Painted Moments

Av Firefly1085

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Cordeliah Vita never thought much of the need to live a double life. Raised on the secrets of her family's he... Mer

1 Mostly Normal Day
2 United Conflict
3 Growing Pains
4 The Inner Office
5 The Histories
6 The Price for Silence
8 Not the Best Reveal
9 Sincerely Confused
10 Trying Normal
11 Normal is Fun
12 Truth or Date
13 Calmly Panic, Then Run
14 Safety and First Aid
15 To Much Truth
16 Purged Seal
17 Debriefing on Chaos
18 Friendly Slap Back
19 An Innocent Interaction
20 Better Fighter
21 Good Sport
22 A Remedy for Awkward
23 Fiddle and The Library
24 Ivy and Grace
25 A Therapeutic Vacation
26 I Hate Playing Damsel
27 Looking into War
28 Heavenly Redo
29 Facing Reality
30 Trip the trap
31 The Best Laid Plans
32 Mason's Loss

7 Back to Normal (kind of)

37 10 0
Av Firefly1085

Chapter 7
Back to Normal
(Kind of)

     When I woke up this morning Mason had already left. It's another sunny day. I'm thinking of taking a swim after breakfast. I saw the pool had been prepped and cleaned yesterday from the sunroom. So a nice relaxing morning, soaking in the sun and swimming some laps before studying would be perfect.
     Plans set, I went ahead and dressed in my swimsuit and poolside clothes before heading to the kitchen. That's where I found everyone sitting at the island again. The guys were wolfing down Mom's pancakes like they needed them to breathe. While dad was looking over some paperwork like it was the morning paper with a pile of eggs, sausage and a mammoth size cup of coffee in front of him.
      "Is there any left for me or did the Jackals beat me to it?"
      Mom grinned as the guys tried to protest, but their mouths were too full. She handed me a plate with portions I definitely found more sensible, as I sat down next to dad. It was conveniently far enough away from the sticky pancake massacre on the other side of the island with the boys.
     With his mouth finally clear of the pancake Lucas gestured towards my clothes.
      "Going for a swim?"
    "Yeah. I thought it might be nice to get some vitamin-D today since it's been raining so much. I'm a little bored of exercising inside."
Shrugging my shoulders I scooped up a bite of my peach oatmeal thinking about that first dive into the pool.
      "Sounds like a good idea! Mind if I join you?"
"Ummm sure. Do you have a suit though?"
     "I think I still have the one from last summer in my closet. If not, Mason, you got one I can borrow?"
     "Yeah sure just let me know."
     "Did you want to come Mason?"
It had been a while since Mason had quit the swim team. I never really liked that he had to. His training was getting more time consuming though. So he would just have to make time later for his favorite pastime.
    "I don't think so, Cori. I wanted to run through the garden today. You know, clear my head a bit, but you guys have fun."
    "Okay that's cool. We'll see you later in the sunroom to study."
     "Sure I'll be there."
    Sounds like Mason really wants to get some training done today. He must be using me to distract Lucas. I don't mind really. The pool, sun, and time with my best friend sounds much more appealing.
    "So kids, Lucas, I don't know if you've heard, but as I told Cori and Mason last night; Murdock and I have been called out for a business trip this week. We will be leaving this afternoon. I don't want you to worry. We should be back in time for your graduation. Still we were hoping that while we were gone; as usual, you would stay here with Cori and Mason."
    Mom and Dad had kinda appointed themselves as Lucas's helpful off the record guardians after Uncle Trev passed. So when they were home they didn't mind him staying at his house, but on business trips they preferred to keep him close in case anything happened. Lucas didn't mind in the least. As he has told me before. Though he likes his freedom, and he would never truly leave his dad's house; he likes feeling like someone is looking out for him.
      "Sure I'll stay no problem. Just bring me a souvenir!"
He said this smiling around a huge bite of pancakes. Mom swatted his shoulder making him dodge and laugh.
   " We will call you every night on Mason's phone. So be looking for it. We should be back two weeks from now."
     "Cutting it kinda close dad. Lucas walks for his diploma that Saturday afternoon."
     Mason looked a bit concerned. Mom and dad would never miss without good reason with our abilities so why are they cutting it so close. It didn't sit well.
     "Don't worry son, we are just trying to give ourselves enough time to cover this project. We could be back earlier than that."
       "Okay. Well don't leave without saying goodbye."
"Sure son."
      With that Mason cleared his place and cleaned the mess.
     "Just grab a suit out of my closet if you don't have one Lucas."
Then he headed out to the garden for his run.
      "I'll see you at the pool Cori!"
   Lucas shot out of his seat quickly going through the same motions as Mason before heading upstairs to change.
       I continued to eat my food slowly. I savored my ham and eggs made by mom just the way I liked it. I love weekends! Mom loves to cook, but weekdays are too busy. So weekends are the only time she has for cooking breakfast, and she goes all out. It's practically a buffet of breakfast options.
     After I finished my meal I washed my bowl and plate. Then headed to the laundry room linen cupboard for the biggest, fluffiest towel I could find. I grabbed my tote bag from the foyer closet with my sunscreen in it and headed out of the sunroom doors to the pool.
      I was sitting on a laid back lawn chair rubbing the sunscreen into my legs before working my way up, when Lucas joined me.
     "Hey, need some sunscreen?"
  "Nah... Mason had some spray on stuff up stairs so I just snagged that."
     "Lucky...that stuff never works for me."
   "That's because you're a redhead Koi; your skin is always on a mission to match your hair."
    "Oh very funny...!"
     I can't really argue with the truth so I settled for grumbling at him instead. I got up to strip down to my bathing suit and get the rest of my skin covered. I had just gotten my arms done when a thought occurred to me.
    "Not that I mind; it makes me happy actually, but why have you started calling me Koi again? You've been on a kick since yesterday, and honestly I thought you had outgrown it or something."
    Lucas was quiet for a minute. He seemed to be really thinking it over.
    Not hearing him answer I turned towards him. He looked nervous and wouldn't meet my eyes. He kept rubbing at the back of his neck.
   "Honestly, I don't know. I guess I stopped cause... well...maybe I figured we got too old for pet names.
Yesterday though, I just got so angry. Three and a half years and I never even noticed that wench was harping on you. Worse, I thought she was hot, and felt like a complete idiot for being attracted to the witch.
    When I heard what she had done, I guess my reasons didn't really matter to me anymore. It just slipped out. Once I said it again it just felt right. Like that's who you are to me, and the reason I stopped just felt stupid. So I haven't bothered to stop myself from saying it anymore. That's okay right?"
     His answer seemed a little vague, but I guess I understood where he was coming from. We are childhood friends. We've been through everything together; sick days, tantrums, tragedies, and goofy happy memories. We've been there for each other through the best and the worst.
   We are growing up though. Lucas will be taking college courses soon, and I'll be legal and a senior in high school in six months.
    Where did that put us in our relationship with one another now? He was still my childhood friend, but we couldn't look at each other from a childish point of view anymore.
   That was all I could say in response. I took a moment to really look at Lucas. Not as Lucas my friend but as a person. The moment I did my world seemed to tilt. How cliché. I never saw myself having a moment like this before. Lucas, my friend, was still here in front of me. Lucas the person seemed to have so many more facets to him though. Sides of him I wanted to find and see. In a word I was extremely curious! So curious now about this person wearing my best friend's face.
     "So are we good? You don't mind me picking up the nickname again?"
     "Oh um? I don't mind at all. It's nostalgic."
     Even as I heard the words coming out of my mouth I knew that's what I should be saying as his friend; so why am I feeling conflicted. It's annoying. That's my special nickname. I should be happy he picked it up again. I can feel my face getting hot.
     I needed something to distract me so I turned back towards the chair and started working on getting the sunscreen onto my stomach, chest and shoulders. I could hear him messing around behind me, and the tell-tale sounds of a chair scraping on the concrete closer to me and my chair. When I finished I started the struggle to reach my back.
     Before I could put forth much effort though Lucas came up behind me chuckling.
     "Let me help."
   "Uh sure... thanks."
      He reached around me to take the bottle from my hands. We've done this a thousand times over the summers. It's nothing new at all. Yet, now I'm so hyper aware of Lucas, I feel like I'm going to crawl out of my skin in embarrassment. This is suddenly awkward and he is just too close!
     I'm so stuck in my head space that it makes me jump when I feel him smooth the lotion across on the back of my neck and down my spine.
     "Don't squirm silly, I'll get it in your hair."
    I can hear him laughing behind me and my face reaches new temperatures. I'm regretting our conversation. Loathing it really. I'm starting to get upset with Lucas too.
    Where does he come off making things so awkward between us now. It's kind of irrational I know. I try to stay still as a statue, but the feel of his bare hands on my back is making that very difficult.
Lucas then retaliated by tickling my side.
     "Maybe I shouldn't call you Koi. Maybe, I should call you wiggle worm! Since when are you so ticklish?"
     "It's not my fault! My back is just more sensitive lately."
     I can feel Lucas pause, but he quickly starts again and finishes the job a little faster and a bit rougher than before.
     "Alright you're done."
When I turned around he had his back to me looking through his phone.
     "I'm setting a timer for two hours. We should get out of the pool then so you can get some studying done. Are you ready for this little koi? First one to do ten laps makes the other lunch?"
    "Oh you are so on buddy!"
    "You should probably put some sunscreen on your face first though. You're already turning a bit red."
    With that parting comment he grabbed his goggles and headed to the dive board. Now that his back was to me again I couldn't help it. I watched him walk away. I studied him like one of my living art models. This was Lucas... cutting up, goofing around, cuddling buddy on rainy days, LUCAS! Right? So why is my face so red when I'm still in the shade?
    "You coming koi?"
   I decided to table that thought until I beat him in laps. Lucas made the best sandwiches and I was going to win myself two servings of the 'Lucas special roast beef and Doritos sandwich if my arms fell off. It wasn't really fair of me, but that sandwich would justify any subterfuge.
    Once I was on my diving ramp and Lucas was on his; he counted down for us like in one of Mason's swimming competitions.
    Once in the chilled water I found myself in my zone. Mason had taught me to swim. Though I never joined a team, I do still love being in the water. I continue to swim back and forth lap after lap. I've lost track of Lucas. Then my thoughts start to wander as my body starts falling into muscle memory.
    I suddenly realize the only one feeling awkward before must have been me. So am I the only one who seems to have come to the conclusion that we are more outside of being friends? I now see Lucas as a person, not just a friend. Does he see me the same way? Is that why he stopped calling me Koi? Did he start calling me that again because he doesn't want to see me as a person? Does he prefer nothing but a childhood friend? Not just that, but what else could I be. This was so confusing. Lucas the person had caught my attention completely. Do I want him to see me as a person and not just his friend? Does that mean he still sees me as a child? What did that mean?
    My confusing thoughts were stopped in their tracks when I was grabbed and forced out of my next stroke by a laughing and playful Lucas.
    "Alright you've proved your point! You're the Queen of fish! You beat me fair and square! You don't have to rub it in!"
     He started poking and tickling me as I gasped for breath.
    "I give! I give! I'm sorry!"
    I was laughing and squirming through his tickle assault. My mind blissfully leaving confusing thoughts behind. When suddenly he dropped me, dunking me into the water. I came up sputtering, doing my best to remove my tousled wet hair from my face.
    "Now that was uncalled for Lucas!"
Turning around I found him swimming away laughing.
    "Catch me if you can!"
"Oh don't worry I'm going to get you for that!"
We spent most of the two hours splashing each other and pulling each other under the water. I got a few more lazy laps in as we talked more about his plans after school.
     He wanted to take courses in engineering for his degree, and open up his own car restoration shop full time. I told him I was probably going to take a year and travel. He knew Mason and I would be taking over our parents' family business eventually. I had not yet told anyone my dream of painting the top historical sites of each country in the world before. For some reason though I felt for once it was okay to voice it out loud.
     Finally we got out to dry off. It was quiet again as we dosed in the sun, letting the warmth dry us. When I felt a shadow block out the bright light.
     "Well you guys look pretty chill, have fun swimming?"
    Mason was standing over me still dressed in his running shorts and tshirt. He looked like he had gotten a good run in. Sweat slicked his hairline, his face is red, and his shirt has been soaked through.
    "Did you run the whole two hours?"
    My suspicions of him sneaking off to train were now proven completely correct. I felt a little played as I realized Lucas was apparently just as much of a distraction for me as I was for him. There is no way he is weaseling out of showing me his new moves that easily. I'll catch him next time.
    "Yeah, you look like you ran a marathon man."
     Lucas chuckled as he grabbed his towel and started ruffling his hair dry. Just then his alarm sounded letting us know it was time to head back inside.
      "Nah... I got bored of running about an hour ago and decided to work with my bow for a while. I could use a partner next time Lucas if you're not too busy playing tickle monster with my sister."
     "Ah sure... anytime."
     Lucas turned bright red at Mason's comment. Mason was looking at Lucas in a pointed way I didn't really get. Guys are such macho mush brains. Honestly he could have just come over and asked him. Lucas would have gone to practice with him.
     "Why so touchy brother? It's not like he would have said no if you had asked an hour ago."
      "Don't worry about it Cori he is just messing with me."
    Lucas laughed it off as he quickly got up, got his stuff and went inside. I watched him leave as that same sense of curiosity filled my head. Maybe I should ask Lucas to be a model for a painting. This sudden random awareness of him was irritating me.
     "Huh... I see."
  "What? You see what?"
     "Nothing, don't worry about it. I certainly will worry less now."
     "I hate it when you get all cryptic on me."
   I got up and snatched my things, stuffing them back into my tote and wrapping my fluffy towel around me.
     "Go be the creepy old sage somewhere else Mason."
   The irritation at this uneasy feeling bled into my voice as I stomped off leaving a grinning equally irritating brother behind.
   Once in the house I looked at the living room clock and saw that it was just after twelve thirty.  I had time to go get a shower, get dressed, claim my lunch reward, then head to the sunroom for study.
   If I was going to spend the rest of the afternoon studying though I was going to be comfy. So yoga pants, my fuzzy socks and a long sleeves oversized stretched out t-shirt it was.
     First though, I'm thirsty! So I'm going to the kitchen for some of mom's sweet tea and maybe a cookie.
      That's where I found Lucas. He hasn't noticed me. He has the refrigerator door open looking at its contents with his back to me. I'm stuck again just staring at him for a moment. He is still in his swim trunks; his towel swung around his neck.
     I take this time to just watch him. I can't see his face. If this wasn't Lucas what would I do? Honestly I would probably be checking him out, taking in every detail to gossip about with Kylee in the girls locker room. She is cool to hang out with, but as a cog I only really see her at school.
     This line of thinking causes me to do just that. When did Lucas get so tall? His shoulders are so wide. Those days working out with Mason in the sun has been good to him. His left shoulder still has the scar from the dirt bike accident when he was sixteen. It was a nasty scrape.
      He is lean and his hair is spiked all over his head. His arms seem strong; his body well maintained by his habits and hobbies. There are freckles on his lower back scattered at random, but if I tried to force them into a shape I bet I could. All in all, the man before me is stunning.
      At that moment Mason came in and asked Lucas for a soda. Breaking out of my assessment, I quickly ducked my head and made a beeline for the cabinet to grab a glass. I can hear Mason chuckling and I can't help but imagine he is laughing at me. How could he know anything though? I'm not even sure what the heck this is.
      Keeping my head down I turn and head for the fridge not realizing the guys haven't moved. BAM!
I landed directly on my tailbone after I succeeded in walking straight into the refrigerator door. At least the glass didn't break.
      "Oh gosh! You ok Cori?"
"Sorry, I keep spacing out."
      "No, don't worry about it , grab on."
    Lucas held out his hand for me as Mason circled around to help me from behind. Once back on my feet I asked for some sweet tea and my victory lunch. The guys didn't seem to mind opting for lunch instead of immediately getting cleaned up.
     Lucas moved around the kitchen gathering the ingredients for his famous sandwich. I kept my head down tapping my fingers against my glass and watching the condensation run down the side. I felt like such a goober. I am an intelligent, strong, and thoughtful young woman. I refuse to believe that I walked into a refrigerator door because I was trying to keep my eyes off of my childhood friend's shirtless chest.
     Of course that holds no bearing on the fact that that is the very reason I'm finding water droplets on my cup so fascinating at the moment.
     "Cori? You sure you're okay?"
This is the third time Mason has asked me this question once again drawing Lucas's attention to my weird factor. I can hear the smile in his voice when he asks. I know he is doing it on purpose now the little imp.
    "I could get you a cold pack for your tailbone dear sister."
My head snaps up at his comment. My face is bright red, and I can feel myself about to choke on my own embarrassment. Luckily Mom walks in with dad not far behind. They are obviously ready to go on their trip. So I settle for kicking Mason's leg making him cringe with the force I put behind it.
     "Alright guys we are hitting the road. We will call you when we get there. You know the rules. Be good. Study hard. Do well on your tests, and don't stay out past midnight."
     "Mom when do we ever?"
Mason rolled his eyes at the midnight rule as he rubbed at his bruised leg.
     "The only time we are out that late is because you drag us out."
     "That's because you guys are too well behaved and boring."
     "Ouch... should we throw a party this week guys just to say we were bad once?"
      "If you do Lucas we are doing it at your house so you can call a cleaning crew and my parents can't complain."
      "You take the fun out of everything with your sneaky loopholes Mason."
      "Yeah yeah yeah. Plot world domination later kids we got to go. Be good."
      With that said, my dad started to prod my mom toward the front of the house, and to the car. Once there they would drive out to the New York mural painted on a rock wall at the back of the property that exits into an alley four blocks from the Inner Office. It takes more energy to get the car through, but it's worth it to keep the illusion for Lucas. They could also need the car with them since they are staying up there for so long.

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