Golden Time

By Emmy_Rose_alternate

150K 6.9K 1.1K

Yoona has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent's hybri... More

1. Dangerous Line of Work
2. You Can Rest Easy
3. Calm Before the Storm
4. Have Courage, Be Kind
5. Making a home
6. A Doctor's Visit
7. The Question
8. Protect and Protected
9. The Power of the Queen
10. Deciding Fate
11. Warmth of the Sun
12. Different Worlds Collide
13. Enemy Territory
14. What You Need
15. And Play She Does
16. Eleventh Hour
17. Time in Dying
18. Safe and Sound
19. A Chance to Recover
20. Happy Holidays
Author Note
21. What's In A Name
22. Patience Waning
23. The Undoing
24. Going Home
25. Coming Home
26. Never Make Her Wait
27. Family Dinner
28. Family Matters
29. The Future Looks...
30. Already in Paradise (m)
31. Finally Home (m)
32. Pre-Rut (m)
33. What Could Have Been
34. Always Find Her
35. The Final Act
36. Finally Found

37. Happily Ever After

2.5K 126 47
By Emmy_Rose_alternate

Yoona had been sitting on the couch for an hour now, Sung-Jae wide awake and still attached to Yoona, happily drinking his fill of his bottle while continuing to play with the ends of Yoona's hair over her shoulder. Jungkook himself hadn't left their side and the other sat around in a small circle, not making any sudden movements or taking their eyes off Yoona and Sung-Jae, in case they disappeared once again.

Yoongi had started cooking that morning and had yet to stop, seemingly making sure everyone was to get their share, even though Yoona's was a much larger portion as she picked at it, mostly only eating when Jungkook offered food. Everyone could tell that her full was on Sung-Jae, no doubt her own instinct where still on overdrive, even if she looked around and could easily tell that they were both safe. Yoona was still protecting Sung-Jae and she wasn't about to just let him go, she refused to even let Jin get a hold of the baby hybrid, not that he or any of the boys could blame her for that reaction.

"Are you full?"

"I think I want to shower." Yoona still spoke quietly, eyes never straying from Sung-Jae.

"I made sure to bring everything you'd need." Jungkook whispered too, arm around Yoona's shoulders. "Want me to wash Sung-Jae?"

"No." Yoona held the hybrid closer to her chest, now looking up wide eyed at Jungkook.

"It's okay, Yoona." Jin spoke now, standing to offer Yoona a bottle of water. "No one is going to take him from you. You can shower him when you shower."

"But I would like to take a look at your wrists." Jimin was the one to speak up, seated next to Namjoon who looked on high alert. "I can smell blood."

"It's not mine." Yoona sighed sadly. "At least most of it isn't mine."

"What?" Jin sat back down, watching Yoona take small sips from the water bottle.

"Tell them to go straight up the mountain, it's hard to miss." Yoona didn't look out towards the mountains, if anything she had looked anywhere but. "He'll be in the main bedroom... just... be careful with him."

"Should they take precautions?"

"They won't need to."

No one bothered to ask any more questions on the matter, letting Yoona stand and go shower with Sung-Jae in her arms and Jungkook behind her, whispering soft words of encouragement as they went. With the new information, Jin left the room, going to talk to the HPA that were equip for hostility, but are now on a more recover mission from what Yoona had told them, no one looking particularly excited. The other boys kept moving around, not being able to sit still, one ear listening for Yoona, the other following the HPA up the mountain and into an unknown situation.

"Where's a first aid kit?" Jimin asked Yoongi in the small kitchen, the elder hybrid pointing towards a large crate with a question on his face. "Some of the blood is Yoona's. I can patch it up for her when she gets out."

"Do you think she'll let you?" Yoongi had to ask, having seen Yoona's reaction to the thought of Sung-Jae being removed from her.

"She's okay hyung." Jimin reassured him, moving forward to scent the panther hybrid with a smile. "Her instincts are just protecting herself and Sung-Jae. Everything will be better once we're all back on the farm."

"We should leave tomorrow. Better to get them home."

"And we will, hyung."

Jimin stopped talking when Yoona came back out, freshly showered and signs of exhaustion starting to surface once again, moving to sit back on the couch where she had been, Jungkook still tucked beside her. Jimin moved forward, setting the first aid kit next to where he kneeled and looking up to Yoona, who questioned for a moment before simply nodding, setting Sung-Jae to one arm and offering her other. It didn't take a genius to know they were rope burns, and from the echoed gasps the other boys could guess what had happened to Yoona from the red raw skin on her wrists.

"This will hurt a little," Jimin smiled warmly up at Yoona, his triangle ears flicking. "I'll need both of your arms so I can treat them, would you be willing to give Sung-Jae to Jin-hyung until I'm finished?"


"I'll sit right next to you." Jin moved towards Yoona from the door, sitting next to her with a warm smile. "He'll probably just sleep while Jimin looks after you."

"You can't leave... not yet." Yoona warned.

"I know."

With Sung-Jae in Jin's arms, Yoona gave her's to Jimin as he spoke; "Did you clean them in the shower?"

"Yeah, Jungkook made sure they were clean."

"He's a good mate."

"I know."

Jimin couldn't help but smirk at Jungkook, who's ears stood tall and chest puffed out that his mate was happy with him, that he truly was the one that she had chosen and thanked and loved so much. He would have a bit more to take care of, especially with the situation, so Jimin offered Jungkook to help him, get make sure he knew what he was doing to change the dressings at a later date for Yoona. Jungkook listened well, though seeing Yoona in obvious pain caused his own scent to sour, not particularly like the cold, medicinal smell mixing with her soft scent, but it helped the pain.

"Everything good?" Jin asked, placing a sleeping Sung-Jae back into Yoona's bandaged arms, watching the small hybrid quickly burrow into her stomach with a sigh. "We can go?"


"We can go home."


Days had passed and unlike the last time she had been bought back to the sanctuary, this time it did feel a lot more like home, like she could breath easier without the weight of the world falling onto her shoulders. It was easy for normal life to continue, for Jungkook to cuddle her, kiss her, for family to come for dinner, Mr. Astor was back on the sanctuary and recovering just as well, Yoona having freaked out when she learnt what had happened. She had tried to take care of him but Jungkook wouldn't let her out of his sight, not when she herself was still being patched up for burns that would leave permanent scarring,

Yoona had been spending more time with Maia, both of them walking towards where they had been building the school, Sung-Jae leaning over his mother's arm towards Yoona, who giggled and talked to him. Maia was smiling at the interaction, playing around with the both of them just as much as they came into the view of the new school, which seemed to be finished with the boys all standing out the front. They waved the two women over, Sung-Jae being handed off to Jin and Yoona falling into Jungkook's arms, who kissed her head and turned towards the school building with a smile.

"I guess it's ready."

"Yep." Jin held Sung-Jae up to look at the school himself. "This is where your Aunt Yoona will teach you buddy. You can't go to school just yet."

"He can come any time he wants." Yoona kissed Sung-Jae's hand that wrapped around her finger, giggling and reaching out towards the woman. "I'm sure everyone would love it if Sung-Jae came to visit for the day."

The school was simple, merely a box that chairs and tables placed around, the boys having written on the board in greetings to the new Miss. Park that would start on Monday, for all ages kids who wanted to learn. Every family on the sanctuary was excited for the prospect of their children going to school, some older hybrids had even approached Yoona to see if they could even learn something. They had been working out schedules for them all, not wanting to leave any of them out, wanting to give everyone the chance to learn everything they possibly could from Yoona, Reyna and Namjoon.

Yoona took Jungkook's hand, tugging him back out while Maia and Jin let Sung-Jae play with Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon stood talking with Reyna, standing in front of the school; "This is beautiful. I can't wait to start teaching."

"I'm proud of you." Jungkook leaned down, kissing Yoona softly. "Your gonna be amazing."

"How's your grandfather? I've been meaning to go see him."

"He's doing well." Jungkook couldn't help laughing, one of his large ears falling. "I think he's milking it really, because my grandma and mum are waiting on him hand and foot. He's loving it."

That caused Yoona to laugh just as loudly, picturing Mr. Astor surrounded by the women of his family, giving him everything he needed; "At least he's resting. Things will get pretty busy soon."

"True. With the school and clinic opening, more hybrids and human couples showing up daily, we'll barely have a second to ourselves." Jungkook smiled at the home he'd found.

"I was thinking of something else." Yoona pulled away from Jungkook, reaching for his hands, smiling up at the tall bunny hybrid. "Something more... personal."

"House renovations?"

Jungkook did look confused, the hybrid trying to rack his brain for something, some indication of what Yoona could possibly be talking about, but nothing seemed to be coming to mind, which only caused Yoona to continue to laugh. The woman pulled Jungkook towards her, reaching up on her toes to plant a kiss on Jungkook's pout, who only seemed to pout that much more when Yoona pulled away from him. He followed her, pulling Yoona into a harder kiss, which had her laughing against him but happily kissing him, feeling the most at home either of them had ever felt in one place.

"Jungkook," Yoona whispered against Jungkook's lips, the hybrid leaning closer, if possible, to keep kissing her, humming his answer. "I have you tell you something very important."

"More important then kissing you right now?"

"Yeah, I'd think it would be."

Jungkook kissed Yoona once, twice, thrice more before leaning his forehead against Yoona'; "Okay, I'm listening."

"Something happened... on that mountain."


"No just let me..." Yoona took a deep breath, Jungkook moving back a little to give her his full attention now. "While I was up there, Jun- your brother kept repeating, talking about how he'll get better, be able to control his temper around children. And I thought that makes sense, with Sung-Jae around and not wanting anything to do with him when he got angry, it was a good thing."

"He didn't... put his hands on you... right?"

"No, he didn't."

"So these?" Jungkook took one of Yoona's wrists into his hands carefully, kissing the bandages. "Weren't him?"

"Well... a little." Yoona shrugged. "He tied me to the bed so I couldn't run away. He must have known I'd be less dangerous if I was tied up."

"Smart guy."

"Maybe... smarter then us it would seem."


"He... picked something up... something we missed."

Jungkook looked more confused then ever, trying to think of something they could have missed; "Like what?"

"Like why Sung-Jae is quite attached to me right now." Yoona smiled now, the one good memory about Jung-Hoon. "I didn't know how neither of us, nor anyone on the sanctuary hasn't picked it up and yet a human could."

"I'm so confused."

"He wanted to be good, wanted to be better for 'when we had more'." Yoona used quotations, smiling widely at the ever confused look on Jungkook's face. "Jeon Jungkook my silly hybrid."

"Well of course I'm yours." Jungkook smiled a little now, though still confused. "I still don't understand-"

"I'm pregnant."


"Yeah, I know." Yoona couldn't help the laugh that slipped through her lips. "It's going to get very busy around here."

"Your-" Jungkook opened and closed his mouth, having no idea what to actually say. "I'm... we..."

"This is your family, right here, with me and you... and the little one." Yoona took Jungkook's hands to place them on her stomach, nothing showing just yet, but the smile all the more genuine. "Our families just going to keep on growing."

"Oh my god... I'm going to be a dad?" Yoona nodded, watching as every emotion seemed to pas through Jungkook's eyes before he turned from Yoona and shouted in excitement; "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!"

Yoona couldn't help laughing, watching Jungkook run around the front of the school, a few people coming out of their houses to see what the commotion was all about, just to see a rabbit hybrid running around in large circles. The others came running out, having obviously heard Jungkook scream, but the worried looks on their faces tells Yoona they hadn't heard what Jungkook was actually celebrating. They all stood watching Jungkook bounce around, continuing to cheer about something, but missing anything he was really saying, breathing a little easier he seemed to be happy.

"Jungkook, what's wrong?" Jin called out towards the hybrid, who was moving quickly back to Yoona.

Jungkook quickly dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around Yoona's waist and whispering to her stomach; "Hey little one, I'm your dad... I can't wait to meet you."

"Is he okay?" Reyna moved before the others, all surrounding Yoona and a kneeling Jungkook. "Should we get a doctor?"

"He's fine." Yoona waved them off, running her hands through Jungkook's hair. "He's just excited."

"We have to go tell my grandpa." Jungkook leaned back now, standing back to his full height, taking Yoona's hand and ignoring the others. "We should go tell him now, he'll be so happy."

"Maybe tell the others first." Yoona gestured behind him.

"But... I wanna tell him first..." Jungkook whined, ears drooping a little.

"He can know second. I'm sure everyone here needs to know your not in any trouble first."

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, turning to look at the others who were watching him carefully, only to turn back to Yoona and nod; "Okay. But then we're going straight to tell him... right?"

"I promise."

"Can you just tell us what's going on... please." Jimin added as an afterthought, holding onto Taehyung, who looked ready to shake whatever news out of Jungkook.

"Go on... tell them."

With so much pride it was a wonder Jungkook had ever looked so different when Yoona had first meet him, Jungkook wrapped Yoona into his arm; "Yoona's pregnant. We're gonna have a baby."

The warmth and love that surrounded Yoona and Jungkook was automatic, hugs and kisses and congratulations were passed around by the large group of friends, of family that shared in the happy news together. It was truly something special and something so different then what Jungkook could have seen for himself in the life he had lived, he would never have expected to be here.

He had never expect Yoona.

He had never expected his family.

Jeon Jungkook can honestly say he never expected to fall in love.

Yet here he was, almost two years later, holding the woman he loved who was pregnant with his child, his family reunited with him, a new family congratulating them, and time for a future he now had.

The reality of Jungkook's world was just this; happy, healthy, safe and about to become a father with a woman he would do anything for. It was a completely normal day, one that allowed them all to breath easily enough at a sanctuary that only wanted the best for everyone there.

Jungkook more than most knew of the wonders that lived here.


Hey guys, how've you been?

So here it is... the ending of Golden Time!!

I just want to thank everyone for their support and love for this fic!! It has been a good 2 years with Golden Time and it's definitely something to finally be finished!!

I really hope you all enjoy Golden Time and even more so that you continue to enjoy it if you come back to reread Golden Time!! Thank you all so much again for your support!!

Emmy Rose xx

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