Quarantine Hotel (My Chemical...

By Y3ll0wB1rd

1.5K 76 9

When a band wants to record a new album in a secure location. A hotel seems like the best place to hide away... More

The Job Description
Moving In Day
A Breakfast with a Difference
Alcohol and Attraction
Let the Music Play
A Girl will always tell her Best Friend
Late Night Caller
Morning Plans
Half Naked and Wet
Oh I'm There, Baby
Shampoo Drama
Let's Talk
Chat Group Assemble
Down by the Old Oak Trees
A Skip and a Jump
Sunset Conversations
My World is Changing
Friends in Turmoil
Goodbye Hotel
Two Weeks
Home, Sweet Home


84 4 0
By Y3ll0wB1rd

Three days have past and it's time for my next test.
I sit on the edge of my bed and pull out the testing cartridge and swabs.
I blow my nose and stick the swab to the back of my throat and then up my nostrils.
I let out a giant sneeze as I pull it out.
I'm ok with swabbing my throat but it's always the nose swabbing that gets my eyes watering and having a sneezing fit.

I dip the swab into the bottle of solution and swirl it around for thirty seconds.
I chuck the swab in the disposal bag and pop the lid on the solution bottle.

I drop a couple of drips on the cartridge and wait to see if the test window starts to change.
The liquid is seeping up from the bottom, over the line sections to the top.
I feel nervous in case it is a positive so I put the test down and go to put the coffee machine on while I wait for the test to progress.

I pour out my cup of coffee and head back to the test.
It's been 5 minutes and there doesn't seem a second line appearing. Only the negative test line is visible.

I take a sip of coffee and then begin to get dressed. I put on my shirt and knee length skirt that is part of my hotel reception uniform. It feels so good to be back inside it.

I checked the clock and it has been 30-minutes. I look back at the test and it is negative.

I am ready to start work.

I walked down to the front desk to be greeted by Terry.

"Good morning, are you ready to start work this morning?" He chirps. "We have some special guests arriving very soon"

I smile, trying to hide my excitement.

I set up myself onto the high chair at the tall desk. I look how empty the check-in book is. It's quite sad that it hasn't been written in for a couple of months.
Fucking virus. It has ruined so much!.

It feels good to be back to a somewhat normal reality but it's still very daunting that we are not out of the woods yet.

I looked down at today's checking page and see 4 names written down along with 'plus entourage'

I read all the information on the booking

Gerard Way
Michael Way
Frank Iero
Raymond Toro

These must be the band members.

There are 15 rooms on the third floor and they have booked them all for two months, not one like I thought.

They have also booked the ballroom for the same period for 'recording purposes'.
I guess that is where they are setting up all the studio equipment for them to record their music.

I look outside and see a big truck parked in the loading bay. I can see some of their entourage loading instruments and sound equipment out of the back and into the ballroom doors.
There must be about 20 guitars being loaded out, a drum kit and several microphone stands. It's all pretty exciting. I've never experienced anything like this before.

I looked down at my desk and gather all the paperwork I need to sign everyone into the hotel when I hear footsteps and laughter coming towards me.

"Good morning Miss. My name is Gerard Way. We have come to book in" he smiled.

I smiled back at him, his face was soft and kind. He had 3 men standing behind him who I guessed were the other members of the band.

I pull out four forms and line them up along the desk so they can sign and check in.
I looked down at the names they are signing so I know who is who.

Gerard, he's the kind looking one. Dark hair, long and tucked around his ears.

Michael, although he is signing his name Mikey, he has a very chiseled jaw bone. He's quite tall and has mousy hair brushed neatly on top of his head.

Ray, he has so much hair. It looks really soft and I wondered to myself what it would be like to touch it. He has a really kind looking face too. The feeling of warmth radiates around him.

Frank is the last one I look at. He has lots of brown hair. He's the shortest of the four men. He has a really cute face but also it's kind of rugged with the stubble around his chin. He looks up and smiles at me and I notice his hazel eyes. I smile back and feel myself blushing.

The four men hand back their sheets and I turn and give them their keys to the rooms that have been allocated to them.
Gerard has 302, Frank has 304, Mikey has 306 and Ray has 308.

"Thank you Miss" smiles Ray. His voice is very soft and gentle.

"You are welcome, your bags will be brought up to your rooms shortly" I smile back at them.

Gerard and Mikey give me a nod as they walk towards the elevator.
Frank smiles and give me a wink.
I grin and start to blush again.
I spin around on my chair so he can't see my full red blushing face.

I turned back round and the guys have all gone upstairs. Jack, one of the butlers is pushing some of their suitcases through the lobby on a trolley, followed by Andrew with more loaded up.

Terry walks up behind me.

"So have you met the band?" He asks.

"I have" I smiled back. "They seem like nice guys"

"Good, let's hope they are not like other rock bands and completely trash this hotel. I'd like it standing in one piece when they leave" laughs Terry.

I reassure him. "I get the feeling they are not like that at all. They are all older and wiser now. I doubt they will be getting drunk and throwing TVs out of windows".

"I will hold your word to that" he chuckled back.

At that moment I see blue hair bounding towards me.

"Did you see them?. Did you meet them? What did they say?" Screams an excited Anna.

I try and calm her down, telling her all about the meeting.

"Holy Shit!" She squeaked. " My Chemical Fucking Romance are here!. I can't wait to meet them".

"You are going to have to be a lot calmer than that" I laughed.

"Yes you are right" she said quietly. "I will be cool, calm and charming. I don't want to act all 'fangirl' in front of them"

"What like me?" I laughed

"Yes!" Anna exclaimed. "You have to teach me how to stay calm"

This may be my hardest task yet!

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