I'm not a puppy! (age regress...

By Gizmo_Tester

285K 7.1K 2K

As far as streetrat, Jamie was concerned, they were 17, a teenager. And despite what their body is telling th... More

1. What do you think your doing?
2. Jamie
3. Breakfast
4. Discreet items
5. Checking In
6. I don't need them
7. Shopping Trip
8. Dinner?
10. Getting some perspective
11. Ben's House
12. You took it too far
13. Everyone needs help
14. I have something to tell you
15. Tumble
16. The Conversation
17. Doctors
18. Tired
19.Being open and honest is cool
20. Bit of a fun break
21. Jammity Calamity
22. The Plan
23. Baby Steps
24. Part of the Family
25. Supplies
26. Mine
27. Hard Work
28. Visitor
29. Stormy Weather
30. Hanging out
31. The Park Predicament
32. I've got you
33. Call
34. An Interlude into Bandages

9. Getting a bit late

8.6K 237 68
By Gizmo_Tester

"Jamie! Take a seat"
I stood in the door as Andrew beckoned me in. He stood facing the kitchen counter, plating up spaghetti.

Dinner was already done, I missed the pasta and everything. I frowned.

It was a little annoying he didn't wait for me, I wanted to help. I tried not to let it bother me and walked over to the table, but I was stopped in my tracks when I noticed Tom. He was sitting at the table talking with Andrew and drinking water, and he was sitting in my chair.

Now this was another thing I shouldn't be getting angry over but I couldn't help getting more annoyed. I always sit there, I didn't want to sit anywhere else.

I stood in the middle of the floor with embarrassingly enough a pout on my face as I stared down Tom in my chair. He didn't even look at me and my intimidating glare.

Before I could say anything, Andrew intervened.
"Tom I'm afraid you're gonna have to move, thats Jamies seat."

Tom turned and finally spotted me. I crossed my arms and looked down, pretending like it didn't bother me.
"Sorry Jamie, I'll get out of your way"
He moved a few seats over and I hopped up onto my chair, smiling to myself for a second.
I then tried not to blush after realising that Andrew has probably seen me standing there pouting.

"Alright who's hungry?"
I certainly got hungrier when Andrew placed two plates of spaghetti and meatballs down in front of me and Tom. It looked delicious. I grabbed my fork and started to dig in.

It tasted amazing, I mean I didn't have much to compare it to, but knowing I helped make it made it taste just that much better, especially the meatballs. Plus the slurping sound the spaghetti made was really fun when I sucked it up. But it was way faster to just shovel it in so I opted for that

"You want some milk Jamie?"
I nodded while still devouring my pasta. I didn't want to really have much conversation at the table, I just wanted to eat my pasta. Sadly the giants sitting on either side of me were chatty.

"So Andy was showing you the ropes huh?"
Tom asked me and I stopped packing food into my mouth. I bit off the spaghetti hang out of my mouth and swallowed. I responded
"The cooking, Andrew said you did it together"

"Yeah.. he showed me how to smell for garlic"
Tom laughed and looked to Andrew.
"Hope you're talking about fake garlic"
Andrew chuckled as he poured out some milk for me.
"What you think I'd put us at risk for culinary integrity, never"
He must've noticed the confused look on my face.

"We've got horrible garlic allergy that runs in the family-"
I interupted him
"So it's not real garlic?"
"No, it's a garlic substitute, fake garlic. Tastes just like the real thing, or well what I imagine the real thing'd taste like"
"You didn't say that earlier"
"I'm sorry jamie, suppose I just forgot"
(Author trembles in hopes the readers will be appeased)

Before I continued to scarf down my food I drank down half my milk, just about managing not to tip it all down my hoodie.

As I put my glass back down I noticed Andrew smiling at me. I fidgeted and pretending not to have noticed or cared. He had put down another plate and took his seat, contently eating away.

Tom groaned as he ate a meatball
"This is great!"
"The meatballs were entirely Jamie so you can thank them"
Tom looked at me
"Well thank you Jamie, these are the best meatballs I've ever had"
I just sort of nodded at him, still feeling quite weird around him.

"I really needed a home cooked meal today"
Tom said, Andrew snarkily added.
"Did you run out of microwave meals?"
"Shaddap I've got plenty of them at home"
Andrew casually continued
"Jeez you preach to me about my unbalanced diet yet you subsist off of gross microwave mush."

"Yeah you and sweet press are gonna have heart problems one day, and microwave meals are mostly balanced and taste pretty good, especially when moneys tight"
"I'm sure mom wouldn't be too pleased hearing that"
"Thats why she's never gonna hear it. And speaking of mom, i heard you're not answering her calls, she's getting worried about you Andy"
Tom said in a jokingly taunty way.
"I've been busy"
Andrew pointed his thumb at me and I frowned, Tom laughed.

"Still, if you don't let her know you're not dead she'll come barging in here in the middle of night. And that's never fun"
"So why don't you tell her I'm not dead"
"I have been, but my word is nothing to her... not since the vase"

Andrew sniggered. I tilted my head in confusion and ate another meatball, talking with my mouth full.
"What vase?"

Tom sighed.
"When I was... probably 17 I completely smashed this massive glass vase that our mom loved while her and dad were out of town. She claimed it was an irreplaceable relic. I replaced it with a cheap glass vase from IKEA-"
I actually laughed. Tom stopped his story and smiled, Andrew continued.

"Mom only found out a month ago, she went ballistic over being lied to for so long"
"And I am no longer trust worthy in her eyes... so you have to call her yourself"
"Fiiiine I'll do it tomorrow"
Tom looked at me seriously.
"You have to make sure Andrew actually calls her. Or she'll bust in here and I don't want you to have to see that"
I said, laughing a little. Andrew chuckled too.
"Not the best first impression I can imagine."

"Yeah, shes not too happy I'm the only one visiting as well"
"What has miss juggling 2 kids and a totally gonna happen business not been around"
Tom laughed.
"No according to mom, the market is wide this time of year and she's far too busy to make the trip"
"What market?
"Absolutely no clue"
I was a bit confused as to who they were talking about but I wanted to involve myself in conversation as little as possible.

"And how's dad?"
"He's fine, he's dad. Happy out"

We kept on eating, the brothers talked and I didn't really join in but they'd ask me questions, encouraging me to engage.
"So did you like the stuff I picked out Jamie?"
I nodded, simply saying
"Yeah, thanks again"
"No problem, good to know I have some style"

"Jamie you were reading that space book earlier, do you like that sort of thing?"
Andrew asked then took another bite of pasta. I didn't really know what to say. I wasn't reading per-say but the pictures were cool.

I think the expected me to elaborate. I did not, Tom tried to add.
"Like you're jumper there, I think dinosaurs and space are possibly the coolest combination"
I smiled, he was right. Dinosaurs are so cool and powerful and space is really pretty looking, it just makes sense that dinosaurs would hang out there! I was about to tell this all to Tom-

but I stopped what I was thinking. It sounded dumb and childish and I didnt want to think it. I stopped smiling and looked down at my plate.

I could feel Andrew sneakily squeezing my shoulder in a sign of comfort.

I finished my food first while the other two were nowhere close to being done, it annoyed me. I frowned.

I doubly frowned when I put my hand up to my face to scratch it and my face was covered in sauce. I must've looked ridiculous. Luckily my cool dinosaur jumper was fine.

I went to wipe my mouth with my sleeve then i realised that'd get sauce on my jumper and I didnt want it to be dirty. I let out an involuntary whine, not knowing what to do.
"Here bambi"
Andrew put a hand on my back and grabbed a tea towel off the counter, then handing it to me. I blushed at him calling me bambi in front of Tom.
"Wipe your face"

I moved the tea towel around my face for a minute, hoping I got most of it off.


I took a glance at the clock.

"God it's getting late isn't it, Jamie do you wanna head up?"
Jamie seemed caught off guard by this despite being obviously tired.
"What? No!"
"You're usually getting ready for bed by now bambi"

I spoke casually and Jamie blushed, getting a little antsy.
"I only go up cause you're going to bed then"
"You're not going to bed now! I don't have to either"

"Alright bambi alright-"
I relented before Jamie worked themselves up.
"You can watch a bit of TV or read something, just get changed now. It'll make things easier later. Maybe you could try out you're brand new pyjamas"
Jamie rolled their eyes

Jamie slipped away from the table and as soon as they were out the kitchen door I could hear them sprinting up the stairs. Tom and I laughed.
"Jamies settled right in"
He said before scooping up the last of his pasta.
"Yeah didn't expect them to be so comfortable so soon, it's like it's meant to be"

We moved all the plates to the sink and as I began loading the dishwasher Tom began the real conversation.

"So come on, now that they're gone, what happened today?"
I spoke all hushed, afraid of Jamie somehow hearing us. I just know Jamie would be none too happy with us talking about them like this.

"Alrigh shh I'll tell you... Jamie had an accident at the store"
I emphasised and Tom double checked.
"Like an accident accident?"
"Yeah, right in middle of the store"
"We're you.."
Andrew got quieter
"..encouraging it in any way?"
Tom questioned.

"No! I'd never, I despise that idea, humiliating Jamie like that. Oh god the poor kid, it killed me to see them cry like that. They looked so scared"
"Damn. Was it big, like a big accident? Did they even notice?"
"No, there was no puddle or anything, just a pretty big stain. Jamie didn't even notice."
I closed the dishwasher and sat back down at the table. Tom joined me as I went through what happened.
"We were looking at clothes and I turned back to them. They were completely transfixed by that dinosaur hoodie they were wearing-"
I explained everything to Tom and he listened intently.
"So they got changed, we left and we haven't said a word about it since"

Tom sat speechless for a moment, taking a sip of his water before he spoke.
"You're definitely not encouraging any of this?"
"No! It all just keeps happening, I'm more than happy to be there to comfort but it's a little concerning"
I ran my hands through my hair.

"Tom I'm telling you I think they're already regressing. I don't know why or how, but some of this is starting to add up. The pullups at night, believable, most of their behaviour could just be them being tired. Just today's making me look at it all differently"

"With the whines and everything it makes sense, or they could just be a regular teenager with bladder problems, growth deficiency and the occasional maturity of a 2 year old.."
I groaned and covered ny eyes. I was starting to feel tired myself. Tom thumped me to keep my attention.

"You better keep tabs on all this, something could be going on here Andy. I still say bringing them to an actual doctor would be a good idea"
"There'd be alot of questions with a doctor Tom. Jamies still a minor, with no family I've heard of, who even knows about papers. They'd probably wisk them off to some shitty foster home"
I rambled on and Tom cut me off.
"Look I'll send you on the number of a great guy I know, his names Perry. He's a vampire pediatrician and he works relatively close."

Tom whipped out his phone and texted me the number as we kept talking.
"Your insurance would cover it and he works really well with kids in the midst of regression"

"That sounds great but I'll have to figure out how to get Jamie into a doctors first. They were already scared enough meeting you"
"I'm sure you'll convince them, what with you already getting the Dad attitude"
We laughed again.

Tom looked up to a clock on the wall.
"I should probably be heading if I wanna beat all the traffic"
"Oh yeah the traffics killer this time of night"
I sarcastically replied, Tom laughed.

"Thanks for the food, you and the kid make a good team"
"Here come say bye"

We walked up to the sitting room and I opened up the closed over door. I stared in awe at the adorable sight befoe me. So did Tom as he came in behind me.

Jamie was fast asleep, snoring quietly and slightly curled in on themselves. They wore an adorable pair of striped pyjamas and adventure time played softly on the tv.

"Just look at that and tell me you don't wanna pick them up and just coddle them. Never put em down. I have to deal with this nearly every day, I don't know how i do it"
I bit my knuckles
"They look adorable and you've already developed mad parent brain. You can practically see the hearts in your eyes."

Jamie whined loudly in their sleep, kicking a leg before curling up and edging their thumb closer to their mouth. Jamie started to whimper while still asleep and I frowned.
"That doesn't sound good"
Tom concurred
"Probably a nightmare"
I hummed and Tom put his hand on my shoulder, giving me some pats.

"Go to them brother I'll make my own way out"
They turned to leave and I gently called after.
"Alright bye Tom, catch you later"

I quietly walked over, turned off the tv and bent down next to Jamie. I knew just picking them up would be easier but I was sure Jamie wouldn't like that.
"Jamie, Jamie"
I started softly, placing a hand on their shoulder.

They grumbled and wiggled away from my hand. I smirked.
"Bambi, you gotta wake up for a second so you can go up to bed"
Jamie whined again when I put my hand on their shoulder and rubbed.
"Wakey wakey Jam Bam"
Jamie stirred. I brushed all their hair out of their face.
"Come on Jamie, up up up"
I gave a few gentle shakes and Jamie groaned, awake. They pushed up onto their elbows. I rubbed their back.

"Hey bambi.. you fell asleep on the couch"
Jamie let out a tiny yawn before looking around wearily. They whined.

I didn't expect it but none the less I continued rubbing Jamie's back, it seeming to comfort them
"Woah what's wrong jamie?"
"Didn't wanna fall asleep, don like, am jam not a baby"
I almost chuckled, they were acting small again.
"No you're not a baby, you're jam!"

Jamie smiled tiredly and nodded.
"Jam jam big.. can stay up, not a baby-"
They cut themselves off with a big yawn. I awed, making jamie whine again.
"Oh I'm sorry bambi, andis sorry"

Jamie flopped their head back down onto the couch arm and covered up their head.
"Andi no know"
They mumbled.
"Andi no know what?"

"Andi no know I'm tired, shhhhh"
Jamie shushed me, sounding almost annoyed and waving a hand at me.

Jamie wasn't making much sense but that was ok in my books, it was so nice to be with them like this. I'd seen them watching all the kiddy shows and they sometimes acted whiney before bed but never like this. I'd never really interacted when Jamie was acting this way.

"Oh are you very tired?"
"M'always tired"
Jamie giggled. I frowned a little.
"Why are you always tired?"
Jamie squirmed and pouted a little.
"Dunno, don wike sweeping buh big kids don sleeps and I'm a big kid!"
"Oh really?"
"Uh huh, no one knows. Part fom Ben, noh even andi!"
Jamie spoke quickly and mumbled but I caught Ben knowing something and me not knowing. I asked

"And what doesn't andi know?"

"Andi tink I'm noh tired, no know"
He sleepily giggled again
"But jamie.. I'm andi"
I smiled but Jamie's face dropped, their bottom lip jutted out and they grabbed their head. They whimpered
"Noooo head all fuzzy!"

I panicked on the inside, thinking frantically of how to fix this. Jamie was talking pretty much gibberish, so I tried playing along.
"But but but! Jamie, I promise not to tell Andi that you're tired, its just between us"

Jamie looked up at me, alot calmer. They pawed at their eyes.
"Yeah, how about we get you up to bed."
"Don wanna"
"You don't wanna go up to your nice comfy bed?"
"Nooooo, don wanna sleep. Andi says I can stay up"

"Oh not this late I don't think"
"Buh sleeping scary somtimes"
Jamie said as I carefully pulled them to their feet. They didn't protest as I held them up and started heading upstairs.

I decided to prod about what me and Andrew suspected to be a nightmare as Jamie's been cutely honest when they're tired.
"Were you having a bad dream when you were sleeping there Jamie?"
Jamie nodded and leaned against me sighing.
"Scary dog dweam"
"Oh I'm sorry bambi, do you wanna talk about it?"
"No.. makes me sad"

"Thats ok, how about we talk about what makes you happy then?"
"Like cookin"
"Oh did you enjoy cooking today?"
"Yeah, I make bes' meatballs! Tom said so"
I chuckled
"I thought you weren't a fan of Tom?"
"He like our cooking so he ok"

Jamie mumbled as they leant deeper into my side, almost snuggling and I turned off the hallway into their room.
"Well good food brings people together, did you know that Jamie?"
Jamie said as I pulled back the duvet of the bed and helped them lie down.
"Buh our food good, so yeah"
Jamie mumbled again before squirming around to get comfy.

"Just gonna do a quick check bambi"
Jamie frowned a little as I pulled their top up just a bit so I could see the top of a pullup sticking out over it. As I had promised before, checks were becoming a regular occurance.
"Perfect jamie"

I pulled the duvet back up over them.
"Yeah jam?"
I liked the cute little nickname. Jamie looked at me quite seriously.
"There no more scary dogs here?"
I pushed some hair out of their face.
"No bambi, I promise no more scary dogs. You're safe here"

I afirmed while tucking them in. I stood to leave.
"Night Jamie
"Nigh nigh Andi"

The next morning it was as if nothing happened, Jamie was as normal as ever, with perhaps a little blush on their cheeks. I didn't know what they remembered but they definitely didn't want it brought up.

Last night just left me with a thousand more questions, and I definitely needed to find out some more about this Ben fellow.

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