Bodyguards Secret

By Cookielove12004

290K 9K 1.3K

Nox is a 30-year-old Omega who has spent most of his life hiding. Everyone assumed his status since he was 6'... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 [M]
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 [M]
Chapter 17 [M]
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 [M]
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 [M]
Chapter 23 [M]
Chapter 24 [M]
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [M]
Chapter 29 [M]
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 12 [M]

10.9K 314 58
By Cookielove12004

Hotaru POV

10 minutes earlier.

While talking on the walkie talkie with the other bodyguard, Hotaru locked her gaze on Nox. Hotaru had tried everything she could to calm down and hide her rage. He came in smelling like someone else! She couldn't possibly be happy.

It was none of her business, her logical and human side told her.

She couldn't be mad at Nox for sleeping with an omega as he was simply her bodyguard. She technically had no claim over him.

Her possessive and alpha side, on the other hand, was enraged. It wanted to scream and punch everybody who touched him. It also wanted to punish Nox and prove to him that he was hers!

But Hotaru was under control, and she could rein in her alpha side.

Nox finishes his conversation and tells her about the situation. Hotaru was still enraged, but she couldn't pass up this chance.

She had suggested he bodyguard her house. He'd be even closer to her this way. Hotaru couldn't waste time seducing him now that she had competition.

Hotaru was concerned because he kept declining. Did he really love whoever he had slept with? She couldn't bear thinking about him being with someone else. The thought of his smiling at someone else while she hadn't yet seen it, made her sad as well as angry.

Hotaru was stunned to learn that his refusal was due to the fact that he had pets.

When Hotaru questioned if he had a partner, Nox surprised her again by saying no. What was going on? How could Nox be without a mate despite his overwhelming scent? Only by mating with an omega would he be able to have such a scent. Even then, it wouldn't be as powerful as it was.

When the other bodyguard arrived and informed Nox that Toru had called him, she stood there watching him leave, her mind racing with more thoughts than before. She even asked Shin whether he smelled Nox, just to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. When even Shin said he could smell it, Hotaru knew something was wrong.


Hotaru sat down at her computer, urgently attempting to figure out what had occurred. She wasn't used to being so confused, and wasn't exactly sure what she needed to figure out.

Nox didn't have a scent, she didn't know why, but he didn't have one. He goes home for a day and then returns with the aroma of omegas in heat? He couldn't get a scent like that by sleeping with an omega, even ten of them.

Something on her laptop catches her eye just as she was thinking. She had her security feed open since she likes to keep an eye on what was going on, especially since she still had a stalker. She immediately notices Nox speeding down the corridor.

She could see clear as day on his face— he was scared, terrified even. He looked panicked and even through a screen, Hotaru could tell his breathing was uneven.

Hotaru's heart hurts as she started at him. This did not sit well with her; in fact, she despised it. His face shouldn't look like that, deep down she wanted to see him happy and spoiled. Not terrified, and panicked. She saw him open a storage closet and walk it, quickly slamming it behind him.

She had gotten up from her desk and was racing out of her office before she realized it. She knew where the closet was since she walked past it every day on her way to the elevator. She wasted no time as she sped down the hall.

She got surprised looks and stares, but she didn't give them the time of day. Nothing mattered besides getting to Nox. She didn't know why she had this overwhelming urge to go to Nox, but she was trusting her instincts. They were telling her that Nox needed her now.



It didn't take long before she was standing in front of the storage closet. To avoid frightening Nox, she took calm, quiet breaths. She extended her hand, but was halted by a tiny sniffle. If it hadn't been for Hotaru's improved hearing, she would have missed it entirely.

Nox was crying—?

Hotaru slowly and softly knocks on the door. She immediately hears all noise and movement stop. "Nox," She calls out low and sweet.

She heard nothing. He must've thought standing still would make her think he wasn't there. She wasn't going to back down though. She needed to be cautious, from what she had gathered Nox didn't cry. Not in front of someone.

"Are you alright?" She asks softly.

She could hear his breath hitch.

"Did someone hurt you?" She growled lowly. She catches herself when she hears him gasp. Even Hotaru was surprised by herself. She was never like this with someone she had practically just met. But Nox kept bringing out this side of her.

Hotaru was also attempting to ignore the scent coming from behind the door. She wanted to be upset with it because it was so sweet and beautiful, but she couldn't. Why? She despised the fact that he wore someone else's scent, but why had her alpha begun to like it?

"Nox." She says once more.

"Please. Open the door, and let me help you."

She sat it silence for a moment. Nox still regarded her as his boss, she knew. He hoped he'd be able to relax and let her help him.

She hears movement and holds her breath in anticipation. Hotaru wants to cheer as the door slowly opens. But she pulls herself back; the door is barely a few inches open. Hotaru couldn't think for a moment since the smell was so strong.

One of Hotaru's many powers as a true alpha is her ability to see in the dark. So when she saw his tear-streaked face, which was still frozen in terror. Hotaru slipped through the crack in the door, shut it behind her, and hugged Nox.

A surprised "eep!" escaped Nox as she pulls his head down into the crook of her neck.

"It's okay." She kept whispering into his ear. She couldn't help herself; every fiber of her being screamed to console him. She didn't want to see him sad. His large body twitched against hers. He was physically larger and taller than she was, but it didn't matter. All the more for her to own all to herself.

Nox throws his arms around her waist, much to her astonishment. Hotaru couldn't stop herself from smiling.

She continues to consult Nox while attempting to manage her libido. She massaged his hair while whispering lovely nothings in his ear. She could tell he was beginning to relax against her, so she grinned even wider. He tightened his grip on her and pressed his nose against her neck.

Hotaru was going to have a problem if he kept doing that. She had no idea what had happened, and she had no intention of finding out right now. She was excited, though, because she was finally witnessing a different side of Nox. She was getting to know him better, and she hoped this brought her one step closer to claiming him.

"Have you calmed down?" She asks softly, caressing his wet cheek.

She hears him hum, while he nods his head. He seemed rather floaty, like he was in a state of bliss? However, what he says next, makes her freeze.

"Yes, Alpha." He breathes out, almost like a moan.


Seconds go by, and Hotaru tries to figure out if she had just heard what he said.

Nox becomes rigid all of a sudden, most likely realizing what he had just said. She could hear his heartbeat quicken and his breathing become labored. He lifts his head, attempting to pull away. Hotaru witnessed, shock, fear, uncertainty, shame, and disgust on his face. His hair was wild and his cheeks were flushed.

He looked to be both adorably delectable and vulnerable. Hotaru absolutely wanted to claim him right now. However, she didn't like the look in his eyes. He was disgusted, why?

She had no idea why he had addressed her in that manner. It was unusual for betas to address an alpha in that manner, but nothing about Nox was normal. She usually only got called Alpha by Omega's, or a few Alpha's who worked for her called her that too.

Hotaru was trying her best to fight a strong erection and didn't want to frighten Nox any further. Nox backed away quickly as she let go of her grip. He didn't have much room to maneuver, but he did his best.

"I-I, m-ma'am. I'm- so, so sorry. I!" Nox stumbled hard on his words, most likely as shocked as she was.

"It's okay." Hotaru said. Nox's voice was exactly the same, but something was different. She was confused and wanted to ask him many questions, but. Nox shook his head almost not believing this was even happening. "I, I-I have to leave now." Nox emphasized.

The tight space they were in was cramped, their chests were inches apart. As much as Nox tried to become one with the wall behind him.

Hotaru was in front of the door and Nox tried his hardest to get past her. Hotaru would've stopped him, but she felt he needed time to think about what had happened. She had managed to calm him down, and that was all she could do right now.

She scooted out of the way as Nox reached for the door.

Suddenly something caught her eye. She at first didn't know what it was. As she squinted her eyes, she see's it was a string of red lace on his exposed collarbone? Her eyes then widened in shock, and then confusion.

Hotaru shook her head with a smile. "Nox, just a second." She called out, making him stop in his tracks.

Hotaru reached up and pulled his collar tighter together. She fixed his tie and ruffled his hair, "Thank you for allowing me to help you." She smiles gently, even though she was sure Nox couldn't see her. "That was very brave of you." She complements and loves how his eyes fill with a sliver of happiness.

She watches as Nox's blushing face nods, as he opens the door and hurries away as fast as he can.

Hotaru stayed in the closet for a bit. Taking her time to think, Nox was becoming more of a mystery each time she talked to him.

He had no smell

He acts like a dominate beta, but she keeps seeing sides of someone else

He somehow obtains someone else scent only a day after he never had a hint of one before.


That was Nox's scent? That couldn't be true, though, his file said he was a beta. Everyone who signs up for the military has to do a status test. Omega's aren't allowed to join. They couldn't join, they can't be around violence, it would hurt them not only physically but mentally.

Hotaru would have to look at his files again.

There had to be an explanation. Every time she thought she's figured something out about him, another thing pops up.

Nevertheless, she was not expecting Nox to be wearing a bra. He was more naughty than she thought and it makes Hotaru laugh a little.

It was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen, and she couldn't get the images out of her head fast enough. Of Nox's powerful and bare body. He's ripped and handsome, but his tan skin is suddenly covered in red underwear. It perfectly hugs his body, and Hotaru bites her lower lip, ecstasy running through her veins.

She wanted him bare in front of her.

Hotaru had to shake her head of the imagines or else she's have to deal with a hard problem in a closet. The more she got to know Nox, the more she wanted him.. Craved him.

But it will take time.

Time Hotaru had so much of.

Hotaru left the closet and made her way back to her office



As he shakily twisted the keys into the engine, Nox slammed the drivers side door shut. His cheeks were burning, and his entire body was tingling from her phantom touch.

His mind was foggy, and all he could think about was her lingering scent on him.

Slowly looking down, Nox noticed a tent in his pants. He felt even more humiliated and repulsed by himself. He not only sobbed on his boss, but her scent also gave him an erection!

It couldn't possibly get any worse. She wasn't supposed to find him, much less be there to help him. What was she thinking? Why was her sweet and soothing voice what he craved. She hugged him tight and whispered lovely nothings into his ear.

He felt like he was on cloud nine.

Nox's hand was slipping down without his knowing it as he pondered what had just transpired. He remembered her hot breath on his ear and how his heart pounded when she told him he was brave. The warmth of her breasts on his chest, the way she stroked his hair and cheek.

Nox was pumping his cock at this point, his eyes glazed over with pleasure. He was driven wild by her scent. He initially despised it, but now it was everything he could concentrate on.

Hotaru was on top of him, touching every part of his body, in his head. She was whispering in his ear how adorable he was. Even squeezing his nipple to elicit a gasp. She told him he was a good boy that deserved a prize. He moaned as he craved for her to give him a hard and strong kiss.

He wanted Hotaru Kaneshiro to dominate him entirely. To claim every piece of him, and to own him.

And that's when Nox came all over his hand and pants.


Lemme know what ya'll think of the chapter?

Hotaru and Nox are getting closer and closer. Nox has to find his dealer to figure out what's happening to him, but do you think It'll be too late?

Why do you think he called her alpha?

I love reading you guys comments and I'm very grateful you guys like and read this book. Thank you all.

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