Undiscovered Truths

By SunrisexCamren

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Everyone has skeletons in their closets More

Loss Of A Father
Mock Honeymoon
Old Faces
A Mysterious Stalker
Warm Welcome
Private Investigator
When Their Journey Began...
Problems Can Be Resolved
Work With, Having It
Unwanted Discovery
In The Fire
Downpour Before The Storm
Out Of The Dark
Everything Becomes Clear
Taking Some Time Apart
Karaoke Bar
An Unforgettable Past
Nothing In Mind But You
Family Beach Day
Not An Easy Game
Complete Family Once Again
Couples Therapy
Shocking Discovery
Wrong Kind Of Love
In Question
A Disturbing Obsession
Legal Team
Taken To Court

A Major Break Through

262 23 11
By SunrisexCamren

Lauren and Camila head downstairs after the brunette made the phone call.

They sit down on the couch as Camila stares down at her lap and Lauren stares worriedly at her wife.

"I don't know what's worse. This or... What happened with Shawn," Camila speaks softly.

"I'll say they're both tied right now," Lauren says.

Camila lays her head on Lauren's shoulder who responds by kissing the crown of her head.

They wait in silence until the sound of the doorbell breaks it.

Camila gets up quickly and rushes to the front door as Lauren follows.

The brunette opens the door and sees Detective Rose standing there.

"I came as quickly as I could. What did you mean that you may know who sent that note?" Detective Rose says.

"Come in," Camila says.

He steps inside and Camila closes the door as the three of them move into the living room.

Detective Rose sits down across the two girls as he waits for one of them to speak up.

"It could have been our daughter," Camila finally speaks.

Detective Rose scoots closer to the edge of the couch at the sound of this. "May I ask why?" He asks.

"You see my eldest daughter, Grace, isn't really Camila's daughter, just mine. We've already had a suspicion that it could've been her because she's... Grown a love towards Camila but not as a mother and daughter kind," Lauren says.

"I see. Keep going," Detective Rose says.

"We went searching around the house so that our suspicions weren't confirmed but... We believe she sent that note and here is evidence that we found in a locked drawer of her desk," Camila says.

She grabs the plastic bag on the coffee table and hands it to Detective Rose who takes it and examines it.

"Is this all that was in there?" Detective Rose asks.

"No there was more but we left it in the drawer," Camila says.

"Show me to it," Detective Rose stands up.

The girls follow and they head upstairs into Grace's room where the drawer was left open.

Detective Rose takes out gloves and puts them on as he picks up and examines every item.

"There is no doubt that your daughter can be a suspect of sending that threat note and that she can be the one who killed Shawn Mendes," Detective Rose turns to face the two girls.

"You're taking her in, aren't you?" Camila frowns.

"She's the only suspect we have. Do you know where she is?" Detective Rose asks.

"No. Ever since everything went down that night, she left the house and disappeared," Lauren says.

"No one 'disappears' forever. I'll start sending out officers to search for her and if we find her or get some sort of clue as to what are her whereabouts, I'll let you guys know," Detective Rose says.

"Thank you, Detective Rose," Both girls say at the same time.

Detective Rose stands up and the girls follow as they shake his hand.

"I should get back to the station. You two stay safe," Detective Rose says.

"You too," Both girls say.

Detective Rose nods and leaves the house as both girls sits back down on the couch.

"What are we going to tell the kids?" Camila asks.

"I don't know but I think it's best they continue staying at my parents," Lauren says.

"I agree. They shouldn't be involved in any of this," Camila says.

The brunette stands up and walks upstairs, leaving Lauren downstairs by herself.

The green-eyed girl slouches against the couch as she runs a hand over her stomach which is still flat but she can tell that it will start to grow soon.

Lauren's phone starts to vibrate and she grabs it, checking it to see that it's her mother.

She answers the call and brings the device up to her ear. "Hi, ma," Lauren speaks.

"Hi, mija. How is it going with everything?" Clara speaks.

"Bad, mami. We found some disturbing things in Grace's room and Camila and I believe that it was her that sent that threat note. We've already told Detective Rose," Lauren speaks, her voice cracking.

"I know this is hard for the both of you because she is your daughter but if they find out that she is the one and the one that killed that guy that's all over the news, she needs to face the consequences," Clara says.

Lauren sniffs as she wipes the tear that escaped. "She threatened me, mami. Her own mother. And then it hurts me to see how much this is hurting Camila and that I can't do anything," Lauren says.

"Just be with her. That's the best you can do," Clara says.

"I will, mami. Tell the kids that Camila and I love them and miss them," Lauren says.

"I will, mija," Clara says.

"Bye, mami," Lauren says. She hangs up the phone and sets it on the coffee table as she looks over at the stairs.

The green-eyed girl stands up and ascends the stairs as she reaches her bedroom.

"Camila," Lauren speaks, knocking softly on the door.

"It's unlocked," Camila speaks from the other side.

Lauren opens the door and steps inside, closing the door behind her. "I know it's hard," She speaks softly.

Camila sits up and motions her wife over who slides onto the mattress and sits criss-cross next to the brunette.

"I'm being dramatic. I know it's harder for you," Camila speaks.

"You're not being dramatic. She's your daughter too," Lauren says.

Camila stands up and walks over to her wife's side and helps her stand up to.

"Shawn's parents are holding a funeral for him tomorrow and... I want to go," Camila says.

Lauren nods and cups her wife's cheek. "I understand," She says.

Camila covers the green-eyed girl's hand with hers and caresses her knuckles. "Can you come with me?" She asks hopefully.

"Of course, I'll come with you," Lauren speaks softly.

"Thank you, Lauren," Camila says. She moves closer and rests her head on her wife's shoulder.

"You don't need to thank me," Lauren kisses the crown of her head.

Camila returns it by kissing the side of Lauren's neck before pulling away. "I need a distraction. Want to help me finish building the treehouse?" She says.

"Of course," Lauren smiles softly.

In the backyard, Camila is at work by nailing planks together, sawing them, and carrying them around.

"You asked me to help and you're not letting me do anything," Lauren speaks from where she's sitting on the grass.

"You're pregnant. I can't allow you to nail, saw, or carry planks," Camila says.

"Then how do I help?" Lauren whines.

Camila grabs a binder and walks over handing it to the green-eyed girl. "How about you pick the color of the interior and exterior?" She says.

"Fun!" Lauren flips it open.

Camila chuckles and resumes what she was doing as Lauren flips through the binder.

"We should let the cops find her," Lauren speaks after a while.

Camila sets the saw down and frowns, knowing that her wife is right but she wants to find Grace and talk to her before the cops get to.

"And don't think about doing it behind my back because I'll be watching," Lauren speaks.

Camila curses under her breath. She loves her wife despite everything but one thing she dislikes is that Lauren knows her all too well.


"No! It can be just as dangerous for you as it is for me," Lauren raises her voice to cut Camila off.

"How bad can it possibly be?" Camila walks over and sits down next to her wife.

"She can I don't know... Hold you against your will until you accept to love her back or kill you then her so nobody else can have you," Lauren says.

"You watch too much telenovelas," Camila chuckles.

"It can happen," Lauren says.

Camila stands up and helps her wife up as well. "Okay, I won't go look for her," She says.

"Promise me?" Lauren says.

"I promise you, mi amor," Camila says.

Lauren peck's her wife's lips and walks over to where Camila was sawing the planks.

"The kids are going to love this treehouse," Lauren says.

"Yeah, and maybe they can finally give us alone time," Camila says.

"I was talking to my mom. If Grace is found guilty, she has to face the consequences. You know that, right?" Lauren says.

Camila takes in a deep shaky breath, not wanting to accept it but she knows she needs to.

"Let's just continue with the treehouse," Camila says.

The two girls continue working on building the treehouse, Camila doing the heavy stuff and Lauren the light stuff.

Currently, they are sitting on lawn chairs taking a small break when they hear the doorbell go off inside continuously.

Both girls enter the house and walk to the front door as Camila opens it.

"Ariana?" Camila says confused.

"Hi. I-i nee-need to talk to you both," Ariana stutters.

"Come inside," Camila says.

Ariana steps inside and the brunette closes the door as they enter the living room.

"Ariana, please sit down," Lauren says.

"I-i can't. I've heard of what's happened and I should've said something before it all did happen," Ariana says.

"What are you talking about?" Camila asks.

"Grace told me everything. About how she loves you, Mrs. Cabello and... That she was going to kill that Shawn guy," Ariana says.

Camila and Lauren share a look before looking back at the young girl, completely shocked.

"Wait, do not say anything yet, Detective Rose needs to be here," Lauren says.

The green-eyed girl goes off to call Detective Rose as Camila heads into the kitchen to grab Ariana a bottle of water.

She walks back into the living room and hands it to the other brunette, who takes it, shakily.

"Calm down, Ariana, your safe here," Camila says.

"No! You don't get it. It's dangerous for me to be here and even more because of what I'm going to tell," Ariana says.

Lauren enters the living room, tucking her phone away in her back pocket. "Detective Rose is on his way," Lauren says.

She sits down next to her wife and looks worriedly at Ariana who is staring down at the water bottle that's between her legs.

"How is she?" Lauren speaks softly.

"She says it's a danger for her to be here and even more for what she's going to say to us," Camila speaks softly.

"Hey. Can-can I go to the restroom?" Ariana speaks up, her voice cracking.

"You already knows where it is," Camila says.

Ariana stands up, sets her water bottle down on the coffee table, and disappears down a hall.

"We should make sure she doesn't escape or something," Lauren says.

"I don't think she will," Camila says.

"You trust so much in people," Lauren says.

Camila bites her lower lip and sit in silence, waiting for Ariana to come back and for Detective Rose to arrive.

After a while, Ariana comes back once the doorbell goes off and Lauren walks over, opening the door.

"Detective Rose," Lauren says.

"I'm considering of just staying here," Detective Rose says.

"I'm sorry but stuff just keeps coming up," Lauren says.

Detective Rose steps inside and Lauren closes the front door as they both walk into the living room.

"So someone wants to confess something?" Detective Rose looks back at the green-eyed girl.

"Yes, I do," Ariana speaks up.

Detective Rose looks at her and takes a seat on the couch he occupied not too long too.

"And what is it?" Detective Rose asks.

"Grace told me that she loves Mrs. Cabello and that night at the karaoke bar when she saw the commotion between Mrs. Cabello and Shawn, she said she was going to kill him," Ariana says.

"Are you confessing to being an accomplice?" Detective Rose leans forward.

"No! I least not... Willingly. She asked me to acquire my dad's gun and I did because... She threatened that if I didn't... She will kill my parents and blame the murder on me," Ariana says.

"Do you know where she could be?" Detective Rose asks.

"No, but... Something came to me last night and I found it this morning," Ariana says.

She reaches behind her and pulls out something wrapped in a piece of cloth and pulling the cloth back it reveals the gun underneath.

"This is my dad's gun... The one she used to kill... Shawn Mendes," Ariana says.

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