You changed me

By RueTheWriter

69.2K 1.8K 812

A descendants' fanfic because I'm trash. In which the son of the Genie falls in love with the son of Jafar. ... More

The Proclomation
Meeting Jay
This was probably a bad idea....
You are exactly like Ambrose
Attack of the tiger
My control
Talk with carlos
Their Abuse
Leave him alone
Parents Day Disaster
I don't want to go through with this
The Corination
Ambrose is back
Just a bit of bonding
Making up
I don't want to force you
Just a few questions
Leaving for Agrabah
POV Question
You remind me of my Father
Questions (an actual chapter)
Something is... strange
Something is DEFINITELY off
Thank you all!
They wont even notice
Face reveal because I'm bored
A walk through the streets of Agraba
Get to know the Author! (Littered with fandom references)
Something is wrong
Small little A/N
Just Need to Rest (ft. the smut)
Get out of my head
Finally figuring it out
Antagonizing a Villain
Little fun A/N
Turns out Genies are pretty cool
"I almost killed your mother like this."
It worked... kinda
The Sultan and Sultana
Art update
Head Injuries and Unfortunate Memories
Attempted Rescue
He's not dead
"I don't want to die."
The Physical stuff is done, time for Emotional Damage
Late night conversations
Brotherly Bonding
More Talking
Do you want to tell them?
Royal Titles
Is this perhaps parent issues?
I've seen crazy, you're not it.
Jay didn't consider that it wouldn't just be Aziz he's related to
Confrontation 1
Agrabah Squad Bonding
You're Going To Be Ok
Returning to Auradon
Jay and Xavier Spending Time Together
Not So Empty Threats
The genie fam + Carlos
Plot Related A/N
You Can't Hurt Him
Hey. Hey, Guess Who It Is?
A New Player Has Entered The Ring
Unknown Numbers
Xavier's Brother
How Have They Not Learned Yet?
The Isle
I have a better understanding magic than you Mal
Childhood Trauma
Genie Lore
Back to Auradon (again)
Stay Away From My Brother
Take a Break
Maybe it's for the best
5 months Later
Well this is awkward
Pent up frustrations

Trying to Bargain

299 8 16
By RueTheWriter

"Aziz?" Xavier called, walking into the cave, "Aziz, are you in here? Because if I come back without you, your dad is going to lose his mind-"

"Well, well, if it isn't the genie's son," A voice rang out.

"I'm guessing that would make you Jafar?" He asked, tilting his head as he tucked his phone back into his pocket, ignoring the rapid notifications that were now forming from his now very awake and very concerned boyfriend, "I've gotta say, this isn't exactly how I wanted to meet my boyfriend's dad."

'Jay, you better hurry this up,' Xavier thought as he stepped into the view of the only lit part of the cave.

Xavier stared past the man, gaze locking on the panicked eyes of his friend. There was a gag in his mouth, wrists chained in front of him and keeping him locked to the ground as sand fell onto him, rapidly filling the hourglass that he was trapped in.

"You're trying the hourglass trap again?" He asked, trying to keep his voice level, "Well at least now you decided to start using chains on people."

"Your friend is a stubborn little thing," Jafar commented, "Although, he makes pretty noises when you hit him."

Xavier didn't want to think about that too much. Not will all the bruises that were littering the prince's body. Aziz jerked at the chains again as Jafar stepped closer to Xavier, a deep glare set in his eyes. He didn't even seem to notice the rapidly rising levels of sand, now almost going to his waist.

"Get him out of there, Jafar," Xavier snapped, "He'll die."

"I'm well aware of that," Jafar hummed, "It's a shame something so... pretty, has to die."

There. That little comment would make a perfect way out for them. A good way to keep Jafar distracted until Jay hopefully got there with a way to send his father back to the Isle. Aziz wouldn't like it and frankly neither would Xavier, but he'd understand once it was all over.

"What's your play here, Jafar?" Xavier asked, tilting his head, putting his plan in action, "You don't have to kill him to get your revenge."

He locked eyes with Aziz as the sand rose to his chest, praying to whatever god was out there that he would be able to catch on and play along.

"Oh?" Jafar asked, glancing at the boy thrashing around in the hourglass, trying to keep as much of himself above the sand as he possibly could, "And what, pray tell, would you suggest?"

"You said yourself that he was pretty, didn't you?"

Aziz froze, staring at him with wide, panicked eyes.

"Don't freak out," Xavier tried, using a telepathy ability that his sister had kept telling him about that he never bothered to use, "Play along. I'll get you out of here."

"Well, that is quite the suggestion, little genie," Jafar mused, "Are you truly that desperate to keep him alive?"

Aziz gave Xavier the smallest nod, though his eyes were still as wide as ever as the sand rose to his neck.

"Don't take my word for it," Xavier said, "Ask him yourself. Although you can't exactly do that if he's dead."

With a wave of his hand, Aziz appeared in front of them just as the sand covered his head. Xavier rushed over to him, brushing the sand off his body as his friend tried to calm himself.

"Well, little prince, what do you say?" Jafar asked, tilting Aziz's head up.

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

Hey, how would you guys feel if I wrote a little one shot book looking into both Xavier and Aziz's childhoods and background stories before the events of Descendants? Because it's been swimming around my head for a while, and I think it would be pretty fun! That and I want an excuse to write more Aziz stuff-

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