The Elementalist Lucia [One P...

By Edaura_

55.5K 2.5K 263

Her name is known to the greatest, between rumour and legend. Her bounty is excessive. Her story kept under s... More

I - The Auction Room
II - Lucia
III - Disappearance at Sabaody
IV - Here
V - Ace and Lucia
VI - It was worth being born
VII - I will not bow my head
VIII - Last journey
IX - Your father
X - Family
XI - In the name of which justice?
XII - Breaking the lock
XIII - Finally Free
XIV - My name
XV - The war is over
XVI - A rude awakening
XVII - Explanations
XVIII - What do you know about the D.?
XIX - Ace. Luffy. Sabo
XX - Brothers and sister for life
XXI - Regulus
XXII - Cooperation
XXIII - Gray Terminal's fire
XXIV - The diseppearance of a brother
XXV - We'll meet again!
XXVI - Intrigued
XXVII - Shattered Heart
XXVIII - Trainings
XXIX - Things will change
XXX - A little sacrifice
XXXI - Tomorrow
XXXII - Helios
XXXIV - Immersion
XXXV - Arrival on Fishman Island
XXXVI - The ghost of a white lily
XXXVII - You don't have webbed hands
XXXVIII - Hate or forgiveness, friends or ennemies
XXXX - Blood
XXXXI - You're my sister
XXXXII - Scorched sea and icy gaze
XXXXIII - Alliance
XXXXIV - I'm not trying to save everyone
XXXXV - Seeing things differently
XXXXVI - Night bound
XXXXVII - Forced fight
XXXXVIII - Dressrosa in sight
XXXXIX - Corrida Coliseum
L - Rage
LI - Heirs
LII - Birdcage operation
LIII - Kill or be killed
LIV - Trust me

XXXIX - Underwater fight

455 31 0
By Edaura_

As the crew gathered in the square, the civilians cheered the pirates. But Luffy's crew quickly realized that even though their captain had successfully taken down Hody, the fishmen had lost none of their smugness. Lucia remained on guard, her hand resting on the pommel of her sword. All gathered around the mermaid princess, they asked her permission to let them protect her now. A crash brought them back to reality. Hody emerged from the rubble, looking even more menacing than before. He accused Jinbei of treason, since he seemed to be getting along well with the humans and had taken their side. He then described his ultimate ambition, to take over the kingdom to join the Reverie and slaughter all the kings who would sit there. A cold shiver ran down Lucia's spine as he outlined his macabre plan. He finished his diatribe by declaring that it was him, and him only who had the right to be the king of the pirates. Lucia sighed, knowing in advance the turn that the events were going to take. Luffy stretched out his hand on the side, palm upwards. Lucia smiled and took it gently. She felt Luffy's fingers close around hers, in a reassuring and soothing contact. Without saying a word, without answering, he let her go and then calmly walked towards Hody and his men before being surrounded by the pirates who were obeying Hody. Then, without warning, he poured his Conqueror Haki on the square. In one motion, all the men around him fell unconscious. No less than fifty thousand men fell. Faced with the general astonishment, a satisfied smile stretched the lips of Lucia who even let out a laugh.

"Damn, he's not discreet..."

"He became so strong in only two years", blew Jinbei, admiring.

"It's Ray who trained him, I remind you", Lucia laughed.

She was not less impressed, he had grown since she had seen him for the last time in Marineford. He had now the necessary shoulders to enter the New World without worries. She stretched without breaking her smile and prepared to fight, as did all the pirates of the crew. Luffy rushed into the air and swung his arm to bring it down on the square.

"Always more spectacular..." Lucia laughed.

She drew her sword and pointed it at those who stood before her:

"It is precisely to face opponents like you that I learned to fight differently than with my power."

She had a carnivorous smile and, before they even realized it, she dashed between them, slaloming between their legs while making herself intangible and her blade cut their bodies as if they were made of foam. She reconstituted herself a little further away, not a little proud.

"And what? Is that all? I am disappointed..."

One after the other, Hody's henchmen fell, powerless against the attacks of the Straw Hat crew. The fish-man felt an inordinate amount of anger rising within him. In the palm of his hand, he created a drop of water three times larger than the ones he had thrown at the king and princes earlier and sent it at Shiraoshi. Before anyone could react, Jinbei had interposed himself with the same technique. Lucia looked at him admiringly:

"Impressive, I felt the blow go off but I barely had time to move."

"It comes with the training... but know that the drop of Hody is the karate of the beginners although it shows an unordinary power. "

Lucia laughed and looked up to see that the fishmen were launching an aerial attack. She sighed:

"They are wearing out."

"You say so," Sanji replied. "Will you do me the honor of accompanying me to this fight?"

She smiled a little as she met his mischievous gaze while he lit his cigarette:

"With pleasure."

The spiny carapaces of the porcupine squadron penetrated the skin of Lucia and disappeared in her aquatic body to their great surprise:

"WHAT?!" one of them shouted, "what is this? Water ?"

"Sorry", minced Lucia, "here is what it happens when one rushes headlong and that one does not know anything of his opponent."

She laughed as she rose above them, using the humidity to go higher and higher. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Sanji was following her, walking through the air, with the Cipher Pol officer style. He ignited his leg and shot it repeatedly at his opponents. Lucia held out her hands on either side and materialized drops of water in their hollow. She smiled sharply before powerfully throwing them at her enemies:

"Sagittarius arrow!"

The bubbles burst and the fish-men all fell to the ground with a mixture of desperate screams and thuds. She then dropped to the ground and drew her weapon once more to slice through those waiting for her on the ground. Each time she drew her blade, she projected a shockwave of water that slashed her opponents who didn't even have time to attack. On the ground, the members of Luffy's crew were multiplying their attacks and Franky was even able to inaugurate two of his new weapons for Sunny. Excited, Hody pulled out one of his master cards and called up one of the most terrifying sea monsters there is: the kraken. It took Lucia a moment to realize what was going on, but she finally burst out laughing. The sea monster remembered Luffy and made him climb on his head so that he could guide it. Luffy eventually ordered him to stay and protect Shiraoshi.

"I can't believe you were the kraken's friend," said Jinbei. "Your circle of friends continues to amaze me day after day."

"After a while you get used to it," laughed Lucia.

Tired of being dominated, the generals under Hody's command finally decided to go on the attack but were quickly routed by Luffy's crew. Increasingly angry, Hody ordered the kraken to crush the mermaid princess, reminding her that at any moment he could kill her brother who was still at the North Pole. That's all it took for everyone to understand that the giant octopus was forced to act to protect his brother. Luffy managed to convince the sea monster to stop his act and then stepped forward, his eyes burning with hate. Lucia gritted her teeth and followed him, her fists clenched. Jinbei watched them walk away.

« It's this kind of talk that will always make them react... don't touch family... or friends... and even more when it's a brother."

Two of the generals prepared to attack Luffy but were stopped by Zoro and Sanji, leaving the way clear for the captain. Pirates rushed at them but Lucia used her Conqueror Haki to take them down effortlessly while Luffy leapt into the sky to deliver a kick to Hody. The crowd couldn't believe it, they barely saw him move.

As Luffy began his fight against Hody, Lucia was cleaning up the enemy ranks around him, using her weapon and her devil fruit in turn. The fish-man was clearly no match for the pirate captain, and Lucia laughed as she saw him being pushed around. On her side, the opponents were not more powerful and it took her only a few seconds to put down tens of enemies. Suddenly their attention was drawn to a shape moving in the sky above them. Before their astonished eyes, the curve of a bow was drawn, then a huge boat emerged beside the island. Lucia widened her eyes:

"What's that- What's that thing?"

"It's NOAH!!" shouted a civilian.

If the ship hits the bubble, the whole island explodes and us with it! She gritted her teeth, not knowing what question to ask first. Who was operating this device? How to avoid the catastrophe? She didn't have time to think any longer as a new sea monster crashed into the square, falling off the ship. She recognized it, it was Wadatsumi. He had been accompanying Van Der Decken on the Flying Dutchman when they had met him underwater. So it was Decken who controlled this huge ship? But what was the point of this story? Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hody getting up for the umpteenth time. Damn, I don't know what he's doped up on, but it's strong.

Decken's voice could be heard on the island. He was speaking to Shiraoshi. Lucia understood then that, just like the axe she and Luffy had stopped earlier, Decken had decided to send the giant ship after the princess. Wherever she was, the Noah would pursue her forever. It seemed that the princess came to the same conclusion and decided to flee to interpose herself between the Noah and the island, preventing the fateful collision. Slowly, the ship veered toward her. She begged Decken to spare her kingdom and take her if that was what he really wanted. Then she began to swim, higher and higher, faster and faster, farther and farther away from the island. Without hesitation, Lucia dashed and dematerialized to be able to fly and reach the ship. She flew through the air, followed by Sanji who tried to defend the princess but was interrupted by Luffy who announced that he would do it himself. He propelled his captain towards the boat.

Just before he burst the surface of the bubble that covered Fishmen Island and made his way to the height of the mermaid princess, Lucia asked:

"Shiraoshi ! Are you alright?"

"Oh, Miss Lucia it's you! Don't worry, I'll lure that ship away from the island."

"Very well", agreed Lucia. "I'll stay with you okay? Whatever happens, I'm here."

The mermaid princess' lips trembled and she suppressed a sob:

"Thank you very much!"

Lucia took Shiraoshi's hand and squeezed it hard.

"Don't look back princess, we have to reach the sea."

They entered the passage which connected the main bubble to the Ryugu palace and crossed the bubble to join the sea. Lucia made her own protection to be able to swim and continue to accompany the princess. She felt the usual heaviness that invaded her when she dived into the water. It always took a few seconds for her body to get used to it. She glanced behind her and was stunned, Luffy, eyes revolted, was sinking into the water in front of Hody, satisfied. She stifled a scream of rage and, without thinking, turned to run at the fish-man before changing course to dive toward Luffy. She swam as fast as she could and, without even seeing it, knew that their opponent had just sent his weapon straight at his friend. She could feel the metal rushing through the water and redoubled her energy to intervene in time. She had barely made a move to draw her sword when Fukabaushi, the eldest prince of the royal family, had already stepped in and recovered Luffy. Lucia then put her hand on the bubble coral and threw it to him so that he could create a new protection for Luffy. He then used all his strength to move Luffy away from Hody who didn't seem to be finished with him yet. Remembering her promise, Lucia hesitated before going back to where she came from, returning to the mermaid princess' side, trusting Luffy and Fukabaushi to take care of Hody and Decken. Maddened by the princess' refusal of his advances, Decken threw sharp daggers at Shiraoshi, which were deflected at the last moment by the other two princes of the royal family and Lucia, who intervened. The princes explained to the young woman and the princess that whatever happened, the ship must not be damaged. Understanding the order, Shiraoshi and Lucia ran towards the surface to avoid the reefs of the sea bed. Luffy...

"Are you going to be all right, Miss Lucia?" the princess worried.

"Don't worry", replied the young woman, "my body is getting used to the ocean a little more every second. Maintain this speed and do not worry about me!"

What a pain, to be surrounded by water and not be able to control it as I want, it's the last straw. Damn fruit eater nature. Sweeping this frustration from her mind, she concentrated more on the movements of the water around her and adjusted her trajectory to avoid being swept away, for the moment she was letting herself go by taking advantage of the opening created by the princess who was swimming with force. A movement drew her attention behind her and she saw the two princes being forcefully hit by Hody. While the princess resumed her run without delay, Lucia drew her weapon, ready to attack and when Hody approached her, she brought her blade down with force on the fish-man's arm, forcing him to loosen his grip with a cry of pain. He swung his trident and prepared to impale the young woman who took a deep breath and, with her fingertips, started to create a bubble when he would pierce hers but he didn't have the time because Luffy intervened in the same stride with Fukabaushi and stood beside Lucia. She understood that Hody had attacked Decken... and that therefore, if the pirate fainted or died, the power of his devil fruit would be extinguished with him and Noah would stop following Shiraoshi and come crashing down on the island. A shiver of horror ran through Lucia. She rushed towards the princess to order her to change direction, she heard the two princes being attacked by Hody but did not turn around. She dodged the trident of the fish-man which had the effect of slowing her down but did not touch her.

"Shiraoshi!!!" she screamed.

Hody appeared in front of her with an evil smile on his face and she could only brake in urgency. In a final appeal, the youngest prince yelled at the mermaid to change course and Shiraoshi understood. Hody rushed towards her to stop her but, in the same movement, Luffy and Lucia prevented him. The fight then began between the fish-man and Lucia, although the latter was clearly at a disadvantage, hurt by the pressure and the water all around her. She held on, holding Hody back as long as she could to prevent him from approaching the princess. While encouraging Shiraoshi, Lucia mobilized her body as much as she could, using her blade to counter Hody's sharp fin. The bubble she had created for herself had lost its spherical shape a long time ago, having simply stuck to her skin to fit the shape of her body and facilitate her mobility underwater. Hody was showing a bad look, annoyed to see that a human being could stand up to him under water. Thanks to Haki, Lucia rarely managed to hit him and make him bend.

A thud in the water attracted her attention and stopped her movements. Forgetting about Hody who was standing above her, she turned around and screamed in fright. The giant ship, Noah, was now in free fall and was gradually falling right onto Fishmen Island.


"I had noticed", Lucia answered with clenched teeth.

There were so many civilians on that island, members of Luffy's crew, women and children... what cruelty! What hatred do you have that makes you ready to destroy your fellow men... She glanced at Luffy:

"Tell me, are you going to set this situation or are you picking strawberries ?"

"I'm coming, don't worry", Luffy growled. "I'll kick his ass and destroy the ship!"

At these words, Fukabaushi took fright and declared that it was not necessary to damage the so-called "prophetic" ship and announced that there was still hope that Decken was not dead and would regain consciousness, which would make the ship resume its initial race against Shiraoshi.

"But if he doesn't wake up in time, what do we do? A wooden ship or your kingdom, for me the problem does not arise!"

Luffy, Lucia and Fukabaushi started to argue to decide if they should destroy the ship or not. Exasperated, Hody finally started the hostilities against the princess and Luffy took the opportunity to enter the fight. He struck a powerful blow at Hody that sent him crashing into the ship, making him leave the sea by penetrating the bubble that covered the ship, but the latter had time to attack the pirate by sinking his sharp teeth into his shoulder. Seeing the blood flowing, Lucia completely spun around:

"LUFFY !!" she screamed, terrified.

"It's alright" , he answered her. "I take care of him, try to see how we can stop this thing!"

She swallowed, her eyes riveted on the blood which continued to flow from her wound in the shoulder. Then she clenched her fists and nodded before turning back. She paused when a great mass of air was released around the ship. Hody had just pierced the bubble that protected the Noah.

"LUCIA !" shouted Luffy.

"I'm on it!" replied the young woman.

Without missing a beat, she moved towards the ship to stretch a layer of bubble to envelop the ship. This thing is huge... She was deploying the spongy structure from her two outstretched arms over the solid wood ship, sensing Hody rushing toward her, trident in front. A sea current of phenomenal power shaved her face and threw her off balance for a moment. With a glance behind her, she saw that it was Fukabaushi who was confronting Hody and that the latter sliced his chest effortlessly with his steel fin. Come on Luce, a bubble is not complicated, make an effort thin... yes well I'm underwater and this thing is fifteen times bigger than all that I put on until now... BUT STILL ! She noticed that Hody was glaring at her but the prince got up and their fight resumed.

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