The Watcher; Draco Malfoy 18+✅

By Jx_writes

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✅Completed✅ Draco Malfoy. The once confident, powerful heir finds himself drowning in a situation money canno... More

Authors Notes.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve.
chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Bonus Chapter.

Chapter Thirteen.

243 15 31
By Jx_writes

Vexed, Livid, Seething


Silly girl, she never should have followed him. She should have stayed away.

Did she not know? Every god has a protector and I am his. Eternally

It took everything in my being not to scream as I watched her belittle him all those time, when I witnessed her whoring herself around.
Sinking a ice pick through the slags retna before removing her vertebrae was my fantasy.

I couldn't, he had to notice the real her for himself, I can't force the divide.

So I waited, I'm very patient

Sitting in the alcoves bidding my time,Then strike, like I'd been trained in stealth

When the primitive brain takes over, when the prefrontal cortex is switched off, instinctual actions happen with permanent consequences, causing lasting damage and pain

Internal and external; He was mine now within my reach.

She walked into this herself. Her whimpers drowned out by my violent ritual, I sing a lot it calms the soul

Song: Grandson - Blood//Water

Beg me for mercy

Admit you were toxic

You poisoned me just for

Another dollar in your pocket

Now I am the violence

I am the sickness

Won't except your silence

Beg me for forgiveness

Allowing my body to sway in rhythm, captivated by the words, Enticed by the melody

Possessed by the meaning and how relevant it is to current events

Until I was rudely interrupted

"Your sick" She croaked, the damage to her tracia obvious

"I know" I smirk, turning to face her, not allowing the buzz of the music to leave

Hands roaming my own body, humming

The vibrations on my lips, make them numb

To match the rest of me

Putting on a show for her

Bloody, bruised and battered

Only a shell

Forced to take front row

"He will never want you" She spat sniggering, before violently coughing, holding her side with her arms

I smash my fist on the top of the stereo, the sounds stops

Nothing but the sound of water dripping from ceiling to ground

Like a timer

Drip, drip, drip

My shrill cackles fill the room, out of control, chaotic

I bend to her level as she sits chained in a corner, flesh rubbed to the bone

"Kitten he already does, you saw it for yourself" I sucked in my bottom lip chewing it slightly at the memory

Fuck, did he look gorgeous, Sampling me that way

Clicking my tongue on the roof of my mouth, my face contouring

I add "But that's not the first time he has ingested me, he a fan of red velvet did you know?"

Her face folds to disgust spitting

"And you call me a whore?"


She doesn't phase me, I mean I'm slightly proud she is still going after all this

Spritely woman

"Seems your also gutless, are your parents proud"

I'm growing tired of the constant mouth though

I must admit, don't know how my love dealt with this shit for so long

She would have burnt at the stake years back if I were him

He is naive, far to forgiving

The bigger man

"You'll be the one gutless if you don't shut your filthy mouth, don't mention my family you wench"

Why is she smiling?

"Well, it's just you can't even show your face"

She motions weakly satin gift I wear from my love, shielding my identity, as explained earlier.

All part of my game

Partnered with a white, embroidered summer dress, that I changed into just for this occasion

I watched Draco try to persuade her to buy it, she declined

So I got it with my five finger discount

"You want to see my face?" I scoff

"Doesn't a murderer always want their face, the last thing their victim sees?"

At least she is at peace with her fate, does she want to die? Is that why she is provoking me

Just say the word, I'll do it

"Touché " I chuckle, lowering my face to the floor, as I tug my end of the fabric, tossing it to the side

Allowing it to pool on the concrete

Beginning to raise my head slowly

Dramatic purposes, this is my cinematic moment

My academy winning scene

Katya's blood turns to ice, I can feel the temperature drop

Her eyes twitch, holding question after question

"Peek a boo" I smirk in the most unflattering manner

"Wh-who are you?"

Her worst nightmare. But from the way her face paled she knew exactly who I was.

"I'm noone, yet everyone?" Raising my eye brows sarcastically

"Your so young" She questions

"I suppose I am, yet mature and wise beyond my years"

"Wait, I do know you"

There's me thinking air lies souly between her ears.

"You went to Durmstrang University."

"Bingo" I clapped sarcastically, surveying her as
the clogs in her brain churned.

Bringing up the memories I will never forget. Everyone has two memories. The ones you can tell and the ones stuck to the underside of that, the dark, teary smear of what happened.

She cowered back eyes widened.

"No, no no .. its you"

"And who might I be?" The smirk of hatred delved into me, as I inch forward with every quiver she took back. Until her back collided with the wall.

"Th-the girl from the party"

Rapidly, pupils filiting uncontrollably. Come on sweetheart you can do better than that Or has being constantly skull fucked payed it's toll

"Ah ah ah, don't stop now it was just getting interesting" i grab her jaw tightly, feeling it lock ensuring I dig my sharp talons into the thin flesh

"The leavers party, at Durmstrang. Y-you was injured" Tears welling in my eyes, as I struggled to keep that guard firm. No emotions.

"Continue" I pressured her jaw more, causing a whimper to flea her lips

"Dra-draco made a potion, he was studying medicine it was meant to heal people. He wanted to do good, but it went wrong.." Lines of guilty water stained her face, she was gulping harshly.

"He looked for you, he felt remorse so much so. Do-dont hurt him please.."
She opens her mouth to speak again, but is interrupted by the rasps on the door

"Oh our guests are here" I quirk, harshly discarding her face to the side, quickly wiping the underneath of my eyes.

I chaise to unbolt the locks of the rotted wood

As three men cross the threshold, the chains bang frantically on the wall

Choked sobs echo, She knows

"Wh-what are you doing?" stammered through tears

"Hush baby, they know how to treat someone like you"

Three masculine chuckles resound

"Have at her boys, toys and instruments in the corner far right, lubrication if you need but this one like raw and rough, don't you princess?" I narrow my eyes watching her tremble feebly

"Keep her alive I want my pound of flesh, toodles"

I shout over my shoulder, wiggling my fingers in the air,as I head to the door, shutting and silencing it behind me

The last I heard was pleading and begging

Must have fallen on deaf ears

I know what your thinking, how could I allow that to happen

I'm a woman myself, I know the damage it'll cause.Your quite right I do know.

I've been there, been that girl.I simply push the feelings away

Those who seek to achieve, should show no mercy

As I saunter to the kitchen not a care in the world, I familiar voice welcomes me.Home, the only home I've known

"I bought Chinese, thought we could watch a film until its our time to shine?" Landon fucking Godfrey. My guardian Angel.

Authors Notes.

As I've said the more that revealed the darker we get.

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