Karna: the lost prince

By Parasanki

173K 8.3K 666

what would happen if Kunti told Pandu about karna ,before Pandu's dead and he accepted karna as his eldest so... More

kunti tells the truth.
Saving Bheem
Leaving Hastinapur
Meeting Parshuram
Aditya : the Saviour
Filler One
First Meeting
Being there for each other
Support System
Lakshagraha Conspiracy
Filler Two
Getting to know the truth
The Tale Continues
Distressed Minds
Filler Three
Meeting Once Again
A Hope
Discussion and conclusion
Filler Four
Everything is Clear Now
Filler Five
How did we let this injustice happen?!
Not Worthy
Filler six
Filler seven
looking for Vasu
Filler Eight
Sakuni's deceit
The big Reveal
filler nine
so close still so far
Saving Shon
Filler ten
Making Strategy
we are brothers.....
Trying again
Patching the hearts
Kunti's heart
Happy Birthday
The Spy
Regret and Forgiveness
Filler Eleven
Romance and chaos
what to do?!
Special Chapter
karna's Boon
Talk before the war
Not an update
Happy days
Great charity
The great Danveer

Regret and Forgiveness II

2.2K 124 10
By Parasanki

Dushashan walked through the garden ,he was in daze ,he hit a stone ,stumbled and fall on the ground....after talking to his mother and realising the whole truth ,his world came crashing down upon him,he immediately left the temple and did not even stop for his mother , who was clearly asking him to stop and listen, in panic.

He did not know what to do ?.....what to think ?......the person he was holding responsible for all his misfortunes, though wrongly because everything that happened to him, it was because of his own wrong deeds...that person was his older brother and not only this but was the person who brought him back and wanted to give him a chance to turn a new leaf in his life.
His mother told him ,that it was karna ,who pleaded the elders for dushashan to be put under his care and be given a chance to become good again... despite mahamahim not being sure about the idea.

He could not believe that vasusen was their older brother,the eldest among them,that person was the true heir of the throne and whole Hastinapur kingdom belonged to him. Still, he was hiding his identity and living as a suta ,working as a commoner only for the sake of honour f his family,he could not understand how such a person could exist ,who was free of greed and jealousy and was doing everything for the good of his people,for his family and has taken all the suffering upon himself.

He felt ashamed of himself for being so lowly and selfish ,for cursing ans trying to harm karna, while he only protected him in return.

He decided to mend his ways and to serve karna with ful heart ,when he returned.
He would fall into karna's feet and apologize for his mistakes and do everything in his power to protect karna,his jyeshtha.


Meanwhile, Gandhari was panicking...she immediately went towards Duryodhana's chamber and told everything to the princes present there.
They all went to search for dushashan immediately as they feared that dushashan may cause certain harm with this information.

But they found him , sitting on the ground in garden crying his eyes out.
They brought him back to the chamber and asked thim to calm down and tell what happened.

He apologized to all of them and told that now he knew the truth and understood how ignorant and arogant he was ,he said that he wanted to work hard to gain forgiveness and then redemption and the first step that he would take is to apologise to jyestha karna.

They all became very happy listening to this ,his mother also praised him and told him that she was feeling proud of him.

He also smiled ,but his eyes were waiting for someone,for karna to arrive.
After two days karna came back to Hastinapur with prakash and his family,he gave prakash some money andbtold him to find a suitable place for himself and his family to live ,from now on he was a citizen of Hastinapur and worked for the king ,of anyone create problems for him , send them to any of the crown princes....they will take care of it.

Prakash knew by now that karna was no ordinary person and listened to him with ful respect and attention. He told karna that he will dedicate his life to karna from now on,bit karna stopped him saying that no person have right on the life of other person , everyone must have the right to take decision for themselves and must be respected.
Prakash eyes lite up with admiration towards karna listening to this.

After that karna took his leave and went towards the palace ,he knew his family must be worried about him and he wanted to meet them and eat food prepared by Mata Kunti and mata Gandhari.

As soon as ,he entered the gates of the palace,he met with his Anujs sahadev and Nakul ,both of them ran towards him but stopped mid way and said,

"Welcome back ,Mitra Vasu .we missed you so much."

"I missed you too." Replied Vasu.

"Come with us someone is eager to meet you....by the way where did you go?" Asked Nakul.

"Who.....?,I will tell you everything later."

"You will see."

They took him to Gandhari's chambers and dushashan and Duryodhana were also present there.

As soon as dushashan saw karna ,he immediately came towards him and joined his hands infront of his chest ,tears started to flow from his eyes and he said,
"I...I am sorry , jyeshtha Bharata. I am sorry for all the mistakes done by me....thank you for doing everything that you did for me."

Vasu was surprised to hear this, but soon understood that now dushashan also knew the whole truth and he was willing to make amends and take the right path.

He put his hand on dushashan's head and said,

"All is forgiven Anuj and I am very happy to see that you want to do the right thing now....I will help you in any way I can."

Dushashan smiled hearing these words and fell to karna's feets but karna stopped him and engulfed him in a big hug.

"We want hug too." Said Duryodhana,Nakul and sahadeva and engulfed there two brothers in a big group hug.

Gandhari smiled hearing this ,she was truly happy today.

"Ok, let me go now, my dear brothers ,I am very hungry after a long journey,I am here to eat delicious food from my Maya's hand."

"Sure ,sure ... jyeshtha...but where did you went?"
"You can talk about that later ,right now let my son have some food." Said Gandhari.

She has went outside and asked a maid to bring jalebi made by her today for her sons,she also told the maid to inform Kunti and others to come to her chamber.

Soon jalebi arrived and Gandhari started to feed karna with her own hands.

Kunti and other pandav prince also arrived and saw this cute scene in front of them.

Later karna told everyone about his trip to Gandhar and also his plan to conquer gandhar soon.
He wanted to take Gandhar under Hastinapur's control and make Sakuni's son as the new king, because he was sure that Sakuni's son is not a part of his father's evil plan and would work under Hastinapur and make a good king....so he wanted to discuss this with the long and Mahamahim as soon as possible.
After coming to know that he went alone in the enemy territory ,his mother was furious and scolded him,he felt warmth inside his heart even when getting scolded because this was the first time someone was scolding him because they were worried about him and care for his well being.
Kunti also wanted him to promise that he will not go to dangerous places like this alone in future ,but he could not make that promise with her because his work as Aditya was dangerous and he could not bring his brothers with him to those mission,so he tried to make an excuse.
Tell me if you like it.
Good night friends
Take care🍀😇❤️

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