My Trophy Boy

By bubblegum_space

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My Trophy Boy An episodic drama series exploring the unfathomable feelings and actions between connected pola... More

A/N: Hello!!!
Introduction: Character Profiles
A1S1: An Invitation
A/N: Holland's 'Home'
A1S2: Unexpected Response
A1S3: A Streamer?
A1S4: Who's Home
A1S5: Interruption
Act 2 - Scene 1: Theatre
Act 2 - Scene 1: Observations
Act 2 - Scene 1: Dinner Date
Act 2 - Scene 2: Passing Moments
Act 2 - Scene 3: The Watcher
Act 2 - Scene 4: Out of The Black
Act 3 - Scene 1: Sunday
Act 3 - Scene 1: Talking To Myself
Act 3 - Scene 2: School Drama
Act 3 - Scene 2: The Shock of The Surprise
Act 3 - Scene 2: Rush Hour
Act 3 - Scene 3: Holding Back The Tears To Cry
The Cave Bar
Act 3 - Scene 4: Cave Bar
Act 4 - Scene 1: Morning
Quinton's House
Act 4 - Scene 2: Quinton's Hospitality
Act 4 - Scene 3: Quinton's Thoughts
Chapter 24: Getting With It
Chapter 25: Mind Full
Chapter 26: Pushing On
Chapter 27: Hiding In The Closet
Chapter 28: Lost Control
Chapter 29: Environmental State
Chapter 30: Office
Chapter 31: Office Part 2
Chapter 32: Office Part 3
Chapter 33: An Offer
Chapter 34: Eek
Chapter 35: Quinton's Morning
Chapter 36: Heading Up And Out
Chapter 37: 145 Minutes With Him
Chapter 38: Ignorance
Chapter 39: What The...
Chapter 40: I'm awake!
A/N: Meet The Secondary Characters!!!
Chapter 41: Mates?
Chapter 42: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Chapter 43 Part 1: The Shower
Chapter 43 Part 2: Brushing Our Teeth
Chapter 43 Part 3: Cream Me
Chapter 44: The Younger Sibling
Chapter 46: Chris' Insight
Chapter 47: Feeling Like A Reck
Chapter 48: What To Do, What To Have?
Chapter 49: Annoying?
Chapter 50: How H+Q Ended Up In The Cinema Room
Chapter 51: My Inflicted Pain
Chapter 52: Playing Games
Chapter 53 Part 1: The start of a long day.
Chapter 53 Part 2:The Ride Back
Chapter 53 Part 3: Not So Bad
Chapter 53 Part 4: Whats To Come?
Chapter 54: The Playroom Part 1
A Lotta Love And A Little Pain
Author's Note:
The Start of The Next Day
Car Ride
In The Car Moment
As Quiet As A Mouse
Keeping Safe
The Sadist's Pleasures
A Few Words
Holland's Discovery
Quick Confessions
What Shall I Do?
Author's Note
Oh, So This Is Where We're At?
New Home
Shower Moment
Evening Meal And A Confession
Teary Eyes
AM in The Morning
Early Morning: Task One

Chapter 45: Ow

561 48 26
By bubblegum_space


I sipped on my water whilst I observed my baby. He was flushed and slightly fidgety. He complimented Doug's pie and received a bow of gratitude in return from him.

"This is a peoples pie." I thought I'd perplex his little pretty face to break the ice.

Since Paris told us it was dinner he completely shut off from me. Was he disappointed that he couldn't return the pleasure?
He was thinking a million things, but he didn't say anything. I knew our moment was also a new experience for him, it was new for me too in some ways, but he put up a hard barrier that said 'don't touch me or come near me'. I didn't allow the gesture to hurt me, because maybe he was readjusting?

"Pardon?" His soft voice questioned as he looked in my direction but avoided my eyes.

Yes, I wanted to catch his attention. I didn't understand his sudden change of mood. I also didn't want him to hide his affections towards me inside the house.

"Within the mixtures of meat you can taste the fine flavour of people in it." I looked away from him as I joked.

"What do you mean-"

"Holly!" In walked Paris with two trays and two plates in her hand. She placed the trays on the side by the sink and walked over to Holland.

He looked as though he was dreading the moment. He shot me a quick sheepish look as if to say 'help'. I didn't quite get it. Was he like this, because he didn't want no one to know of our activity? I was a private man and even if the world knew of my affairs they were left to wonder with whys/whats/hows. Any secret of Holland's was safe with me.. but I don't want him closing off from me.

He needs time to adjust...

"So what was you up to over the last couple of hours?" She had an insightful grin. I've never seen Holland squirm before, so this was interesting.

"I was busy." He didn't dare look towards me, but Paris did with a smug look.

What did Chris tell this child?!

"Busy? Doing what?" She got comfortable and sat beside him.

"Work stuff." He put some of the pie in his mouth.

"Hmm work stuff?" She looked between me and him.

"What's with the interrogation?" He snarled at her and she smiled rolling her eyes.

"Is my brother, Quinny Quin Quin, good at his job? Does his efforts satisfy you?" She squinted at me.

She was going to make quite the success in life! My duty to protect both her and Holland was important to me.
This girl looked young, but her forward manner said otherwise.

"Yes, Paris. Holland is very good at his job and I appreciate him more than he knows. His efforts effortlessly satisfy me." I looked at him whilst I spoke. He looked at me with listening eyes.
"At this rate he will be rewarded continuously." I gave her a grin, though my message was for him. He was trying to repress his beautiful smile, but it peaked through displaying itself on his coy face. My mission felt half accomplished.

"Oh? Well I'm happy for you brother!" She leaned to hug him from the side. He hugged her back and rested his head on hers for a moment.

I liked that he was wearing my T-shirt, my boxers, socks and cardigan. Empowered was how I felt. I've marked him in more ways than one.
I will be over the sun when the day comes when I can actually dive into his soft and delicate neck to mark him.
He is my working progress..

"Where's our stuff?" He asked her.

Ow.. I wanted him glued to me a bit longer before any distractions.

"I packed away everything in the storage closet in the spare bedroom. You smell good, you went to shower?" She parted from him to steal a hash brown from his plate.

Doug Grant was one of the best home cooks I've known. He cooks for me 80% of the time and he can make anything from scratch! He wasn't even my personal chef, but his hobby of whipping up in the kitchen excluded the need to hire someone else. Plus privacy was important to me. I cooked for myself - and sometimes Doug, 10% of the time. The other 10% I'm eating out- which I do almost everyday at some point.

"I must ask Mr Grantio how he makes these hash browns. Oo the thin crispy golden outside and the soft cheesy-herby-potato middle!" She expressed to herself.

She was an impressive girl and I could understand why Holland was proud of her. It made me think back to their mother. I don't know much about her accept from her drug activity and prostitution, but that wasn't judicable. I didn't want to pry before the right time was due, but was it her doing for making these two beautiful people so amazing?

"He's probably gone home now." I checked my watch that read 20:20.

"Shame. Well I'm going to wash up and prepare some snacks. Chris is looking for a movie in the cinema room. You two hurry up and eat so you can join us." She bossed.

"What genre you feeling?" Holland asked before eating.

He eats delicately whilst Paris stuffs her food, I found the difference funny.

Paris and I said at the same time, before laughing.

"Yes, Quinny knows what's up!" Paris hyped. Her bubbly nature was refreshing.

"Oof." Huffed Holland. I take it he doesn't enjoy horrors..


I wanted to sit on a two-person recliner seat with Holland. I wanted to snuggle with him like before, but he went to sit in the middle on the far left next to Chris. Paris sat at the very back, because she said she liked to be high up. And I sat at the front on the right.

Obviously, I felt away. I wanted him with me. Oh well, I can check my messages and notifications during the movie.


"Ahhhh!" Holland shrieked.

Throughout the gory jump scares Holland made the most vocal expressions. Paris and Chris found his reactions funny and I did too, to an extent, but I also felt sympathetic. I heard the true shock and wincing fright in his voice and I wanted to comfort him... but he doesn't want my affections right now pff.

"Paris, you bitch, stop throwing popcorn at me!" He hissed at his younger sibling.

I looked behind me to chuckle with Chris. We shared a familiar look as we reminisced on our own childhood memories.

I was quite clingy with my sister. I wanted to protect them at all costs, especially when they had rowels with the servants or our parents. Chris was a nurturing sister, being the older sibling, they used to roughen me up. They used to sneak me out with them to make me do dangerous things. Chris was and still is so fun to be around.


Throughout the boring horror movie, Chris and Holland were chatting and laughing about other matters, Paris was doing stretches and running exercises, using the steps in the room to train on. And I was in communication with Felix.


Felix: Master, are you coming into the office tomorrow?

Me: I doubt it, but I don't know yet.

Felix: Would you like me to bring you some pastries or cakes, M?

Me: Some sweet and savoury tarts, please. Anything you'd like?

Felix: Okay.. Also thank you, Master.

Me: If I do go in tomorrow would you like to go to a lunch?

Felix: Of course! Would you like me to book a reservation or look at where to dine, Master.

Me: No no. I'll take care of it. Make sure you release yourself, I've learnt the hard way and have faced the consequences. Make sure you cover ground so then you can go off and explore. Consider taking a break.

Felix: I feel troubled, Master. I want to keep an eye on things until I know you're okay and come back with a clear mind.

"I'm going toilet!" Randomly exclaimed Holland. I didn't look back towards him, but I scrolled off mine and Felix's messages for a moment.

As he passed me on his way out and whispered, "Come."
He purposely brushed his leg against mine, catching my attention without paying me any attention. Anyone else would've missed it, but thanks to my acute senses I got the memo... then he was gone.

I pretended to take a call before I stood up and headed outside. I knew Holland wanted our other activity to be kept private and so I respected that.


Where was he?

"Holland?" I called as I checked the downstairs restroom.

Grr I've been walking around for two minutes.. where is he?!
Follow his scent!
I didn't want to tap into my other abilities to trigger something.
It won't!

I followed his warm soothing scent and was surprised to see him sitting on the Poole table downstairs. He sat readily with his legs dangling over the table and his hands in front of him like a cat. He was so small and petite it made me feel extremely fortunate. He was my type in every way, but physically it made me excited to know how I could explore his delicacy.

"So.. mate, can you teach me how to play?" He was poise as he flirtatiously crossed his leg over the other.

Who was this boy before me?

He cocked his head to the side and smiled at me. The smile contained many things which evoked all sorts of feelings from within. I want to feel his last breath underneath my skin..
This is what I meant by seducing me in effortless ways. The way he speaks, breathes, blinks- all his movements.. fucking everything, I adored about him! I shouldn't feel craven like this.. this could go very wrong.

I didn't realise I had approached him until his hands rub against my chest. His touch was so soothing, so warm and comforting. He uncrossed his legs and opened them for me. I walked in between his legs to be as close to him as possible, feeling a heated desire rush over me. I leaned down to kiss his cheek, but he dodged me. I looked at him with slight indignation whilst he looked up into my eyes with his big dark ones.

We stared into each other's eyes with this indescribable bliss. The energy I felt from us was a mixture of peace and bubbling ecstasy. There was a creeping crave of sexual desire, but I kept my cool.
Is his wildness domesticating me?
The time will come when I can reveal myself to him.

My mouth fell agape with surprise as he wrapped his leg around me, attaching us together. Mmm..

"Why won't you kiss me like you did in the car?" He whined in a shrunken voice.

A smile formed on my face. It pleased me that he had already missed my mouth on his own. I was glad he wanted me, because I wasn't sure how much longer I could last before caving in. I practiced patience, but when I wanted something my temper was short. I was not snappy, but like a British summer I was bright until the clouds burst. I collected a lot of vapour, making me the biggest cloud in the sky, but then I'd let out my wrath with heavy lightening, thunder and rain.



A fitting song- at the start of the chapter

"Quinton.." My Baby whined, wrapping his arms around my neck.

I lifted up his other leg and held both his legs that embraced me. I thrusted into him slightly so he could tighten his grip. He gasped and the expression amused me.

"We had our last kiss." I smiled smoothly as I rested my hands on his his thighs.

"What?" He looked at me with horror as if to say 'how dare I'. It made me grin.

"Your words not mine. I am a man of honour and so I've respected your wishes." I allowed my hands to roam his upper thigh and small waist.

He pouted and shook his head. His eyes were big and wholly as if he contained the universe within them. His soulful gaze averted to my lips. I licked my lips automatically and he whined again.

"I've changed my mind." He said nearing my face.

"I am a man of honour." I used my hand to pull his head closer to me. I gently kissed his forehead before swiftly lifting him up.

"Wah!" He yelped, holding onto me tightly.

I held him by his tight toned ass whilst I headed towards the seating area. He was very light weighted and I liked having him in my hands.
This would be good in this position, I thought to myself naughtily before I plopped us onto the seat.

Holland started to grind on me, allowing me to feel his printed member harden on top of me. I rubbed my hands up and down the side of his torso. He was full of so much energy.

"I love it when you touch me." He admitted with shy eyes and a smile on his face.

I loved to hear him tell me what it was he wanted. I also admired his bravery as his gaze held my own within the moment. Many things were going through both of our minds, and I know in the moment of heated desire my eyes will reveal their wild nature. He was doing very well!

Abruptly he grabbed the sides of my face and smashed his lips against my own. I was astonished by his sudden actions which froze my own, momentarily.

I shook off my statue-like state and matched his eager movements. He was craving this.. I was needing this..
We smooched as creeping seduction transformed us, making our intimacy dive deeper into its passion.

The mate bond was opening up doors.
Am I moving too quickly?
I can't help it..
Don't fight it.

Our tongues danced, duelled and got to know each other...
Mine! He is mine!
My crazy acknowledgment forced me to take over.

"Say ah." I commanded.

"Ah.." He looked at me readily with his mouth open like the good boy he was.

I held him by the neck and by the small of his back. I leaned forward with him firmly in my grasp as his body leaned backwards. He gasped in fear that I'd drop him.

"I've got you." I assured.

He used his initiative to open his mouth again and say 'ah'. I dribbled my spit into his mouth and his eyes went cross eyed as he watched. He swallowed me and tried to lean up for more, but my soft grip held him firm and still. He slightly scowled at me.

"Do you want more?" I looked down at him. He was didn't hesitate to nod.

"I can't hear you." I shook my head smugly.

"I want more." His quiet voice said adamantly.

"We should go, our siblings are probably looking for us. Knowing how Paris can be, you don't want to be seen doing this now do you?" I pulled him back up and slowly hugged him into me.

Ugh his fucking scent! His skin!
He was starting to drive me crazy.

"Ow.." He whined and nodded his head. It was cute.

He hugged me lovingly, snuggling his head between the crook of my neck and shoulder. Mmm..

I loved the soothing and calm breaths he took. When we were static I enjoyed and appreciated his presence. It was like we were showing our bareness to each other. I suppose we've already showed our nakedness and bonded. He was not normal in the slightest...but neither was I.

I wasn't going to give into him so easily. If he wants more he will have to earn it by understanding he cannot mess around with my feelings. He will understand to not put an ending between us, especially when things have just begun.

I rubbed his back, holding him and feeling our hearts beat.
This was a moment..
He's my bond..

"There you two are!" Invaded Chris with relief in their voice. They knew when to keep their distance when I was occupied with certain things, but they warned us with a good point.
"I know you two can't help this, but there's a child in the house and you're here in an open space. Get a room!" They walked off straight after.

They were right. If I was in a more vulnerable state my instinct would be to hurt any intruders, disregarding their relation to me. I am a beast, so I couldn't help it. It was easy to forget since I was mostly stable and operationalised in this 'human' form, but I can't be slack to be caught off guard.

I needed to spend absolute alone time with him. I needed to feel him and for him to feel me in ways we both desire. We need to get it out our system otherwise our internal drive will fault. We are mates and we're connected in more ways that one. Our bond will naturally evolve like a rocket going into space.

I have a lot of work to do.

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