The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Від scottystaco

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Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... Більше

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden

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Від scottystaco


Peters been gone for a month and two days.

Mj, Ned and Flash all have been now missing for four days since it's now October 4th on a chilly Sunday almost afternoon.

May gently drops the box filled with the Parkers things for Peter onto the coffee table in the comms. Everyone is sitting on the couch, looking at the box that says For Peter B. Parker on it.

There was an envelope that was attached to the top of the box that May had unstuck from it. Like the box it said For Peter B. Parker in messy handwriting like it was rushed.

"We should open that envelope" Tony states allowing Pepper to hit him in the shoulder.

"It's not for us to read" Yelena denies.

"Neither is the box" Tony snaps back.

"It might have something on here so I'll open it" May settles before opening the letter and reading it out loud.

Dear Peter Parker,

We're so sorry that we couldn't see you grow up into a teenager and an adult but through the years we were able to see you grow up, you've surprised us by many ways.

We don't want you to ever think we wanted this to happen or that we wanted to keep secrets from you but you were too young to understand and we weren't allowed to share Oscorps plans or our work with anyone and that's also why your aunt and uncle couldn't know about our work.

Yes, we worked for Oscorp. More specifically Norman Osborn. Your father had found out to make a radioactive spider and when Norman wanted to know more about it, your father and I hid it from him. We knew it was going to be dangerous and we didn't want it to get in the wrong hands so we made sure it will only work on one person specifically and that was you.

Richard had put some of his blood into that spider and so when it had bit you, you wouldn't die like everyone else who would've if the spider had bit them.

We suspect that you are old enough and have the abilities of a spider when reading this hopefully, but one can never know the future. We know that you are doing amazing things with this kind of power and even as your own self.

I'm sorry that I'm rushing this but our cover has been blown. We have to get onto a plane before they find us and send you to your aunt and uncle who are taking amazing care of you.

We have a secret area that we are going to be flown too and if they somehow find us...we're sorry we couldn't see you graduate and have a family.

You're the best son we could've ever asked for.

We love you so much Peter and we will never forget our son. We hope you don't forget us either.


Mom and dad

"They were good people" Wanda speaks up after a few seconds of silence.

"They were but sadly the letter didn't contain any new information" Vision concludes. "I'm sorry about your loss by the way."

"It happened years ago, it's ok. Maybe the box will give us new information" May claims as she puts down the letter and opens the box up.

Inside were notebooks, loose papers and a few items that the Parkers would want Peter to keep. May takes out the notebooks and loose papers and hands each one out to everyone.

"Some pages are coded but Clint and I can decode them once he's caught up" Nat claims.

"There are some unfinished equations that Vision and I can do but I think those unfinished equations just have something to do with their inventions like the radioactive spider" Tony trails off.

"I think I have the notebook that Peter most likely saw" Bucky announces making everyone turn to look at him so he flips the notebook around to show outlines of a particular base that they were just at.

"What does that say underneath?" Sam wonders.

"It's coded in...Russian? How do they know Russian?" Bucky questions. "But it says Switzerland under ground tunnel system."

"Which Norman had took the kids too and they are now somewhere else" Steve sighs.

"I didn't even know they knew Russian but on the notebook I have, it shows like a new language every few pages" May informs.

"They were spies for Shield" Nat recalls. "I remember I saw the names of Mary and Richard Parker deceased from a plane crash, how did Clint and I forget that?"

"They were spies in Shield?!" May practically shouts in shock.

"But then why and when or even how were they working for Osborn?" Tony wonders.

"Is there anymore in the box, it might have more answers" Yelena suggests.

"This feels wrong. We shouldn't have opened the box that's meant for the kid?" Bucky states.

"But we already did and  we won't know their story but like this all says, it's for Peter" Steve sighs.

"It could help us find the kid if they have another bunker or know where Norman would go in situations like this" Sam points out.

"As much as I don't want to go through this box more because it's suppose to be only for Peter...I don't think we have much of a choice. Sams right, it could help us" May claims.

"No one call Fury about this. He kept this a secret from us so it's fine if we keep secrets from him especially if any loose Hydra agents try to corrupt the phone calls or anything like that" Tony settles.

"Then wouldn't they corrupt the texts and phone calls with Clint and Scott?" Pepper questions her boyfriend.

"Don't question me sweetheart, you know I'm a genius. Those are private and have maximum security and even though we know Hydra is finally gone, we never know if we could really trust the rest of the agents" Tony states.

"Are we going to go through the box or keep sitting here and chatting?" Rhodey snaps, getting impatient.

"Relax Colonel Rhodes, it was an important discussion. We will find him" Vision speaks up.

"We found them before, we can find them again" Wanda assures.

"Guess we should go through the box then..." Happy says, trailing off right as May goes through the box more to reveal what was underneath all the notebooks.


Peters been whispering and calling out to Wanda in his head for what felt like forever but no matter how hard he tries, he never hears her response.

He's slowly giving up hope on that sort of communication. I mean it was a miracle that Wanda was even able to do that.

Him, Flash, Mj and Ned are all in their new cell. This one at least doesn't look as dirty and definitely doesn't smell...yet.

The cell that they're in is still in a room, having a bit of space from the door to the cell. The cell is also definitely bigger and it even has a dirty bed but at least it's something. Ned and Flash are actually sitting on it while Mj and Peter are leaning against the wall, next to each other.

Peter stops trying to call out Wanda's name when he feels an annoying piece of metal at the back of his neck which he realized wasn't his shock collar because he didn't have one on.

He slowly and carefully moves his arm up and let his fingers feel the back of his neck when he feels a metal implant on there.

"OH MY GOD!!" Peter yells out, almost yeeting himself out of his seat.

"What? What's wrong?!" Mj asks frantically, searching her boyfriend up and down while Ned and Flash look at him with the same frantic looks.

"F-feel the back of y-your n-necks" Peter stammers.

The three other teens slowly do so and the same realization has dawned to them too.

"Implants" Ned murmurs.

"Why? Doesn't that hook up to your brain or something?! Are they searching through our brains?!" Flash shouts in panic.

"Wanda" Mj gasps making Peter nod his head.

"It's so Wanda can't use her powers to enter our minds" Peter squeaks out with tears threatening to spill.

"And we moved locations so now they're back at square one" Ned whispers in fright.

"We have to get out of here. I'm not staying any longer" Flash protests.

"Like we have much of a choice" Mj reminds him. 

"There are like three crazy villains out there! Peter can't fight them on his own! One has octopus arms, one has literal illusion drones and the other is a maniac! Plus, Peter isn't even that strong enough with the treatment they give!" Ned points out.

"Ok well it seems to me like we're never getting out of here then" Flash pouts.

"They'll find us. They're the avengers" Peter assures.

"And we couldn't find you and it's been now more then a month dude! We're gonna like die in here" Ned sighs.

"We just need to relax and calm down. We can't try to escape even if we wanted too. We're outnumbered with three villains and like a hundred of guards" Peter claims.

"This sucks" Ned whines.

"Peters right, they'll find us. They just need a little more time" Mj agrees but even she is starting to not believe as strongly.


Inside the box there are even more loose papers with words, notebooks, even a notebook with the Shield logo and coordinates to...somewhere.

"We need to track down all those coordinates" Tony states right off the bat.

"Could these coordinates be other secret bunkers or maybe even friends that know more things about them. I don't really feel like decoding all that stuff but if we have too then I'll help" Yelena rambles.

"That does seem like what the coordinates may lead too" Sam agrees.

"Fri and I will look into it" Tony claims.

"What do those loose papers say?" Pepper wonders.

"Uhhh it looks like more letters to Peter but they don't seem so rushed like they had wrote it before they were ever caught" May answers, skimming through the 'To Peter B. Parker '  before she spots some papers about their work. "And it seems Nat remembers correctly."

Dear Peter Parker,

We honestly have no clue if we will be in your life to tell you what we do for our jobs so in case we aren't, we are deciding to write letters to you personally.

Not even your aunt and uncle know what we do except for only one of our jobs but they don't know anything about that either.

We work for Norman Osborn at Oscorp where I (your dad) had came across a radioactive spider. I was suppose to inform Norman everything about it but decided against it. I knew I couldn't trust him. I saw his sick and twisted mind so I knew he wasn't allowed to know any further information regarding the spider. 

I had put my own blood into that spider which hopefully bit you already but I will assume so. That spider was always meant for you. Your mother and I knew you would do amazing things with the power it contains.

Anyways, I never told Osborn but I of course, told your mom. We kept it a secret from him and didn't even tell our other job, Shield.

We knew if we told them, they would want to study my experiment and test it on their own people even if I had told them I made it so it would only work on you.

On another letter somewhere it will discuss more about Shield.

I'm sorry but I have to wrap up this letter now. You had just called me for dinner that you were making with your mom and I already know it's going to be an amazing plateful of spaghetti and meatballs.

We both love you dearly son.


Dad and Mom 

After reading over that one, May reads the next one.

Dear Peter Parker,

Both your parents again here!

We had just finished up watching the new Star Wars film with you which we hope you still love.

Anyways back to what your father had briefly discussed about, yes we had worked with Shield. We were recruited by a young Nick Fury who hopefully still runs Shield today.

We had even went up against what seems like an another ever lasting Hydra partake at an uncharted location. 

The point is, we had jobs at Oscorp because it was a Shield mission.

Something was up with Osborn. He was creating something on his own without letting anyone else know and we thought or knew it was going to be dangerous.

Sometimes he would snap at people for really much nothing or we would find himself talking to himself before him yelling that "it's not working! I need to keep trying so it can work!" 

Your mother and I worked there and she had helped me create the spider by giving inputs and just being helpful.

Don't listen to your father, it was mainly him while I was working on something unrelated but to try to not be suspicious to Norman.

Later on which is the present, we had found out he was creating this green gas. We looked more into it and it seems like he's using an alter ego almost like.

We've seen the days go by as his moods go as to unexplainable.

We know knowing this information is really dangerous as he seems like a now even more dangerous man. We have no clue when we'll have to go into hiding when he finds out because...

He's not human when he uses that green gas.

He's evil.

Stay away from Norman Osborn and Oscorp.

He's too strong Peter.

And if he gets part of your spider blood...there is no way of stopping him without almost killing yourself.

Please listen to us.

Please for once, don't be self-sacrificing because we know that's who you grew up to be.

We've seen it through the years we've been watching you grow, ever since you were born!

Please Peter.

Be safe.


Mom and Dad

Mays quick to flip over the next page. Everyone has worried and frantic looks.

Dear Peter B. Parker,

It's going to be very soon that Norman catches on.

We heard him in his office, cackling in this demonic laughter.

It's not him.

But he's joint together with this...thing.

A monster.

We've done some research and we think it's the Green Goblin.

The goblin only submits into the host if the host complies and that's what it seems to like Norman. He and the goblin had come together, working together and plotting together.

We had just destroyed the gas and destroyed all the research and papers, everything about the gas and the goblin.

It's only an amount of seconds, minutes, hours or even days before he finds out.

We're planning on our escape since we know we still have little time.

We're sorry that we couldn't see you grow up further but we are looking down on you with proud smiles.

We love you so, so much Peter.

You're the best son we could had ever asked for.


Dad and Mom

"There's one more" May claims as she flips to the next page.

Dear Peter. B Parker,

Norman isn't working alone.

He's working with Doctor Otto Octavius and Quentin Beck.

His son Harry came to the company back from his boarding school but Norman is shutting him out. He's not letting anyone know his plans and that's why if he knows we found out his plans, we're going to have to flee and leave you with Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

Otto and Norman have been friends for years but there is something off about it. It seems like Otto is trying to pull away from Norman but is maybe being threatened or just trying to put up an act.

Now Beck, we've heard he's planning on working for SI but is waiting until the plan furthers on. It seems like Becks and Normans family goes way back but we don't know too much about it.

We need you to be safe Peter. Don't risk things.

Norman is going to be powerful once him and the goblin have a few years together and will be even more powerful if they get the power of a spider.

They'll be unstoppable.


Mom and Dad

"Quentin Beck used to work here for SI" Tony informs.

"He got fired because he was trying to steal tech" Pepper adds.

"We need to start looking into those coordinates and find them quick. We don't know what tech he has but if it's Tony's, it could kill thousands. We also need to find them before Norman takes Peters blood and mixes it with his own" Steve settles.


It's nighttime and everyone is asleep except for Tony.

He's locked out of his lab but no one locked him out of the comms to go over the coordinates.

Mary and Richard were smart. They put their coordinates in codes and languages so no one can just easily find their hideouts or whatever these coordinates lead too.

Tony whips his head around just as he hears a stomp and he sees that he's no longer in the tower.

Instead, he sees Peter in his ripped up spidey suit and a freshly blooded hoodie. He's screaming his lungs out as he is being tortured and Tony feels anger well up into him.

"PETER!! HEY STOP TOUCHING MY KID!!" Tony shouts, running towards Peter and the two guards.

But as he's running, he sees them disappear and he's now falling.

Tony let's out a frightened scream until he hits the floor.

He groans but pushes himself up to see a cell but not an empty cell.

Peter is laid out on the cot, leaning on MJ with Ned at her side and Flash at the opposite side with Peters feet dangling on him.

"He can't keep up with this much longer" Mj whispers through tears.

"They're coming. They have too be" Ned hopes.

"We're in a new location where we don't even know of and now we can't even contact Wanda because of the stupid things on our necks" Flash spits out.

Tony takes a closer look at Peter to see his hair is soaked wet and fear creeps up onto him.

Water boarded.

"Kids..." Tony calls out but they don't acknowledge him.

Instead Tony feels like his feet are moving but he knows he's not actually moving.

He looks down to see that he's on one of those conveyer things, speeding him down a long way as he hears and sees Peter screaming, crying, the shocks of tasers, the splashing of water and it gets too much for him but it doesn't stop until he feels water getting poured onto him.

Tony snaps out of it, breathing heavily. He looks around to see that everyone has gotten up and are now surrounding him.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" Tony screams, anger and tears showing on his face. "I SAW THEM!! I SAW PETER!!"

"Tones, it wasn't real" Rhodey gently informs him.

"Yes it was! He was being tortured in all different ways! The kids are in a cell and on a cot with Peter passed out laying across them! They were saying how we're gonna find him and if we don't, they don't know how much longer Petes gonna make it. We have to find them Rhodes!" Tony shouts, panting heavily.

"Just take deep breathes man. In and out and then we can talk" Rhodey instructs.

Tony didn't even realize he was having trouble breathing until his friend had pointed it out.

"I-I can't Rhodes! H-he's gonna be k-killed!" Tony protests.

"The faster you can slow down your breathing, the faster we can find him" Rhodey counterpoints. "Now, in and out Tones."

Tony rolls his eyes but slowly breathes in and out, quickly controlling his panicked breathes. As soon as he does, he scrambles off the floor he didn't even notice he was on and looks at everyone with a serious face.

"We need to move fast. Fri, send the quinjet all those coordinates" Tony demands.

"We can't leave now Tony, we'll leave in the morning" Steve states.

"No! No Rogers because we need to find him!" Tony shouts angrily, pointing his finger at Steve.

"We don't even know which coordinates to go to" Wanda reminds him.

"Then I guess we can go to all" Tony claims.

"That'll take too long Stark" Yelena informs.

"Yea well do you have another plan?" Tony snaps back but before she can say anything he cuts her off, "Didn't think so!"

"Take deep breaths Tony and think rational things. If we go after all those coordinates, it'll take about the rest of the month and what if they aren't even at those coordinates?" Pepper tries to reason making Tony sigh.

"We can at least try. Not all of us even has to go but when we do come across them, we'll need all the help we can get" Tony throws his hands up, showing off all the avengers.

"I want to get him back as much as you do Tony but shouldn't we go over this? Actually try and pin point the exact location instead of having to make like a hundred stops for ones they aren't even in?" May questions.

"Yea but I don't really think we can. We have no clues. We have no idea where the hell they even are so it would be impossible to pin point some locations that are a most likely" Tony responds.

"Doesn't anyone think this may be a set up?" Vision shares his opinion as everyone turns his way. "I mean it wasn't a dream that Tony saw since he wasn't asleep and he saw vivid images of what's actually going on."

"It could be the illusion things that have been discussed about" Bucky adds.

"Yeah, can't the Mysterio Beck guy make illusions?" Sam questions.

"That should mean they're close right?" Happy wonders.

"Not necessary. It could be like my powers and can go long distance" Wanda shrugs.

"Are we all forgetting he uses drones?" Nat speaks up. "He uses invisible drones. He sent some drones here. It doesn't matter how close or far they are, those drones were sent by being invisible and they still may be in the perimeter."

"Fri, detect invisible drones" Tony tells his AI.

"I do not detect anything surrounding or inside the tower. My assumption is that the drones had left but it doesn't seem like I was even able to pick up on them" Friday assumes.

"Great" Tony mutters.

"We'll talk more in the morning. I think we should all get some sleep and come up with some plans when we are all awake" Steve plans.


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