Saved By One Direction

By tabithalb98

8.1K 153 56

Rosetta is and 18-year-old girl who has brown hair and blue eyes. She lives with an abusive boyfriend Lake. O... More

Saved By One Direction
Liams Girl
She Can Sing?
Angel and Travis
Angel and Rosetta Time
Kaylyn's Back
The Date
Kissing The Right One
True Colors
Harry and I
He's Back for Me
The bad day begins
From bad to worse
Louis is weired
Getting ready for the date (first i love you)
Fantastic date with harry
The big surprise
Daddy directions freak out
Just when i thought things were good
Shoping trip with the girls
getting free

Truth or Dare / 7 Minutes in Heaven

613 11 5
By tabithalb98

Chapter 2

I crawled out of bed an went to the bathroom my face was bruised on the right side and I had a black eye. I grabbed my makeup kit and covered up the bruises and the black eye as best as I could, never works that great. I was wearing a tone of makeup to make it look okay nowhere near perfect. I went out of the bathroom with my bangs covering my face to also hide the bruises that I now had on my face, thanks a lot Lake.

"Hey Rosetta" Niall said while giving me a hug. I closed my eyes in pain.

"We are staying in a hotel tonight, so you get an actual bed all to yourself!" Niall said with excitement.

"Are you ok from the hit?" Harry asked, looking me over to see if I was okay.

"Yep, never been better "I replied. Lies all lies I was in complete pain, but I couldn't tell them that. Liam walked up to me and touched the right side of my face that @ss, I winced in pain.

"Ok go take all that make up off and let me see if I can help you ok." Liam demanded. In my mind I responded with "yes daddy direction I will obey only you." This caused me to giggle, and all the guys looked at me like I had grown a second head. I headed to the bathroom to do as I was "Told". I came out of the bathroom with no makeup on all the boys looked at me.

"What?" I asked with my hand on my hip.

"You look different with no makeup on that's all." Harry said.

"Oh ok." I sat down on the couch and Liam came over to me.

"Ok let's take a look at your face now." He came close and examined my face. He was so close to my face my heart was pounding, I didn't realize how good looking he was until he was up close and personal.

"Well, it is not serious. I think that you will live." He said in a very serious voice.

"Thank you, doc." I replied to his statement.

"No problem." We laughed and the boy stared at us.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked

"Well, we are going to hang out and get to know each other." Niall said

"How?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"Truth or Dare and 7 minutes in heaven?" Harry suggested.

"Ok let's start, what's first?" I asked.

"Truth or dare." Zayn said.

"Seven Minutes in heaven for last!" Niall said

"The only one-off limits is Liam he has a girlfriend her name is Kaylyn." Harry said with a smile.

"I'll Start," said Zayn. "Harry truth or dare?"

"Dare." Harry replied.

"I dare you to kiss Louis." Zayn said with a goofy grin on his face.

"Ok he replied." Harry leaned over and kissed Louis on the cheek.

"What that?" I asked.

"Zayn never said where I had to kiss him." Harry stated with a wink at me.

"Damn!" Zayn grumbled.

"Ok my turn." Harry said. "Zayn truth or dare?"

"Truth!" He practically shouted in response.

"Ok, is it true you have already had your first kiss, and with who?" Harry asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, that not a juicy secret that we want to know I thought.

"Yes, and with my girlfriend Perry in 5th grade." He said with a small smile.

"Your turn Zayn." Harry said.

"Ok, Rosetta truth or dare?" Zayn said looking at me.

"Dare!" I replied.

"I dare you to strip to your bra and underwear." Zayn said with a daring look on his face.

"Alright, bet." The guys stared at me as I stripped down to my bra and underwear and sat back down in our little circle.

"My turn Liam truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare." He responded.

"Ok I dare you to call Kaylyn and let me talk to her." I stated.

"What noooooooo!" He cried out, holding his phone to his chest.

"Is that a chicken?" I asked eyebrows raised.

"Yes, yes, it is you are not allowed to talk to my girlfriend just yet you will eventually but not to day. I haven't gotten the chance to tell her anything about you yet, it would be weird if you called her right now." He explained.

"Fine." I agreed my lip pouting a bit.

"let's switch games, I'm bored" Niall said.

"Ok, but first let's move up to the hotel." Liam said.

"Ok we all said in unison." It was kind of creepy.

So we went to the hotel, we all had our own rooms it was so cool and big I have never had a room to myself. Wow I spun around in a circle grabbed my laptop and turned-on music I started to sing to Jessy McCartney "Just So You Know"

"I shouldn't love you, but I want to I just can't turn away"

"I shouldn't see you, but I can't move I can't look away"

"I and I don't know how to be fine when am not and I don't know how to make the feelings stop"

"Just so you know this felling taken controls of me and I can't help it just got to say it all before I go just so you know."

"ROSETTA!" I could hear them calling me, so I closed my laptop and ran to them.

"What's up?" I asked sad that I had to leave my amazing room.

"Time to play seven minutes in heaven, you have kissed someone before right. And you're not gonna fall in love with us?" Liam asked.

"No, I'm not gonna fall in love with you losers." I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok Rosetta you go into the closet." Liam said.

"Ok." I said slowly and started walking to the closet.

"Wait" one of them said as they put a pair of blind folds on my face. Great now I am living with freaks.

It was like 1 minute tell the first guy came in he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed his lips against mine. His tongue entered my mouth and pushed me to the ground he was so heavy he still kissed me laying on top of me.

"Times up" I could hear Liam say from the other side of the door. The guy pulled me up and kissed me really fast one more time and left.

About 1 more minute passed before the night guy came in. He cupped his big hands on my cheeks and started kissing me his hands slid down to my waist and he pulled me really close. He started to kiss my neck and then back up to my lips. While kissing my lips he slipped his tongue into my mouth. What is with all the tongue I thought to myself. But he was a great kisser. "Time" Liam screamed. He let me go, before he left, he kissed the tip of my nose.

Wow these boys sure are great kissers and I still have two, to go. Another minute went by. How long does it take to shove a guy in a closet like seriously? The 3rd guy walked over to me he kind of was a little awkward when he kissed me. But he was a lot nicer about it and shy not as aggressive. He finally got used to it and wrapped his arms around me really low almost to my butt low.

"Time" Liam said again, and he left.

The last guy came in almost as soon as the other one left. He started to kiss my neck and went up to my lips he grabbed my chine and put his lips on mine very gently. He was kind but not shy like the last one and not as so straight forward. He just kept kissing me.

"Time" Liam shouted, he left with a kiss on my forehead. As soon as he left Liam came in and grabbed me.

"So, was it fun?" Liam asked wiggling he eyebrows. Well, they all kiss really different I guess it was fun, but I would never tell them that.

"I am going up to my room now good night." I said as I walked to the door.

"Good night, Rosetta they." They all said.

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