Drarry and Wolfstar One Shots

De sytherin30

306K 5.6K 4.6K

Heyyyyyy guys! So this is just a bunch of Drarry and Wolfstar one shots because they are both my otp. If you... Mais

Wolfstar ~ Late for breakfast
Drarry ~ Rain Storm
Wolfstar ~ Truth or Dare
Drarry ~ How drunk is he?
Wolfstar ~ Tattoos
Drarry ~ Flower Boy
Wolfstar ~ Powerpoint night
Drarry ~ Periods
Wolfstar ~ Rainy days
Wolfstar ~ Hurtful words and Loving words
Wolfstar ~ Waking up from a full
Drarry ~ Anonymous letters
Wolfstar ~ Cuddles in the night
Drarry ~ Unexpected Birthday
Wolfstar ~ Teaching Sirius
Drarry ~ Unexpected Birthday Pt. 2
Wolfstar ~ Love chain
Wolfstar ~ Blanket Burrito
Drarry ~ Never left again
Wolfstar ~ Summer of '75
Wolfstar ~ Coming out
Drarry ~ Morning
Wolfstar ~ Cheating
Drarry ~ Dandelions
Wolfstar ~ Gryffindors
Wolfstar ~ Nail Polish
Drarry ~ Reporters
Wolfstar ~ Who do you fancy?
Drarry ~ Periods Pt. 2
Wolfstar ~ Morning Pt.2
Drarry ~ Intrusive thoughts
Wolfstar ~ Anything to help the other
Drarry - Soulmarks
Wolfstar ~ The book
Drarry ~ Secret for a secret
Wolfstar ~ Double trouble
Drarry ~ Warm Hands
Wolfstar ~ Mistletoe
Drarry ~ Halloween with the Potters
Wolfstar ~ Raising Harry
Wolfstar ~ Rivalry
Wolfstar ~ I think I love him
Drarry ~ Wedding Invites
Wolfstar ~ Remus = pillow
Drarry - TSS

Drarry ~ Reunion and sickness

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De sytherin30

**Hey guys!! Just to let you know, this oneshot mentions PTSD, major character death (none of the present characters die),mistreatment as a child (bullying), and a brief mention of diets when talking about Dudley when he was younger, but nothing too serious. They are mentioned pretty mildly but if any of these things upset you, then please read cautiously, or depending on how much you don't like these topics, please don't read at all. I promise it is a very fluffy one shot, but there is slight mentions so I just wanted to warn you. I hope this makes sense and you enjoy the oneshot :))**

**Also this oneshot has POC Harry. I know that everyone has their own hc for what the characters look like, but just to give you an idea of what I was and usually imagine writing these, I'm telling you that this is written with POC Harry in mind. For anyone who doesn't know what that means, POC stands for : person/people of colour. There are quite a lot of people in this fandom who hc Harry to be POC from James' side fo the family, their heritage coming from places in India, but I've seen other people hc them from places like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc. Of course not all people of colour are only from these places, but these are just the hc's I've seen. Personally, I don't have a specific country, I just like to imagine what the characters look like :P so I hope this makes sense :) Everyone is entitled to their own imagination, but I guess this is just a little inside scoop as to what the author is thinking :))**



~London - After Hogwarts~ 

It was extremely unexpected when Harry bumped into none other than Dudley Dursley, his bully of a cousin, on his way home from work. Harry's boots covered in mud, his pants covered in grass stains. The rain wasn't forgiving today, and Harry was stuck out on the quidditch field training all day. He would have stayed inside, as to not get sick, but he is particularly resilient to colds, and fights them off easily. Besides, there was a new game coming up in a few weeks and he had to be prepared as much as possible.

Anyways, the matter at hand was that he had just bumped into his cousin. The two haven't spoken in years. Their last encounter was the day the Dursleys left Harry in Little Whinging when he was sixteen, now being twenty three. Realistically, Harry knew that Dudley was older now and therefore more mature. Besides, he had even given somewhat of an apology to Harry before they left seven years ago. Though there was still an initial feeling of fear.

Dudley looked different. He was taller, and slightly slimmer, maybe he was going to the gym? Or maybe just the product of not living at home with his parents who spoiled him with gifts and more treats than any child could dream. Anyways, he looked healthier than when he had to go on that special diet in the summer between Harry's third and fourth year. His hair was shorter but styled nicely, and his clothing style had definitely improved since they were teenagers. Either way, he was still recognisable.

The two made eye contact, and for a second, Harry wondered whether Dudley would recognise him or not. He himself had changed quite a bit. He spends more time out in the sun now thanks to being a professional quidditch player, making his skin darker than it was when he was being kept cooped up under the stairs all day. His hair was also longer, tied into a tiny ponytail at the back of his head, the shorter parts at the front still falling into his eyes, not to mention the dark beard that he had started to grow. He was due for a haircut. His glasses were the same, but haven't been broken in some time, and sadly his scar never faded. Harry was definitely more filled out than he was in his Hogwarts years, thanks to training, and to highlight those muscles, he had multiple tattoos snaking down his arms. A few of those tattoos being a dog paw, a crescent moon, and stag antlers, as well as a lily flower, a mini silhouette of a cat and a small dragon that wrapped around his wrist, its tail tracing closer to his hand. His hands were definitely more rough and worn out from the years of fighting death eaters and also quidditch training, but what made it all the more better was the subtle golden ring on his finger.

"Harry?" Dudley asked as they finally stopped the awkward staring.

"Dudley." Harry said back, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jacket. It was cold and wet from the rain that had just passed, but Harry also just didn't know what to do with himself, feeling more than a little awkward.

"Blimey, you've changed... in a good way!" Dudley smiled slightly, almost as if he was shocked yet relieved to see his cousin again, making sure to add that on the end as to not give off the wrong impression.

"You too," Harry responded. What else was he supposed to say?

There was an awkward silence that followed.

"So, how have you been?" Harry then asked. Dudley has obviously gotten over their petty childhood rivalry so he might as well start being nice back to him.

"Good, yeah, alright." Dudley nodded as they started aimlessly walking down the street in the direction Harry was going in.

"You?" He then asked.

"Um, yeah, I've been good. Busy, but good." Harry nodded as he looked at the ground, mainly just deep in thought.

"Just got off work?" Dudley then asked, trying to carry on the conversation. In all honesty, he doesn't really know why he hated Harry so much when he was younger. Maybe it was because he came along and Dudley felt like he stole all his parents' attention, or maybe because once he got told about Hogwarts, Harry became all special, and Dudley was maybe slightly a bit envious. Anyway, he was determined to fix his relationship with his cousin in any way that he could.

"Yeah, you?" Harry responded.


Somehow, Harry had ended up inviting Dudley in for a cup of tea as they walked past his apartment. The thing is, Harry doesn't live alone, but he usually gets home first so they shouldn't be a bother. When they got upstairs and arrived at Harry's front door, he unlocked it, the two in a somewhat awkward silence.

"What do you do for work?" Dudley asked as he waited patiently.

"I'm a professional quidditch player," Harry said absentmindedly as he wiggled the key in the lock. It was a little jammed, but they were moving into a bigger place soon so he wouldn't have to deal with it much longer.

There was a silence that followed and Harry realised that despite growing up with him and spending every summer with him, his cousin would have no idea what quidditch was.

"I'm an athlete," Harry rephrased his words, earning a nod from the taller man, finally managing to unlock the door.

The two walked in, Harry kicking off his shoes by the door, Dudley following suit. It was a relatively small but well furnished apartment. An open kitchen, living room, and dining room, with a hallway off to the side. It was just big enough for two people to live in, but had started to feel a little cramped, luckily their lease was ending soon and would be moving into a bigger stand alone house in a few weeks.

"This is a nice place you've got yourself," Dudley complimented, looking around the main area of the apartment.

"It's bloody small, but it works," Harry slightly chuckled as he went over to the kitchen to get the kettle running.

"You here by yourself?" Dudley then asked as he put his work bag down by the dining table, asking if Harry had a partner or a roommate.

As if on cue, the sound of something falling off a shelf came from the room down the hall, followed by a sneeze. Harry's head whipped to the side, inspecting the door, his hand already going to his wand, a reflex he has developed after fighting in a war when he was only seventeen. He held a finger up to his lips as if to tell Dudley to be quiet.

Making his way down the hall, Dudley following behind him, Harry held his wand at the ready as he opened the door at the end of the hall that led to his room.

"Harry?" Came a croaky voice that almost made Harry jump. Everyone who participated in the war has been left with side effects, Harry being overly sensitive to certain things, especially things that require somewhat of an investigation.

"Draco? What're you doing here? You're not supposed to be home for another hour," Harry sighed exasperatedly as he opened the door fully, walking into the room.

Said man was laying under a mountain of covers, his work robes in a pile on the floor and his hair completely dishevelled. His face looked uncharacteristically colourful, flushed red, especially his nose.

"Came home early," Draco managed before closing his eyes, resting his forearm over his forehead, exhausted.

Now that Harry wasn't worried that someone may have broken into his apartment, but could fully take in the situation. Draco was obviously unwell, you didn't need a healer to tell you that, which is ironic since Draco's appearance was telling Harry that he was sick, and Draco himself is a healer. He quickly made his way over to the side of their bed, Dudley lingering awkwardly in the hallway outside the open door.

"What's wrong, darling?" Harry asked as he knelt down, removing the arm from Draco's face, resting his own calloused palm on his forehead. He definitely had a fever.

"Just feel a bit sick, my throat is sore and my head hurts." Draco whined, turning towards Harry.

"Aw, I'm sorry, my love. I'll go and get you some potions," Harry cooed, knowing Draco likes being pampered when he gets sick, which isn't very often since he's a healer and knows how to take care of himself.

"Thank you, can you make me a pepper up too please?" Draco mumbled before Harry pressed a kiss to his forehead, nodding, and got up to leave the room.

He left the door open incase Draco needed him for something while he was gone. Dudley just watched, wide-eyed as he followed behind Harry. He suddenly felt like he was intruding, being a bother.

"I can go if you'd like." Dudley suggested, not wanting to get in the way, clearly whoever this person was that Harry lived with wasn't feeling well and needed tending to.

"No, no, I'll just be a minute." Harry waved him off before opening the fancy cabinet in the living room that had rows and rows of fancy glass vials filled with colourful liquids.

Dudley watched in amazement as Harry navigated the cabinet as if seeing all of this was normal to him, second nature. He quickly grabbed one of the vials with a label on it that Dudley was pretty sure wasn't even in English.

"I'll make some tea, if you'd like," Dudley suggested, feeling a little useless just standing there.

"Thanks," Harry nodded as he continued to grab another vial and a fancy silver goblet, pouring both contents into it and mixing them together.

A few minutes later, there was a tray made up of tea, biscuits, and some potions for Draco to take. Harry motioned for Dudley to follow as he used his wand to levitate the tray in front of them. Dudley had never seen Harry using magic so casually in his everyday life as he was always underage when they lived together, so he was a little gobsmacked to see such raw displays of it.

Harry could show Dudley magic because the man already knew he was a wizard, and technically had seen him use it in the past, whether it was accidental magic, or a patronus charm to fight off those dementors when they were sixteen. The muggle was already exposed to it, so there was no need to hide it.

Returning to his bedroom, Harry let the tray rest on the unoccupied side of the double bed, once again standing beside Draco who looked half asleep. Helping the man sit up against a mountain of pillows leaning on the headboard, he lifted the goblet to his lips. Draco took small sips from the silver cup, looking up to notice someone else standing by the door.

Harry followed his line of sight and landed on Dudley. He supposed he has a little explaining to do.

"Draco, this is Dudley. My cousin." Harry said cautiously. A few years ago, when they first started going out with each other, Harry had told Draco about his aunt and uncle and cousin. Draco swore that he'd kill them if he ever met any of them. That was a few years ago though, and Harry doesn't feel as negatively towards it as he used to. Of course the way he was treated as a young boy was unacceptable, but he doesn't feel the need to get revenge anymore. He's over that. Hopefully Draco is too.

"And how is it that this cousin of yours happens to be in our apartment?" Draco asked, eyes narrowing at the man and his voice already sounding better, a result of the potion taking action within him.

"Well, I was walking home and so was he. We sort of just bumped into each other, and I ended up inviting him in for tea." Harry shrugged. At least Draco hadn't hexed the man yet. Luckily, his wand was on the floor, the source of the sound of a fallen item earlier that had startled Harry, but unluckily for Dudley, Draco is particularly skilled in wandless spells.

Draco just kept his eyes narrowed before earning a nudge from Harry, breaking him from his death glare at Dudley.

"Finish your potions and get dressed." Harry smiled slightly, already noticing an improvement in Draco's physical appearance from the potion, before planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

The two cousins left the room with the tray of tea, bringing it into the living room where he and Dudley sat, waiting for Draco to come in. A few minutes later, a tall, blonde haired man appeared in the hallway. He was wearing some comfortable looking sweatpants with an oversized light blue and grey jumper covering his top half. His slightly wavy blonde hair in a half up-half down style, tied up with a silver ribbon.

"You guys look nothing alike, considering you're cousins." Draco stated bluntly, earning a little chuckle from the other men. He was right to be fair. Dudley was tall with dark blonde hair, trimmed neatly on his head. His shoulders broad but not as bulky as Harry's due to the lack of muscle built up in that area. He also had quite watery blue eyes with blonde eyelashes and pale pink lips to stand out on his smooth pale skin. Harry on the other hand was relatively short compared to him, just average height. His overgrown dark raven hair and long dark eyelashes very different to Dudley. Harry had a somewhat nimble figure, if it weren't for all the exercise he's been doing lately in order to maintain his job. His eyes a vibrant green, inherited from his mum, and one of Draco's favourite things to look at in the world... besides Harry when they're behind closed doors, of course. Contrary to Dudley, Harry's face wasn't smooth and pristene thanks to his slight beard and lightning bolt scar that traces over his forehead and slightly over his right eyelid, the white scar tissue standing out against his darker toned skin that helps the whites of his teeth stand out beautifully. Dudley was... plain, compared to Harry. But that might have just been Draco's biased opinion since he had a tendency to believe that Harry was the most gorgeous human being on Earth.

Draco trudged over to Harry, plopping down on the sofa next to him, almost curling into his side before remembering they had a guest therefore he couldn't let his guard down, something he had been conditioned to think since he was a little boy. He reached for his deep burgundy mug that had two yellow stripes circling it, the only one left on the tray. As he did, Dudley stayed silent, accidentally staring at the posh looking man in such casual lounge wear. His eyes followed the pale hand, noticing a few expensive looking rings decorating his slender fingers.

There was a big silver one with what looked to be a snake engraved into it. Then there was another around the same size with a 'BM' engraved into it, Dudley didn't know of course, but the two letters stood for Draco's family names, Black and Malfoy. His mother had given him that ring when his father finally got put in Azkaban for good after the war. There were also three smaller and thinner silver ones on his thumb, Dudley assumed were just for decoration rather than having a particular meaning to them. The final one his eyes landed on was a simple silver band that circled the fourth finger on his left hand. That finger is usually reserved for a wedding ring...

He couldn't help it, his curiosity compelled him to quickly snatch a glance at Harry's hands which were cradling his own mug. Just as he suspected, an identical ring was on his ring finger, only his was gold not silver. Draco obviously likes silver since it was the colour of all his other accessories, but maybe Harry just favoured the colour gold.

"Sorry if it isn't my place to ask but, are you two..." Dudley asked nervously. He really didn't want to get the wrong idea and make this awkward. Yeah sure, he'd seen Harry kiss Draco's forehead and cheek, but maybe they were best friends and just really affectionate? Or roommates? Dudley felt a little ashamed that he knew so little about his own cousin. They were supposed to be family. Supposed to get along and be each other's support. But all he can remember about Harry from their childhood was how he was shamed for one of the most unique things about him, and how Dudley would bully him with his friends who definitely weren't a good influence on him. At least he had learned his lesson, gotten better friends, and improved his own attitude towards other people. He really was trying to be better than he was when he was a stupid naive teenager.

"Husbands?" Draco asked snobbishly, eyeing Dudley suspiciously. From what he heard about Dudley from Harry when they were younger, he wouldn't be surprised if Dudley was homophobic. Draco was a little guarded around people he wasn't sure about, a lot more than Harry who couldn't care less about what people thought about him anymore. Growing up Draco had to hide a lot of himself from the people he was closest to in order to fit these pureblood ideas his parents had. He witnessed a lot of hate and was even tortured and punished for doing things that weren't deemed 'pureblood behaviour'. It left a lasting effect. Even after his mother had apologised for how he had to grow up and how they treated him, as if he was their little minion, only brought up and conditioned to do their dirty work.

Dudley nodded.

Draco glanced at Harry who held up his left hand, showing off his shiny gold ring. He has been wearing it for almost three years, at every quidditch game, every training session, and it still sparkled in the light filtering in through the windows.

"Ah. Congrats, both of you." Dudley smiled at Harry, stealing a quick glance at Draco who he still felt a little intimidated by, even in his ill state.

"Thanks. It's a nightmare being married to this fuss-pot," Harry smirked, teasing Draco who flipped him off, poking his tongue out at him. Dudley chuckled softly, not wanting to laugh too much in fear of being Draco's personal target.

"Says you! At least cut me some slack, I'm sick," Draco pouted, slumping against Harry's side.

Harry just pressed a quick kiss to Draco's cheek before picking the blonde up and placing him back down on his lap, much to Draco's protests. It's alright though, Harry knows Draco loves being taken care of like this when he's sick, he's just slightly embarrassed since Dudley is here. If he wasn't Draco would be fully taking advantage of Harry's board build, snuggling into him, milking his symptoms until Harry runs him a bath, bringing him warm freshly cooked dinner before tucking him into bed and cuddling him until he falls asleep. Ah, that's the dream life.

"Where did you get that jumper from?" Dudley asked. He figured if he is trying to repair his relationship with his cousin, he might as well try and get to know his cousin's husband. Besides, the jumper was nice.

"It's not mine," Draco mumbled into his mug as he took another sip, settling onto Harry's lap, leaning into his chest.

"It's actually mine, Draco's just a jumper thief." Harry chuckled, gently stroking a hand down his husband's back, soothing him.

"Hey! It's comfy! Besides, am I not allowed to show off the fact that my husband is the best seeker in the world?" Draco defended, using a wandless 'wingardium leviosa' to levitate his mug next to him in mid air so he could cross his arms.

"Best seeker in the world?" Dudley asked, impressed. Sure, he might not know what a seeker is, but being the best in the world at anything is impressive.

"Yeah, it's mainly because of the whole 'chosen one' thing from when we were younger, and how I defeated the dark lord when we were seventeen. He was this really nasty wizard who basically just went around killing people because he wanted to be the best. That's why you guys had to leave all those years ago." Harry rolled his eyes as if this was old news. It sort of was for him. Obviously, he's still suffering from PTSD and other things from the war, but after being the most famous person he could think of since he was eleven, it gets a little old after a while, and he isn't even being narcissistic to think that, it's just a fact. Even some muggles know about him, obviously not all the details, but he's still very well known./

"What?" Dudley asked, trying to keep up with the story.

"Merlin, try not to sound too bored! You died for gods sake!" Draco rolled his eyes with a small smirk at Harry for sounding so careless when talking about all of this. Obviously they've talked a lot about everything, and Harry is more than aware of the effects his sacrifice had on his friends. Especially Draco. The two had only just confessed their feelings to each other that same night, in fear that it might be their last. Imagine how Draco felt when he saw Hagrid carrying what looked to be Harry's dead body. The boy he had loved for god knows how long. Luckily, the two have been sorting through their unresolved traumatic feelings since then and have gotten better at dealing with the memories. They're even able to joke about them sometimes, like now.

"Wait, hold on. You died? But- but how?" Dudley looked like he'd just seen a ghost. Well, what muggles look like when they see ghosts. His eyes searched up and down his cousin frantically. It just didn't make sense to him how Harry could have died but then still been here, very much alive.

"Yeah, about that," Harry chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's a really long story and I'd love to explain it all to you, but right now, all I can tell you is that I'm completely fine and so is Draco, and all our friends, so there's nothing to worry about," Harry tried to simplify it as much as he could, not really in the mood to traumatise his muggle cousin too much today by over-exposure to magic.

"Um, ok... but I need an explanation at some point," Dudley muttered, eyes wide as he stared at Harry, still extremely confused.

"I promise, I'll tell you all about it another day, just try not to worry," Harry offered a smile to Dudley who tried to smile back.

"Anyways, um, I assume you're magic too. Did you two meet at school?" Dudley trailed off, trying to change the topic to take his mind off the whole dying thing. Instead wanting to get to know Draco better.

"Yeah, we met in first year, when we were eleven." Harry smiled at the memory of their first meeting. When he was younger he saw it as a negative moment, but now that he and Draco love each other more than anything, he can see the sweetness behind the moment.

"Oh, that's a long time ago, bet you two have been together for ages," Dudley asked, earning a laugh from Draco.

"Well, we actually hated each other until we were about fifteen. We were still mean to each other until we were seventeen though. I'm a Slytherin, and he's a Gryffindor so we didn't exactly get along at the start. Besides, at the time, I didn't like his friends and they didn't like me so, the only interaction we had was basically bullying each other until we stopped being stupid and just confessed to each other." Draco laughed fondly. He and Harry often look back at their time at Hogwarts and laugh about how they were 'enemies' but both secretly liked the other.

"I see," Dudley laughed too. He didn't know what Slytherin was, but he guessed it was another 'house' since Draco mentioned Gryffindor and he knew that was Harry's 'house' with all the red and gold.

The three of them talked for almost another hour, before Dudley realised he should be getting home by then. After many goodbyes, Harry and Draco were finally able to retire from their daily activities. Now they could just relax and do whatever they wanted.

"Harryyy..." Draco whined, slumping into the chest of the man standing behind him in the kitchen as he got himself another potion to help with his headache that had just re-surfaced.

"What's wrong, my love?" Harry pouted, snaking his arms around Draco's waist, hugging the blonde's back to his chest, resting his chin on Draco's shoulder.

"'m not feeling well..." Draco mumbled, almost childlike how defeated he was acting, but Harry didn't mind. Draco is always taking care of him since it's literally his job to take care of people, so when Draco is the one needing looking after, Harry secretly loves it.

"I know, I know, love. What do you think would make you feel better? A bath? Early night? Or even just watching some tv?" Harry asked, wanting to make sure he got everything perfect from his husband.

"Mm, a bath sounds nice..." Draco thought aloud to himself as he subconsciously leaned further back into Harry's chest, embracing the warmth of his body heat.

"Alright, I'll go and run you a bath while you finish up your potions," Harry suggested.

Just like that, the warmth of the body heat was gone as Harry left him in the otherwise quite cold kitchen. After a few seconds, Draco could hear the taps running, his legs going somewhat limp at the idea of being able to properly relax into the hot water.

In the bathroom, Harry sat on the edge of the bath before turning the tap on. He let it run on the cold water for a minute or two before turning it to the hot water to balance it out. Well, more like cancelling out the cold water. You see, Draco loves hot baths and showers, and not just hot as in nice and toasty. No, he likes the water to be scalding hot. Harry doesn't get it, but whatever makes his husband happy is what goes.

As the water fell from the tap into the half filled bath, Harry grabbed the little bottle on the soap rack labelled; bubble bath - coconut scented. Draco was usually more a fan of harsher scents like peppermint, or more earthy tones like cedar wood or fruity things like apples. Whereas Harry liked lighter, more bohemian scents in a way. His personal favourite being coconut. Harry was surprised when they were buying the soap and Draco had insisted on getting the coconut scented one. Later on, the blonde had admitted his reason to be that if he was going to be soaking in the bath for a while, then he might as well smell like his favourite smell, which is coconut, since that's what Harry almost always smells like. It was probably one of the sappiest things he'd ever said.

The liquid soap began to culminate into big fluffy bubbles, covering the surface of the clear water that had evaporated water rising from it in gentle swirls. Harry also took the liberty of putting Draco's towel and bathrobe on the radiator for him so that when he gets out he can stay nice and warm. Once the bath had filled, he added a final touch by lighting a few candles around the bathroom. One of them is a lavender scent, as lavender essence has been proven as a useful aid in drowsiness and relaxation. The other candles were unscented, as to not overload the room with strong smells.

A minute later, Draco arrived in the bathroom, looking more ready for a relaxing bubble bath than he had in a long time. He looked around the room before placing a gentle kiss to Harry's cheek, too tired to respond verbally or emotionally. Harry knew he was thankful for his help and the extent of his love and care, and he also knew that Draco was wiped out so he didn't take offence when the man didn't come in and start kissing him all over, thanking him over and over again. As if that would ever happen anyway.

"Here, let's take this off. May I?" Harry asked, his fingers hooking around the bottom of his quidditch jumper that was now Draco's due to thievery.

Draco nodded in response, leaning into Harry's touch before getting a little startled as the cool air hit his torso. Harry's hands traced up Draco's arms, feeling as the goosebumps rose from the sudden change in temperature, rubbing his palms gently up and down his arms and torso, keeping him warm.

"And these?" Harry then asked, hooking his fingers around the waistband of Draco's sweatpants.

"Mhm," The blonde hummed, eyes already closed, more than ready to relax back against the end of the bath, hot water engulfing him like a hug from all over.

Harry gently pulled them down until they were pooled around his ankles on the fluffy bath mat on the floor. A few minutes later, Draco was stripped from his clothes. Harry held his hand as he wobbled into the bath, his fever throwing off his balance a bit. He audibly sighed, almost moaned when he felt the hot water initially sizzle his skin, but then it felt welcoming and comforting, all the stress in his muscles from being hunched over his desk at St. Mungo's and running around tending to patients all day, everyday.

"I'll be right back," Harry informed.

A minute later, he returned with a plate of biscuits, Draco's favourite ones at that. The blonde gladly accepted them, placing the plate on the side of the bath so that they wouldn't get wet or soapy.

"Call for me if you need anything," Harry said softly before leaning down, placing a gentle kiss to the top of the blonde hair, still silky, soft and delicately curled as ever. Longer than ever too, it now reaches ever so slightly just past his shoulders.

"Harry!" Draco called out desperately before Harry could even close the bathroom door behind himself as he left.

"Yeah?" Harry poked his head around the door to see what Draco needed.

"Come," Draco beckoned him, parting the bubbles on the surface of the water around himself as if making room for Harry in the bath.

Harry just smiled lovingly at him before stripping, his clothes joining the pile of Draco's clothes that had already been discarded. He slipped into the bath behind his husband who relaxed onto his chest. Harry ran his fingers gently and slowly through Draco's blonde locks of hair. It wasn't long before the man had fallen asleep against Harry.

For the rest of the night, they dried off from the bath, before getting a final potion of the day for Draco. Once all that had been done, they crawled into bed next to each other, Draco curling into Harry's chest, Harry also somewhat curling into Draco's chest.

Draco knew he'd get better in no time with this treatment. Now the question is, should he be honest about how his fever is feeling as it gets better, or milk his symptoms and get his husband to take extra good care of him for way longer than necessary.

Probably the second.


Yay! I hope you liked it, I finished the last bit of it while I was half asleep and briefly went over it but I may have missed some mistakes, so, sorry about that!!

Anyways, I love you, and I hope you have a lovely morning/day/afternoon/night <3 

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