Forbidden Miss Foster

By Pages05

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Rosie Foster is a twenty seven year old teacher at Sumchester Secondary and Sixth Form. Haunted by a troubled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 17

135 11 0
By Pages05

Kennedy's POV

Monday morning has rolled back around again so unbelievably quickly. After visiting mum in hospital as well as working two late shifts this weekend at the pub , I'm absolutely exhausted and already feel in desperate need of a break , despite it being only the second week of term.

That being said however, I can't help but feel excited about going into school purely because of the fact that I get to see Rosie this morning. I found myself thinking about her basically the entire weekend ; replaying the 2 hour conversation we had in the café in my head was really the only thing that got me through my shifts at work. Even though she's a teacher , and most teachers scare me , I feel at ease when I'm with her.

As the morning bell sounded signalling the start of the day , I walked swiftly through the school courtyard towards Rosie's classroom for form , smiling at Ms Wilson on the way there who had Evie on a leash and was taking her on a walk around the site. Ms Wilson is Miss Foster's 'teacher bestie' I suppose you could say ; they're always together and Miss Wilson is constantly walking Evie or watching over her when Rosie's too busy.

Upon opening one of the double doors at the front of the Humanities block , my ears were immediately filled with the noise of younger kids walking around , talking , and laughing with their friends , at a volume way too loud for 8am on a Monday.

I need to get on that whole 'making friends' thing , I've spoken to a couple of people but I've not really solidified any friendships. If I'm honest, I'm quite an independent person and I'm not really overly bothered about joining a friendship group , I can't be fucked to deal with the drama that comes with it. That being said though, a friend I've had since I was probably 1 or 2 up in London is coming down to visit on Wednesday, I'm so excited to see her and have her spend the night.

Walking through Rosie's classroom door , I double checked my watch that I wasn't late or had gotten the time wrong ; the desks in the room were pretty much entirely full apart from the odd one and everybody else was already in there sat down , obviously waiting on Rosie to make an appearance. I wasn't late , I was still 3 minutes early , I suppose everybody's just on time today?

I sat down at my desk and set my bag down on the floor by my feet , pulling my phone out of my back-pocket to pass the time for the last couple of minutes before tutor starts.

It was a mere 30 odd seconds before I heard high heels clicking against the floors out in the hallway ; I looked up and smiled when I saw Rosie with Evie following behind her , walking towards the classroom.

"Morning.." she announced as she walked into the room.

I hate the word sexy , as I don't really think somebody's sex appeal should be used as a way to describe them , but if I were to call anyone sexy , Rosie would be that person. The way she walks and the way she talks is just so insanely attractive, she has this whole smoulder thing going for her while at the same time seeming like the most approachable person on earth.

Her hair looks slightly damp , consequent of a shower ; she's wearing a tight black pencil skirt that reaches a few inches above her knee , a plain white blouse , a simple and thin black cardigan layered underneath a light-weight black waterproof jacket , and a cream scarf draped around her neck. This woman wears the teacher attire better than anyone else I've ever seen , the fact that she's a teacher in the first place is also insanely sexy...What is wrong with me?

"How are we all?" , she addressed the class , placing her laptop down before sitting on top of her desk with her legs hanging over the side.

"Hungover.." Jackson groaned from the back row.

I rolled my eyes ; the majority of the kids in this class are pretty decent people , there's just the odd couple that act like stereotypical frat boys from every American coming of age-movie ever.

Miss Foster also rolled her eyes , "And that's your own fault , don't let it affect your work" she said , dismissing him almost completely.

Jackson slumped back in his chair and continued absentmindedly spinning his pen between his fingers.

"Okay everybody in my history class listen up for two minutes, everybody else be quiet with your conversations and ignore me." Miss said , looking around the room to get our attention.

I sat back in my seat and pulled one foot up onto my chair , tucking one leg tight into my chest and resting my hands atop my knee. I look up at Miss Foster to show her I'm paying attention and she flashes me a quick smile in response.

"Right children.." she begins in a sarcastic tone , making the few of us paying attention chuckle.

"Next Monday you've all got a formal assessment on the early years of Nazi Germany. This will include all of the work we've done since the start of term , so those of you who haven't been paying attention , I suggest you get your arses in gear and do some work to catch up." Miss Foster announces.

Groans erupt from all around me ; three weeks into the term and we're already being forced to sit a formal assessment , this shit isn't going to be easy.

"Oh shut up.." Miss Foster chuckles , rolling her eyes at the simultaneity of all of our reactions.

"There will be revision sessions after school everyday this week in Ms. Wilson's room if you need some extra guidance or need a quiet place to revise on your own. Just so we can gather numbers, if you think you'll be attending the session tonight can you quickly raise your hands."

Basically everybody else in this class who's also taking history this year raises their hand , I however, keep mind lowered as I'm unsure of the visiting hours today at the hospital.

"Fifteen , sixteen , seventeen...Okay that's fine , depending on the numbers in other classes we may have to split into two classrooms but that's fine." Miss Foster states , noting the number down into the notes app on her iPhone.

I pull out my religious studies folder and find the assignment I had started working on last night. As my eyes scanned over the pages , I could pretty much pinpoint exactly where I had started to get extremely tired and lethargic, my handwriting slowly fading into an illegible scribble about two and a half pages in. I exhaled heavily, knowing I'd have to do this section over again as Miss Adams would undoubtedly not be able to read any of it.

~Time Skip~

"And can anybody tell me in a brief sentence what Thomas Malthus' principle towards overpopulation was?" Miss Adams asked in her dreary , monotonous voice.

Nobody moved , nobody raised their hand , and to be honest, I can't blame them. Miss Adams' lessons can present themselves as almost torturous ; having an almost
-retired teacher lecture you for two hours is far from exciting.

Miss Adams sighs , "Nobody? Okay I'll just have to pick...Kenneth?"

I sit myself up slightly in my chair , knowing that "Kenneth" was my cue to answer , despite it not being my actual name...once again.

"Uhm..the Malthusian principal depicts that no intervention should be made to change the course of nature and it's natural population control." I respond, feeling pretty proud of myself for actually knowing the answer.

Miss Adams smiles whilst nodding her head.

"Well done Kenneth , and since you got the correct answer, you can go and get my printing from the office.." she said , smiling smugly as if she'd been thinking that one up for the last few days.

Biting my tongue, I reluctantly nodded my head and stood up from my seat , leaving my chair untucked as I walked over to the door. As I began closing the door behind me , Miss Adams piped up again from inside of the classroom.

"And if there's any other teachers' printing already done in the printer, be a sweetheart and go deliver it to them please Kenneth.."

With my back turned I rolled my eyes and closed the door , heading straight for the office on the other side of the Humanities block.

Using my lanyard to get in , I scanned the lock on the door and held it propped open with my foot as I retrieved copious amounts of papers from the printer.

Miss Adams' worksheets were on the top , underneath were those belonging to Ms. Wilson , and on the bottom were Year 7 worksheets with Hi9 written on the top right hand corner of each one , Rosie's room.

I promptly delivered Ms. Wilson's printing , not wanting to disrupt her class or her teaching flow , which by the way , is unparalleled and superior to that of any other teacher , before making my way back to Hi9 which was the room nearest the Humanities block entrance.

Rosie's door was propped open to try and air out the slight post-summer humidity, and so i stood in the door way and knocked on the door quietly thrice.

Rosie was crouched down in front of a students desk in the front row , helping them out with whatever they were working on.

"Miss Foster , one of the older ones is at the door.." one year 7 girl piped up from the back of the room.

At that , Rosie looked up from her student's work over at me and smiled.

"Come in 'one of the older ones'" Rosie remarked sarcastically, lightheartedly mimicking the year 7 girl.

Having had permission I walked a few steps into the room , feeling the stares of 30 eleven year olds on me all at once.

"Wait there, Kennedy , I actually wanted to have a chat with you. I'll be over in a second , just let me help this one quickly.." she said , and I nodded.

Within a minute, Rosie stood up from being crouched on the floor and walked over to me , looking down at the stack of paper in my hands.

"Miss Adams asked me to deliver your printing to you..I believe this is yours.." I said , handing it to her.

Rosie furrowed her eyebrows slightly, "I was just about to send one of this lot to go get that ; you're sixth form , Adams shouldn't be making you miss your lesson to go and deliver printing?"

"It was my reward for correctly explaining Malthusian principle.." I told her with a slight smile on my lips.

She chuckled , "Interesting..Well thank you , that saved me a job."

I smiled , "My pleasure.."

Rosie set the papers down onto her desk and then put her hands on her hips.

"Now may I ask why you won't be attending tonight's revision session? You told me the other day that you'd be 100% interested in coming?!" Rosie questioned confusedly.

"I have places to be after school.." I confessed in a monotone.

Rosie's eyebrows raised slightly, a smile pricking at the corners of her lips , "Places? What places?" she asked.

I shrugged, "Just places.."

She squinted her eyes suspiciously for a second or two before deciding to cease asking anymore questions on the subject, taking the hint that I don't want to discuss it right here right now.

She nods , "Okay well , will you be going to these 'places' every day of the school week?"

I shake my head , "Not on Wednesdays.."

Rosie sighs , "Kennedy you should really try and attend more tha-"

Rosie's cut off when a boy in the back row shouts out for her.

"Miss?!" he says.

She turns to him , "Ask the person next to you , Harrison , I'm talking.." she told him calmly.

"But Miss , Evie just ran off out the door.."he continued, immediately getting Rosie's full attention.

"Shit.." she muttered under her breath, loud enough so that only I , standing right next to her , could hear.

Another boy in the second row shot up from his seat and started towards the door , "I'll go find her , Miss.."

Rosie put her hand out stopping the boy in his tracks , "No you won't, go and sit down.." she told him.

As the boy went back to his desk , Rosie turned to me with slightly pleading eyes , "Would you please go and get her , Kenn..I should really stay with the kids?" she asked.

I nodded , "Of course.." I replied , before darting back out of the door and outside to the courtyard.

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