The Strongest One!(REBOOT!Mal...

Par Baryan_KuramaSeal

82.5K 1.6K 1K

Y/n was always an odd child growing up. He would eat more than humanely possible and had a strong desire to f... Plus

Readers Bio
Chpt 2: A Deadly Date, Partially Complete
Chpt 3: Another Strange Encounter
Chpt 4: The Nun From The Church
Chpt 5: Kidnapping
Chpt 6: I'm an Alien?!
Chpt 7: The Saiyan Rasied On Earth, Son Y/n Vs The Elite Saiyan, Kumarr
Kumarr Bio
Chpt 8: Boiling Anger, Awaken The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chpt 9: What Does Love Mean To You
Chpt 10: In It To Win It
Chpt 11: The Immoral Pheniex
Chpt 12: 10 Days Of Development
S1 Chpt 13: Give It You All!
S1 Chpt 14 Finale: Our Final Trump Card
Preview For The Strongest One Season 2
Season 2 Chpt 1: Not In The Right Mindset
Chpt 2: Something Bigger Is Going On
Chpt 3: A unfriendly reuinion, The Other Super Saiyan
Chpt 4: Searching For A Cure
Chpt 5: The Chruch Alliance
Halloween OVA
Chpt 6: Getting Back In The Game
Chpt 7: Artificial Life
Chpt 8: The Fallen Angel, Kokabiel
Thank You
Chpt 9: Corruption Of The Mind
Chpt 10: Awakening; Kumarr's Pride

S1 Chpt 1: My Brother Suddenly Gets A Date!?

6.5K 117 96
Par Baryan_KuramaSeal

In the early morning of the day, a figure can be seen training themselves by a lake. With a fury of punches and kicks, this figure seems to have been doing this for the longest time. The figure comes to a stop when they hear an alarm go off. Stoping their training, the figure walks over to their bag they placed on the ground and picks up their phone.

???: I should head home and get ready to the day.

The figure grabs the bag then grabs a towel out their bad and wipes themselves off as they walks to their house. Upon walking for about hour and a half, they reach their home.

Once they entered the house, they were greeted by a middle aged woman with brown hair holding a basket of clothes.

Miki: Morning my little warrior!

???: Mom! I'm not a little kid anymore!

Miki: You'll always be little to me no matter how big you get. Now hurry and get dressed and while your at it, would you please wake up your brother.

???: Sure thing mom.

Miki: Thank you so much Y/n.

Y/n then walks up the steps up to the bathroom and enters. He takes off his shirt and looks at himself in the mirror.

Y/n:(Even though I've been training since I was a kid, I can't help but feel like I have an untapped potential deep within.)

Sighing to myself, Y/n continues to undress and hops in the shower. Once he was done he went to his room and grabbed his school uniform.

In a few short minutes, Y/n was dressed and went to his brothers room.

Y/n*knocks*Hey Issei! You up yet?

Issei:*sleeply*Yeah I'm up*yawns*just a little sleepy is all bro.

Y/n: Well you better hurry and get dressed before your late for school, and you knows how Sona is when students are late.

Without saying another word Issei opened the door fully dressed with his bag in his hand. Laughing to himself, the brothers head downstairs and say their goodbyes to their parents. They walk out and make their way to school. As they walk, the two say their hellos to the passing people that come their way. After walking a few blocks, the pair finally make it to their school, Kuoh Academy.

Before the two brothers joined the school, Kouh Academy was an all girl school. But after some time, the academy started letting boys join the school, though there are still more females than males. As the two walk past the gates, the surroundings students give the boys different reactions. For Y/n he is given hellos and good mornings by both the male and female students, and some thirty girls sending winks and kisses at him. For Issei, mostly the female students give him dirty looks while calling him things like perverted scum, worst person to walk the earth, etc. As they walk into the school, two boys walk up to them, a boy with glasses and another with a large ears.

Matsuda: Yo! Issei my man! What's going on.

Motohama: Morning you guys.

Issei: Hey Matsuda, Motohama. What's up my dudes.

Matsuda: Not much, but guess what.

Issei: What's up?

Motohama: He's got the newest episode of Skimpy Knights and Slimes!

Issei: No way!? Dude we've so got to watch it after school!

Matsuda: You know it!

Motohama: What about you Y/n, care to join us?

Y/n: As lovely as it sounds, I think I'll pass. It's already troublesome with one pervert in the house.

Issei: Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game.

Y/n: That line doesn't work here. Besides we need to get to class, you can continue your conversation with them later during break*grabs his coller*now come on let's go.

Issei: Later guys! See you later!

It is now a free period and Y/n can be seen in the school's gym training with some girls watching him from behind the door. They all stared at him as he punched and the kicked the air.

???: What is going on here?

The girls quickly turn around to see the student council present Sona Shitori standing behind them.

Girl 1: We're just watching Y/n train is all.

Girl 2: Yeah! He's so strong!

Girl 3: And sexy too!

Sona: Ladies please, can you not watch him train for one day?

Girl 1: And miss a chance to see Y/n's sexy sweaty body? No way!

Sona:*sigh* If you don't leave immediately I'll have to send you all to detention.

As soon as she said detention, all the girls left in an instant. As the girls were fleeing, Sona couldn't help but shake her head in disappointment. She excepted this kind of behavior from the boys, especially the perverted trio.

Y/n: Oh hey Sona!

Sona: Hello Y/n.

Y/n: I saw some girls run away. Why's that?

Sona: They were watching you while you were training, again. I'm sorry for them.

Y/n: It's fine, really. If you lived as long as I have with Issei, you tend to not be bothered as much by such things.

Sona: Speaking of your brother, how come he doesn't train with you?

Y/n: I've tried to get him to train with me, he just doesn't have the same drive that I have. All he thinks about is achieving his dream of becoming a harem king.

Sona: Maybe he just needs the right push.

Y/n: Maybe. Well I'll see whenever, see ya around Sona.

As Y/n takes his change of clothes and heads to the showers, Sona stares at him as he walks away with a sadden smile on her face. As Y/n finished with his shower and changed into his school clothes, he began walks around enjoying the scenery. He continued to walk around until he caught the sight of Issei with his friends looking through a peephole in the kendo club's changing room.

Y/n:*sigh*(Here we go yet again.)

Walking around to the front, Y/n knocks on the front door of the Kendo Club. As a few short seconds the door opened to revel one of his classmates Murayma.

Murayma: Well look who it is? Hey girls the great saiyaman is here!

Girl 1: Really!?

Girl 2: What's he doing here? Not that I'm complaining.~

Y/n: Sorry to bother you girls, but my brother and his friends are peeping on you girls, again.

Murayma: If I'm being completely honest with you, I'd thought you'd be more like Issei.

Y/n: And get my ass handed to me by my mom? No way. Trust me, that woman is on demon time when she's pissed.

Murayma: I'll take you word for it and thanks for the heads up. Come on girls! Let's go beat those pervs to a pulp!

-With Issei-
Issei can't believe that his friends ran away and left him there. What assholes! Suddenly he heard footsteps from behind him. Out of curiosity, he turned to looked who it was and it was the girl from the Kendo Club.

Murayma: Well, Well, Well, what do we have here?

Katase: A pervert that needs to be taught a lesson.

Me: C..Can't we talk this out?

Kendo Girls: No.

-Short Timeskip-
Issei was sitting with his back on one of the many walls of the school with small bump on his head, and in front of him where Motohama and Matsuda.

Matsuda: Did you at least see some nip?

Issei: No I didn't get to see any nip cuz I was too busy get the crap beat out of me!

Motohama: It does make you wonder? Who told the girls we where peeping on them?

Y/n: That would be me.

The three look up to see sitting on top of the wall Issei was leaning on. He jumps down and the three perverts back away scared.

Issei: Come on bro! Please don't hurt me!

Y/n: Cool your jets Issei, I'm not gonna hurt ya.

Issei: Oh thank god.

Y/n: But mom on the other hand....

Issei: Please tell me you didn't?

Y/n: You had this coming bro.

Issei: AAAWWW!!! Moms totally gonna kill me!!!!

Y/n: I doubt that she'll hurt you too bad.

Suddenly the wind blows lightly and the four of them feeling someone watching them, especially Y/n. Looking up the four of them see a girl about looking down at them from the window above.

Y/n and Issei both stare at her as she look down at them. For what felt like an eternity for the two brother was five seconds for the red headed girl and she went inside of the building leaving the boys to themselves.

Motohama: Did you see that honey? Her sugar has got to be sweet!

Issei: True that. What is it about red hair?

Matsuda:*fixes his glasses* Her name is Rias Gremory. 362436. She's the president of the occult research club. Word around the school is she's from Europe.

Y/n:(Something tells me this won't be the last time I see of this Rias Gremory girl.)

Inside of the building that Rias was inside of, she was sitting in front of a chessboard with a girl with raven hair behind her.

Rias: Akeno, who was that boy in the middle?

Akeno: Him? Well I think he's in class 2-b, from what I remember his name is Issei Hyoudou.

Rias: And the one standing?

Akeno: That would be Son Y/n Hyoudou, Issei adopted brother. The two are known throughout the school. Issei is known as a member of the perverted trio while Y/n is known as the great saiyaman for stoping the bullying and perverted boys that try and peep on the girls. Why what makes you ask about them?

Rias: Nothing, I just wondered if you knew about them was all. Oh and checkmate.

Rias gets up from her seat as Akeno looks in surprise.

Rias: Your trap was very easy to see through.

Akeno: Sorry, I did my best to make it harder on you.

Rias: Thanks, I look forward for next time.

Rias undresses herself and heads into the bathroom to shower. As she's in the shower, she lets the hot water run down her body.

Rias:(Son Y/n and Issei Hyoudou huh?)

It was now the end of the school day and Y/n was waiting for Issei so that way they can walk home together like the usually do. After waiting for a short while, Issei finally showed up.

Y/n: Finally! What took so long?

Issei: Sorry I'm late bro, had to say goodbyes to the boys.

Y/n: Well now we can get home. I'm starving!

Issei:*chuckles*Its a miracle that mom manages to cook all that food you devour.

As the two brother walk over a bridge, Issei sulks over the railing complaining that he'll never get a girlfriend and that he'll be lonely forever. As Y/n was watching his brother over react, he sensed a sinister energy coming towards them.

???: Excuse me? Your Issei Hyoudou from Kuoh Academy right? Or am I wrong?

Issei: Yeah?(I don't recognize that uniform. What school is she from? Who cares she hot!)

Yuma: Hi I name is Yuma Amano

Issei: If there's something we can help you with?

Yuma: Sort of. I just wanted to as you a quick question. Are you seeing anyone right now?

Issei: Now? No.

Yuma: That's wonderful!

Issei: It is?

Yuma: Well in that case, since your single, I'd like for you to be my boyfriend!






Issei: Huh?

Y/n: Huh?


Y/n: You what!?

Yuma: I want him to be my boyfriend?

Y/n: WHY!? He has no redeeming quality's what so ever! The only two things he's good at is being a brother and peeking on girls!

Yuma: I don't mind it at all.

Y/n: S..She's insane...Y..Your insane...

Issei: Hell yeah I'll be your boyfriend!!

Y/n's Mind

In a quick motion, Y/n grabs Issei by the collar of his shirt and pulls him to the side.

Y/n:*whisped*Issei! What the hell are you thinking!?

Issei:*whisper*Dude! This is my moment! It's stage 1 to my harem king dream!

Y/n:*whisper*For once can you stop thinking with your dick and start think with your head. Think Issei think! A random girl who you don't know from who knows where comes up to you and asked you to be her boyfriend. That doesn't sound suspicious to you?

Issei:*whisper*Your just being a hater.

Y/n:*whisper**sigh*I'm not being a hater, I'm just concerned for you is all. I don't want anything to happen to you. Your my brother man, plus we made a promise to always look after each other didn't we?

Issei:*whisped*Look I know you worried, but you don't have to be. If something does happen then I'll give you one free shot on my arm, deal?

Y/n:*whisper**sigh*I'm so gonna regret this. Fine, deal.

Issei: Sorry about that, my brother and I were having a discussion about what just happened.

Yuma: So it's a yes then right?

Issei: One hundred percent!

Yuma: Thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow then!

She runs away as Issei fist bumps the air and Y/n facepalms. When they arrived home, Issei told their parents the news and let's just say that their dad's face became real good friends with the floor, their mother however was jumping up in joy that one of her sons had finally gotten a girlfriend.


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