Karna: the lost prince

By Parasanki

173K 8.3K 666

what would happen if Kunti told Pandu about karna ,before Pandu's dead and he accepted karna as his eldest so... More

kunti tells the truth.
Saving Bheem
Leaving Hastinapur
Meeting Parshuram
Aditya : the Saviour
Filler One
First Meeting
Being there for each other
Support System
Lakshagraha Conspiracy
Filler Two
Getting to know the truth
The Tale Continues
Distressed Minds
Filler Three
Meeting Once Again
A Hope
Discussion and conclusion
Filler Four
Everything is Clear Now
Filler Five
How did we let this injustice happen?!
Not Worthy
Filler six
Filler seven
looking for Vasu
Filler Eight
Sakuni's deceit
The big Reveal
filler nine
so close still so far
Saving Shon
Filler ten
Making Strategy
we are brothers.....
Trying again
Patching the hearts
Kunti's heart
Happy Birthday
The Spy
Regret and Forgiveness
Regret and Forgiveness II
Filler Eleven
Romance and chaos
what to do?!
Special Chapter
karna's Boon
Talk before the war
Not an update
Happy days
Great charity
The great Danveer


2.4K 121 21
By Parasanki

"Why don't we let them know the life story of karna, for them to understand bade bhaiya karna better! "Said Krishna to parshuram ,both of them entering the court.

"That would be the right thing to do." Replied Parshuram Ji.
Everyone was really surprised to see both Shri Krishna and parshuramji advocating karna.

"He was born as a boon to Mata Kunti , suryanarayana himself is his celestial father, Maharaj Pandu loved him very much and waited to see his face all his life along with maharani Kunti but he had to grow up with his adopted parents, covering his face and suffering all his childhood.

People considered him a bad omen but he always brought good luck to the people around him,look at his adopted parents they only found success in life after taking him in, despite them treating him like a servent.
Then ,one day Rishi ved vyas saw him and immediately knew that he was a special soul,he took him to his ashram, educating him.
His initial teachers were Mata Ganga and maharishi ved Vyas ,after that he got educated under Parshuram ji." Said Madhav.

"Yes , and I am Proud to say that he is my student , like a son to me. He is excellent in everything he does, and is the best warrior in the whole aryavrata." Proclaimed parshuram ji.

"How could he be the best , isn't he a mere servent,how could he have the knowledge of Vedas and weapons ?" Said someone.

"Isn't Mahamahim ,the best student of parshuramji?!" Said another.

"He is an excellent student of mine but my best student is karna and with Vijaya bow ,he is invincible and even without the divine bow ,he is indestructible as you all have witnessed many times ,him as Aditya protecting the mankind."

"Karna is Aditya!!!"
"Jyestha is Aditya."
"He is so skilled."
"He has been protecting us all this time."

"You all are worried that if he is literate ,wise and skillful to be your king or not......let us have your princes tell you about him." Said parshuram ji.

Duryodhana stood up first and Said,
"He is the one who helped me to let go of my insecurities and allowed me to grow in the person ,I am today,a person who is well liked by his family and others. He also made my family members to see the good in me and my brothers."

Bheem was next....." He saved my life in childhood ,when I was drowning in the river ,even as a kid he protected us."

"He is the one who helped us in defeating king drupad by giving us correct advice , thus helped us in giving our gurudakshina... He also protected us from lakshagraha fire in his Aditya persona." Revealed Nakul.

"He saved my life in the forest and saved all of our lives many times,even when he did not knew that we are his brothers."said sahadev.

"He is the one ,who brought me to the right side and let me understand the my mistakes. He also protected us and all of you many times ,without even letting anyone know or expecting anything in return." Said dushashan.

"It is because of him that we are standing here United as brothers,not as Kauravas and Pandavas ,he made us understood the importance of brotherhood and family.
He also made me see that no human is below or above another human , it is their qualities and hard work that make them special."said yudhisthira.

"He helped us solve so many problems directly or indirectly and never desired any position or title in return.....he still works in his shop and remains at the palace as servent ,only to not let anyone point finger at his family and you call him illegitimate and illiterate ,when you are not even comparable to his time nail." Said Duryodhana angrily.

You are right bhrata Duryodhana ! .... Bade bhaiya karna has protected the people of aryavrata so many times as Aditya and whoever came in contact with him got happiness either directly or indirectly ,he is a danveer and has always given ,he is wise, strong, a great Archer, handsome and intelligent.
He has all the qualities of his five brothers in him and many more.
Believe me when I say this that he has protected the royal family and people of aryavrata from untoward incidents again and again,if those events have had happened ,we all would not be standing here talking about karna's ligitimacy and worth. " Said Krishna looking towards draupadi.

She felt like Krishna wanted to tell her something but does want to say it infront of everyone. She will have to talk to him in private later.

"He is the strongest warrior in aryavrata and could even defeat Indra. He is my pride and should be treated as such.Even now he is protecting you all and will keep on doing so in near future ,he will fight for all your lives ,to keep you and your family safe .... because a great war is coming." Concluded parshuramji.

Everyone went steady after these revelations, they felt ashamed in themselves for thinking about karna like this.

Karna and arjun arrived at the royal court at this moment and they felt the situation was tense they thought that surely everyone was worried about them.

Karna saw his gurudev and Krishna and went towards them to greet them.

Parshuram ji hugged him protectively and Krishna smiled towards him with pride in his eyes.

He also saw his Devi Ganga present and this time he was able to identify her as his maiyaa by one look inher tear filled eyes. He also went towards her and did pranipat , afterwards she hugged him lovingly.

Everyone started to chant ,

Rajkumar karna ki jai ho
( All hail prince karna)
(Long live ,prince karna)

At this point Karn arealised that his identity has been revealed to everyone but before he could react a servent came running and announced the return of kakasura to the earthly domain.
Everyone got tensed.


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