Izuku X Demon King Reader Lem...

By DyerPerrault

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Years ago, Izuku Midoriya had a husband named Y/N, they had some pretty awesome adventures together but one... More

Izuku X Demon King reader sequel: Angel of wrath's vengeance!
Izuku X Reader sequel part 2: Morning surprise~
Izuku X Reader sequel part 3: Demon of Wrath
Izuku X Reader part 4: Satisfying Deal!
Izuku X Reader part 5: Evolved!
Izuku X Reader part 6: Strongest Demon!
Izuku X Reader part 7: Whoa!!!
Izuku X Reader part 8: War
Izuku X Reader part 9: Short War
Izuku X Reader part 10: Y/N vs Deku!
Izuku X Reader part 11: Beautiful idea❀
Izuku X Reader part 12: An unpleasant visit from home
Izuku X Reader part 13: Continent End
Izuku X Reader part 14: How did you fall so far?
Izuku X Reader part 15: Park surprise
Izuku X Reader part 16: The light
Izuku X Reader part 17: Hand of THE-ONE-ABOVE-ALL
Izuku X Reader part 18: Growth Spurt
Izuku X Reader part 19: Savagery
Izuku X Reader part 20: What?!
Izuku X Reader part 21: Symbol of Evil vs Demon King Yinn
Izuku X Reader part 22: Caught
Izuku X Reader part 23: Monster vs Evil
Izuku X Reader part 24: No atonement
Izuku X Reader part 25: Old enemies
Izuku X Reader part 26: Lost it
Izuku X Reader part 27: Down with the old world
Izuku X Reader part 28: Watery Grave
Izuku X Reader part 29: All Out War
Izuku X Reader part 30: Let it be done
Izuku X Reader part 31: Start Again
Izuku X Reader part 32: Husband vs Husband
Izuku X Reader part 33: Join me??
Update News About What Happened To Me
Izuku X Reader part 34: Saving Lives.. And a discussion?
Izuku X Reader Special: Yinn Genocide War: Part 1
Izuku X Reader Special: Genocide War part 2
Izuku X Reader Special: Genocide War Part 3
Izuku X Reader Special: Genocide War Part 4
Izuku X Reader part 40: I'm the new big G-O-D
Izuku X Reader part 41: Please Forgive
Izuku X Reader part 42: A new face
Izuku X Reader part 43: For You
Izuku X Reader part 44: Shigaraki's Return
Izuku X Reader part 45: Give Me OFA
Izuku X Reader Part 46: Yinn Vs Shigaraki Part 1
Izuku X Demon King Reader Part 47: Yinn vs Shigaraki Part 2
Izuku X Demon King Reader Part 48: The War Begins

Izuku X Reader Part 39: For me??

12 0 0
By DyerPerrault

Yinn POV

(I was arrived back on Earth at our house when I sensed something was wrong with Izuku. As I walked into the house I heard Izuku crying, I rushed in the living room and saw as a was on his knees on the floor)

"Yinn.. we need to talk.. NOW"
"I-I know Izuku.. This has been a long time coming, I think I'm ready"
"Did you read my mind without permission?"
"No.. I can sense the sadness in your heart, but also.. I've known this day would come for you and I..'
"What day?! I don't get you! I tell you my ideas, you shut me down.
You kill villains, you killed God's, you hurt innocent people. You hurt me Yinn!
You hurt ME! I try and try to get you to change, this isn't the 1400s anymore Yinn!! Don't you get that?!"
[I felt a squeeze in my heart, and fell to floor sobbing, for the first time in a long time. I have felt.. emotions]
"Izuku.. I, wasn't happy for a long time.
I killed God's, Kingdom's, civilizations, and planets for no apparent reason without end.. I took so SO many lives that shouldn't have been taken.
I've disrupted to natural balance of the universe, and worst of all..
(My voice cracked and my heart dropped, as Izuku pushed me away)
"I've been hurting you without even realizing it, for years now.. Izuku please, I'm so so sorry.. I know what I have to do now.. Please, give me another chance at this.. I'll be better.. for you"
"Do you see now Yinn, that taking lives doesn't solve anything, that all it does is hurt everything around you?"
"I.. nn.. I-I do.. Please, give me another chance, I hope that you still love me.."
(I fell to my knees and cried)
"Yinn.. You have the LITERAL power to bend existence to your will.
You can create life, and destroy it in an instant.. But I have an idea"
"W-what's that Izuku?"
"If you would like, there's no better way of Redemption than becoming a Hero..
If you want, you can take me with you and we can go back and bring everything you've done bad in the universe and warp it backwards into the good. That's one hell of a start right?"

[Yinn lept up into Izuku's arms and Izuku held him, knowing exactly how Yinn felt, he's been in a dark place before, so long ago, he got close to Yinns face and Yinn blushed as he got closer]
"I love you, more than anything in this world, I really hope you know that"
(My heart squeezed as Izuku softly kissed my lips, there're so warm)
"Now, let's go resurrect some old dead guys huh Yinn?"
"I.. Yes, I'll do things your way now"
"I really don't know how your gonna make me be able to breathe in space though, how does that even work?"
"Here, I'll put a magic barrier around your head and neck, it will be filled with reusable oxygen, then you can breathe"
(I whistled and a creature from Purgatory came into our yard ready to transport us through the cosmos)

"Y-Yinn that horse is on fire! Are you sure I can get up on it?!"
"Don't worry Izuku, it'll be a hell of a lot faster than any rocket ship!"
(I opened a portal to space and Izuku and I took off back to Asguard's ruins)
"First up, Asguardian God's!
Thor, Loki, Odin, Freya, and Hela!"
"You killed an entire family!?"
"Yeah yeah, get your head shaking over with I know I did a lot'a bad shit!"
"Okay, you said your changing..
Or at least trying to, that's all I ask"
(We arrived to its supposed location and I watched the rubble float in space)
"Alright were here, just keep your mind calm Izuku, I need to focus"
(I put my hand out, and reversed time on the Kingdom and it reversed the explosion that destroyed it, and the clouds and light came back.
Along with the rainbow bridge)

(I smiled as the Asguardian's looked up at me, except Odin looked pissed!)
"Charge!! Kill him now!!!"
(I snapped my fingers and stopped time on everyone except Odin and Freya)
"Stop! I.. you Izuku I have an idea"
(I stopped their bodies from moving except their head and talked it out)
"Listen.. I have no other way to say this but, All-Father Odin, I know that what I did has barely any Redemption.
But I'll tell you now, living with what I have done over these past centuries is punishment enough. I'm on a new path now, one that instead of.. Destroying life. I'll give it instead, I have no idea how else but to just show you" *SNAP*

"So.. I was wrong you. You aren't a monster of destruction.
In turn I find out you have heart.
But why did you change so quickly?"
"Well.. It's actually all do to him, my husband Izuku, he's your Hero I guess"
"Young Izuku, I guess you've taught this Demon King that instead of destroying life, he can create it instead?"
"I- yes Sir Mr. Erm.. Odin?"
"But.. I'm gonna do you one more favor Odin, I'm going to save your sons Thor and Loki, I'll be back"
(I slipped into Odins vault, and snapped my fingers resurrecting Loki)
"Gah! I can breathe.. I-I thought I was dead, I'm alive- you?! You bastard!
You were going to kill me weren't you?!"
"Well.. In fact, I did kill you, but I've had a change of heart, your All-Father Odin is outside waiting for his second son..
I'm going out to save your brother Thor"
"I still despise you Demon, we will never be allies no matter how you put it!"
"Yeah yeah, alright bye now!"
(I walked outside and got back onto the horse with Izuku and we took off through space once more!)

"Now you just have to save his brother right Yinn, he has a brother right??"
"Yeah, I'm even gonna restore his hammer Mjolnir for him!"
(We appeared on the same planet as the residents there were praying around the fallen God Of Thunder, Thor)
"Don't worry people your God isn't dead, I'll do something about this tragedy!"
[Suddenly everything in the area grew, better than before. Forests thrived and mountains rise, as the God Of Thunder stood once more and called his hammer to him to fight]
"You! I'll destroy you for sure this time!
The All-Father demands it!"

(I used my powers and stopped him in place, Izuku stepped back as I walked up to Thor, unphased my his lightning)
"Thor Odinson, I.. of all people, have had a change of heart.
I even told your father Odin, instead of destroying life. I will give it instead, all the wrong I've done. All the evil throughout the cosmos will be undone, and in the end hopefully I can be somewhat redeemed.
You of all people can understand this..
Right? Son of Odin?"
"Hmm.. It's become very tempting now for me to strangle you were you stand,
But I remember how our fight went last time we clashed. I forgive you, if you are truly trying to change, who is that boy over there hiding behind those horses?"
"Oh, he's the guy you should thank, he's my husband Izuku Midoriya.
He's Earth's number one hero, named Deku, he's a little shy so be careful"
"Hello there Izuku, so your the one who made this Demon have a change of heart, how did you do it?"
"Erm.. I.. Did it with.. a kiss.."
"Oh, well. I guess that settles it then.
You may be on your way now, I'm hope the other God's will be just as forgiving as me, and my father Odin"
"Yeah, I have to go and resurrect your sister Hela, The Goddess Of Death"
"My sister? I have a sister?!"
"Oh shit.. I don't think I was supposed to say that to him.. A-anway goodbye Thor!
See you soon!"
(Izuku and I for actually the third time, went down to Purgatory and to the resting place of Hela, Goddess Of Death)
"Damn Yinn! Your brutal! You did such a terrible thing to a woman?!
What's wrong with you?!"
"I know, I know, you can spank me later for it. But now, I do what's right!"
(The Flames of Purgatory rise, and the orange clouds rumbled as I manipulated the flow of time in Purgatory to resurrect Hela once more)

"You! You killed me, but if I'm dead in Purgatory than that must mean your..
Your The Demon King aren't you?"
"Yeah, and this.. I'm sorry, and all..
I'm trying to change, for him.
My husband Izuku is actually the one who persuaded me to bring all I've done to a head, and fix the universe..
I hope one day everyone can forgive me for my brutality I've caused...."

"I guess it doesn't matter, after all you are The Demon King Yinn"
"That's what I thought, but now I'm a hero! It's crazy.. but, it's better than doing or causing anything to hurt my precious husband Izuku here"
"Y-your so sweet Yinn hah~"
"Can you not, make love infront of me?
Its not very King-like of you, your supposed to be noble and cunning"
"Oh- yeah, your right I.. B-bye!"
(So, Izuku and I headed back to Earth and he reversed the flow of time and resurrected all of my old villains and foes from the years of me becoming the number one hero)
"Welp, there we go. A trillion years of mistakes, whiped away like it never even happened! Well.. I guess not REALLY like it never happened.
Close enough though right Babe?
I even brought the Greek God's back!"
"Yinn, your so cute when your determined, how about we go and have some fun at home? I've gonna give you a reward for all your hard work for me~"

[1 hour later]

"I-Izuku I thought you said this was a reward for me?!"
"Hmph, you really think I'd reward you?
You did resurrect them yes, but you brutally murdered them first, you need to have a punishment~"
(I whimpered as my member stood up as Izuku slammed my face to the bed)
"Now, who's my little Demon Slut Hmm?" ❤️
"Ngh.. M-maybe you have to force me to say it I-Izuku.."
"Alright, prepare yourself Yinn~'
*Gulp* (I've never seen Izuku look at me with such lust! It's making me tingle!
I started to blush as he whispered in my ear, something I haven't heard in a long long while, since I was out in space)
"Your MY Demon Slut remember?~"
"Hmph.. It's been a while, maybe you should show me who's still dominant?"
(I shuddered again as he tugged my hair and I moaned a little)
"There, good boy~ I think I know what you've been wanting hmm Yinn?~"
"P-please Izuku, I-i want your member~
I want it so badly! Please I promise I'll be a good boy!~"
"But you even admitted you were bad,
I can't reward a bad boy can I?~"
"B-but you said I have become good again Izuku! Please I'll be a good boy I swear I'll do anything for you!~"
(I choked on my last words as he tugged the leash, I stated to see stars blushing up a Storm as he smirked)
"Anything you say?~ Hmm I guess anything opens so many possibilities for tonight Hmm Yinn?~"
(I started blushing like crazy as he tied me to the bed with rope and I tilted my head back as he bit my neck a little)
"M-mn.. Izuku please your driving me crazy!~ I need you please!~"

"Your so cute when you beg me Yinn.
I guess I'll give you what you want heh"
Izuku POV
(I trailed kisses and bite marks down Yinn's neck and whispered more in his ear as he shuddered and moved around)
"Bad bad boy~ Your did say you were naughty, but maybe I should call Kachan over, maybe even Monama-kun.
Mhm, don't think I didn't see you staring at him when you were at my party last week, you want him too hmm?~"
"N-no it's not like that Izuku I-i wouldn't dare look at another guy only you-
Ngh!" ~❤️
"Hmm.. I guess I'll call him over now, maybe even Shindo-Kun too??"
"N-no- not Shindo! He's too much-
I mean- he's hot and all but so powerful-
E-even my magic may not work on him-
"Now now Yinn, who said you could use your magic during that hmm?~"
"Hah, this is gonna be a long day.. Too
Many boys, n-not that I'm complaining"

I hope you all enjoyed this part of Izuku X Reader, it was fun making it see you next time for the next of the story!!

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