Running Up That Hill Δ SPN [2]

By maybankwalker

38.6K 1.4K 729

[ supernatural -- seasons 9-11 ] Ophelia and Libby Winchester Series: Comfort Crowd Running Up That Hill Stro... More

017. WAKE UP
031. KHAN WORM 2.0
041. BABY
Book Three


600 29 17
By maybankwalker

They're in the woods and built a pyre for Charlie. Dean carries Charlie's body that's wrapped in a white sheet. The brothers put her body on the pyre and spread gasoline over it, Dean lighting it on fire.

The five watch as Charlie's body burns, standing in silence. Libby has her arm around Sam's waist and is silently crying as Sam rubs her back.

Ophelia and Nathan are standing a couple of feet away from Dean, all leaving Dean in his own space. Ophelia hasn't stopped messing with her rings since they set the fire.

"Charlie. We're gonna miss you. You were the best. And I'm so sorry--"

"Shut up." Dean cuts his brother off. "You got her killed, you don't get to apologize."

"We were trying to help you." Sam says.

"I didn't need help. I told you to leave it alone." Dean says.

"What were Oph and I supposed to do, just-- watch you die?" Sam asks.

"The Mark isn't gonna kill me." Dean says.

"Maybe not, but-- when it's done with you, you won't be you anymore. Dean, you're all the girls and I got. So, of course, we were gonna fight for you because that's what we do. And listen, we had a shot--"

"Yeah, you had a shot. Charlie's dead. Nice shot."

"You think I'm-- you think I'm ever... gonna forgive myself for that?" Sam asks.

"You want to know what I think? I think it should be you and Ophelia up there, not her." Dean states. Ophelia flinches at his words, the tears that she was doing  so well at holding in, falling out.

Nathan looks at her, feeling jaw clench as he spares Dean an angry glance. Nathan grabs Ophelia's shaky hand, holding it and allowing her to squeeze his hand out of both anger and sadness.

"This thing, with Cas and the book ends now. Shut it down before somebody else gets hurt. You understand me?" Dean orders.

"And what about you?" Sam asks after a bit.

"Oh, I'm gonna find whoever did this. And I'm gonna rip apart everything and everyone that they ever loved. And then I'm gonna tear out their heart." Dean says.

"Is that you talking or the Mark?" Sam asks.

"Does it matter?" Dean asks before walking away.


They get to where Rowena and Cas are, walking inside.

"Well, about bloody time." Rowena says.

"Where's Charlie?" Cas asks. Sam gives him a pained expression as the girls both divert their gaze anywhere, but a person. Libby walks over to a step and sits on it, resting her chin on her knee.

"Oh, no, God. I should have gone after her. I-- what happened?" Sam asks.

"Me. The Stynes." Sam says.

"Me, too." Ophelia says.

"Oph... no, you don't-- no." Sam says.

"It was our idea. I didn't stop you from destroying the book... not that you could've, but if it was possible, I didn't stop it. We talked to Charlie and we got her involved. You can blame yourself, I can too."

Ophelia goes up the few steps and into a more secluded area of the basement.

"Teenagers, am I right?" Rowena asks.

"Shut up, Rowena." Nathan mutters, following Ophelia.

Nathan walks in, seeing Ophelia sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. He walks over and sits next to her.

"It's not your fault." Nathan tells her.

"Tell my dad that." Ophelia scoffs.

"Your dad is going borderline psycho, Lia. You know, with the Mark and everything. Does that make what he said okay? Hell no. But I don't think normal Dean would blame you." Nathan says.

"No, no, he... he would definitely still blame us." Ophelia mutters, picking at her nail polish.

"Okay, so let's not talk about him. Forget him. It still isn't your fault." Nathan says. "You said it yourself earlier. Charlie was a grown woman. Did you and Sam inform her of the plan and ask for her help? Yes. Did you force her to do anything? No. She agreed even though she knew that this kind of stuff comes with risks. I mean, it's not like you held a gun to her head or something until she agreed to help."

"Yeah, I guess." Ophelia mumbles.

"It isn't on you... or Sam." Nathan assures.


Sam went to kill Crowley, leaving the three kids alone with Rowena. Ophelia wishes she could make the witch combust, but knows she can't.

Rowena's phone rings and she answers it.

"It didn't work." Sam states.

"What do you mean?" Rowena asks.

" mean that juiced up hex bag you gave me. Crowley set it on fire. Looks like you're not as tough as you thought you were." Sam says.

"But you still have him trapped?" Rowena asks.

"Yeah! Not so much." Sam says.

"Bloody hell."

"What am I supposed to do, Rowena, how am I supposed to kill him?"

"I'm sure you'll figure something out."


"You've got a job to do, Samuel, you'll get it done!" Rowena hangs up the phone.

"How about you do your damn job?!" Ophelia suggests, slamming her hands on the table angrily.

"I will... after your uncle holds up his end of the deal." Rowena says, an annoying smirk on her face.

"Well, while he's working on that, you can easily work on your end. So freaking do it!" Ophelia shouts.

"Mmm..." Rowena seems to consider. "No."

Ophelia lets out a quiet growl, her hands out, as she goes for Rowena.

"Whoa, whoa! Okay!" Nathan wraps an arm around her, pulling her back and away from the amused witch. "We're all super stressed, let's just, uh... let's play a game or something."

"Yeah, a game? Okay. Um... how does blow the witch up sound? That sound fun? I think it sounds fun." Ophelia says, looking over Nathan's shoulder at Rowena who waves. Ophelia tries to charge towards her, Nathan preventing her.

"All right, just, uh..." Nathan moves them so Ophelia's back is to Rowena, the girl glaring over her shoulder. "Hey." Nathan makes her face him. "Did you know that kangaroos can't walk backwards? I mean, part of the reason is cause technically, uh, you know, they don't even walk, they hop. No walking. Either hopping or crawling -- which they can't do backwards either."

"But the main reason is cause of their tail. It's not flexible and it basically acts as a third leg. Plus, their big feet are designed to just go forward, so it prevents them from moving backwards. The only time they can move a tiny bit back is if they're fighting or avoiding an injury or something."

"Emus also can't go backwards, but nobody really knows why."

"You're distracting me with animals unable to move backwards?" Ophelia asks.

"It worked, didn't it?" Nathan smiles.

"Whatever." Ophelia mumbles making Nathan grin at his success.


They get to the basement and Sam has his gun aimed at Rowena who sits at the table and is drinking tea.

"Hello, boys, midgets. Just in time for tea... u-unless something on your mind?" Rowena asks.

"Five things, actually. Hollow tips filled with witch killing brew." Sam says, motioning to the gun.

"How exciting for you. Your NRA will be beside themselves with pride." Rowena remarks.

"No more games, Rowena. Do the spell now." Sam orders.

"Or what exactly?" Rowena asks and Sam looks at his gun. "Come on, Samuel! You and I both know that's nothing but a bluff. Charlie may have cracked the codex, but who's going to read it if I'm gone? Not to mention handling the ingredients, getting the measurements just right -- unless, of course, either of you have spent years of your life studying with the greats, mastering the intricacies of witchcraft?"

"But forgive me. Maybe you have. I know you're upset. We all are. Poor Dean. Let's just have a nice wee cup of tea... and negotiate."

"What do you want?" Sam asks, uncocking the gun.

"Oh, well, we know what I wanted. Soiled the sheets on that one, didn't we? Let's talk about what I'll take -- my freedom guaranteed and the codex." Rowena states.

"Sam, you can't be--"

"Do you know which spell?" Sam asks her, cutting Cas off.

"I do." She answers.

"Sam. This is a mistake." Cas says.


""Sumsu mimma ezebu ilu ma ikkibu Lu."" Rowena reads. ""Something made by God, but forbidden to man."" She translates.

"Forbidden?" Sam asks.

"The forbidden fruit?" Cas asks.

"No." Sam huffs. "The actual apple is the first ingredient?"

"Wouldn't that be, like... super rotten and moldy by now?" Nathan asks.

"Okay, uh, what's next?" Sam asks.

""Something made by man, but forbidden by God."" Rowena translates.

"Okay, well, God forbade false idols, right?" Sam asks.

"The Golden Calf." Cas says.

"Wasn't that destroyed?" Sam asks.

""Sumsu mimma sen arramu."" Rowena reads.

"Great. What's the third ingredient?" Sam asks.

"Oh." Rowena mumbles.

"What?" Sam asks.

"The third ingredient, it's impossible." Rowena states.

"What is it?"

"Loosely translated -- my heart."

"Sweet. Let's do it." Ophelia immediately says.

"It's not impossible at all." Cas says.

"Not my literal heart, feathers, and psycho psychic." Rowena says. Ophelia's eyes narrow, almost stepping forward, but Nathan grabs her wrist.

"Can't get your dad back if you kill her." He mumbles.

"Something I love, the spell calls for me to kill it." Rowena says.

"A sacrifice." Sam says.

"Precisely. The book will grant freedom from the curse, but it wants something in return." Rowena says.

"Well, then give it." Sam says.

"Bring me something I love, I'll kill it. I want my freedom too much to make a fuss over that. The--the problem is, I don't love anything." Rowena says.

"What about Crowley?" Cas asks.

"Happy to kill him. Let's not call it love." Rowena says.

"I don't believe you. Everyone loves something." Cas says. He walks over to Rowena and puts two fingers on her forehead. Cas pulls his fingers away after a few moments.

"Polish boy. Oskar." Cas says.

"I'm sorry. Oskar? You saw Oskar?" Rowena asks.

"Who is he?" Sam asks.

"Who was he? Uh, a peasant boy -- his family helped me through some difficulties, 300 years ago." Rowena says.

Sam's phone rings and he walks away to answer it. After a few minutes, Sam walks back.

"What's going on?" Cas asks.

"Cas, take this." Sam gives Cas a plastic bag. "It's Dean's hair. You need it for the spell. Cas, I need you to do this for me. Make the spell happen whatever it takes, please." Cas takes the bag.

"Where are you going?" Ophelia asks.

"To find Dean. That was Rudy, he knows where Dean is." Sam states.

"I'm going with you." Ophelia says.


"No, he's my dad. I'm going with you." Ophelia declares.

"Okay. Okay, all right, fine." Sam agrees.

"Can I go, too?" Libby asks.

"No. No, not a chance. You... you are going to stay here with Cas and Nathan and... and Rowena." Sam says.

"But I wanna stay with you." Libby says.

"No. No, Dean' too dangerous." Sam says.

"And she isn't?" Libby nods to Rowena.

"Not... not currently, no. So, you stay here." Sam tells her. "We'll see you later, I promise." Sam kisses her on the head.

"Be careful." Nathan quietly tells Ophelia.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course." Ophelia nods, giving him a reassuring smile.


Sam got to the house where a crime scene was. The girl that had been kidnapped was okay, but both Rudy and the vamp were both dead.

They get to the motel that the Impala is parked out of. They get out of the car and Sam takes his gun out, knocking on the door.

"Dean, it's me and Oph." Sam calls. He breaks the door open, the two finding the place completely trashed.

"Uncle Sam?" Ophelia walks over to the bed, picking Dean's keys up. Sam walks over and grabs a note on the bed.

She's all yours

~ ~ ~

The two are leaving the motel room when Sam's phone rings. He sees it's Dean and answers it, putting it on speaker.

"Dean." Sam says.

"I gave it a shot, Sammy." Dean says.

"Listen to me -- whatever you're doing, whatever you've done, please..." Sam says.

"Hell, I even worked a case. I gave everything I had to beat this thing down." Dean says.

"I saw. I saw Rudy."

"Well, then, you saw what I did."

"No, that wasn't you."

"Sure as hell felt like me. Brother, I'm done."

"No. No, you're not. Dean."

"Grab a pen. It's time to say goodbye."


They get to where Dean told Sam to meet. They walk in, stopping when they see Dean and Death in the middle of the restaurant.

"Hey." Sam says.

"Sam. Ophi." Dean says.

"What is this?" Sam asks.

"We need to talk." Dean says.

"Whatever you are thinking of doing, don't. There is another way. You don't need to go with him. You don't need to die!" Sam states, him and Ophelia walking closer to Dean slowly.

"Funny you say that. Truth is, when I left, I thought the only way out was my death. Well, I was wrong, guys. It's yours." Dean states, looking between them.

"What? He's gonna... gonna send you into outer space?" Sam asks.

"No. Well, he didn't say outer space." Dean says.

"This is madness, Dean!" Sam exclaims.

"Far from it, I'm afraid." Death says.

"What the hell?" Ophelia mutters.

"No one's asking you." Sam says.

"Hear him out!" Dean yells.

"Our conundrum is simple, Sam, Ophelia. Your brother and father cannot be killed, and the Mark cannot be destroyed, not without inciting a far greater evil than any of us have ever known."

"What evil?" Sam asks.

"The Darkness." Dean states.

"The what?" Ophelia asks.

"What the hell is that?" Sam asks.

"Well, what does it sound like? Does it sound like a good thing?" Dean asks.

"Even if I remove Dean from the playing field, we're still left with you two. Loyal, dogged Sam, and the precious daddy's girl, who I suspect will never rest until they set their brother and father free." Dean walks over, standing in front of the two.

"Will never rest until he's free of the Mark, which simply cannot happen, lest the Darkness be set free. Then there was that time you stood me up."

Sam grabs Ophelia's arm, dragging her past Death and towards Dean.

"You traded our lives." Sam says.

"I'm willing to live with this thing forever, as long as I know that I and it will never hurt another living thing." Dean states.

"So you're gonna kill me? For that?" Ophelia asks, pointing at the Mark, her eyes full of tears.

"Yeah." Dean nods. Ophelia reels back slightly, her heart dropping to her feet at his answer.

"This isn't you. This doesn't make any sense." Sam says.

"No, it makes perfect sense if you stop thinking about yourselves for one damn minute!" Dean shouts.

"It's for the greater good. Once you consider that, this makes all the sense in the world." Death says.

~ ~ ~

"Why the long faces? Oh. Let me guess. Mother showed you "mustn't touch it" again." Crowley says, walking over.

"What?" Libby asks.

"Nothing." Nathan mumbles.

"Do you have the ingredients?" Cas asks. Crowley drops a small bag onto the table. Rowena goes to get it, but Cas grabs her hand.

"The Quince cost me a major I.O.U. with a Palestinian warlock." Crowley says as Cas opens the bag, taking everything out. "The gold from the calf -- well, let's just say I'll be hanged under certain sexual-deviancy laws if I ever show my face in Jordan again."

"And the third?" Rowena asks.

"Ah, yes. All my long life, I wondered what I'd done to deserve a mother who refused to show love. I pained over it. I built my bloody kingdom on top of it." Crowley says as Rowena grates the forbidden fruit into the bowl.

"Can we get past the sob story and to the dude?" Nathan asks.

"Then one day, epiphany struck." Crowley says.

"Apparently not." Nathan mumbles.

"My mother was incapable of loving everything. For the first time in hundreds of years, I felt free. And then you showed up in my dungeon, we communed, and I began to realize you weren't incapable of love. You're incapable of loving me."

"Goodness, Fergus, save it for the stage, why don't you?" Rowena says. "I mean, fabulous speech, but you put yourself on far too high a pedestal. The fact remains I do not, will not, and have not loved anything ever."

Crowley snaps his fingers and Oskar walks in.

"You were saying?" Crowley asks as Rowena and Oskar stare at each other out of shock.

~ ~ ~

"Remember when we were in that church, making Crowley human, about to close the Gates of Hell? Well, you sure as hell were ready to die for the greater good then." Dean says.

"Yeah, and, Dean, you pulled me back." Sam says.

"And I was wrong. You were right, Sam. You knew that this world would be better without us in it." Dean says.

"No, no, no, wait a second. You're twisting my words here, Dean." Sam says.

"Why? Because we-- we track evil and kill it? The family business? Is that it? Look at the tape, Sam. Evil tracks us. And it nukes everything in our vicinity -- our family, our friends. It's time we put a proper name to what we really are and we deal with it."

"Wait a second. We are not evil. Listen... we're far from perfect, but we are good. That thing on your arm is evil, but not you, not me, not Ophi, not Libby."

"I let Rudy die. How was that not evil? I know what I am, Sam. But who were you when you-- when you drove that man to sell his soul... or when you both bullied Charlie into getting herself killed? And to what end? A-A good end? A just end? To remove the Mark no matter what the consequences? Sam, how is that not evil? I have this thing on my arm, and you're willing to let the Darkness into the world."

"You were also willing to summon Death to make sure you could never do any more harm. You summoned me because you knew I would do anything to protect you. That's not evil, Dean. That's not an evil man. That is a good man crying to be heard, searching for... some other way."

"No, there is no other way, Sam. I'm sorry." Sam punches Dean in the face making Ophelia flinch. "Good. Good. Fight." Dean punches Sam in the face.

~ ~ ~

"This is ridiculous." Rowena states.

"Do you love this man? Rowena, is it true?" Cas asks.

"Course it's true. Say hello, Oskar." Rowena says.

"Rowena." Oskar says.

"Even for you, Fergus, this is a new low -- a cruel, shameful, disgusting low." Rowena says, tears in her eyes.

"It's only cruel if you actually go through with it. Though... who's the cruel one then?" Crowley asks.

~ ~ ~

Sam and Dean fight, Dean somewhat easily overpowering Sam. After knocking Sam down, Ophelia attacks Dean, jumping on his back, an arm around his throat.

Dean easily wrestles her off, throwing her to the floor, Ophelia letting out a groan of pain. As he walks towards her, she throws her hand out and sends him flying back.

As Dean easily gets up from the table he crashed into, it takes Ophelia a moment to stand up.

"You know, I was really hoping there wouldn't be a round two of this." Ophelia says.

Dean simply shrugs and swings at Ophelia the girl managing to duck. She stands up, punching him in the face, Dean quickly retaliating and getting a few more punches in.

Ophelia goes to roundhouse kick him, but he catches her ankle and pulls, the girl falling to the ground. In perfect sync, Dean twists her leg and stomps on her arm.

Ophelia lets out a painful scream, breathing heavily at the intense pain of two broken bones at once. Dean kicks her in the stomach a few times, being forced to stop when Sam tackles him.

Ophelia quietly whines in pain, cradling her arm.

Dean beats Sam, the younger one soon surrendering.

"Okay. That's enough. Hey, that's enough." Sam says. He sits on his knees. "You will never, ever hear me say that you -- the real you -- is anything  but good. But you're right. Before you hurt... anyone else, you have to be stopped at any cost. I understand." Sam clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "Do it."

Death walks over to Dean who glances at Ophelia who manages to use her one good arm to sit up.

"Please. Do me the honor." Death tells Dean, giving him the large scythe. "Youngest to oldest?" Dean looks over at Ophelia who has her eyes screwed shut in pain. He looks at Death who motions to the girl.

Dean sadly looks over at her before slowly walking to her until he stands in front of her. Her brown eyes look up into his green ones, both shining with tears -- the only difference that Ophelia isn't holding hers in.

"Close your eyes." Dean softly tells her.

"No." Ophelia meekly denies, shaking her head.

"Baby girl, close your eyes." Dean quietly pleads.

"No. No, if-- if you and... and that thing." She glances at his right arm in disgust. "You wanna have enough confidence to do that? Kill your own kid? You're gonna have to look at me."

Dean's grip tightens on the scythe, looking into her eyes.

"Wait." Sam calls as Dean starts to pull the scythe back. Dean stops, both him and Ophelia looking at Sam.

"Take these." Sam pulls three photos out of his pocket. "And one day, when you find your way back... let these be your guide. And they can help you remember what it was to be good. What it was to love."

Sam puts the pictures down, pushing them slightly out of reach so Dean can see them better. Ophelia looks at them, her heart breaking at the last one.

Dean stares at the photos -- him and his mom, him and his mom with his mom holding a baby Sam, and then him and Ophelia when she was little. The same picture he looked at after he almost killed her as a demon. Her eyes full of joy and sparkling with happiness, a bright smile on her face.

"It's for family you must proceed, Dean." Death says, standing behind him. "To be what you are, to become what you've become is a stain on their memory. Do it... or I will."

Dean has a destroyed look in his eyes as he stares at the picture of him and his daughter. He looks back at his daughter, the notices between her and toddler her too painful.

Her eyes don't sparkle. They're shimmering with tears and not joy. Her bright smile is replaced by a deep frown. Plus the tears that run down her face.

"I'm sorry." Dean whispers. "Forgive me."

Dean rears the scythe back, preparing to swing. Ophelia doesn't close her eyes, only looking at her father, glancing at the scythe. Dean tries to ignore the pain and fear in her eyes.

Dean swings the scythe, which flies over Ophelia's head and also Sam's before ramming into Death's body. Ophelia's eyes widen as she watches Death stand there until he crumbles into dust on the floor.

Sam and Dean look at each other in shock. Dean looks over at Ophelia who is staring at where Death was in shock.

~ ~ ~

"You've grown so big. Not too big to give your old Auntie Rowena a hug, I hope." Rowena says.

"I hope I haven't hurt you." Oskar says as they hug.

"Don't think about that one moment. Everything's fine, Oskar. Everything's fine." Rowena assures, glaring at Crowley. "Nobody's hurting anybody." Nathan sees her pick up a pen. He grabs Libby and makes her face him, covering her ears. "Goodbye, my sweet wee boy."

Rowena stabs Oskar in the neck with the pen. Rowena pulls the pen out, blood spouting from Oskar's neck. She lets out a cry as she grabs Oskar and pushes him down so the blood pours into the bowl.

Nathan grimaces, looking down, rubbing his thumbs over the sides of her head. Her hands are holding onto his wrists and she manages to look up at him and he gives her a reassuring smile.

Rowena recites something, throwing the other ingredients into the bowl.

~ ~ ~

Dean helps Sam stand up.

"You okay?" Dean asks.

"I'll live. You?" Sam asks.

"Fantastic. I think I just killed Death." Dean says. He walks over to Ophelia, the girl still staring at Death's former place. "Ophi?"

He slowly bends down next to her.

"Hey." Dean puts a hand on her shoulder making her jump as she's knocked out of her shocked state. "Hey. Hey, baby girl. Hi."

"You really suck." She says, whining in pain.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry." Dean tells her, wiping her tears with his thumb. "You okay?"

"No." Ophelia whines. Dean looks between her broken arm and broken leg, wincing.

~ ~ ~

Rowena recites the spell, her voice rising as she continues. She adds Dean's hair to the bowl and a bluish smoke starts to rise from it.

Cas and Nathan exchange worried looks, Nathan noticing Crowley also looking worried. Nathan pulls Libby closer to him, not sure what to expect.

A blast wave erupts from the bowl and knocks the five to the ground. A red lightning bolt comes from the bowl, shooting straight up and creating a hole in the roof.

~ ~ ~

Dean is standing and going through his duffel bag. He finds his flask and unscrews it, holding out to Ophelia.

"Holy water?" She asks.

"Nah, no, it's the good stuff." Dean says.

"You're... you're letting me drink alcohol?" She asks.

"It's the least I could do." Dean shrugs.

Ophelia takes the flask and hesitates.

"You don't actually have t--" Dean's cut off as Ophelia puts the flask to her mouth and puts her head back, gulping down multiple drinks. When she keeps going after the second gulp, Dean intervenes.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there!" Dean takes the flask from her. "Relax there, drinky." Ophelia's face screws up in disgust and she violently coughs.

"God, that's disgusting." Ophelia groans, coughing some more.

"Yeah, there you go." Dean pats her back. "Just let it all out."

They hear a weird noise, dragging Dean's attention away from his daughter.

"That sound right to you?" Dean asks.

A bolt of light shoots through the roof, hitting Dean's arm. It makes him let out a yell of pain and Ophelia scream. Dean falls to his knees next to where Ophelia is sitting on the edge of the stage and his right arm glows while Dean groans in pain.

"Dad? Dad? Daddy?" Ophelia worriedly asks, watching his arm glow. The bolt leaves Dean's arm, going right through the roof again. Dean looks down at his arm to see the Mark gone.

~ ~ ~

The four manage to stand up, Nathan helping Libby up.

"You okay?" He asks her, feeling her head for any blood, in case she hit her head.

"Uh-huh." Libby nods.

"Manete!" Rowena yells, the other four now prevented from moving.

"What is this? This is impossible. You're not powerful enough." Cas says.

"To what? Control the legs of a bored king, a withered angels, and two helpless children? Impetus bestiarum." Rowena says and Cas bends over, groaning. Rowena grabs the book, codex, and code breaker.

"I'm afraid, Fergus, that in all your long life, you've never seen what a real witch can do with real magic. I'm terrifically pleased it's the last thing you'll ever see. Dele malum hoc." She points to Cas and then Crowley before walking out of the room.

Cas stands upright, bleeding from his eyes.

"Castiel. Don't." Crowley says.

Cas gets his angel blade out, walking towards Crowley. Nathan's eyes widen, pulling Libby closer again.

"Do not. Don't! Please!" Crowley yells as Cas raises an arm to stab him.

~ ~ ~

Sam and Dean are leaving the restaurant, Dean carefully holding Ophelia in his arms, having taken away her ability to walk.

"This is good. Dean, this is good. The-- the Mark is off your arm. Nothing crazy happened. You get your Baby back." Sam says, holding up the keys to the Impala.

"Yeah. I'm sure everything's perfectly fine." Dean says sarcastically.

They walk to the car, stopping when they hear a loud crackling noise, and all look up at the sky.

"What the h--" Sam mutters as the sky glows a dark red and several red lightning strikes spread across it, striking the ground around them. "What did Death call this?"

"The Darkness." Dean says.

The ground starts to rumble and columns of black smoke come from the spots where the lightning stroke. They all come together, creating a giant rolling black smoke cloud.

"Car. Car. Car. Car." Ophelia says, hitting Dean on the shoulder with her good hand, as the cloud starts to roll towards them.

"Yeah. Get in the car." Dean agrees.

"Yeah. Let's go, let's go!" Sam and Dean run to the car and Dean manages to open the door. He quickly gets in the car, Ophelia crying out in pain as her leg and arm get jostled too much.

"Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry." Dean says, shutting his door. He takes the keys from Sam and turns the car on, backing up from the restaurant. The back left wheel gets stuck in a hole, the tire spinning as Dean attempts to get out of it.

"Dean." Sam calls.

The three watch as the cloud barrels towards them.

"Dad!" Ophelia screams as the cloud envelopes the Impala.

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