Art Project [BoyxBoy]

By FailingAmbition

886K 27.5K 29.6K

Kris Sullivan is openly gay. In a close-minded small town, everything could go wrong, especially when you're... More

Art Project
School kingdom
Magnetic butterflies
Tyler sucks
Swarm of Guilt
Charity Case
Late Night Swim
Venom Sucking
Over Protective
Pushing Memories
Newspaper Coverings
Burying The Past
Sneaking Out
Gay Clubbing
In Love
Crowded Room
Moving On
The Date
I Like You
Meet My Boyfriend
Colored Scars
Happy Halloween
The Truth
Held Hostage
Art Project

Clash of Thunder

33.8K 1K 1.2K
By FailingAmbition


"Kris was all sorry I'm not a charity case and left all mad. I feel like an asshole," I told my best friend while we sat at the picnic table outside the cafeteria. He ate beside me, black hair a mess and bright blue eyes narrowed.

Skylar whacked the back of my head. "You are an asshole."

I groaned. "I know. I know, okay? I'm an idiot. A girl asked me about him and I panicked. You're the only one who knows me out of this jock strap, okay that came out gross, but I don't want people to think I'm a queer—"

Skylar whacked me again.

"—Ow! What the fuck?"

"Stop calling gay people queers. Sexuality isn't a big deal."

"It is! I'm straight!"

He rolled his eyes, "You hurt Kris. How would you feel if you heard him talking shit about you?"

"...Bad." I looked at the grass.

Skylar nodded slightly. "See, you were being a jerk over a stupid high school reputation."

        The bell rang.

       Skylar smiled and patted my back. "I better go, see you, Tyler." He made his way to the entrance but before he went inside he said, "Oh, and Tyler? I never said you weren't straight." He smirked at my shocked face and shut the door behind him.

        I groaned. Fuck. Am I questioning my sexuality? No way. Of course not. I'm just upset about hurting Kris's feelings, Kris who is gay. That has to be it.

When I hurry back into the school building, a bunch of girls run up to me in a giggling fit. Usually I'd feel like a king, but now I just found them annoying.

"We heard about what you said about Kris," A brunette laughed and stuck out her breast. Was that supposed to be attractive? Why was she trying to seduce me in the lunch room?

Another girl, strawberry blonde smirked. "He's going to rot in hell."

What the fuck?

"Ok..." I cringed when the two girls pressed themselves against me. Was I ever into this before? Did they think this would make me all hot and bothered at fucking school of all places?

       My eyes swept across the cafeteria and focused on Kris reading to himself at a lunch table. I smiled a little.

Pushing the girls away, I grinned. "Excuse me, girls. I have some unfinished business to do."

        They pouted but then followed my gaze over to Kris and smirked.

"Be careful," Brown-hair-girl said.

Right before I made my way completely to him she adds, "Don't look at him or you're a faggot— he said so this morning!"

Rolling my eyes, I covered them with one hand and sat next to him. I touched his arm and shook it.


He slammed the book on the table.

"What? What do you want? We're not friends. You don't care about me. I wasn't nothing to with you— nothing from you." He snapped. "Haven't you done enough? You outed me years ago and I wasn't even ready! The whole school knew I was gay before I did! Just— just leave me alone."

My chest hurt. I peeked through my fingers to see him glaring down at his his hand gripping his book. I wanted to hug him— hug him? What am I saying? I'm not some homo.

Oh, and Tyler, I never said you weren't straight.

          Skylar's words played through my head again.

           Kris grabbed his stuff. "I thought you were different." His voice was so hurt. "But you won't even look at me."

           I wanted to move my hand and hug the sadness out of him, but I couldn't move my body. I was stuck in my head. Scared to be anything but what everyone else wanted me to.

Kris sped walked out of the cafeteria. I let my hand fall. All the girls surrounded me again and I sighed, my eyes locked on the place Kris left.

Could this day get any worse?


         School sucked, but it sucked even more when everyone somehow knew that I was Tyler's Charity Case.

         A few people stared as I walked through the hallway. I felt like I was in some high school movie like Mean Girls or something— except way less fun. After more than a few girls and even some guys gave me their best evil eye, an idea popped into my head.

"Anyone staring at me is gay!" I yelled and blew overdramatic kisses.

They all averted their eyes. Wow. Talk about a tough crowd.

I smirked and gathered school supplies from my locker before heading to the cafeteria. I sat down at my lunch table, I even carved a K into it. W the only person who sits here since everyone's to scared to catch the ol' gay! It's similar to the cheese touch on Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.

                 I read my book as the lunch break passes by. It was an easy way to escape the loneliness I felt from not having any friends, at least for a while.

Loud giggling rippled through the air. Tyler stood across the room with two girls flirting up a storm. Good for him. I hope he's happy with his little harem of girls.

My name's dropped a few times in the conversation. Really? Talking crap about me yesterday wasn't enough? Whatever. Keep talking. Make me famous.

A girl screamed, "Don't look at him or you're a homosexual, he said so this morning!" Tyler walked towards me but had his eyes covered with one hand. I looked back down at my book. Whatever.


He shook me a few times. "Kris—" I slammed my book down. I am so sick of hearing this.

"What? What do you want? We're not friends. You don't care about me. I wasn't nothing to with you— nothing from you." I snapped. "Haven't you done enough? You outed me years ago and I wasn't even ready! The whole school knew I was gay before I did! Just— just leave me alone."

The words were harsh, but I meant every word. I hadn't even realized my sexuality all those years ago when I fell on Tyler. I was outed before I even knew I batted for the other team.

               I stacked my notebook and library book up and said, "I thought you were different." I hated how weak my voice came out. "But you won't even look at me."




Three o'clock finally came, the school bell like music to my ears— finally I get to go home. I shoved a few things in my locker before I groaned. I left my library book in my last class. Annoyed with myself, I head back down the hallway to English.

As soon as I opened the door, someone shoved me inside and slammed it shut behind me. Tyler's best friend grinned back at me from behind the small door window. Oh crap. I'm going to get jumped, aren't I?

I turn around but to my surprise and relief, no one else was in the room with me. Maybe I wouldn't get beat up today. I hadn't been actually fought with for years now.

                 Instead of screaming for help— because let's be real, no one would— I flick the light switch on and spot my library book at the back of the room. I take a seat and start reading.

My body stiffened when the door opened. Tyler's shoved inside and the door slammed shut on him just like it did me. He turned around and banged the door. "What the fuck, Skylar!"

          Tyler pounded on the door until he grew tired. The majority of people had already left the school premise by this point anyways. He turned around and yelped when he spotted me. "Holy fuck, Kris. How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to know this was your plan. You want to have your way with me, don't you?" I giggled at his slack expression.

     Tyler groaned when his smartphone couldn't pick up signal.

              An hour passed by in a weird quietness. I read my book while Tyler played games on his phone. Eventually the words on the pages began to blur and my head swayed, I drifted to sleep.

      A clash of thunder woke me up hours later.

       My heart raced as I shot out of the chair. It took me a moment to realize where I was. School. English class. Skylar locked me in. It was all coming back to me. Crap, crap, crap. I turned to the large trio of windows in horror. Heavy rain poured from the sky, coming down on the roof hard. Lightning struck in the distance as wind blew back trash cans and made trees dance.

       Another roar of thunder sent me to the floor, scrambling to the other wall. Knees to my chest, hands dug into my ear to keep them shut, eyes squeezed tight as mr heart threatened to jump out of my chest, I tried to pretend I was anywhere but here.

       A warm hand rested at the small of my back.

       Oh god. For a moment I forgot Tyler was with me. He's not supposed to see me like this. No one is.

"Kris?" He whispered.

     Another clash of thunder and a yell escaped from my lips. My hands stayed on my ears. Tyler touched my shoulder gaining a whimper from me.

"Go ahead, laugh." My eyes are squeezed shut, tears threatened to fall. My throat felt hot. "I know you want to."

He'll probably tell everyone he knows about the gay kid who's scared of thunderstorms.

      Tyler lifted my chin.  "I could laugh and tell everyone." My gaze fell. Of course. "But I don't want to," He said.

I looked at him with wide eyes—

Clash. The road's too slippery.

Clash. The car swerves.

Clash. The screaming stops.

             Tyler pulled my knees down and before I could protest, he sat in between my legs. He wiped my tears and brushed his hands through my hair. "Shh. It's going to be okay."

         He smiled at me and tried to calm me down. I couldn't help but believe him. Thunder boomed through the sky. I tried to hide again when Tyler sat me in his lap.

He hugged me to him. "It's okay."

             After another sound of thunder, I hugged back and hid my face in his neck. He pressed his lips to my temple, something so unlike Tyler but I didn't question it, the gentle touch reminded me of Mom. I miss her so much.

My eyebrows knitted together. "Tyler?"


"Why are you such a jerk sometimes?" I mumbled into his neck.

He hugged me tighter when the rain grew louder. "It's just who I am."

        I grasped his hair with my fingers, my head on his shoulder. "Y'know, if you were gay, I would've so seduced you by now."

"Oh, really? And what makes you think I'd be swayed so easily?" You could practically hear his smile. My heart melted.

I hummed while playing with his hair. "Aren't you already?"


             I pulled back to look at him and teased, "Well, just you wait then, because one day the only person you'll think about is me."

        Tyler rolled his eyes and leaned over, pressing me back in the wall while I'm still in his lap. "Is that what you want?" He whispered.

BoyCrush. Boycrush. Boycrush.

I sucked in a breath and pressed my face to his. Cheek to cheek. Lips against his ear.  "You shouldn't tease gay boys, Tyler."

He shivered, sending a sense of accomplishment throughout me.

       Time flew by as we dove into conversation after conversation. Topic about what would happen if the world ended tomorrow, if dogs began to talk, if snails were eight foot tall, and did you finish your homework? We talked for what felt like hours until both of us fell asleep in each other's arms.

One day I hate Tyler and the next, my hearts about to swell up like a balloon for him.
                 I woke up to a loud shout and opened my eyes to a police officer standing in front of me. Tyler's mom walked into the classroom and I scrambled off Tyler's lap and stood to my feet.

           Jessica pecked Tyler's forehead and shook him awake. She then helped him to his feet.  "You're lucky your uncle is a police officer or we'd have to wait to find you! Do you know how worried I was when you didn't come home?"

I grabbed my book while the mother and son duo had it out. The officer... Lloyd ( according to his tag) gave me a soft smile. "Want to use my phone to call your parents?"

My heart throbbed. "No need..."

"You sure? They're probably worried sick. There's no need to be nervous. Do you want me to call them for you?"

I swallow the lump in my throat. I didn't think this through. Lloyd's stare became concerned.

Tyler frowned. "Kris, I thought they—"

I practically jumped him with the biggest hug to shut him up. "Thanks for everything, Tyler! I should get going! Like Lloyd said, they gotta be worried... haha. Yeah, bye. I'll be going now."

OMG. I can't breathe. "Catch me later, alligator!" Why ddI I say that right now? This was not a catch me later alligator moment.

I hurried out of the school building. The cool breeze hit me and I pulled my hood up to have some kind of defense against the rain.

        Ugh, the fifteen minute walk home would feel like forever in this weather.

           Jessica's car pulled up beside me. She rolled her window down. "What are you thinking? You'll catch a cold out there. Hop in, I'll give you a ride." She yanked her thumb over her shoulder. I smiled and got in the backseat.

This definitely beats the cold walk home. And I'm less likely to get jumped by clowns.

I wonder if Tyler will kiss me? I can just picture it now. A giggle bubbled in my throat when the image of Tyler licking a unicorn horn filled my head. Hubba bubba. Is it getting hot in here?

Jessica stopped the car in front of my house. I thank her and jump out of the car, refusing to look at Tyler. I don't want to see how he looks at me now, compared to earlier. I shut the door after thanking Jess another time before hurrying into my house.

Empty. As always.

I've never been scared of the dark, only the loud storm that shook the past and lured my nightmares.

     I'm also scared of that thing, that thing everyone craves for.

Even I crave for it.

And that's what terrifies me.

____________________________________________________________________________ ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ____________________________________________________________________________

        Yay, another chapter. *Victory Dance*

         Dedication to @RedemptionOfMe because she posted this for me when I couldn't and we're best friends in real life! :D


What in this entire world do you crave?

By the way, this chapter was posted and edited by RedemptionOfMe. You're lucky I love you enough to post stuff for you. c; Welp, bai. ^.^

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