One-Way Ticket | Jeon Jungko...

By JiniousJin

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Upon moving from the US to Korea, with almost nothing but a one way ticket, to pursue her dream of acting and... More



246 8 81
By JiniousJin

I think I died and then resurrected multiple times during this chapter.

My summer vacation is arriving now, and I'll be travelling so my schedule will be pretty packed. Updates will probably vary from the normal the following weeks, some chapters might come earlier, and some might come later :) Please be understanding, I love you guys!

I hadn't really done anything for the first day in Los Angeles. The weather was interesting. Warm, cold, and wet at the same time. The boys went sightseeing together before the hitmakers brunch tomorrow, and I wasn't allowed to join, so I just chilled at the hotel. Spending the whole day contemplating whether to order room service hot chocolate and pay up the ridiculously high price or spend my day in misery catching up on schoolwork. I choose the misery because I was broke. Marina asked if I was feeling any better, I replied not really but that sleeping really helped. That I slept all the time and only woke up to pee. That way she hopefully wouldn't stop by. I felt so bad about lying that the words on my computer started mushing together into one big mess, and I could only peer into the rain-covered streets in a mindless stare.
I was happy when Jungkook came back, he brought sushi and we ate on the bed as the rain poured down outside. There was a comfortable silence where we just looked at each other. Like we saw everything and nothing at all, at the same time. I think I was in love with him, I realized. I didn't tell him.

Next day, I got into a car with the staff again. Buzz was a lot calmer now as we drove off for Variety's hitmakers brunch. The boys had gotten ready beforehand, looking all sharp and gorgeous in their suits and Jungkook in his leather jacket. I think I might've started drooling because suddenly Jimin teasingly pinched my cheek with a following "Like whatcha seeing, doll?" My cheeks had turned so red that I had had to hide my face whilst the guys laughed. So yes, now I was in a car. We pulled into the underground parking garage whilst Buzz passionately listed instructions for me. When we arrived, I locked eyes with Jungkook from across the room one last time before following Buzz's instructions and slipping backstage. The boys got their photos taken for what felt like forever as I followed a hairstylist into a staff room that honestly smelled like piss. How I had even been allowed to come with to such a prestige event, I had no idea. Maybe Jungkook was great at arguing for his cause, or they simply just didn't care?

The hairstylist must have seen the mildly confused expression on my face and my bobbing knee, because he spoke up to clarify. "We just wait until here until they need us. They'll probably come stop by at some point." We ended up playing ludo on his phone for a long time, celebrities, and people I would sell my soul to meet right on the other side of the wall. The guys too, I wanted to be there with them, but I knew I couldn't. I never would be able to be that.

Random staff came filtering through at all times, cameras slung over their shoulders, people with boxes, people with trays of food, people with technical equipment. Everything and everyone were there. Sejin stopped by at one point, needing the hairstylist for an urgent fix of Jin's hair that somehow got messed up. I was left alone. That was until a guy stepped into the small room. He was carrying a camera and frustratingly pushed the buttons of it. So caught up in it he didn't even realize that I was there. "Oh, for fucks sake, now you decide not to work?! You stupid son of a-" He suddenly saw me and a silence fell over his features. He looked me up and down from my position on the couch. "Huh, didn't even see you there. Sorry. Cameras not working." He said and wiggled the camera to accentuate. "Oh, it's fine. Didn't bother me." I shrugged coolly and thinned my lips. This was slightly awkward.

"Cool, uh, you know how to fix these things?"
I raised a brow. "You don't?" He groaned and looked at the ceiling. His dirty blonde hair being pulled back as he ran his free hand through his locks. "No, I'm just hired to film. Don't know shit about cameras." I laughed and got up, walking closer to him. "Terrible company you work for."
"Tell me about it." He groaned and then looked at me when I started expecting the camera closer. "Who are you with?"
Only for a millisecond I stopped in a moment of quiet apprehension before I spoke. "I'm with BTS."
"Shit, those from South Korea? Lucky you. What do you do?" He asked as I started pressing buttons. Finally filming class had paid off, I had otherwise sworn it never would. Remembering the manual, I said: "Makeup artist."

"If you're a makeup artist how come you know how to fix a camera?" He asked with a raised brow, a mischievous glint in his ice-blue eyes as he took the fixed camera back and inspected the lens.
"I'm a bit of an all-rounder." I said and smiled. "Clearly," he replied as he looked me up and down. Apparently, all thoughts of getting back to filming had left his mind, because suddenly he was leaned up against the wall on one arm and chatting with me. "So, what's it's like, working and being so close to the most eligible bachelors in the world?" He asked with a dashing smile, his gaze drifting between my eyes and lips consistently. "Tempting." I said and he laughed. "If you come from South Korea, how come you speak English so fluently?"
"Oh I'm American, I just moved to Seoul, like, half a year back. But my family comes from Korea."
"Can we just agree that this place smells terrible, like fucking piss." He said and scrunched his nose and looked around.
"That's what I said!" I beamed and then I crossed my arms. "These conditions are terrible."
"Yeah! I swear to fucking god, I saw a living pigeon back in the fridge." A shady and sassy look overtook his features, and I could do nothing but agree. It felt good to talk English with someone so freely again. At home my family had talked a combination of English and Korean, but everywhere else it had always been English. And when I moved to Korea that had suddenly disappeared. But now that I was back, I felt like I could talk as I took a breath. Easy and carefree because English would always remain my first language. I had missed it, I realized.

Random-camera-guy kept on talking but from the corner of my eye I saw someone pass by and I lost all focus. Their eyes were trained on me and from the flickering light of the hall I could make out Jungkook's face. His features were pulled into a confused and tense look as he watched camera-guy and me. In his hand was his phone, completely abandoned from his attention. I saw his jaw flex and before I knew it, he was gone again. I felt a need to run after him, explain something I did not know what was, but my feet were chained to the floor. Besides I couldn't follow him, not into the mass of celebrities.
"Who was that?" Camera-guy asked and peered over my shoulder towards the doorframe and hall. I snapped back into reality. "What? Oh! nothing, just a person."
"Some person," he said and shrug his shoulders. "Anyway, I should probably get back to filming. They'll start thinking I'm getting stoned in a bathroom soon if I don't." I smiled. "It was fun talking to you, stranger."
"You too, stranger." He smiled cheekily when he said the word, and suddenly he was gone, and I was alone again.

I plopped into the sofa again. I started mindlessly scrolling on my phone, the hairstylist hadn't returned. In the back of my mind, I wondered just how bad Jin's hair accident had been. But that was secondary, my mind was full of the strange look Jungkook had sent me earlier. The way his jaw had clenched, the way he gripped his phone, the way his expression went blank.

It all happened so quick I didn't see it coming. He came into the room with a rapid speed, grabbed my wrist and hurriedly pulled me with him without even looking at me properly. "Jungkook?" I tried to object shushed, but he ignored me and hauled me roughly into an empty storage room and closed the door behind him. I landed up against the wall with a breathtaking thud while he towered over me. He breathed heavily and I was pretty sure I did too. "Jungkook what's going on mhpf-" His lips collided with mine roughly, rougher than ever before. He opened his mouth into mine immediately and pressed me harder against the wall, so hard it almost hurt. I whined at the feeling into his mouth, but it only egged him on. His tongue ran over my teeth as he licked into my mouth, his left hand coming to grab both of mine and pinning them above my head so easily it almost scared me. A pathetic whimper left my mouth as he held on tighter, and he pulled away to look at me. So weak for him.

I felt a sudden dampness spread between my legs, a desperate need for him. I couldn't read his expression, the way he looked at me, a mixture of desire, anger, and something else. He pressed his hips slowly against mine and the touch ignited something in me. Just enough to make my head dizzy and fuzzy, but not enough to stifle my burning need. I wriggled against him, trying to get closer, to touch more. His tattooed hand came to my face gently as he observed my every reaction, his thumb running across my bottom lip and pressing down on the middle, plump part of it. I slipped it in between my lips and his breath hitched. He pulled it out with a barely audible pop and instead let it run down the side of my hip and down the curve of my ass. I could only stand helplessly as he burrowed his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply, shivers ran down my spine and I shuddered against him.

He let his lips drift up my neck, I tilted it to allow more access. Biting hard on my bottom lip to keep any noises in. I felt his breath against the shell of my ear, he nibbled on it slightly and I couldn't help it. A breathy moan escaped before I could object. He hummed against my ear, the sound reverberating inside of me straight to places I shouldn't talk about. "My room. Tonight."

And then he was gone. Slipping out the door as swiftly as mist disappearing in between the trees of the dark forest. My lust fogged mind didn't have any clue what just happened, and I slumped against the wall. Letting my fingers drift across all the places he had touched me, sinful thoughts clouding my sanity.


It was evening when I slipped out of my bedroom, only in pajamas, and tiptoed down the hotel hallway towards Jungkook's room. As he had requested. My head whipped around at every sound and movement as I snuck around corners. Hopefully no one saw me. I hadn't spoken to him since our encounter backstage, he had been busy meeting celebrities, taking pictures with Billie Eilish and accepting a whole ass award, right after kissing me so hard I hadn't been able to speak long after.

I knocked on his door, nervousness and anticipation bubbling inside of me, and moments later he opened. A grey t-shirt hugged his chest perfectly, showing of his toned pecs and leaving little to the imagination. I found it hard to tear my eyes away, but when I finally looked up at him, he grabbed my upper arm and hauled me inside quickly. Probably out of fear someone would see us. I collided with his chest and looked up at him through my lashes. "What's wrong?" I asked and let my fingers drift up his arm in a gentle and feathery touch. His eyes snapped to my hand that was inching up his biceps, and seconds after he grabbed my shoulders and seated me on the bed, stepping away and looking at me as if he wasn't quite sure what to do next. He crossed his arms, pursed his lips and looked me up and down. I grew confused at the way he looked at me, searching for his eyes, but he didn't meet my gaze.
"I-" He began but found himself running out of words. He looked at me with a tight jaw and piercing eyes. I carefully got up from the bed and walked towards him. "Jungkook, what's wrong?"
"You what?" He didn't answer me, and I cupped his jaw. Jungkook dragged me down next to him on the bed again.

He looked almost ashamed as he timidly caressed my fingers. "Are- are we exclusive?" His eyes had gone back to puppy form, whatever demon that had taken over him at the brunch was gone. I frowned. "Well, do you want us to be?" A hesitant nod followed; his hair plopped down in his forehead. "I can't take it when you talk about other guys and girls. It's killing me." I rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand. "Then yes." I said. A slow and relieved smile took over his face. "Yeah?"

His warm hands came sliding around my waist, lifting me atop his lap and dragging me with as he sat against the headboard. He was so soft and warm beneath me, like I could easily melt right into him. "You make me so happy," he murmured. His hands still held at my waist, sliding under the fabric of my sleeping shirt to press into my bare skin as his soft lips landed on my forehead. He pressed delicate angle kisses all over my face, making my body go flush and mush. The pillowy velvetiness of his lips landed against mine in a heated but slow kiss. It was sensual and not anything like we had ever done before. It made me want to let out the soft and lewd sounds into his ear that I struggled to keep in. I tilted my head into the kiss and let my hands drift up around the soft curve of his neck that I had grown to love and could know even if blind.

Jungkook's palms went from my waist down to my bare thighs, running over the soft flesh and gently spreading them further apart to allow me to sit better. I suddenly felt his hardness right beneath my core and gasped into his mouth. Heat running to where our bodies touched and a euphoric feeling rushing over my body, feverish and drunken.
"Relax kitten," he mumbled against my lips, his hands going further up my thighs whilst his tongue softly swirled against mine. "You feel how much I want you?"
An incoherent sound of acknowledgement left my mouth as he started to grind me against him. His hardening cock rolling against all the places I wanted him to be with every soft roll of his hips. We were going so slow; it was killing me. I started to move against him too, the slippery feeling of my panties doing almost nothing to sooth the yearning feeling between my legs. I whimpered and panted into his mouth.

"You're mine now, Y/n," he said sternly into the kiss, holding my hips tighter as I rocked against him. "No more Dae-Hyun, kissing girls at clubs or talking to guys. You're mine." I could only moan back and nod feverishly, throwing my head back. "Good girl." He praised and tugged a strand of hair behind my ear as I searched blindly for my own pleasure. I felt the immediate reaction his words earned from me. I pleaded his name and let my nails drift down his form to the bottom of his abs. His skin was pulled tightly across the warm muscle, and I splayed my fingers across it. "Mhm, you like that huh?" He asked, probably feeling the dampness of my shorts, and pulled my face closer again. I nodded with half lidded eyes as he bit down on my bottom lip, tugging at it, and drawing a moan out of me. Our gazes were locked. His eyes were dark, heavy with lust and arousal and his rosy lips parted and bruised from the kiss. His eyelashes fluttered gracefully as a low, barely audible moan left his mouth, pleasure flickering across his face. It turned me on so badly, setting me on fire and making every part of my skin, body, insides ache for him. An unsatisfiable hunger ravished through my veins, at just that sound.

I began slowly kissing up his right arm, kissing every single new tattoo that adorned his beautiful skin. He himself was a work of art and the new tattoos, that seemed to come flowing in as a river, only emphasized and underlined that fact. I kissed his neck and continued to rock against him, his fingers dug into my hips as soft moans left his lips. It was the prettiest sound I had ever heard. My fingers went exploring further down, playing sweetly with the hem of his sweatpants. But he stopped me before I could let my finger dip further down, perhaps wrap my hand around his girth and feel him twitch and shudder at my cold touch. He flipped us around and I landed on my back on the soft mattress, looking up at him with parted lips and wild hair falling in my eyes through my spread legs. He laid himself in between them, coming down to kiss me sweetly, his taste on my lips sent me to heaven. He dangerously slowly started grinding into me again, I mewled with every touch, and he nibbled on my neck. Sucking and licking, kissing the tender skin, kneading it until red hickeys started blooming. Marking me as his. I let my hands run down his strong back, muscles flexing as I dug my nails into his slim waist and let my head fall back as much as possible into the pillow. He kissed my exposed throat before letting his lips fall further down, over the fabric of my t-shirt and along the covered swell of my breasts.

His hands slowly inched their way up my inner thighs, towards where I wanted him so badly. The touch set me alight, and goosebumps travelled where his hands went. He carefully lifted the up the hem of my sleeping shirt, revealing the bottom part of my belly. His eyes strained on the skin, the way it moved with every panting breath I took. He looked hungry and wild, starved almost as he made eye contact with me. His lips made touch with the burning skin and my organs right beneath dipped delightfully, keeping eye contact through his dark lashes. I instantly threaded my hands through his hair to stabilize myself and find some sort of ground to plant my feet in before I fell over the edge. Jungkook kissed towards the hem of my shorts, hands still playing with and kneading the soft flesh of my thighs. What had he done to me?

And just as he was about to give in to my burning desire and need, someone knocked on the door. My eyes, formerly closed in pure bliss, snapped open. His hands tightened on my legs, and he looked up at me with a fiery gaze. "Ignore it," he growled. But the knocking didn't stop. Only continued and grew with intensity. Jungkook pressed a single last kiss to my stomach, before he groaned and got up, angrily trudging towards the door. I scooted into a ball against the headboard and wrapped my arms around my knees. I heard the door open followed by a voice I knew belonged to Jimin. "Finally, what took you so long? The guys and I just finished the livestream-" They were livestreaming while we were?- Omfg. "-and are going to watch a movie in Hobi hyung's room in ten, you coming?... wait," He babbled but his sentences ran short when he saw Jungkook's state. I couldn't see them from this angle, and thank God, but I could tell a smirk had appeared on Jimin's face from the groan that Jungkook let out. "What, hyung?"

Jimin huffed a laugh and crossed his arms leaning against the doorframe. "Nice hair loverboy. What naughty things have you two lovebirds been up to?" Jungkook didn't get to respond because suddenly Jimin yelled over his shoulder. "Hi Y/n! You're invited to movie night too!" My body froze and eyes widened. Of course he knew, Jungkook looked exactly like he had just had a proper make out-session.

"You should've invited me, it's no fun when you're only two." Jimin drawled suggestively, clearly plenty amused by the situation. At those words I couldn't help but crawl to the bed end and look at them with a shocked expression on my face. Jimin was in fact leaning against the doorframe, looking smug with a smirk on his face. It only widened when he saw me, he took in my state and looked me up and down. Jungkook's face turned tomato red when he saw the way Jimin's expression changed, his head snapping towards me and a high-pitched noise leaving his mouth. "HYUNG?!" He shrieked frantically, stepping in front of me to cover Jimin's view. "Would you please just leave-"
"What? You angry you didn't get to fi-" Jimin chuckled and started to drag his eyes down Jungkook's body towards... Jungkook eyes expanded like a supernova, and he pushed off the floor, grabbing Jimin by the shoulders and forcing him out of the door before he could finish his vulgar sentence and gaze. "JIMIN-SSI! THAT'S IT, OUT!"
Jimin's remaining laugh could be heard from miles away.

Jungkook sighed deeply and firstly pinched the area between his eyes, before he frustratingly and slightly angrily, ran his hand through his hair in agitation. "Okay, where were we?" He began walking towards me, snaking his hands around my waist again, but I pushed him away. "Unuh, movie night."
"What?! Seriously, but-"
"No buts," I said and poked his nose. "I was invited to movie night, and I am going to go." I jumped of the bed and walked away from his slumped figure. "Y/n." He whined and pouted, his chin landing on my shoulder and muzzling into my hair. I looked at his desk table. "Uhh, is this wine?" I gushed and held up an almost empty glass. "Were you drinking?" I asked and turned around to look at him. He nodded and pressed a needy kiss to my nose, about to drag it down further towards my lips. I pushed his cheek away and another whiny noise left him.
"Can I have a little? I might need it if I'm going to be near Jimin again." I asked and batted my eyelashes at him. His bunny smile cracked through. "Of course." He nuzzled my neck again and reached for the bottle behind me in the hug. He took my hand, led me to the bed, poured the red liquid and handed me the glass. A single drop of the red wine slipped down the side of the glass, his lips latched onto it before it could drop to the floor. His eyes locked with mine as he sucked it off, I oddly felt a need to kiss him again, and again, and again, and forever.

I sipped the wine, his eyes on me the entire time, before I was sure the taste was good and began downing the alcohol. Jungkook's eyes widened, and he came to take the glass from me, but I didn't let go and it instead, for a moment, felt more like he was feeding me the drink. It felt oddly intimate, and my heart skipped a beat. He snatched the glass away. "Yah! You said, 'a little', not a whole bottle!" He exclaimed and kept the drink out of my reaching distance and looked at me as if I were a madman.
"Why'd you pour that much then?" I asked and crossed my arms.
"There was for me too."
"Oh come on," I groaned and reached for the glass.
"No, your alcohol tolerance is low, and you get weird when you're drunk." he said and pushed me away by the forehead. "Rude." I mumbled, slipping on my fluffy slippers and headed for the door.

"Wait for me!"


Jungkook had never met anyone as perfect as Y/n. The way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she ate, the way she looked, the way she joked, the way she walked, heck even the way she slept! It was enough to break him properly, through and through. As the movie played in the background his eyes were only trained on her. The reflectance of the colors of the movie playing in her eyes, white and blue, as she laughed at a joke Hoseok had made. The corners of her soft lips tugged up and revealed her shiny smile as she threw her head back. He knew that smile could stop the world if she wanted. In her pretty hand that was so small compared to his, was the lollipop Taehyung had given her, she was slowly infiltrating his family. Mixed feelings churned in Jungkook's stomach.

On one side he wanted Y/n to be a part of every part of his life, never a waking moment without her. He wanted his friends and her to get along well, and it was sure to say that that was what had happened. Jungkook had grown up, they had lost a person to take care of and now they projected it onto her. Giving her the softest blanket, the fluffiest pillow, and the biggest bowl of popcorn. They were careful with her, less loud and chaotic, making sure she felt comfortable in their presence. Jungkook was happy with just how fast they were to accept her, but on the other side... He was obsessed to say the least. He had never felt this way before. Suddenly he felt a need to be everything for her. The only one that made her laugh and smile. The only one to tuck her feet under the blanket, the only one to kiss her, make her feel good and pleasure her. Feed her, take care of her, kiss her goodnight on the forehead, spoil and supply her with everything she could possibly need.

And just at the thought that that might've been someone else, he felt his heart burn and ache. At one point he had almost lost her, and that had felt like hell. No way that was happening again. Now he was holding onto her tightly as possible. He wanted to be everything she wanted him to be, and damn he would with just a flick of her fingers.

Jungkook tugged his kitten closer to him, sighing as he inhaled her peachy-smelling hair. She gave him a quick smile before resuming her attention on the movie. She was warm and soft, and they fitted together so perfectly. Like a mold that was empty unless joined with the other. Her smile could light up his world. At just the thought of her, he could feel a rosy tint warm up his cheeks and a smile bubble its way up. Jungkook was happy and contempt with the way it was. Now, was nice. He didn't care about tomorrow or the day after. The future was useless if she wasn't there with him.

Jungkook watched as she slowly fell into sleep, she wasn't used to this life and just how exhausting it could be. To always be on watch, because you could bet someone was always watching, and to always be ready and perfect. Jimin, the little rat from earlier Jungkook had decided, yawned and stretched his arms above his head. "Some movie," he mumbled and then redirected his gaze onto Y/n who was sleeping in Jungkook's arms. "She's tired, isn't she?"
Jungkook nodded and began taking off the carefully swaddled blanket that Jin had wrapped around her feet. "I should probably take her to bed." He murmured, quietly as to not wake her up, and got up, carrying her bridal style in his arms. Her head lolled heavily against his chest. "Night guys, thanks for earlier." He said just before opening the hotel door.

"She's a good choice, Jungkook." Namjoon said from the couch and looked Jungkook directly in the eyes. No one protested at his statement, only tired and agreeing nods followed. "Thanks, hyung." Jungkook smiled gently as he left. He loved no one in the world more than those six guys, he would probably do anything for them. Quite literally. If they jumped, he jumped. So, their approval meant the world and he had to suppress the swelling his heart did as to not squeal in happiness.

Outside in the stranded hallway he finally let himself breathe. He played with the soft strands of her hair, Y/n's eyes fluttered open, and a smile cracked through on his face. His eyes became bigger with the sight of her. "Hi pretty girl. Sleep well?" He chuckled and she nuzzled into his chest. He took that as a yes. "Where do you want to sleep?"
"Your, mphf... place." He couldn't suppress the way his heart screamed with glee at her slurred words. Jungkook placed the still half-asleep Y/n on his bed. "Stay right there. I'll go get your toothbrush." He said before moments later returning to find her snoring quietly on his pillow, her toothbrush in his hand. He chuckled and lifted her chin. "Y/n, wake up. You need to brush your teeth."
"I don need to, you oaf."
"Yes you do. I won't sleep next to your stinky breath."
"That wasn't very nice," She grumbled as a matter-of-factly and got up on sleepy, wobbly legs to the bathroom. Jungkook snickered in the back, his world captured in sunshine.

He waited for her, after not hearing anything for a long time Jungkook decided to check on her. She was sitting on the floor, head falling forward as she slept, toothbrush barely hanging from her mouth and toothpaste foam drooling down her shirt. Jungkook burst into a loud and rich laugh, head falling back and hands clapping as she snapped awake in a confused state. "Jesus Y/n! Can you not stay awake for two minutes?" He chuckled, so hard he feared tears would start to fall.
"Whah? What happened?" She asked with drowsy eyes.
"Look at your shirt moron."
Y/n merely groaned and threw her head back against the tiled wall. "Wait wait, stay that way! I'll get my camera." Jungkook returned with his phone and snapped multiple pictures of her. He didn't really have any pictures of her, he realized. That would have to change.

"Why do you look drunk?" He asked thoughtfully as he scrolled through the pictures, there was enough to make a whole album. "Shut up, be nice to me. My shirt's all ruined." She whined and frowned at the mess. Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip. "That's okay. You can just borrow mine." He said and simply took off his shirt. Jungkook knew he was well-built. Toned and proportional muscles adorned his bare chest, so when Y/n's eyes suddenly snapped wide open, it didn't come as a surprise. He grabbed her under her armpits and easily lifted her to sit on the sink. Her face became red with the sudden close contact and the baring of skin.

He would be lying if he said he didn't like the effect he had on her. It was adorable, the way she nervously pursed her lips and fiddled with her fingers as he asked if he could take her shirt off. She nodded timidly and Jungkook slowly pealed it off, his own breath hitching at the sight of her only in a bra. He found it hard to take his eyes of her soft curves, the planes of her stomach and the gentle swell of her breasts. An itch to kiss it, claim it and make her moan his name softly, burrowed itself deep inside of him. She had a chokehold on him, and it didn't look like it was leaving any time soon. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about it on countless nights. How it would feel to touch her, be inside of her, feel her softness clench tightly around him as he touched himself, imagining it was her nimble fingers. Maybe she had had similar thoughts. Jungkook had been ashamed to think of her like that at first, but eventually he just gave in to his desires. He couldn't do that now though, so instead of acting upon his wicked thoughts, he merely pressed a timid kiss to her collarbone and slipped his shirt over her body. It swamped around her, way too big but perfect in a way. Now she was only his, and he was hers.

They brushed their teeth together, glancing at each other in the mirror in a sweet and timid way that Jungkook's heart couldn't quite take. They were hidden away from the rest of this world in the hotel room. A beautiful and delicate, little secret that could shatter like a glass figurine at the slightest collusion from the outside. A whisper, a picture, an article. Jungkook didn't care.

They crawled into bed together and Jungkook was so happy he couldn't even begin to explain it when she held him tightly and he pressed a soft goodnight kiss to the top of her head. They turned the lights off and slept entangled in each other all night long.


Two words. Jingle ball.

We showed up early for styling and for a rehearsal run-through of the show. The staff and the boys had been given a whole room to get ready in, the place was littered with comfortable and plushy couches. I sat in one of them, helping Hoseok with his English lines.
"I hope," I said slowly in English. "I hope," he repeated.
"You have a great time,"
"You have a great time,"
"With family, friends and everyone you love,"
"With family, friends and eveone you love,"
"Eve-ry-one," I corrected with a smile. "Eve-ry-one," Hoseok tried again, perfectly. I grinned and clapped my hands. "Perfect! And then: this holiday season."
"This holiday season. I hope you have a great time with family, friends, and everyone you love this holiday season!" I almost couldn't help bouncing in my seat from joy, Hoseok did so too. He let out a big heart-shaped smile and a relieved sigh, falling back into the couch with his white suit. "I did it! Ah really thank you, Y/n! You could drop the acting and help us with English on full time."
"Aha, thank you but no thank you," I laughed. Hobi ran up to the camera to proudly show of his English lines, I made sure to keep my mouth shut as to not appear on camera, but I was really smiling like a beaming ray of sun. I was happy to be of help, and business sure was booming.

Right as the camera stopped rolling Jungkook erupted in a yell. "Y/n, can you help me too?"
"Hey, wait wait no! It was my turn; you can't just skip in lines!" Yoongi suddenly protested as he got his hair done, the hairstylist jumped into the air at his sudden comment. "But hyung, I really need her help. I can't remember anything." Jungkook pouted and looked at Yoongi with his big eyes, genuinely frustrated with his English lines. I saw how Yoongi's expression visibly softened; he was a soft marshmallow underneath all his strong exterior.
"It's fine, you can go first." He said and ran a hand through Jungkook's perfectly set, red hair and messed it up. "Thanks, hyung," Jungkook plopped down next to me on the couch and nuzzled my cheek with his own, I pushed him away. "You're supposed to learn English you moron."
"But this is more fun."
"Then I will take up Yoongi's offer." I commented with crossed arms and a raised brow. "Wait! Fine," he grumbled.
"What are you supposed to say?" I asked and gently tried to fix his hair. "We're on the same stage with legends, this is my best holiday ever." He replied in Korean. "Okay so that would be: We're on the same stage with legends, this is my best holiday ever." I said as I switched into English and a high pitched, excruciating, and pitiful whine left Jungkook. "Sloooow please."

Jungkook picked it up quickly, thankfully. He just needed to get it down and then it stuck. Afterwards he was all cuddly and clingy, maybe it was just in his nature, but I swear I could always feel him on me. If we walked beside each other or hands would either be intertwined or his would subtly brush against mine. If we were sitting down his thigh would gently lay against mine. He would always fiddle with my hair, lay an arm around my waist. I wasn't even sure if he was aware, maybe he was just like that without noticing. I didn't care, I loved it more than anything in the whole world.

During rehearsal I sat in one of the audience chairs, watching as the guys talked to their choreographer and ran through the numbers they would be performing. All the staff were so overwhelmingly nice, a girl had even brought me a cup of water without me even asking. I had of course given her a serenade of thanks you's and you really don't need to do that, but she had only smiled and said anytime. I felt so welcome amongst these caring people, what in the world had I been so afraid of? I sat, now with a plastic cup of water in my hand and watched them perform Mic Drop and goof around. Jungkook sent me an adorable little wave. I wasn't kidding when I had said Jungkook was the most talented person I had ever met. He was only marking the dance steps, but he still made it look perfect somehow. They all did.

Jungkook was the epitome of god's favorite. He was beautiful, intelligent, funny, talented in almost everything he did, beloved and flawless for the eyes of the world. I could only imagine the pressure he was put under to remain such.

I watched in awe at the man he was. He knew his craft down to a t, a professional and one of the best in the world. His mere existence was enough to make me sigh in bliss. I let my head rest on my fist as I leaned closer, completely enthralled as I felt as if I saw him in slow motion, singing and dancing. There was so much to him I would probably never know, he seemed like the person to carry a thousand secrets in his little pocket.

Jungkook came running up to me when they were done, a big and bright, golden retriever smile plastered on his face and engulfed me in a big hug on the stage. He paid no mind to everyone else and lifted me off the ground. I wondered if this happiness would last forever. From the corner of my eye, I saw how the others smiled at us. Children- they probably thought. Stupid and in love. I smiled at him tenderly.
"How'd you like it?" He grinned.
"Could use a bit more fine-tuning." I shrugged carelessly but couldn't help the smile I broke into. "It was great!" I reassured and booped his soft nose. He giggled. At some point something outside, or rather someone, happened and happy voices were set into motion. But we didn't even notice, we were in our own bubble, smiling like lovesick fools and completely oblivious to everything else.
"Where's Jungkook?" I faintly heard a woman ask, I thought I had heard that voice before.
"Um, actually yeah, where is Jungkook?" A confused Namjoon replied to the woman, in English I noted. Shit. "Oh, he's um, he's..."

"Jungkook! Hi!" Halsey saw us before I could run away. A tragedy because now Halsey, yes, the Halsey, saw me in this terrible state. I paled and momentarily locked eyes with Namjoon who looked just as perplexed and helpless as me. Jungkook quickly snatched his arms away from my waist and instead sheepishly pulled Halsey into a side hug. "Hi," he said, you couldn't miss the nervous tremble in his voice.
"How have you been?" She smiled. Jungkook rubbed the back of his hair, too nervously glancing at the guys. They were watching with hawk eyes as I tried to seamlessly scoot away. It was too late though, there was no way she could've missed our very obvious embrace. I suddenly felt stupid, this was my fault. I should've been more careful.

"Um fine, yeah." Jungkook stumbled over his words. His fingers worked each other as he always did when nervous, touching his ears slightly. Halsey, in a high ponytail and long skirt, peeked around to the corner of Jungkook's shoulder. My whole body stiffened. She locked eyes with me, a soft and curious smile on her lips. Gosh she was beautiful.
"Who's this?" She asked Jungkook who also looked at me. Oh, she knew. Halsey knew. Fuck. I stood like a deer in a headlight. "Um," I gulped as fear washed over me, suddenly feeling the weight of being next to a Grammy winning artists. It felt exactly like the first time I had run into Jungkook in spring. "I- I'm Y/n."
"Oh American!" She said and happily shook my hand. Her smile made me feel a bit more at ease. I glanced nervously at Jungkook for help, but he wasn't even looking at me. He was silently communicating with the guys via hurried gestures. I spotted Namjoon's nod from the corner of my eye before resuming my attention to Halsey before me. I stammered to find more to satisfy her questioning gaze. "Yes, I'm American. And uh... yeah-"
Jungkook swooped in beside me, thankfully. I was beginning to lose my breath from the social interaction.
"Uh she is, uh.... g-girlfriend?" Jungkook said and carefully, almost hesitantly, placed a hand on my waist. It sounded more like a question than an answer. Like he wasn't sure if the word was right.

"Girlfriend?" Halsey exclaimed, like a proud mother. Jungkook nodded nervously. She gushed and smiled. Oh, thank God their relationship was so good, else I would've been sweating even more than already. "But um..." Jungkook began again but groaned deeply in frustration. "What's secret in English?" He turned to ask me in Korean. "Secret." I answered as Halsey looked at us.
"But secret." Jungkook finally told Halsey. He was adorable.
"Ahh, okay got it. Secret. I won't say a word." She laughed and imitated a shush with her finger. "Good to know I'm on the inside circle. Nice to meet you Y/n." She said and gave my hand a final squeeze before joining the others in getting their mics ready.

When she was gone, I rested my forehead on Jungkook's shoulder and let out a quiet pterodactyl screech. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I almost chanted and knocked my head against the bone in his shoulder as my nails held onto his forearm. "I'll just stay behind set from now on. You know what, maybe I should go back to hotel because that was a disaster and I almost revealed it all and I should just-" Jungkook took my chin and gently forced me to look at him. His voice was firm even though I could tell he was a little shaken himself. "Hey, sunshine stop. Nothing happened, okay? You didn't reveal anything, and Halsey isn't going to tell anyone. She smiled, didn't you see that?"
"Yeah, but-"
"No buts. You said it yourself. Nothing happened and you're fine." He reassured and pressed a peck to my forehead. "Now go take your seat while we run it through with Halsey, okay?"
"Okay," I mumbled with a little smile coming back. Jungkook's face lit up in victory. "That's my happy girl." He said and squeezed my cheek, my smile widened as butterflies spread inside my stomach at the words of endearment. He began running off towards the others, but before he could get so far, I grabbed his hand and hauled him back.

"What?" He asked, confused. I almost regretted bringing him back, but I had to ask. A shy and unsure smile stood clearly across my lips as I spoke. "You called me your girlfriend, am I your girlfriend?" Jungkook was quick to understand as my words seeped in, a chuckle left his rosy lips as he tilted his head and looked down at me with slightly raised brows. Smug. "Well, you're mine, aren't you?" I immediately blushed at his words as he rubbed circles on the back of my hand. "O-okay," was all that I managed to get out. It didn't sound quite as firm as I wanted it to and Jungkook only laughed further. It was an adoring laugh, his dark eyes gleaming with stars as he looked at me. "Okay then, girlfriend."

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