The Emeralds

By _Maxwell_Porter_

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For years, the brave and determined wolf Rainer has been preparing to overthrow the rule of the tyrant and mu... More

Acknowledgments and a short note from the author


253 15 25
By _Maxwell_Porter_

"He hasn't gathered many forces. Either Magnar has sincere intentions or this is actually a ruse." - Thought Rainer distrustfully looking towards the distant enemy camp.

Both sides had been preparing for several days to prepare for this expected morning. This is not surprising, for in the four years of civil war there has never been a situation where Rainer and Magnar have crossed words. So far, all they have exchanged are blows with axes, bows and spears. Admittedly not in person, for a direct fight between the two enemies had never taken place during the ongoing war. Not so long ago, Rainer could not have expected that when he finally caught up with Magnar, he would not be able to even try to kill him. The man was not happy with this turn of events. The only positive aspect of the situation was Rainer's conviction that Magnar's hands had been tied. At least, that was what he thought. If it were otherwise, would the fox have even offered to meet with the rebel leader? Still, the wolf felt no satisfaction. Not so long ago, the situation seemed to be really good. Now, however, things had become much more complicated.

Rainer stood with his back to the camp of his comrades-in-arms as his gaze fell upon the white and red pennants of Magnar barely moving in the small, cool breeze. The man straightened his chest proudly while resting his hands, which intertwined with each other, on the tip of his two-handed axe, the blade of which was thrust into the golden glittering snow. Small flakes of frozen water fell from the sky, falling onto the man's gray-brown clothing and onto his exposed, massive shoulders. Out of the corner of his eye, the wolf could see the settlement of Jarl Knut, from behind which the sun had risen about two hours ago. It was there that Rainer and Magnar would meet to begin negotiations at the same table. The exchange of prisoners, which had not yet taken place, was to be a guarantee for the safety of both warring parties.

Beside Rainer was of course the lynx Thorstein, the she-wolf Thea and the bear Olaf. Alongside them were four warriors equipped with axes and chain mail. These men were to escort the lynx to the middle of "no man's land", hand it over to Magnar's guards and take back Axel, the fox's half-brother. All this was to be done to the accompaniment of the forces of the host of the long-awaited meeting, the Jarl of Knut. As Rainer did not fully trust the intentions of their mediator, numerous brigades of warriors were split up and hidden in the surrounding woods as Thorstein had recommended. They were to provide an element of surprise in case the negotiations did not go as planned.

Rainer knew that negotiations had to be short and to the point. It was winter, and every day lost camping outside in the cold of this season wasted precious resources. There was a growing risk of frostbite among the men, which would make them unfit for future battles. There was also the risk of some of the less well-clad warriors themselves freezing or deserting. About the latter, Rainer only now began to worry. Until recently, morale in his ranks had been really high, but with recent events, he could no longer be sure of his people's faith in the rightness of their leader's actions. Not everyone was yet aware of the incident at the wolf's hideout. The man realized, however, that now that much of his and his allies' forces were combined, rumors of the failed murder on Noa would spread one way or another.

Yes, Noa survived the stealth attack perpetrated on his person. It is also not difficult to guess on whom the accusations immediately fell. However, the case was complicated by the fact that Noa could not confirm Colin's alleged attack. As a result of the clumsy stabbing, the man lost a lot of blood and lost consciousness. However, it all seemed to Rainer to be very strange and somehow incoherent. Liv, as much as her emotions would allow her, talked about the circumstances in which she had found the wounded Noa.

According to her initial testimony, the girl gave up attending the meeting to spend the entire evening with Colin. Late in the evening, they reportedly decided to go for a dip in the hot springs together. It was there that the teens found an unconscious, injured man. What surprised Rainer more was the fact that the black fox was without pants. This could be explained by the fact that Noa wanted to take a bath in the hot springs. Only that Rainer knew the black fox and knew that he would either come to discuss negotiations with Magnar or find some other activity to help the community. Noa would not waste time with others working or discussing important matters for his own pleasure.

Additionally, the dagger that had penetrated his body had not been pulled out and continued to rest in the area of his abdomen. Among other reasons, this was why Noa had a chance of survival, as the metal blocked much of the blood flow from his body. The weapon also bypassed the liver and almost with medical precision spared all the vital organs without injuring them inside. Additionally, when help arrived on the scene, it turned out that Colin had used his own hands and shirt to try to stop the leaking blood without pulling the blade out of the man's abdomen.

"Either it was pure coincidence, or Colin didn't want to kill Noa. However, if he didn't want to, why would he hurt him at all? Why would he so eagerly agree to come out of the cave at a time when just moments ago he was trying to kill someone? Perhaps he wanted to draw suspicion from himself? Except that didn't make any sense. Colin wouldn't be stupid enough to risk his own life in such a suicidal action...unless, of course, I'm overestimating him." - He thought with resignation and anger.

In this whole affair, Rainer also felt something else, equally strange. As Liv talked about the gruesome discovery, Rainer's heart trembled as he picked up a lesser fact in her words.

"They wanted to go to the hot springs alone. Maybe that was part of Colin's plan... maybe he thought that with the presence of the Arctic vixen he would provide himself with an alibi. But... fuck, for Odin. This doesn't make that much sense to me. If Colin did it, he must have acted irrationally, with absolutely no plan, which makes absolutely no sense. And if he didn't actually do it then... then why did he want to go with Liv alone to the hot springs...? After all, he could have gone there with me... I would have taken him there if he just said he wanted to. After all, he knew I liked him and didn't treat him like a prisoner. Why didn't he ask me, but Liv? Liv? After all, I..." - At that moment Rainer blocked out his own thoughts.

At the mere thought that Colin was planning to have fun with Liv, Rainer was getting hot. He could literally feel the blood pulsing in his wolfish mouth and his heart speeding up. In one moment, Rainer felt more lost and alone than before. In one brief moment, his confidence crumbled, collapsed. And it was all due to the visualization of his thoughts, in which Colin exchanges kisses with Liv. In which the boy squeezes the girl's breasts and she holds his member. Rainer knew there was nothing wrong with that. Lonely teenagers who were casually thrown together against their will in a place where they were finally had to get close to each other. Especially considering the fact that Colin and Liv had caught on really well with each other. In theory, the pair's relationship was as understandable as possible to Rainer. In practice, however, the wolf couldn't bear the thought that Colin might have sex with Liv. Worse for Rainer, his anger was not the result of jealousy over the girl. It was just that Rainer was now feeling completely battered, lost, and alone. The thought that not Liv and Colin belonged only to him. The rebel leader didn't quite realize what he was feeling or why he was feeling it. He didn't understand his jealousy of the eighteen-year-old. In a way, he was afraid to know the reasons behind his thought dilemmas. For we all fear what we do not know. The natural reflex of man, is to want to crush the potential threat of ignorance. To escape, from what is unknown.

It was the same for the man. But the difference was that a part of Rainer wanted to know that part of himself that was unknown to him. The part that wanted so badly to keep Colin with him. If this was just about the boy's resemblance to Ethelwulf, Rainer probably wouldn't feel so jealous of his time with Liv. Or maybe? Maybe that was just the way the longing for his lost son was pushing through the wolf's thick muscles and fur? His thoughts were not helped in any way by the fact that Rainer was at war. There had been an attempted murder in his ranks, and it should have been his top priority to find out exactly what had happened. But did he want to do that? Did he want to find out the possible truth about Colin's attempted murder of Noa?

"For Odin. What if the damned Agape was right? Exactly what she says is happening. What am I supposed to do? Shit, fuck. What am I supposed to do?"

At one point Rainer's gaze fell directly on the distant settlement of Jarl Knut. He saw with his golden eyes numerous pennants in the colors of yellow. Each banner carried a separate warrior, whose task it was to assist in the exchange of hostages to prevent bloodshed. They marched straight into the middle of the "no man's land" that separated Rainer and Magnar's forces. The whole scene seemed rather unnecessary and grotesque to Rainer.

"They march so beautifully. All they're missing is the sound of trumpets and fanfares." - He thought sarcastically.

- It's time. - Thorstein spoke up with clear displeasure in his voice.

- Knut is probably puffing himself up right now and is extremely pleased with himself. - Thea remarked in her old voice. - Why the farce with the flags? He acts like we don't know who the damn mediator will be.

- Let it go. - Rainer said resignedly. - The longer he feels like a responsible mediator, the safer it is for us.

- I wouldn't say. - Said jarl Olaf with clear displeasure in his voice. - I still have a bad feeling about this.

- Remember our advantage, Olaf. - Thorstein interjected as if to console himself.

- Our "advantage" will probably be lost in a few days. Alternatively, the druid will sacrifice our "advantage" to the gods. - Olaf said. - We will watch our "advantage" burn alive tied to a tree branch...

- Enough. - He interrupted in a stern manner Rainer and then turned to his blood brother. - Thorstein, take care of yourself.

- Take it easy, Rainer. - Thorstein replied in a rather awkward manner. - I will try not to kill Magnar. You don't take dreams away from your friends, do you?

Rainer smiled at Lynx after those words and put his arm around him in a quick motion. The wolf patted his blood brother on the back and said goodbye with the words "we will meet in a few days at the latest". After that Lynx, accompanied by four armed men, took cold air in his lungs and moved ahead.

Rainer saw his friend moving away. As he walked over the hard snow, glistening in the morning light. He also saw the men sent by Magnar approaching the center of the field. When the envoys of both sides met in the middle of the field, it was evident that they had begun to talk to each other about something. They had stood there too long for a situation where prisoners of war were to be exchanged. As Rainer became concerned, he literally breathed a sigh of relief as his men began to lead the hostage sent by Magnar toward him.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan for now. The wolf could already clearly see the powerful and dark figure of the bull that was Axel. This man, a few years younger than Rainer, was slightly taller than the wolf and also better built. His body was adorned with numerous scars and on his bull nose rested a round, gray and large earring. Between his snow-white horns, there was a small lock of black hair. His chin and jaw were covered by a thick, medium-length beard. True, Axel was objectively a very handsome man, whom every woman desired. Rainer had met him personally on several plundering expeditions and, to be honest, there had never been any conflict between them. However, the wolf had to be careful, because the bull was after all Magnar's half-brother.

When the man finally got centrally in front of Rainer, Thea and Olaf, he smiled widely at them.

- I would say hello, but I don't really have a way to do it. - He said raising his rope-bound hands.

- You have to put up with it somehow, Axel. - Rainer replied in a rather strange tone. - Standards of courtesy in wartime are a luxury we cannot afford, you understand.

- Rainer Thorde. - The bull said the wolf's name as if to show him admiration. - I haven't seen you for years and yet I feel as if I were dining with you just yesterday. Your name is mentioned so often at the table that I have the impression that you are my stepbrother's constant companion. Maybe he has fallen in love with you? - The bull added jokingly.

- That doesn't surprise me at all. - Jarl Thea interjected, completely ignoring the hostage's joke. - Though if Magnar hadn't been such a coward, you probably would have had a chance to meet Rainer long ago.

- Thea? - Axel turned to her. - By the gods! I swear I was under the impression that one of your daughters was standing before me! Truly, the war has served you well. You look stunning.

- Ah yes, the famous crass Axel. - Olaf laughed. - The last time I saw you was when you were still a child. Who would have thought that we would meet under such circumstances.

- Hello Olaf. - Axel greeted kindly. - Let us thank Magnar and Rainer for this opportunity. Perhaps if it weren't for this war, I would have met you only in Valhalla?

- Eventually we would meet there too. - Olaf laughed. - In the end, we would all feast with our forefather.

- Enough of these greetings. - An irritated Rainer interrupted. - The warriors will take you to your tent and shackle you there. But we will not starve you or torture you. - Rainer assured his hostage. - If you need anything, let the guard know... and please don't try to escape, because it will make the negotiations more difficult.

- Ah I was forgetting. - Said the man aloud. - I must do my duty and tell you that my half-brother and elder, Jarl Magnar requests to see his son and my step-nephew Colin before the negotiations.

- I was expecting this. - Rainer replied with calmness in his voice and then turned to the four warriors leading the hostage. - Walk Axel away and have one of you go and bring Colin here. Do not let Axel out of your sight and do not untie him. - The man instructed.

- Actually, I was hoping to have at least two sentences with Colin before you took me to jail. - Axel interjected, looking straight at Rainer with his black eyes.

- I will give you a chance to talk later, in my presence. - Rainer replied, already weary of Axel's constant chatter.

- You are too generous Rainer. - Axel replied in farewell.

After these words the guards slowly step by step began to lead the bull towards Rainer's camp. All three who "welcomed" the captive stared in his direction for a moment in silence, which after a while was broken by Olaf:

- Hopefully Axel will be better guarded than Magnar's son.

- Oh, spare the pinch Olaf. - Thea replied angrily. - Besides, what did you mean when you said that we will all feast with our forefather? I don't know about you, but if Magnar goes to Valhalla after his death, I'd rather be a Christian. I have no intention of feasting with him.

- Then maybe you should be baptized, Thea? - Olaf suggested. - After all, the gods reward all worthy warriors with a place in Valhalla. It seems that Loki has binded your mind, if you have forgotten that.

- Excuse me? - The old she-wolf was annoyed. - If there's anyone here Loki's mind is tied up with, it's you. For a moment, I had the impression you were going to throw yourself into arms with Magnar's half-brother. Have you forgotten who you are at war with?

Rainer should have stopped this rather sharp exchange of words. However, he did not dare to do so, knowing that these cracks in the relations of his allies were only his fault.

"It's happening just like the damn Agape said. If it goes on like this, these squabbles will turn into open conflicts and everything will collapse from the inside. What to do? Fuck, what to do?"

The arguments between Thea and Olaf stopped quickly, however, because Colin appeared, accompanied by one of the guards. Rainer looked at him with the most indifferent look he could produce, although in reality his heart was breaking. The sight of the boy's bound hands was driving the wolf to internal dissociation. He could see that the bonds wrapping around his wrists were tied really, really tightly. Rainer knew it was causing the boy pain, even though the young boy wasn't complaining at all. To make matters worse, the boy's emerald eyes glistened as if those eyes were about to let out bitter tears.

Rainer as soon as he saw him immediately felt as if something in his stomach started to fly and flip over in all directions. To keep from breaking down, he decided to think of something that would immediately redirect his thoughts as to the boy into dislike and aversion. To the man's horror, the man didn't think about how Colin had plunged the dagger into Noa's stomach in cold blood. He thought of Colin inserting his cock into Liv's vagina.

"For Odin, I've had enough. It doesn't matter what the issue is. What matters is that I get tough with him and show no more weakness. Any method will be good for that." - He thought angrily.

Without a word, with the utmost severity on his face, he reached out his hand to Colin and grabbed him by the neck. He rested his two-handed axe on one of his shoulders and so began to lead Colin into the middle of "no man's land".

"Rainer thought. Colin touches Liv's breasts. Colin licks those breasts. He puts his steamy cock in her mouth...for the rest, that's definitely what would happen. Why would two young people go take a bath together while everyone else was busy? It was clear as day that Colin was trying to fuck Liv." - Rainer thought, getting even more annoyed with himself.

At one point he realized how his massive hand was squeezing the boy's neck. He realized this as soon as he saw how much the fox was gritting his teeth and the veins on the adult's arm were tense. Then he loosened his grip, regretting that he had handled the boy with such aggression.

And then Rainer fell into the same trap again. He started worrying again about whether or not he had hurt Colin. He literally bit his tongue to keep from asking him if he was okay.

"I think I'm going crazy." - He thought as he bit his tongue and tasted his own blood in his mouth.

- You shouldn't get that close. - Colin spoke up, pulling Rainer out of the battle he was just having in his own head.

- What? - The man was surprised by the question and then realized that he had said the word too softly. So he decided to ask more sinisterly. - What did you say?

- Don't go right up to the middle of the field. - Colin said. - If you let my father have even one word with me you will show weakness. Magnar wanted to see if I was all right. You don't have to give him more than he asked for.

- If by your advice you are trying to exonerate yourself...

- Rainer, you don't believe that I stabbed that man, do you? - The boy interrupted him immediately. - That's crazy. You know very well that I had plenty of opportunities to kill someone and I didn't do it.

At some point Rainer stopped, somewhere halfway to the soldiers holding the golden pennants of Jarl Knut. Magnar was not yet there, although Rainer could see two figures approaching from the opposite side of the field. However, they were too far away for the man to get a good look at them. Deciding that he would follow the boy's advice and not even take a step further toward Magnar, he turned his yellow eyes directly into Colin's emerald eyes.

- I don't know Colin what to believe. - He said with the hardest voice he could muster. - On the one hand this whole story doesn't add up, but on the other hand maybe you wanted to take advantage of the situation because you knew we were going to meet your father? There is a possibility that you wanted to finish off anyone in my camp so that there would be a split...

- Risking my life in the process!? - Said Colin loudly, at the same time panicking. - Have you lost your mind? I didn't do it! I didn't try to kill anyone! I never left your den without you! That was the only time Liv and I...

- Enough! - Shouted the man, whose anger had again taken over his mind at the mere mention of his evening plans with Liv. - I don't know whether to believe you. Who would wish Noa dead? He didn't have any enemies, he's a really decent guy. Besides, he'll tell himself what happened.

- I hope so. - Colin replied, equally angry. - I will accept an exhaustive apology from you afterwards.

- Aren't you feeling too confident?

- I'm sure of what I didn't do. What I didn't even think to do.

Rainer didn't choose to answer anything more to those words. The truth was that until Noa woke up there would be no telling who was really trying to kill him. Rainer tried to keep in mind his friend's words about how foxes were cunning and could not be trusted. If that was true for all foxes and Colin was no exception, it meant that Rainer had not met the real person, but Colin's image of someone the boy had created.

After a few moments, when Rainer raised his gaze, he saw two figures standing in the middle of the field. One of them was a sentry, while the other was Magnar himself. Rainer recognized the figure well, although he was still standing quite a distance away. Magnar's distinguishing feature was his above average height, especially for a fox that was usually of average height or short.

Rainer stared at the figure of the man standing amidst the golden pennants of Jarl Knut as snowflakes floated in the light winter wind. Magnar literally took two steps toward Rainer, but stopped when Rainer reflexively adjusted his massive two-handed axe on his shoulder. The man had the impression that the eyes of his enemy did not rest on him even for a moment. He could not see it, of course, but he was sure that Magnar was now staring at Colin and Colin at him.

- That's enough. - Colin whispered as quietly as if he was afraid his words would be carried away by the wind.

- Didn't you miss your dad? - Rainer asked himself in a rather mean way.

Colin merely looked at Rainer with a blank look in his eyes in response. Instinctively, the wolf loosened his grip on the boy's neck even more and turned his gaze back to Magnar's indistinct figure for a moment. The man squirmed, knowing that if he tried to attack his enemy now it would end in carnage for him and Thorstein. And yet this wicked man was practically at his fingertips. He was so close, so close and yet so very far away. Rainer could reach him and yet he could not.

"Oh bloody irony". - He thought.

Wolf corrected the axe on his shoulder once more and without a word turned his back to the golden pennants. Leading Colin he made his way back to camp. He knew perfectly well that he would still meet Magnar face to face before nightfall.

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