
By Meep1111847

14.5K 770 281

this is a tale like no other, following that of long, long ago. were dragons existed, and so did trolls and d... More

Chapter 1 The mysterious child
chapter 3 the early training
Chapter 4 meeting the king
chapter 5 the new name
chapter 6 Tournament
chapter 7 the first battle
chapter 8 semifinals
ch 9. finals.
Ch.10 A new position
ch.11 royal house
12. The First Day is always the hardest
chapter 13. these feelings are different
chapter 14. a battle?
Chapter. 15 Taboo
chapter 16 containment
chapter 17 appreciated
chapter 18 trial and error
chapter 19 Monkey
chapter 20. Shadow man
Chapter 21 Mistakes
Chapter 22 Noodles!
chapter 23 Jealousy
author's note.
chapter 24 Mystifying
chapter 25 Spider queen
Chapter 26 Extermination
chapter 27 The Talk
Chapter 28 Macaque

Chapter 2 chasing a new dream

1K 44 12
By Meep1111847

Qi Xiăotiān grew, he was an interesting child. He had an abnormal strength, was very flexible, and had a high pain tolerance. Kids his age envied him, all but one. His only friend, Mei. Because of his strange abilities, other children his age either were too scared to be his friend, or wanted to use him. All except Mei, Mei was very Similar to him, she had weird strength, uncommon flexibility, and a high pain tolerance. The difference was, that she knew were it came from. Mei was an descent of the eastern dragon, meaning abnormal power ran in her blood. But, it was nice to have someone who understood. Qi Xiăotiān remembered how they met like the back of his hand, Qi Xiăotiān had gone to the market with his father, Pigsy. When he let go of his hand and lost him, he freaked out and almost cried. Until Mei found him, she comforted him by talking about their similarities. And before he knew it, they had found Pigsy and became best friends. Today, however, was different. Qi Xiăotiān didn't known, but it was. He walked along the alley, delivering noodles to people. ( of course walking to the people, who wrote their address.) He heard grunts and immediately whipped his head to look, he saw a knight fighting most likely their squire.

" Chest up higher, are you not proud to serve this country?" His mentor yelled, Qi Xiăotiān stares, amazed at the movements. Fluid, as if their bodys' knew what to do even before their mind told them to. It amazed Qi Xiăotiān, his mouth open. He put the noodles he was supposed to deliver down, careful, to not break them.
" Faster! Swing your sword as if it was your own limb!" The mentor ordered once more,

" Right!" The squire yelled back, doing as he was told. Their swords clashed together, even though they were wooden swords, it still made the adrenaline high. Eventually, the knight and squire saw the little boy watching.

" A lad sneaking up to watch? How interesting! Come up here lad," the knight invited, though suddenly very shy, Qi Xiăotiān obeyed. Stepping up onto the arena, and walking towards the men.

" aren't 'cha a scrawny one, you must be a peasant!" The squire sneered, he was then hit by his mentor.

" Oi, he may be a commoner, but he is still to be respected! No matter what class, knights respect everyone of out kingdom." The knight lectured, unknowingly making Qi Xiăotiān even more amazed. Being a knight mean you can treat someone as an equal? His excitement grew,

" C-can anyone become a knight?" He stumbled out, the two looked at him

" honestly, not all of them. You have to be fit enough to, both mentally and physically.." the knight answered, Qi Xiăotiān nodded,

" I- I think I'm qualified!" Qi Xiăotiān squeaked out, before the knight could say anything, the squire scoffed.

" You? A pea- commoner? Yeah right, it's mostly nobles and middle class people who become knights. You...common folk don't last long." He mocked, Qi Xiăotiān grew furious. He wasn't useless! He could be strong! He could be great! His eyebrows furrowed in anger, his fists beginning to clench. He didn't say anything, just stared daggers at the narcissist squire.

" Tell me, kid. Why do you want to be a knight?" The actual knight asked,

" I guess to prove that a commoner can be just as good as a noble." He answered, the squire almost said something, most likely an sarcastic remark.

" Is that so? Tell me, would you risk your own life to protect the royal family?" The knight asked, Qi Xiăotiān thought about it, than nodded. " Hmm, I don't see why you can't!" The knight chuckled,

" WHAT?"  The squire yelled out, clearly flabbergasted.

" Really? Cool! I'll be the best knight ever!" Qi Xiăotiān vowed, jumping up and down.

" Hey kid, just so you know, I'm sir Sandy. And this is Mo." ( yes, in this Mo is a humen) Qi Xiăotiān nodded, memorizing the names immediately. Before running off to tell his dad, this is it! This, he knew for sure, was his destiny. And he wouldn't allow anything to change it!

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