one piece x reader one shot l...

By sandycake8

176K 2.5K 1.2K

now this book my look familiar, wattpad deleted my fucking story and were fucking shit getting it back, as in... More

Embarrassment (bdsm sub ace)
Good Boy (sub Ace)
blood bound (soft dom god law)
Flirting (dom ace)
quiet (sub rosinante)
Equations part 2 (soft daddy dom shanks)
Studies part 1 (dom law)
Studies part 2 (soft loving law)
Stockholm (law forced)
Onii-Chan (shy ace)
Tiger stripes (dom zoro)
undying love (yandere vampire mihawk)
Sick (soft law)
poker (sub nami)
Hide & seek (soft dom luffy)
Bad girl (soft dom sanji)
Asshole (coach smoker)
Never regret (vampire Bartholomew)
Mine (jealous Alfa zoro)
Lakehouse (rich jock ace)
Little mouse (dom Doflamingo forced)
Detention (dom teacher mihawk)
Beloved (Anubis law)
Volunteering (soft teacher Marco)
Birthday wish (Mihawk & shanks threeway)
Captains whore (hard dom law)
?needed? (Soft mihawk)
Forgiving (young sub shanks)
Obey me (bdsm sub Kidd)
Books (daddy mihawk)
Nesting part 1 (omega law)
Nesting part 2 (omega law)
iRobot (android law)
day by day (daddy ace)
Mate (dom siren shanks)
Better (dom luffy)
Dinner Time (sub thatch)
Heat (law forced)
Obedience part 1 (bdsm hard dom law)

Equations Part 1 (teacher shanks)

5.8K 75 150
By sandycake8

Another day at school and our sub is late again... that's if we have one today. Our math teacher quit a few months into the school year and for about a month and a half or so we have been having sub after sub after sub, sometimes they don't even get a sub for the day. We are all confused as hell when one of the subs try to teach us something we should be learning in this class, but we don't fucking know what's going on. The only person that has been passing the few tests that we have is luffy, how? I have no idea, al he does is sleep like zoro, and yet they both pass all the tests. Luffy is a close friend of mine so I know that he is a straight A student, and he's a fucking idiot so I have no idea how that is possible. I'm sitting by the windows today, seeing as how we don't have a seating chart anymore, and am looking out a window.

"Hello class, I'm Portgas D. Shanks (not sure if real last name but I'm just putting it as such) but you all call me Mr. Portgas, or Shanks I really don't care haha ill be your teacher for the rest of the year and I'll be here for many more I hope." I looked up to see a guy with red hair writing his name on the board. Naomi tapped my shoulder and leaned up to my ear.

"Oh my God, I have never seen a man that sexy in my life. Let's see if I can get that piece of ass."

"Ya right, you can't do that he's a teacher"

"And I'm 18 so its fine, but did you see him, how can I not, God he even looks sexy from the back"

"You say that about even new guy at first, and no I didn't seeeee-" I froze as he turned around, and holy fuck. My throat got dry as I seemed to forgot how to swallow. For once, Naomi wasn't blowing smoke out her ass. This had to be the hottest guy I have seen, even more than Ace and he's gay so there's no chance with him. Why does he have to be my teacher, who am I kidding. As if he would find a filthy poor girl attractive.

"See even you think he's hot"

"I can recognize when someone is attractive, that doesn't mean I find them hot. Plus he's our teacher, that's just wrong"

"But that's what makes it so right, I can already imagine him being me over the desk and plowing me"

"NAMI" I tried to whisper yell but was too loud.

"Now girls I don't appreciate you two talking when I am talking, but ill let it slide today" the teacher said with a small smile that made my heart melt with want a little.

"Oh I'm so ridding that fac-"

"NAMI SHUT THE FUCK UP" I tried to whisper yell again but was meet with a booming authority voice.

"THATS ENOUGH, now I was going to go easy today but you just earned yourself detention after school with me. I was also going to go around the room and have everyone introduce themselves and tell me something about you but since you want to talk so badly how about we kick things off with you. Now, what's your name miss troublemaker" I was already a shy person but when that was said I could feel myself shrink as he stared into my soul a little and for some fucking reason I'm getting wet. What the hell is wrong with me.

"Sorry sir my n-" he cut her off as he put his hand up.

"Sorry but we'll get to you, I was talking. To the one in front of you" I never been yelled at before by a teacher or have gotten detention.

"I- um-" he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Go on now, the floor is all yours" he gestured with his hand.

"Um I'm y/n l/n, and um-"

"She's my best friend" luffy yelled from the other side of the room with his hands in the air. I just chuckled and looked down shaking my head a little.

"Ya luffys my best friend" he clapped his hands together.

"Yay, hey tech I'm monkey D. Luffy and I love food" the teacher looked from me to luffy and his expression softened.

"Look at the bulge y/n" NAMI whispered in my ear.

"NAMI, I SWEAR TO ALL THAT IS HOLY IF YOU DO NOT STOP IM GOING TO THROW YOU OUT THE FUCKING WIDOW" I didn't even try to be subtle, I just whipped my head around and yelled at her.

"Y/n don't yell at me"

"THEN STOP FUCKING WHISPERING THAT SHIT IN MY EAR" NAMI started to fake cry with her hand over her face.

"THATS ENOUGH, BOTH OF YOU" the teacher started to walk over to us.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. shanks, y/n is always mean to me" I whipped my head back at her.

"IM MEAN TO YOU, like hell I am, your an asshole"

"NAMI you are an angel" sanji started to parse her as the teacher grabbed my bag on my desk with one hand and my wrist with the other and started to pull me to the front of the class.

"Don't be so rough with y/n you'll crack her beauty" sanji started to parse me before franky hit him in the head.

"Will you make up your damn mind you moron" sanji got back up and hit franky back.

"Shut up meat head" luffy threw his hands in the air.


"ENOUGH" the teacher yelled quieting the class.

" now miss. L/n you are going to be sitting here from now on, and the rest of you will have assigned seats as of tomorrow, oh and y/n you now have a week of after school detention with me" he said as he put my bag on a desk that was about 5 feet in front of his in the front row by the windows.

"Let's get back to introducing ourselves" I just put my head down to block out all of this embarrassment.


It was the end of the day and now i had to go back to my math teachers room. I'm not really sure how I feel about this. I'm upset that I got detention for the first time in my final year of school, all because Nami is a perv. At least I don't get to go home and deal with my parents. My parents are abusive and don't give a shit about me unless I show that I'm alive by being in their presence. I reached his door and he had it propped open. I figured I'd be respectful and knock first so I gave a little knock on the glass. He was doing paperwork, I guess, as he side eyed me and looked back.

"You don't have to knock y/n, but I appreciate you not wanting to startle me. Come in, you can close the door, the janitor should be going around soon. We don't need to hear that." I kicked the block out and walked over to his desk to see if there was work he wanted me to do, or to just sit and be quiet. Once I got to his desk I saw that it looked like he was working on a seating chart.

"Um sir, is that the seating chart for my class" he started to rub his chin in thought. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and I could see his muscle flex and my God the veins.

"It is, your class seems to be the most rowdy class I have. I'm trying to think of where to put everyone."

"Well, would you like my opinion on what might be the best" he looked at me and put his head in his hand holding it up.

"You sure your not going to lie to me so you can put all the clicks together" I laughed at the way he used clicks.

"It's not like your in charge or anything, you can always change it if you don't like my suggestion" he chuckled and moved the paper infront of me with his pen on top of it. I put my bag by his desk and grabbed a chair from one of the student desks and brought it over to where he put the paper.

"Well, sanji, usapp, Franky, and Coby....... And myself get distracted easily so it would probably be best to put them up front to limit distractions, am I safe assuming that you want my seat to be the same one you put me in today"

"Yes, I want your seat the same" I clicked the pen and wrote down in order from the door to the window in front sanji, coby, Franky, usapp, then myself.

"My I ask why you placed them the way you did." I unclicked the pen and pointed to sanjis name first.

"Well sanji and Franky are both nice and helpful, they are gigantic perverts, sanji more than Franky and I don't want either of them looking at me that way, coby is kind of a teachers pet and goody two shoes but gets distracted fas, sanji and Franky fight a lot so they can't sit next to each other without wanting to hit each other, usapp would rather do anything else than learn and have conversations and he doesn't really care about looking at or dealing with girls so I would rather him sit next to me" I reclicked the pen and started to put other names down.

"Zoro and luffy sleep a lot and snore, but they always pass tests, luffy has straight As and he sleeps through all his classes. How, I have no idea, but its always been that way. So they are not annoying anyone I would put them in the back near the windows. Maybe the sun will keep them awake. Do not call Tony, Tony, call him chopper. He has the deer head on, he is a furry and believes he is the animal. He is autistic and if you call him Tony he will lash out and hurt people and break things and not remember doing it. He is in all regular classes because he is really smart. I would put him in the back too cuz its hard to see over the head he has on."

"Is that why everyone shushed me when I said the last person we have is a tony not a chopper"

"Yes, now I would put robin next to nami cuz Robin is the only one I know who can talk sense into her when she is being stupid"

"About that, why where you yelling at nami" I thought about all the dirty things she was saying about him and shivered.

"You really do not want to know, just that it was stuff she shouldn't have been saying and it was making me uncomfortable" he didn't say anything so I kept going.

"Now brook is a character, but he likes to learn so I would put him behind usapp and in front of Robin, the others keep to themselves as you saw today so this should be good" I handed him the paper as he looked it over.

"Is there anything else you want me to do sir" he looked up from the paper with a questioning look.

"I never had detention before, from what zoro told me, you either help the teacher you have detention with or you sit at a desk and be quiet, do you need me to help you with anything.

"Ah ya" he handed me a few papers with students names on them.

"This is your last year so I was wondering if you could tell me about some of my students in my other classes" I returned the smile he gave me and told him what I knew about the others, as well as how bad the subs tried to teach us so it would be best for him to act like its the start of the year.


It's been about a month and he went with my seating chart, it seems to work very well. I make sure that I at least curse once every day in his class so I have a reason not to go home. I like staying and helping him grade homework and tests. He's very nice and layed back, but he is strict when it comes to talking in his class and cursing. I was on my way to science with Mr. smoker when nami jumped down my throat.

"WHAT THE HELL Y/N" I stopped walking and looked at her.

"My God nami, what did I do now" she scoffed.

"You know very well, you're trying to get with shanks before me" now it was my turn to scoff. Even if I was trying, which I'm not, a sexy God of a man like that would never go for me.

"You're fucking crazy if you think he wants a high-schooler. He's our teacher that's fucking weird" now we were starting to get loud and attracting a few people.

""Ha, so you don't deny that you're trying to get with him"


"GOOD BECAUSE HES MINE SO BACK THE FUCK UP" I scoffed and looked to his door. Smokers class was a little down from his so we were yelling close to it. I walked over and whipped his door opened and motioned for nami with my hands.


"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU-" she stopped when she saw him in the doorway. I was panting hard from my yelling as I turned to look at him. He was eating an apple and had his arms crossed with his sleeves rolled up, he did not look amused.

"Nami, y/n, my classroom after you last class. Now both of you stop being children and get to class" I looked down so I didn't have to see his face.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry about my outburst"

"Mr. shanks I'm sorry y/ns just-"

"NOW" he yelled cutting her off.

"The rest of you stop staring and get to class" I was already walking away when he said that and heard him close his door again.

"Ha, thanks for the invite y/n, now take notes as a real woman shows you how to get a man" I swear I'm going to beat her into the ground.


I got to his room before nami did and I knocked before I opened the door and walked right in, sitting in my seat infront of his desk.

"I see you're here first, I'm not surprised" he then looked at me, his face stern.

"Care to tell me what that screaming was about and why you felt the need to rip my door open" I was about to open my mouth and tell him to wait for nami, but she came walking threw the door and closed it behind her.

"Nami, nice of you to join. Take a seat I was just asking y/n-" she put her hands on the edge of his desk and pushed her chest out to make her boobs look bigger.

"Let's not worry about her, I'm here now and that's all that matters" he looked a bit confused as he looked up at her.

"What do you think you're doing" she flipped her hair and sat on his desk leaning closer to I'm. I feel like such an ass for covering my mouth with my hand and trying so hard not to laugh because of how hard she was trying and how uncomfortable our math teacher looked.

"I'm doing what we both want and I'll do so much more" she grabbed his tie and he looked like he was torn between running and hitting her.

"All you have to do is say the word" and with that he grabbed her wrist and stood up, making her stand and pushed her away.

"Nami, I am your teacher this is inappropriate even if you are 18. I'm not going to have any type of relationship with any of my students outside of being my students. You need to nock your shit off, and I might consider not calling your parents and telling them about what just happened here" I have never seen her face pale so fast before and with that she ran out of the room crying. He sighed and rubbed his red face mumbling something to himself. I couldn't take it anymore, my face just hurt so much from holding it in. I laughed histaricaly making my sides and throat hurt. When I finally calmed down a little I opened my eyes to see my math teacher with both hands on my desk, leaning forward giving me a glare.

"Is that why you keep getting yourself detention with me. Your trying the same thing. Like I told-"I was a little nervous but when he started to imply I was like nami I cut him off.

"Don't flatter yourself that much sir. Yes, I can recognize you are an attractive man. I'm not blind. However I know not to do something like that cuz it is wrong and stupid. That's what the fight was about. She wants in your pants and she was trying to say I wanted the same when in reality, I couldn't care less. I get myself in trouble cuz I would rather be here than at home. Not everyone has a good home life, and I do like having it with you cuz you're nice and don't say inappropriate things to the girls like the other male teachers. Though don't assume things cuz you just make yourself look like an ass sir." He looked into my eyes and as much as I wanted to look away cuz of his glare, something made me keep eye contact. Suddenly he looked down at me desk then turned around, grabbed his chair, pulled it infront of my desk, and put his ankle on his other knee and leaned on the windowsill.

"I owe you an apology y/n. You're right I did assume you were a bad kid with the first day and again just now, but you showed with how you help me and how you listen. Let's start fresh, you tell me about yourself and things you like so I have a better understanding of the person you are, and to make things fair, I'll tell you things about myself. Let's start things easy. What's your favorite color" I picked my head up a little more and smiled at him to see he had a gentle smile on his face.

"F/c yours"


It's been like a month or a little over and I have been staying after and helping my math teacher since the thing with nami. We talked more about ourselves, but that ended up being just to keep me calm as he then asked me about my home life and why I would rather be here and help him with work. I did tell him, but before I did I made him promise me to not tell anyone cuz I'll turn 18 on graduation and will move out. I don't want to be forced to leave then leave again. He agreed and is a lot nicer to me then before. Today he said he wanted to watch a movie and brought the shared TV in the classroom. He is in the teachers lounge making popcorn so I don't know what movie he bought in yet. I was leaning my butt on the edge of his desk finishing some English work in my notebook when he came back in.

"I forgot a bowl so we will just be eating it out of the bag" I didn't look up from my work as I heard his steps get closer.

"You think one will be enough for both of us" he crouched down a little infront of the TV that was infront of his desk and me.

"What makes you think it won't be"

"Well you kind of eat a lot, I pay attention. You never did tell me what we were watching" he laughed.

"I figured I'd have you watch pirates of the Caribbean, so you knew what kind of stuff I dealt with when I was younger"

"I will never believe you got your scar from a pirate battle" he stood up and picked the settings for the movie to start.

"Why would you ever think I would lie to you, I'm hurt" he didn't turn around as I looked up at the back of his head.

"Oh please I can hear that shit eating grin in your voice" he started laughing as the movie started to play and he his hands up slightly.

"OK you got me, you go-" he has his eyes closed as he went to step back and turn around but tripped over my feet and fell on me, pushing his body into mine so I was leaning back farther on his desk. He slammed his hands down on either side of me to catch himself. His face was so close to mine I could feel his breath on my face. He smelled like fruit and coffee this close. I could feel how clenched his muscles were from the shock of what happened. I could also feel how fucking built he was. My hands were on his chest as I was looking at them. His chest is so hard. I could feel my panties getting wet with my dirty thoughts. His sleeves were rolled up like normal showing the veins in his arms. But what wasn't normal was that his dress shirt was unbuttoned down three, showing just how tan and built his chest was just a little. My breathing picked up as I started and could feel my face heat up, but I couldn't hide my blush and I couldn't look away. Now that I got to know him, I wish he was a student so I could date him.

"I-I'm sorry y/n" his voice sounded deeper then normal and the way he said my name made me close my eyes and shiver.

"I didn't know I was that close to you" his voice was still deeper then normal by God. I might just need to throw these panties out with how wet I'm getting from his voice and my own thoughts. He didn't back up at all and i could feel his chest rise and fall as he took deeper breaths, but tried to hide it. After a little he put his one hand on the small of my back and started to stand up straight, bring me with him. He backed up just enough that he wasn't pushing my notebook into my chest.

"I wont lie....I-i know what I should do..... but I'm conflicted....... Y/n tell me what you want me to do.... Please" his voice was that same deep as before, but now I could hear the plead in his words. I know what I should say.

"Shanks~" but my body and heart don't want that. I traced my eyes up his chest and neck, I saw he swallow hard when I said his name the way I did. I really didn't mean to.

"Please~" but I can't help it as I look at his face and see the red on his cheeks with his mouth slightly parted and the emotion in his eyes.

"Kiss me~" there I said it, what I've been wanting to say for what felt like forever. He brought his other hand up to stroke my cheek making me close my eyes and shiver at the feel. When I opened them again he was slowly leaning down to my face and pressed his lips gently to mine. The spark I felt made me drop my notebook and pen and trade them to have my hands ghost up his chest and up his neck. He pushed me closer to him as he licked my lip and I parted them. Our tongues danced together sensually as I then ran my fingers through his hair and he whimpered in my mouth. His hair is so soft. He pulled away as my eyes fluttered open and we panted for air. Once we got enough in, it was my turn to lean up to him and start the next kiss.

One that started to get harder and hotter. He pulled away again and put his forehead on mine as we pant, his eyes still closed.

"I'm sorry... I don't see you as my student anymore....... I see you as a beautiful woman that I care deeply for and....... I can't deny my heart what it wants any more... y/n you are the only person I have met that got me to fall for them by accident....... Can we see where this will take us with you as..... my girlfriend" my mind went blank and I couldn't find my voice.

"Wh-what did you call me" he pulled away just a little to look at me with a questioning look for a little before it clicked.

"You're a beautiful woman" I could feel tears prick at my eyes as I could see the truth in his. He rubbed his thumb on my cheek making me close my eyes and lean into his hand.

"No one has ever called be beautiful before.. not even family" I opened my eyes to see a slightly sad smile on his face.

"You really think I'm beautiful" he chuckled softly as he lightly shook his head.

"I wouldn't be holding you like this if I didn't" I smiled even brighter.

"I may not have been in a relationship before but I would love to see where this will go with you" I said as I put my hand on top of his that was on my face.

"So you only kissed before, or... I'm sorry if it's too soon for me to ask something like that, I just want to know what type of pace I should go with you" I chuckled a little.

"It's fife, but what makes you think I've kissed someone before"

"There's no way you didn't kiss someone with how much skill was in those" I smiled now knowing that he really liked my kiss and I did it right.

"Shanks, that was my first kiss, and I'm willing to have other firsts as long as I get to do them with you" his face got red at my words as he looked down.

"But I'm not ready to..... um...... practice how to multiply" he started to laugh at my words.

"That's a creative way to describe sex" he said in between laughs. I baryed my face in his chest to hide my red face from his eyes since I was embarrassed thatI couldn't say sex to a grown man that I might one day have sex with. Fuck now I'm getting all hot again thinking about it. The hand that was on my cheek was now on the back of my head and my hands were clenching his shirt.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry for laughing, but that was a good one I haven't heard before. We'll take things slow, I'm a patient man" he started to rub my back a little as he said that. I could see that my face was close to his exposed chest and it gave me an idea. I leaned my head up a little and I planted an open mouth kiss on his chest and sucked a little earning a gasped groan. I pulled away shortly after to look up at him.

"Not to slow I hope" I said as I bit my lip and pulled him back down for another kiss that he seemed to want just as much as I

did. My hands roamed his body first before his started to roam mine as our tongues fought back and forth not wanting to lose

the battle, and honestly, the flight was what was making me hotter and more excited. I glided my hand down from his neck

and pushed his shirt back so I could feel more of his skin as I then made it to the small part of his chest that was showing, but

I wanted more of it. I started to undo more of his buttons making him break the kiss having us both pant as we looked at

what my hands were doing. I could already see more of his built upper chest and it was making me wet all over again, but I

wanted to see and touch more.

"Wh-what are you d-doing" he said between pants. I was still looking at my hands so I couldn't see the lustfull concerned look

he gave me.

"I-iw-want t-to t-touch y-your s-skin m-more" I stuttered my words as my hands started to shake as I undid the last button

and marveled at the outline of his abs and what I heard people call a fuck me v that disappeared into his pants. I traced my

thumbs with shaky hands up the v as he groaned clutching the edge of the desk harder making it creak. My palms made

contact with his abs as I glided them slowly up outlining his 8 pack. The guys only ever talk about having a 6 pack but here I

am counting 8. His thumb found a little bit of my skin that was showing under my shirt on my hip making me close my eyes

with a gasp and shiver. I opened my eyes and watched my hands trace and travel up his abs to his pecks. He looked like a

Greek God with how tan and muscular he was, and it was all mine now. That thought made me bite my lip. His hands didn't

move from their spot on my body, he just let me do what I wanted and touch him.

"Sh-shanks touch my s-skin p-please, i-i like the s-sparks" I looked up to see his cheeks red with a small smile on his face, he

looked so handsome. My words was all he needed to step closer to me as he moved his hands up my sides, pushing my shirt

up with the top of his hands and his palms touching my skin. I moaned as I felt another shiver giving me goosebumps and

making me close my eyes and face down with my forehead against his chest as I breathed heavily. As he got closer to the sides

of my bra I leaned back and put my arms up showing that I wanted him to take my shirt off. I may have been scared as hell

but I was loving the feel of his hands on my skin and I needed more.

"Are yo-

"Please shhankss~" was all I needed for him to pull my shirt over my head as he put it on his desk behind me as his other

hand held mine as he put it on his chest over his heart. I could feel it beating as fast as mine was as he held it there. My other

hand was clenching the edge of the desk as he leaned forward and gave my neck an open mouth kiss.

"I'm nervous too, just breath, I got you" then he grazed my ear lob with his teeth making me moan. He trailed wet kisses all

over my neck and shoulders slowly making me whine for more. I noticed that his other hand that wasn't on my hand was on

the desk and he wasn't kissing lower then my shoulders, but I wanted more. I grabbed his hand that was on the desk and

shakily brought it up my belly and placed it on my boob that was still covered by my bra.

"P-p1-pleassseee~" he stopped for a moment before his thumb rubbed over top where my nipple was making me breath

heavier. I took my hand from his chest and placed it in his hair, gently pushing his head down lower. He didn't fight me as he

started to leave open mouth kisses down to where his hand was on my boob. I put my hands back on the desk as I felt that I

was about to fall backwards from feeling so weak from his touches. He pulled my cup down and wrapped his arms around my

waste as he wrapped his lips around my nipple and pushed my body against his.

"Ahh shanks~"I could feel him flick it with his tonges as he sucked making it hard then leaning back and blowing on it making me shiver. He pulled my cup back over it and then did the same to my other boob.

"With how baggy your clothes are, I didn't think you had a body like this" he said as he covered my boob in a deep sexy voice

that made me turn to jelly and groan. He put his hand on my waste as his other was still on the small of my back.

"Do you want me to go lower" I was a panting mess already and I know this isn't even the best stuff. My body was screaming

for me to say yes, but my nerves were yelling about how I wasn't ready and how I would disappoint him. I'm guessing he

could sense that because he brought his hand from my back and put it under my chin and made me look at his face.

"Its ok if you don't want to, we can stay like th-" just the look in his face and the care in his words and touches were enough

for me to cut him off.

"Yes~ please~" he smirked at me and rubbed his thumb over my parted lips.

"Yes what, I need you to tell me love" I swallowed hard.

"Please g-go f-farther d-down p-please" he leaned down and we kissed as he cupped the back of my head and I felt his other

hand go to my thigh and give it a gentle squeeze making me moan in his mouth. He then put it on my crotch and started to

rub his hand up and down my pussy lips outside of my leggings so I could feel everything. The feel made me break the kiss as

moaned holding his body close to me.

"You're so wet, is this also the first time you're being touched like this, or do I just turn you on that much" he whispered in my

ear as kissed my neck

"Y-y-yes b-both hmm" I felt his hand move up and push down into my leggings and panties and slide down closer to my

pussy. I felt the need to lift my one leg up and put it on his side around him. He chuckled against my skin.

"I see you're making it easier for me" I felt his finger drag along my wet folds as he palm started to rub circles in my clit

making me throw my head back and gasp loudly. I quickly covered my mouth with my one hand remembering that I'm in a

classroom and I dont what people to hear even if the movie is playing loudly. I felt his finger push into me as he rocked it inside me then tapped it against something deep in me that made be close my eyes tight and moan behind my hand. Soon

another was added to the moments and I could feel something build in me as I started to rock my hips into his hand and

moan louder before he took them out. I opened my eyes and removed my hand from my mouth panting hard as I looked at

him disappointed that he stopped just to see him put the two fingers he just had in me in his mouth.

"Dont look at me like that, I just wanted a different snack" he brought my leg down from around his side and hooked his

fingers into my pants and panties as he slid them down to mid thigh. He then stood back up and wrapped his arms around

me and lifted me to sit on his desk. Its good because I was about to fall over from my knees being week from his touch, but

bad because I could feel just how hard and big he was pressed against my leg making me gasp. He got on his knees infront of

me and pulled my leggings and panties down to my ankles, lifted my legs up and moved them so now he was right infront of

my dripping bare pussy. He looked up at me as he licked his lips, but I could see the question in his eyes. I couldn't find the

words so I just put my hand on his head, but he seemed to understand as he turned his attention back to my pussy. I felt him

stick his tongue in my folds making me gasp and cover my mouth as I gripped his hair harder. He dragged his tongue out to

my clit and started to suck, lick, and lightly nibble on it making my legs clench as I moaned. I felt him add his two fingers and

start up the same motion he did earlier. I could feel his tongue licking at everything from my clit to in between his fingers

that were in me, and with all that new feelings of it all, I could feel that thing build in me faster and faster. "Sh-sh-shank-k-ks

i-i-i000ohhh goooodddad hingmmmm" I moaned trying to hold it back best I could so it wasn't so loud but that thing that

was building in me broke and was washing all over my body and making my muscles clench and my legs shake as I

unintentionally pulled shanks closer into my core. He pulled his fingers out of me and sucked on them before he licked all my

fluids off the outside of my pussy and my thighs making me shake more. My breathing was hard and frantic as he pulled my

legs off from around his head and pulled my leggings and panties back up to my knees before he pulled me to stand up which

was just me leaning on him as he pulled them up the rest of the way. I started to roam my hands over his exposed chest again

wanting to do the same to him. However he cupped my face and had me look at him again.

"You don't have to return the favor, I did that because I wanted you to feel good" I could see my juices glisten off his lips as he

talked and it just turned me on.

"B-but-" he hushed me with a thumb to my lips.

"Its fine, it will go away, besides, you can't even stand"

"I-i don't n-need to stand" I composed my breathing more and looked into his eyes trying to give him the sexyest look I could.

"When I'm on my knees" it must have worked because I felt him shiver at my words and he closed his eyes. I took the

opportunity to grab him by the back of his head and pull him into a deep kiss already pushing my tongue in his mouth.

However it didn't last long as how I didn't like the taste of myself so I started to kiss down his neck and down his chest,

biting lightly here and there making him twitch in my hands. I got to his v line as I was now on my knees and bit his pants

making them snap back as I looked up at him making him suck in a deep breath. Now looking and seeing the massive bulge

that was in his pants made me nervous. I undid his button and zipper with shaky hands.

"You don't ha-aahhhaahhh" he started to talk but when I kissed his member that was under his briefs he moaned and

stopped trying to talk me out of it. I pulled his briefs and pants down just enough that his dick and balls were out. I

swallowed hard at the sight of his monsters dick, it was easily like 6- 6 and a half, and my God the thickness. If this was going

to be the first dick to go in me, its going to hurt. I put my palm against his v line beside his dick and wrapped my thumb and

pointer around the base, I looked up into shanks eyes and saw the want and need for me swimming in them. His cheeks were

red and his lips were parted as he pant, there was a single bead of sweat on his nose, and from how he was clenching the

desk, he was trying to hold back from making me pleasure him faster. I stuck my tongue out and licked his tip while still

making eye contact with him. He closed his eyes and groaned as his upper muscles clenched then released as opened them to

look into my eyes again. His tip has some salty wetness on it and I just took it that he was as excited as I was before so I swirled my tongue around his head making him pant hard as I continued to lick up and down his shaft making it nice and wet

before I put just his head in my mouth and sucked hard making him close his eyes and open his mouth wider as he sucked in

a gasp. I stopped sucking and started to bob my head little by little going further down his shaft till it started to hit the back of

my throat making me want to gag so I went back a little bit so I didn't again.

"Oh God, fuck y/n" he groaned making me hum and him shake from the vibrations. I pulled him out of my mouth and

pumped him in my hand as I looked up at him

"Am I doing good shanks" he chuckled a little and put his hand on my head as he opened his eyes to look at me again.

"Yes, s-so good, i-i *swallow* might -cum like t-this" his stammering from how good im making him feel that made me give

a cocky smile.

"Good" then I held my breath and deep throated him in one fast motion pressing my nose against his skin and held it.

"Ohh fuuck y/n shit" his upper body hunched forward a little bit as his grip on my hair tightened a little. I moved my head

side to side making him rub against the insides of my mouth making his legs shake before I pulled him back out and started

to suck hard as I bobbed my head up and down faster and faster.

"Shit y/n I'm gonna, fuck, shit, dammit *pant* *pant*" I felt him twitch and fluid pore in my mouth from his dick. It did not

taste good and I had to give my all not to gage at the taste. Some came out the side of my mouth and I was still sucking as I

pulled him out of my mouth. I was going to look up at him but his legs gave out and he fell on his knees infront of me and just

stared into my eyes then looked at my mouth then my eyes. I could tell he was wondering what I was going to do with my

mouth full of his cum, so I did the only thing I could think off. I swallowed it, it took two gulps to get it all down but once I

did I opened my mouth and started to paint.

"D-did I do that r-right" his eyes widened as he leaned forward and slammed his lips to mine then pulled away with his hands

on both sides of my head.

"That was the best blowjob I have ever had in my life maybe.... it was just because it was with you" he said the last part

rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs making me smile.

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