Adrift ~Book 1 || β€’PJMβ€’ (Rewr...

By Ravendipity

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|| π’π‚πˆπ„ππ‚π„ π…πˆπ‚π“πˆπŽπ 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐔 || Park Jimin was never noticed by his peers. Lonely and afraid... More

The Girl On Ganymede
A Tale of Two
The Red Planet
The Battleship
Attack on Bangtan
Exit Strategies
Jimin's "Date"
Jeon Jungkook
The Boyfriend
Jimin's Angel
Passion and Desire
Kim Taehyung
The Tragedy
Ache and Loss
Jimin's Decision
Make Outs and... War?
Mr. L/N
Min Yoongi
The First Fight
The Silent Treatment
A New Ally?
Unwanted Visitors
A Daring Escape
All Good Things... (Part 1)
All Good Things... (Part 2)

Kim Seokjin

36 5 9
By Ravendipity


"Jin. Kim Seokjin," the man says as he unscrews the panel from the wall.

"Why are you helping us?" Namjoon asks.

"I want out of here. I hate this place, not enough mirrors to admire my beautiful face." Seulgi and you share a look, but don't comment on Jin's words.

"So... you're helping us in the hopes that we'll let you on our ship?" Baekhyun asks.

Jin nods, then pauses to place a hand on his cheek, batting his eyelashes at your group. "Or I can call this in. Your choice, really."

"Nice to know you're helping us out of the goodness of your heart," you say, grunting as you say the words.

He scoffs, brushing your comments off. "You can criticize me all you want dear, but who's the one sneaking around and trying to break into places?" You go silent. He's not wrong, so who are you to judge? But you have no time to ponder that. He works fast, quickly getting the panel off and throwing it to the side. "Alright, you guys go in first."

Everyone hesitates, but eventually agrees. You go first, crawling in. It's not too tight, so you do manage to stand once you're fully inside, but it's still cramped. You get slightly claustrophobic at the walls and pipes around you. Hoseok comes in next, followed by Baekhyun, Seulgi, Namjoon, then Jin, who puts the panel back on.

"It isn't screwed in, but at least it doesn't look suspicious," he explains.

"Which way?" you ask, starting forward.

"Let me pull it up," Seulgi says, tapping on the display scanner. The scanner displays the map as a hologram, seemingly every passageway on it. "We're here." Seulgi lets you see the scanner, pointing to where the service tunnel is.

"What are you looking for?" Jin asks. Seulgi doesn't answer, she simply scrolls down the hologram, trying to find where the data log center is. Jin grunts at the silence.

Hoseok sighs. "Listen man, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think any of us trust you."

"I don't blame you, I don't trust you either. I just want out."

"We can't guarantee your safety, or even guarantee that we won't drop you in an escape pod and blast you to another planet," Namjoon says.

"I don't really care what you do with me, as long as I get off this stupid station," Jin replies.

You roll your eyes, letting out a huff. "We're looking for the data logs. Any idea where those will be?" Everyone stares at you in shock, even Jin. Yeah, you spilled. What is he going to do? Call you in? If he was going to do that, he would have done it already. He's made his motives very clear, he has no reason to turn you guys in.

"They moved the logs recently," Jin says.

"So they're no longer kept in the center?" Seulgi asks, which Jin hums to.

"They were getting a lot of hackers and break-ins. They wanted to limit that. They moved it to a place where no one would expect: the commanding officer's quarters."

"Is the commanding officer in his quarters right now?" Baekhyun asks.

Jin's eyes fall flat. "No clue."

"How do you even know this? What's your rank?" Namjoon asks.

Jin looks at him funny, his head tilting. "Rank?" he slowly asks. You softly smile from your little corner, resisting the urge to do a mental cheer. Finally, a system you recognize.

"They don't do ranks here. On Ganymede, everyone had their assigned jobs. We had pilots and engineers pretty much," you explain, which Jin agrees with.

"Doesn't explain how you know that. If they're trying to prevent break-ins, wouldn't they keep that information limited?" Hoseok asks. Well, that's a good point. Everyone looks at Jin expectedly, which makes him sigh.

"The commanding officer is my father..."

Your eyes light up in sympathy. "I'm so sorry."

Jin locks eyes with you, and sees from your expression that you understand perfectly what he's going through. "I can get us inside his quarters. It's on the top floor. If he's in there, I'll distract him."

"We'll need at least two minutes, think you can buy us that long?" Seulgi asks.

Jin hums and turns to her. "I'll make up a sob story about some girl who keeps trying to get with me. Works every time," Jin replies, giving the girl a wink.

Seulgi grimaces. "Alright, well... anyway, how many floors are here? I didn't see any elevators."

"Four. It doesn't look like it though. There should be a ladder somewhere in here." Your face flushes up, and you turn around to hide it from the others. Your fingers trace over your neck, where there's a fading mark. A mark he gave you.

"Alright, let's move out," Namjoon says, and you snap out of your thoughts, instead deciding to move forward. One thing's for sure: today's going to be interesting...


"So, how does this work again?" Jimin asks as the pair make their way around the shipyard.

"If my intel is correct, there's service tunnels all around the shipyard. Most stations have them in case of emergencies. One of them leads outside. If we can find it, we can slip back in and meet up with our dear friends," Jungkook explains, walking slower than normal.

"We'll probably have another 'couple' fight before we make it there. I guess they're going to have to wait."

Jungkook smiles at that. "Hey, about that, I'm surprised you knew what to do. I should've picked Y/N, but knowing her she would grill me later for it."

"To be honest, it was kind of fun. I thought you were going to fake a heart attack or something."

Jungkook pauses, blinking slowly. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Then you would've had to play dead for a while, and go to the hospital. Probably an even worse outcome than what's happening now."

"I don't consider this too bad, I mean look at us: laughing, talking, bonding. I see this as a win."

Jimin peeps his eyes over at the boy, fighting back his habit of fiddling with his fingers. It kind of works this time. He only pulls at his fingers, dropping them within a second of him doing so. "You think so?"

"I know so," Jungkook replies, keeping his eyes on the target.

Jimin secretly feels the same way. He started off hating Jungkook for what he did to Y/N, but now? He's come to respect his talent. First dealing with the enhancements, second with the broadcast, and now, with the distraction. Jimin would be lying if he said he didn't admire the way Jungkook thinks on his feet. It's a trait Jimin wishes he had.

"You know, for next time, you have my permission to slap me harder. It'll look more convincing that way," Jimin suddenly says, which causes Jungkook to chuckle.

"Oh, so there's a next time?"

"I mean, who else does good distractions? Y/N would get distracted by her own distraction, Namjoon's too awkward, Baekhyun doesn't even know what's going on half the time, and Hoseok and Seulgi are too busy giving each other puppy eyes."

Jungkook almost trips over his own feet. "You think... him and her...?"

Jimin laughs, Jungkook joining in a beat later. "I hope so. That would be absolutely hilarious. 'Oh we're just friends'! 'Oh it wasn't that serious'! Yeah, right. I don't buy it."

"Neither do I. Agents and intelligence officers do go well together."

Jimin gives Jungkook a smirk. "Oh yeah? Got your eyes on any agents?"

Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, averting his eyes. "I don't know any, but I'll let you know if I find one." Jungkook pauses, then returns Jimin's smirk. "I prefer engineers," he says with a wink.

Jimin bursts out laughing. "Smooth Jeon, smooth."

"What can I say, you have that affect on me." They share a snicker as they observe the building, trying to find the tunnel's entrance, but there's no indicator anywhere that there's one around. "Keep looking, it has to be around here somewhere," Jungkook says with a shrug. They fall into a short silence, then a question pops up in Jimin's mind.

"Mars, eh?"

Jungkook hums. "Pretty lame planet if you ask me. Dirt and artificial life. I can understand why Y/N hated Ganymede so much, that's kind of what we initially bonded over."

"Your mutual hatred of domes?" Jimin asks.

"That's one way to put it. Earth is probably the best planet."

"Maybe. It'll always be the only planet with real life. Real trees and grass. It may not be the most interesting planet, but I'm glad I grew up there." Jimin looks over at Jungkook, who looks back. "What made you want to be an intelligence officer?"

"Truthfully, I'm not sure. Back in school I was always the most competitive one. Everyone said they wanted to be pilots and gold rankings, but I told them I would be the youngest platinum in history. Had to leave home when I was 15 to accomplish that dream. Captain Kwon recruited me, and I surfed through the ranks."

"What did you do to earn it?" Jimin asks before he can stop himself.

"Did my job and did it well. I wasn't really just an intelligence officer. I repaired everything, and since I was one of the first on board the Hep, I was loading shipments and overseeing all our systems. That's how I became the Executive Officer. I became the youngest executive in history. So, in a way, I won the competition."

"Of course that's the most important part of that story."

"What can I say: I never lose," Jungkook replies, whistling to add dramatic effect to his words.

"We are so arm wrestling later."

"You'll lose," Jungkook teases, but Jimin shakes his head.

"You underestimate my power. I work out a lot."

"I literally have enhancements that make me stronger than the average human, and I work out."

Jimin goes pale. "Shit."

"As I said Park - I never lose." Jimin shakes his head, then... he starts to think about that phrase. His eyes slowly widen, and he looks over at Jungkook, who notices the Engineer's stare. "Wha-"

"So... you and Y/N never...?"

Jungkook's ears turns a deep scarlet hue, him fiddling with his fingers like Jimin desired to do not long ago. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about."

Jimin, although deep down a little jealous, smirks. "You said you never lose. So that has to mean you've never lost your virginity, because you never lose."

"Have you?" Jungkook challenges, trying to take the heat off himself.

Jimin bites back his urge to laugh. "Oh come on, look at me. Do you really think I haven't yet? This isn't about me though, this is about you and dear Y/N."

Jungkook gulps. "I'm not answering that."

"Two years is a long time Jungkook."

"No comment."

"Oh come onnn."

Jungkook shakes his head. "How about we focus on the mission?"

Jimin wants to pry a little more, but ultimately agrees. "Fine, do you see it?" Jungkook pouts in response. Sometimes Jungkook shows his young age, and that pout is an example. "Maybe it's further back. Like in the back back, you know?" Jimin says. Jungkook acknowledges his words but doesn't reply, then looks at the walls.

"Wait. Actually, I think it's right there." Jungkook points to the spot a few feet away from them. Jimin approaches it and sees that it's a small panel with four screws in each corner.

"You think so?" Jimin asks.

"I know so. Do you have anything on you that can unscrew these?"

Jimin nods, stepping forward. "Always carry a wrench and a screwdriver. Basic needs of an engineer." Jimin grabs his screwdriver from inside his pocket, twisting the screws until they pop out. One by one, the screws go until the panel drops, allowing them access to the inside.

"Ladies first," Jungkook offers.

Jimin snickers. "I was about to say the same thing to you." Jimin goes down to crawl inside, but a hand on his shoulder stops him. He peeks back up at Jungkook, who gives him a warm smile.

"Hey, and just so you know, engineers and pilots go well together too."


You made it to the top floor, which is mostly still under construction. There's only a singular quarters and a whole work area on the floor, so you and the others wait in the service tunnel. Jin is about to leave to go distract his father when you grab his arm. He whips his head back at you. "I know I'm a total catch, but there will be plenty of time for this later, sweetheart."

You instantly cringe and let go of his arm. "Ew. No. Not interested. I was going to say to meet us outside if your father keeps you too busy." Namjoon's posture stiffens from your words, but you can't help it. You know exactly what Jin is feeling. That need to escape? It's what brought you to the Moonchild. You would feel awful if you left him here.

Jin seems genuinely amazed, then nods. "Okay. I will. Thank you," he says. You give him a nod as he opens the panel and slides out, then slides the panel back on. The panel is slightly ajar, so you can still kind of see out of it, but only kind of. Jin approaches the door, taking a deep breath before knocking. After a few seconds of nervous waiting, the door opens and another man is heard.

"Seokjin... how can I help you?" a low male voice asks.

Jin nibbles on his lower lip. "Dad, can you walk with me? I really need to talk to you about something." After a moment of hesitation, the father steps out into the hallway. You don't bother studying his face, you only watch as Jin leads him in the opposite direction.

"Okay, Hoseok and Seulgi, go," Namjoon commands, and they obey. They slide the panel off and leave quickly, rushing into the room.

In the meantime, you peek back at Namjoon and Baekhyun. "I can't believe we're actually doing this..." you whisper.

"I think we'll be doing a lot more stuff like this. The adventure... I never thought I'd be saying this, but I like it. I like it a lot," Namjoon says.

"Me too, even if I miss Earth," Baekhyun says, a look of longing flashing in his eyes.

"You'll see Earth again, don't worry," you say. As a result, he gives you a grateful expression, his lips twitching between a frown and a smile. Yours do the same at the thought of home. Ganymede. More specifically, the dome and Jupiter. The terror comes back, but you swallow it down, the sensation pricking at the inside of your body as it travels down your throat.

"I hope so. I need to face my problems... face myself," Baekhyun says.

You swivel your irises over to him, observing the way he's flickering his eyes between you and Namjoon, his face void of emotion. "You will. You're strong Baekhyun, you can do anything."

"And I thought I was good at pep talks. Look at Y/N go," Namjoon says with a small smile.

You chuckle, giving Namjoon a pat on the back. "I learn from the best." Namjoon softens from your words, and the two of you give each other stares of admiration before the lights cut, and an alarm is heard.

Seulgi and Hoseok come dashing out of the room, sliding through the panel and immediately putting it back on. "What happened? Did you get it?" Namjoon asks. Seulgi pants, so Hoseok speaks up.

"There was a safeguard to alert when someone got into the system. Only the commanding officer can shut it down. I managed to buy us enough time to get the information, but it still went off after it was extracted," Hoseok explains.

"We need to leave," Seulgi mutters. The crew agrees as the emergency lights come on.

"Come on, back down the ladder. Hopefully there's a back exit somewhere," Namjoon says, and everyone follows. You back up, going down the narrow path until you reach the ladder, and the group takes turns going down. The ladder, as always, brings you flashes to what you and Jimin did. Regardless, Hoseok tears you away from your thoughts.

"Wait, if there's an alarm, that means this is an emergency situation, right?" Hoseok asks, which Namjoon nods to.

"Yeah, why-" Namjoon freezes before looking up at the rest of the crew going down the ladder. "We really need to leave." Since you're the last one on the ladder, as soon as you hop off, the crew breaks out into a sprint. "Seulgi, where's the exit?" Namjoon asks, blindly turning.

"I'm trying to find it!" she calls back, multitasking between running and swiping through the map. "Take a left here!" The rest of you obey without question or hesitation.

There are multiple passages, and you're horrified that at any moment security will break through them and scream for you to stop. Your mind flashes to Jin, and you wonder if he got out okay. You certainly hope he did, but now's no time to dwell on it. "Okay, now right!" You follow Seulgi's commands as she calls out directions. Poor girl; everyone is counting on her. She seems to be performing well under pressure though. You admire her for that.

While running, you hear voices echoing down the halls, Baekhyun perking his head up. "They're coming," Baekhyun says with a groan. Hoseok manages to rip off a pipe and hold it in his hands. You think of doing the same, but decide against it for now due to your injury.

"Only two more turns, both right!" Seulgi says. You let out a breath of relief. Looks like you're finally getting somewhere. Before you can celebrate, however, someone smashes into Namjoon and completely knocks him over.

"I got one!" the unidentified man yells.

Hoseok immediately hits the guy over the head with his pipe, then helps his Captain up. "You alright?" Hoseok asks, Namjoon grunting and rubbing his head.

"I'll live, now come on, there's more." And more indeed come, a group of footsteps reverberating across your eardrums, alerting you to the presence of danger.

"Hey! Stop right there! You're under arrest!" a male voice calls out.

The crew begins to run again, taking another right. In your panic, you pull the same move Hoseok did, ripping a pipe from the wall. Your chest momentarily hurts, but your adrenaline kicks in and makes the pain subside. You hold the pipe close as the next turn comes up. However, before you guys can make the turn, a whole bunch of men and women step out, balling their hands into fists at their sides. Uh oh. You're so out numbered here. That's gotta be 15 to 5.

Hoseok throws the pipe to Namjoon and grabs another one from the wall. There's not enough pipes for Seulgi and Baekhyun, so they raise their fists. You shift and notice two more men coming up behind you, gaining on you fast. "I'll cover us, take care of the rest!" you say, rushing forward. In your mind's eyes, you remember Jungkook from the Belt and pull the same move he did. You slide on your knees, which catches them off guard. While they're stunned, you whack the closest one's knee and he falls over.

You roll forward, dodging the other's grasp, and you do an uppercut with the pipe, striking his chin and causing him to gag, falling to the floor. The other struggles to stand, so you hit his cheek, knocking him out. When you look up again, you see Hoseok pinned down by a man, Seulgi and Baekhyun struggling to fight off their pair while Namjoon is fighting to get his pipe back. You rush forward, about to join when you hear footsteps behind you. Fast ones. As soon as you turn around, you feel a breeze zip by. Only one person can move that fast.



"Do you think we're going the right way?" Jimin asks as Jungkook strolls forward. It's rather dark in the service tunnel, but Jungkook started jogging in place to get his enhancements going. The bright blue from Jungkook's cheeks lights their path, acting as a flashlight.

"Probably, I'm not entirely sure where to meet them. We'll figure it out as we go along. Data logs should be somewhere around here."

Jungkook pauses for a moment, leaning up against the wall to take a deep breath. Jimin pauses with him, giving the boy a glance. "Everything okay?" Jimin asks, and the boy shakes him off.

"I will be. Enhancements may make me superhuman, but using them too much or for too long? It drains my body. One time I used them so much that I fainted and needed blood."

"Jesus," Jimin whispers.

"I'll be okay though, I just need to know my limits."

"You can't really control your adrenaline. How will you be able to tell when something's too much?"

"I'll have to guess. Last time it was when I used them for several hours straight, so let's try not to do that," Jungkook replies, shaking the concerns off like this is just something they'll have to deal with.

"Yeah, let's definitely not, and when you need help, the crew will help you." Jimin stiffens for a moment, hesitating with his next words. "I'll help you."

Jungkook peeks over at Jimin with raised brows and pursed lips. "You mean that?" Jimin gives him a firm nod. Jimin may not know Jungkook well, but he's shown himself to be resourceful, not to mention fun to be around. Maybe he's not so bad after all. "You, Park Jimin, continue to surprise me."

"I hope in a good way, we are dating after all." Jungkook laughs, giving Jimin's shoulder a gentle nudge. After that, Jungkook pushes himself off the wall and starts forward again, Jimin following. "What should we look for?" Jimin asks.

"I think we should get out somewhere in the middle of the building, find a terminal, and use it to get a map. Like Seulgi did. Might be hard depending on how many people are around, but I'm sure we can pull it off with my speed and your tools."

"Can we try contacting the crew?"

Jungkook tosses the idea away within a millisecond. "As much as I'd like to, comms make a lot of noise and are easily trackable. We don't want to risk revealing their position in case they're hiding."

Jimin half-shrugs, his mind elsewhere. "Good idea, probably for the best..."

At the silence, Jungkook peers back and quirks a brow up, Jimin knowing what the question will be long before Jungkook opens his mouth. "Are you okay?"

Jimin nods, smiling to himself. "Yeah, better than okay actually."

Jungkook's lips slowly spread into a smile to mimic Jimin's. "Is this about Y/N-"

"You know, for someone who used to date the girl, you seem to be awfully interested in her current love life."

Jungkook chuckles, turning a corner. "What can I say, my ex and my current boyfriend are hitting it off." He guides them down further, then swivels in Jimin's direction. "It should be right up here. But in all seriousness, if you want to talk about her, I'm more than willing to listen." Jimin's eyes dilate, then his heart warms. Jimin trusts his crew, and would gladly share the details of his relationship with them... but, something about Jungkook makes Jimin want to trust him the most. Jungkook feels like he's already becoming Jimin's friend. It feels good to have a true friend.

"Well, everything is going good between me and her. I really can't say much about it other than. It's great. Really, it is."

"I'm happy for you, truly," Jungkook replies.

"Be honest: are you jealous at all? I won't judge you if you are. I'd perfectly understand. God knows I was jealous when I saw the way you looked at her."

Jungkook doesn't answer for a brief second. "Honestly? A little bit. She's a great girl, and I know I'll always have feelings for her. But as a wise man once said: I'm her friend, not her dad. She's with someone that cares about her and will treat her right. That's all that matters to me now."

Jimin warmly smiles, his heart doing a small leap inside his chest. "Thank you. That really means a lot."

"Don't mention it, it's the least I can do to thank you for not beating me up." Jimin laughs as they approach the exit to the middle of the shipyard. Jimin is about to step forward to unscrew the panel when the alarms go off, and after a few seconds, the emergency lights turn on.

"Shit... Y/N!" Jimin says, whipping around and sprinting in the opposite direction.

"Wait - where are you going?" Jungkook asks, struggling to keep up.

Jimin keeps running, listening closely, hoping to hear the shouts of his crewmates somewhere. "We need to find them and guide them to the exit!" Jimin says, going deeper into the tunnel system. Jimin pants as he goes, nearly tumbling to the ground. "I'm not losing her." He feels so much dread welling up in his chest. The alarms going off... that can only mean one thing: they've been spotted. Y/N could be fighting for her life right now. The thought makes Jimin's heart beat faster, and his adrenaline starts to kick in.

"How will we even find them?" Jungkook asks.

Jimin wishes he had a better answer. "We keep running until we hear voices, that's the best we can do."

Jungkook holds them up, Jimin about to ignore him when Jungkook speaks. "Wait, do you hear that?" Jungkook asks, and Jimin shakes his head.

"Other than the alarms?" Jimin asks back, gazing at Jungkook, who's cheeks are glowing brighter than ever before.

"No, it's... Seulgi. She's giving out commands."

"You can hear her?"

Jungkook motions to his cheeks. "Another perk. Sensitive hearing. Follow me!" And, without another word, Jimin does.


As soon as the breeze passes by, you whip your head around and notice your pipe is missing. Jungkook took it out of your hands and you didn't even notice. You envy anyone who would have to fight Jungkook. His enhancements are glowing brighter than you've ever seen before as he rushes into the fight.

He first takes care of the ones engaged with Hoseok, Seulgi, and Baekhyun, knocking them out cold before moving onto the others. You watch in amazement as Hoseok joins in, going for body parts that wouldn't kill, but would definitely slow them down. Before you have a chance to keep watching, you hear more footsteps. You snap out of your daze and turn, preparing to punch when you see the man you admire so much dashing towards you.

"Y/N!" Jimin shouts, rushing up to you and engulfing you in his arms.

You squeeze him back, nearly crying due to your rush of emotions. "Jimin, you're alright!" You pull away from him, and he gazes at you with admiration. He rests his hand on your cheek. On instinct, you put your hand over his. He seems so worried, and the look he's giving you making your pulse heighten. As selfish as it may seem, feeling desired has your body trembling. Your heart pumping.

"I-I heard the alarms, heard shouting..." He pauses, scanning you up and down. "I thought I lost you," he finishes in a whisper.

You give him what you pray is a reassuring glance. "You can never get rid of me. You told me to stay, remember? So I'm staying with you, Park Jimin."

He brightly smiles, bringing you back into a hug. He sniffles, squeezing you for a few more seconds before letting go. "Looks like our pest problem is taken care of," he says, motioning to the battle. You turn in time to see Jungkook standing over a bunch of unconscious people, holding a pipe in his hand and panting.

"Jungkook!" you say, slipping your hand into Jimin's and dragging him forward. "I'm glad you guys are okay. I'm surprised you're even here."

Jungkook pants, but that doesn't stop him from smiling. "Sorry we're late, Jimin couldn't stop gawking over my slap. Didn't think he was into that kind of thing, but alright," Jungkook teases.

Jimin scoffs, but you can tell he's teasing back. "I'm into way more than that I'll have you know."

"Oh, I know," you reply to shut them up: and it works. Both Jungkook and Jimin stare at you with their mouths bobbing open and closed..

"I hate to break up the reunion, but we have to go," Hoseok says.

"Right, that's kind of important. Let's go," you say.

"We're so talking about this later," Jungkook yells before commencing yet another run. You follow, then take the next right and find the exit. You burst through the panel, crawling on the metal ground and panting.

"Jesus that took a lot out of me," you mutter, looking back to see Jimin putting the screws back on the entrance once everyone's free. However, you don't get much chance to speak about what happened since someone interrupts.

"I knew you guys would be out here!" a familiar male voice says from your left.

You look in that direction and your eyes widen. Jin is here. "Jin, you made it!" you say, slowly standing and giving the man a smile.

"My father told me to leave as soon as the alarms went off. I'm glad you guys made it out."

Jimin and Jungkook stare at the man, both of them tilting their heads at him. "Is there another mysterious ex-boyfriend I don't know about, Y/N?" Jimin asks.

You laugh it off. "No, we met him earlier. He got us into the service tunnel in the first place. We wouldn't have gotten what we needed without him."

Namjoon dusts himself off and hops up, approaching Jin. "You helped us today, and I thank you for that. I may not totally trust you but..." Namjoon pauses, peeking back at you for a brief moment. "I've come to learn that not all outsiders are bad. Actually, some are really good. I trust that you'll make a good addition to our crew. You're welcome aboard any time."

Jin nods his appreciation. "Thank you."

"Let me introduce you to everyone. I'm Namjoon, this is Jungkook, Jimin, Y/N, Seulgi, Baekhyun, and Hoseok."

"Kim Seokjin. Jin for short." Jungkook and Jimin give him a nod in greeting that he's quick to return. It's nice to have a beat to slow your pace and take in your surroundings. The stale air hitting your face, the barren landscape ahead, the sweating bodies of your crewmates. But after the crime you just committed, perhaps focusing on the task at hand is a better idea than getting lost in your thoughts.

"Well, now that we're out, we need to have a next move," Namjoon starts, rubbing his fingers against his temple.

"I suggest we leave and go back to the hotel," Jimin says.

Namjoon hums, facing Jimin with a dimpled smile. "I agree. Get to the hotel and pack. Now since we have the information, we have no business here. Seulgi, meet me in my room so we can go over the information."

"What about me?" Jin asks.

"You can take my room," you say without thinking. The crew glances over at you with their eyebrows shooting up. Jimin coughs and rubs the back of his neck, and after realizing what you said, you do the same. "I-It's no problem, I promise."

Jungkook smirks, stepping a bit closer to you. "So where will you sleep?" Jungkook and Seulgi's eyes dash between you and Jimin, a knowing look in their eyes. God dammit, do they always have to be Cupids?

"Forget it, let's get out of here," you mumble, tugging on your hair as you step away. On the bright side, at least your mission was a success, and you met a new friend in the process. You really can't complain. But there's still one problem left to tackle.

What do you do next?

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