The Emeralds

Oleh _Maxwell_Porter_

8.7K 557 239

For years, the brave and determined wolf Rainer has been preparing to overthrow the rule of the tyrant and mu... Lebih Banyak

Acknowledgments and a short note from the author


320 19 17
Oleh _Maxwell_Porter_

"What am I doing? For Odin, what the hell am I doing?" - Thought Rainer as he led Colin that late winter evening toward the mountain hot springs. - "After all, someone might see him. What will I say then? That I'm taking the prisoner with me to keep him entertained? For Odin, this is ridiculous."

Rainer realized he was taking a real risk only when it was too late to change his decision. Nevertheless, the wolf had an entire barrel of dark beer under his arm, while the fox carried two wooden mugs and a pair of rough blankets in his hands. Under different circumstances, the evening could have been really nice. Under circumstances where Colin would be his son, Rainer would not be at war with Magnar and the wolf himself would not be responsible for the lives of the people who followed him. In a way, everything that was happening seemed to be extremely bizarre to Rainer. But could he be surprised? There were many contradictory thoughts running through his mind, which Rainer did not understand, even though he tried very hard to make sense of it all. Unfortunately, everything was mutually exclusive. He was in possession of a valuable prisoner, but this prisoner could not really be of any use to him. Rainer knew that, because although Magnar might fear for his son's life, the wolf could not hurt him. He couldn't, but most of all he didn't want to. Little did he desire anything more at the moment than to simply make this 'captivity' more pleasant for the boy.

Colin seemed oblivious to anything. Rainer saw a slight smile on his face as they climbed the smooth rocks behind which the hot springs were located. The whole situation to the teen himself was probably as bizarre as it was to Rainer. Colin, however, was in a much easier situation according to the wolf, because it was not up to the fox what would happen to him. Colin, unable to do anything and doomed to the mercy of his "torturers," could only cooperate to spare himself unnecessary torture. Of course, he could not know that Rainer would not allow the boy to be harmed. It made the wolf feel admiration for Colin in a way. That even though his life was in danger, the fox didn't seem to think about it at all. He didn't agonize, didn't cry, didn't panic... he was remarkably calm for the circumstances he found himself in.

A wide smile appeared on the boy's face when Rainer finally led Colin to the hot springs. Although the man usually did not pay too much attention to landscapes, he had to admit that this one was impressive. The springs of steaming water in the cold air were surrounded by gray rocks with a variety of snow-covered bushes in between. It was an enchanting place illuminated by moonlight and stars, where Thorstein more than once brought women with whom he wanted to have fun together. Today, however, the hot springs were devoid of visitors, which Rainer was relieved to see.

- We are at the place. - The man said, putting down the barrel with beer on the stone by the water source.

- Yes, I can see that. - Replied the amused boy.

Then Colin put down the cups and a pair of blankets next to the beer keg. He threw off the blanket that rested wrapped around his shoulders and then began to pull off his shirt. Rainer followed the young boy's lead and began pulling off layers of warm clothing. As he pulled his shirt off over his head he momentarily lost sight of Colin. However, as he got rid of his outerwear he immediately noticed that the fox had started to take off his pants.

The sight of naked men was not something new to Rainer. Thorstein himself had seen without pants more times than a man could count. This made the wolf all the more confused by his own reaction to seeing Colin undress. As the eighteen-year-old's buttocks began to emerge from under the fabric dark pants, a red flush appeared on Rainer's face. The man then averted his gaze in embarrassment and announced:

- I'm going to take a piss. - He said briefly, then added. - Don't go anywhere.

Before Colin could respond in any way to the man's words, Rainer jumped as if by fire into the bushes growing on the side of the mountain. His heart was pounding, and he felt unusually hot, despite the coldness. To make matters worse, the wolf soon realized that his lower body also reacted to the sight of the boy the same way it had the last time he had hugged him. The man grabbed his pants at the waist and peeked inside them. Rainer, seeing that his penis was half erect, took a deep breath thus inhaling the icy air into his lungs.

"Great. If Colin sees me like this, what will he think of me? " - Thought the apprehensive wolf. - "I can't stand here like this indefinitely, but I also don't want him to see... to see this. I think I've done the wrong thing. Maybe I should just meet Liv tonight like I planned? What can I do so he doesn't see it..." - Then Rainer came up with an idea. Rainer thought it was childish, but he saw no better way out of the situation.

The man looked back to see if the fox was already in the water. Once he was sure that the young boy's head could be seen from the surface of the hot spring, Rainer quickly pulled down his pants revealing his half standing cock. Then squeezing the material tightly in his hand he took another deep breath and began to literally run towards the hot spring. Once the man was close enough to the water and Colin began to turn towards him, the man quickly released the pants from his hand, bounced his feet off the ground and then curled them under himself jumping straight into the hot water.

When his huge body collided with the water, a large wave was created in the process, which immediately hit the boy. Rainer found himself under the pleasantly hot water for a moment and then surfaced, revealing only his face and chest. Then he looked straight at an all wet Colin and smiled goofily at him.

- What was that? - The fox laughed.

- This? A jump into the water. - Replied Rainer smiling, approaching the boy.

- Yes I know, but why did you do it? - The boy continued while rubbing his face.

- I'm not so old yet that I should indulge in foolishness. - He replied in a joking tone of voice, looking at the equally amused boy. - What?

- Nothing, nothing. - Colin replied. - Actually, you don't look very old.

- Thanks a lot, now I feels like a grandfather after those words. - The man laughed out loud, meanwhile pouring beer into wooden cups. - I am almost thirty-four years old.

- You look much younger. - Remarked Colin continuing to smile broadly.

- "Much younger"? You're making things worse for yourself boy. - Said Rainer pretending to be angry, although he wasn't at all.

- That's not what I meant. - Colin, to whom Rainer handed a cup of beer, explained. - Thirty-four is a good age, I guess.

- „I GUESS?" - Repeated Rainer loudly, continuing not to get rid of the smile from his lips.

- Oh well, you know what I mean. - He answered the fox and took a sip of root beer.

- I know, I'm just teasing you. - Said Rainer, who after those words reflexively reached out his other hand and began to comb the boy's hair.

He did this for literally a moment before he realized that Colin was not Ethelwulf after all. Then the man froze and then quickly withdrew his hand and hid it under the water. Rainer realized that this was the sort of thing he could do to his son. The fox he was here with now was not him. Rainer had no right to treat Colin this way, even though he would have loved for it to be different. On the other hand, Rainer realized that he had no reason to complain now. After all, Colin seemed to be relaxing in the company of the man who had, after all, kidnapped him. Although it was all rather bizarre, in some strange and inexplicable way to Rainer it was working so far.

The man put a wooden cup with beer to his lips and, sitting in the company of the fox, took several long sips of the drink. After a few moments, Rainer also stopped feeling tense. He had the feeling that his penis was at rest again, which calmed him down a lot. The hot water rubbing against his tired and hard body felt really nice. Rainer already knew that he would probably have to start going to this place more often.

- Look! - Shouted Colin suddenly pointing his finger into the dark sky.

Rainer then lifted the gaze of his golden eyes and saw a shining object in the night sky with a long glow behind it.

- It's a shooting star. - Added the fox.

- So what? - The man was surprised. - The gods don't dump this on us, so you have nothing to fear. - He added in an encouraging voice.

- What? - The boy wondered. - Never mind the rest, just make a wish.

- What for? - Now Rainer was puzzled.

- Just think! Quickly! - Said the boy loudly, then closed his eyes.

Rainer distrustfully looked up into the sky once more gazing at the catching up falling star. As we know, the man was cautious about the topics of superstition, magic and mysticism. However, as Colin asked the man to think about his wish, the man closed his eyes in the likeness of a fox and began to think.

"What do I want most?"

The man felt uncomfortable with his own thoughts. The problem was not that Rainer did not know what he wanted. The problem was that he actually knew exactly what he wanted and the thought of it almost immediately entered his mind.

"I want you to be friends with me, Colin." - He thought bitterly.

Immediately after, Rainer opened his eyes and the shooting star disappeared in the sky. Then he turned his gaze to the teenager, who was leaning against the rocks while submerged in the water and continued to stare upwards.

- And now what? - Rainer asked himself.

- Now? - The boy replied turning his gaze back to him. - Now we wait.

- What are we waiting for? - The man asked distrustfully.

- Well, until the wish comes true. - Said the fox making a silly face at the same time.

Rainer scratched his head the whole time looking at the young man with a rather meaningful look.

- Then in a moment this... wish will come true? Really?

Colin then rolled his beautiful emerald eyes and smiled at Rainer.

- You don't know. - He began slowly. - It may never come true, but if you really want something and you really believe in it, the chances of your dreams coming true increase. - He said, although seeing further consternation on the man's face he added. - Even the book you gave me describes a falling star... oh right. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

- That's okay. - Rainer replied, now feeling incredibly stupid in Colin's company. - I have to admit, you're a smart boy.

Colin looked uncertainly straight into Rainer's yellow eyes, piercing him with his emerald gaze. It was not a threatening look, rather a friendly one, expressing interest. But it was enough to send a shiver through Rainer's body. The man could literally stare for hours at that red coat with white stripes in its hair. He could drown in the depths of those green eyes and it wouldn't bother him at all.

- What makes you think that? - The fox finally asked himself.

- Well, because you know... - Rainer started, who was trying to stifle his sense of embarrassment at the same time. - can read Latin letters, you know some rituals related to the stars...

- These are not rituals. - The boy laughed out loud. - It's just so much fun.

- ... and you are well aware of your situation. - Rainer finished, crookedly smiling at Colin.

The boy obviously squirmed upon hearing what words Rainer ended his speech with. He then took the wooden cup in his hand and shrugged his foxy shoulders.

- I have a simple choice. Either freeze somewhere in these woods trying to escape, or probably get murdered here. The difference is that here my chances of survival are better and there is beer. - He said making a very strange face.

Rainer didn't quite know how he should respond to what the boy had just said. Instead, he took his cup and poured him another shot of dark root beer. The boy smiled lazily at the man, then took another sip of the drink.

- Thank you. - Said the boy without a second thought. Then he mused and frowned. - They think I'm weird at home.

- Why? - Shocked Rainer.

- You know... it's not like I'm like any other man. - He answered, and then immediately added in one breath. - What I mean is that more than wielding a sword or an axe I am interested in... everything else?

- Can't you fight? - Smirked Rainer under his breath hearing what Colin said.

- I can and it's better that you never have to find out. - He replied putting his slim arms across his chest. - It's just that the Viking way of life doesn't suit me very well.

- I don't think I understand. - The man replied scratching his head. - Would you like to become a bard? Please don't say druid...

Colin then rolled his eyes once more and then turned his entire body towards Rainer.

- No. - He replied bluntly. - I am interested in what happens outside Scandinavia. I am interested in how other people live. That is why I learned Latin, because it is the only language where you can find a lot of information... and so on.

Rainer thought hard about the boy's words. Then something came to his mind. Something that many years ago seemed to him to be a curiosity, today made a little more sense to him.

- Did you know that when I was with your father in England he tried to steal this book from me... which I actually stole myself? - Rainer laughed. - I already know why he was so angry then.

- I know the story. - Declared the boy, smiling crookedly. - I don't think you two ever liked each other very much. Even before... before you know what.

The blood literally boiled in Rainer's veins at the thought of what Magnar had done to his family. It was true that Rainer with Magnar never found a common language, that was known by everyone. At first, however, it wasn't problematic until then. Until Magnar turned Rainer into a paranoid. A person who sees enemies everywhere.

- Is it from England that you brought these scars? - The boy asked, pulling Rainer out of his train of thought.

- Among other things. - He answered at once. - The largest one was left to me as a souvenir by the King of Nortumbria. - The man pointed at his forehead. - A worthy scar because his head was chopped off. - Rainer then looked at the boy's face and shoulders. With a warm smile on his face, he added. - You'll have scars someday too, you'll see.

- I hope not! - A voice shouted from behind them. - It would be a shame.

As Rainer and Colin turned towards the sound of the voice they were hearing, they noticed some young girl. It was obviously Liv, who had apparently managed to come to the meeting Rainer had discussed. The man furrowed his brow then, because the longer he talked to the boy the more he hoped that Liv wouldn't be able to show up after all. Wolf obviously wanted to meet the girl with Colin due to the fact that they were the same age. The company of a peer would certainly not harm both the girl and the boy. However, he wasn't convinced that he definitely wanted to get to know them with each other right now. Well, now he had no choice anyway.

- Could you... avert your gazes for a moment? - The girl asked after a moment of silence and consternation.

- After all, you won't be sitting in the water with your clothes on anyway. - Rainer replied, smiling at the girl.

- Right. - The girl replied and then quickly added. - But your penises are already underwater so I won't see them. We're fighting for justice, aren't we, Rainer?

Colin laughed out loud at that moment and immediately turned his gaze away from the girl. Rainer did the same, although he knew that Liv was only teasing them. In the end, her breasts would be exposed and visible in the water anyway.

The wolf and the fox were staring at some point in front of them, known only to them, when Liv suddenly jumped into the water just as Rainer had done not so long ago. A moment later, a young Arctic fox and her milk-white breasts emerged from the surface of the water. Rainer tried to look playfully at Colin, who was staring at the girl's roundness. What surprised the man was that the fox didn't seem at all thrilled by the presence of naked, pretty Liv in the hot springs. Rainer saw exactly the bizarre way Colin turned his gaze away from the Arctic vixen's firm breasts.

- I was talking to Rainer about you today. - Remarked the girl, who smoothly swam up to both boys. - I'm Liv, you don't need to introduce yourself.

- Indeed, everyone knows me here... unfortunately. - The boy replied, staring at the young girl.

- Rainer didn't mention that he would take you here today. - Said the girl, glancing at the man.

Rainer then took a sip of root beer, wiped his mouth and said:

- I didn't plan on it. It just sort of came up.

- Really? - Colin raised one eyebrow in an odd way. - I understand that the original plan was for you to stay in the hot springs by yourself.

- That's right, but plans change. - Replied the smiling wolf.

Then Colin began to behave strangely. Admittedly, Rainer couldn't pinpoint exactly what was wrong, but in general it seemed to him that the fox had started behaving differently somehow. Maybe he suspected it was some kind of conspiracy? That young Liv had come here to seduce him and get more information about Magnar from him? Rainer could think about this and still all he was left with was conjecture.

- I don't want to disturb you if you had an appointment earlier... - Colin started, but was immediately interrupted by Liv.

- Don't even say that, Colin. - She said smiling from ear to ear. - I guess Rainer lured us here on purpose. We're one teenager in this war camp... so what if we're on opposite sides of the conflict?

"Actually, this scowl about opposing sides of the conflict is really important," - Rainer thought, who, however, was glad that Liv had no desire to wring Colin's neck.

- I only came for a little while anyway. - Liv said. - My father only let me go out to the hot springs for an hour at most.

- Well, my father sent me anywhere for the first time in my life and I ended up being captured. - Remarked the boy while sipping his mug of beer.

- At least now you can drink beer while bathing in the hot springs. - Rainer replied in a rather curt manner.

- With a rope around my neck. - Colin replied at once.

"Something must have made him angry. He probably thought that meeting Liv was part of some game...guess I'll have to explain it to him later, that I had no ill intentions." - Rainer thought, looking straight at the boy.

After a few more pints of beer, the conversation became more and more animated. However, Colin seemed to continue to be a bit withdrawn from the conversation, so Rainer tried to engage him as much as possible. After a while, the young fox himself started to take the initiative and talk to the Arctic fox about things. Colin talked about what life was like before the war broke out in North Hill, Liv talked about what she did before she came with her parents to Rainer's camp. It seemed as if the winter that had just arrived had literally frozen all possible negative emotions between the representatives of the opposing sides. It was as if they were not involved in the conflict at all and were only observing it from the sidelines. And so Liv shared advice on what herbs could be found in the local forests and what uses they had. Colin, on the other hand, talked about what he had read in books he had read in the past. As Rainer listened and listened with a smile on his lips, it finally occurred to him that he had not looked at the girl even once during that whole time. His gaze fell only on that one person. Colin.

Soon, when it got really late, they decided that everyone should go back to their place. Everyone seemed to be already tired and a bit drunk, so it was not such a bad decision.

Liv came out of the water first, revealing her beautiful young and feminine body. As the girl was getting dressed, the man just smiled under his breath. However, the situation was completely different when Colin came out of the water. Drops of warm water literally danced on his delicate and shapely body. They glittered in the darkness of the night, making Colin's body resemble the sky they had been looking at not so long ago. When Rainer's gaze came to rest on the boy's buttocks... that's when things started happening again. The wolf, not knowing why, could hardly tear his gaze away from the buttocks, resembling juicy apples growing on a mature tree. Then his penis trembled and began to harden again. Panicked, Rainer immediately jumped out of the water and, without wiping himself, immediately put his pants on his legs, hiding his growing erection. This, of course, didn't escape the attention of Liv and Colin, who exchanged odd looks in silence.

As the three of them walked back down the side of the mountain, the man asked himself a question in his mind that he was afraid to even think about.

"Why does it turn me on to see Colin and not Liv? Looking at the girl, I felt nothing and all it took was Colin barely exposing more flesh and..." - This thought Rainer didn't want to finish anymore. After all, what would it bring him to wonder about something he had no control over? And though he searched his mind for an explanation for what was happening, he couldn't find one. After all, things might have been simpler if Colin wasn't Ethelwulf. That, however, was what Rainer found most frightening. Not the fact that his penis rises at the thought of another man. The fact that it happens thinking about this one, this very one boy. Colin, Magnar's son.

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