open Instagram.

"Yeah, I know. I don't even use my own account and you barely go on it either but have you seen the memes? And my comment section?" Joseph pulled up his only post on his account that he didn't even manage and handed his phone to his girlfriend beside him.

Jonalynn took the phone from him as he lent it in her hands and started scrolling through the comments. Maybe her subconscious got to the best of her but after reading the joke comments, it was like her thumb was uninvitedly scrolling through the rest of the comments. She didn't want to but it felt like something was controlling her. She went through the variety that were telling him that they were in love with him or that they were calling him those names that she knew this generation used to thirst over celebrities that didn't know they existed.

Obviously, she shouldn't worry because she knew how this how fandoms worked and the industry as well. She knew that their relationship was obviously not going to fall because of stupid comments she read on his Instagram page. These were just fans that were in love with him, just like how there were fans that were in love with her. It was the same thing. But it wasn't like the pang of jealousy that suddenly hit her was something new

But she didn't even have time to read the comments thoroughly because she knew she wasn't supposed to but she knew what they were essentially saying.

Then all of a sudden, the feeling came back. That feeling from that Friday night out with Joseph and his castmates when they ate out in a local restaurant. The queasiness came back as if she had just ate something bad, making her own stomach go bad.

She handed the phone back to Joseph to thought nothing of her endless scrolling. Jonalynn couldn't think of anything else except how nauseous she was feeling. Fortunately, she managed to hold back from showing how she felt physically but didn't manage to catch what Joseph was saying to her.

"Hm?" She said, finally snapping out of her trance to look at him.

"Aren't people so funny?" He tucked his phone back into his pocket, chuckling to himself and the comments he had just shown him. "I didn't know this Stranger Things fandom was this crazy if I'm being real right now."

"Oh, believe me." She said, chuckling along with him. "Being in the Marvel fandom isn't far from from that than you might think." The girl knew all she could about crazy fandoms.

The two finally reached their destination in Central Park's Shakespeare Garden. A place where there weren't as much people as there was in the main area. They found an empty bench to sit at and they were lucky enough it was already facing the sun that was setting in front of their eyes.

When Joe turned to face her, all he could notice was how unbalanced she'd become as she struggled to sit down. "Joni, are you okay?" He asked.

"Hm?" She said, not paying attention to her surrounding. "Yeah, I'm- fine. Just a little queasy but, I'll be fine." She had a slight hesitation in her wording, which only led to Joe's expression to change. He looked at her like he didn't believe her, in which he didn't. His expression softened when her eyes finally met his and only tried to show the concern he was facing as of now.

"Are you sure? Because you look like how you looked like when we ate out on Friday."

"Oh, do I?"

Joseph just nodded and he leaned down to look up at her, his hands placed on her shoulders for her own comfort. Jonalynn couldn't think straight at this point. Her mind was racing to every thought she had in the past week as she thought her stomach was going bad again and felt nauseous. When she went out last time with her friends, she only believed it was from the food poisoning and nothing else.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. "We can get something to-"

"No." She unwillingly cut his sentence off, and sighed after knowing she did. "Sorry, I mean, I'm fine. We can just stay here and enjoy the sunset like you wanted."

Joseph nodded before leaning back into the bench again, with his attention still on Joni. He watched her every action, debating if he should still be concerned or not, as he definitely was concerned for her.

"Joni, we can go back if you need to."

Joni's head dropped, as her gaze was focussed on the ground and nothing else. All she could hear was her own breathing before the same pair of hands were back on her shoulders. Sure enough, it was all Joseph could hear too.

"Joni, we can go back home. Would you like that?" It was almost like a miracle but hearing his voice almost made her breathing stabilize and she wasn't feeling as queasy anymore. It was like a new sense of comfort she had found.

She didn't know what to respond with so she nodded before Joe nodded back in confirmation and the two of them got up, with Joe wrapped around her arm for support, as they made their way, trying to avoid as many people as they could put in Central Park of New York City.

Maybe it was the idea of going back home that allowed her to nausea to ease, but Jonalynn couldn't be too sure. She just wanted to go home.

i swore to myself i didn't want
to use the joselynn ship name
anymore but

joselynn nation how we feeling so far?

also i can promise and assure
everyone that she is, in fact, not
pregnant or having a baby

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