One-Way Ticket | Jeon Jungkook

By JiniousJin

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Upon moving from the US to Korea, with almost nothing but a one way ticket, to pursue her dream of acting and... More



156 15 28
By JiniousJin

Guys think before you drink, don't be like Jungkook and these idiots. I'm not trying to project drinking and alcohol culture, merely painting a picture, and writing a story.

TW: alcohol

Jungkook hadn't planned to go looking for Y/n.

Sure he hadn't been able to stop thinking about the mysterious girl that came out of literally nowhere and how soft her hair and skin looked, but he didn't have a thing for her or anything. In fact, he didn't even know a thing about her or why she was in Korea. He assumed just holidays, but it for some reason seemed like more.
When she had run into him, he couldn't help but admire how fast she ran, so determined, a bit chaotic yet beautiful all the same. Her hair had billowed behind her and then before he knew it, she had run straight into him and knocked herself into the ground. She was even more gorgeous up close, and it seemed like his teammates thought so too. They had practically flocked around her, not even letting Jungkook get a chance in. It had icked him all night, tossing and turning in his sleep thinking about what he could have done differently, and he damned himself for it.

The worst part about being the youngest on the team was the endless teasing. His hyungs had kept making faces at him and mocking the way he spoke to Y/n. It was absolutely killing him at this point. Not to even mention how the world practically had made a whole business about him not being able to talk to girls, so much he almost had adapted the trait. Or at least he liked to think so. Maybe he didn't know how to talk to girls, maybe he did. Jungkook wasn't so sure about anything anymore, he had put on show practically all his life, so it was easy losing the real Jungkook along the way. He felt lost most of the time. It was bearable because of his hyungs that practically had raised him, but sometimes he felt like he needed something deeper and steadier for when he felt afloat the sea. Some sort of rock to cling onto. Problem was he just didn't know how to find a rock.

Then the concert had come along, the one he had invited Y/n to. He'd spent almost all night looking for that her in the purple sea, and when he finally found her, her smile had somehow lit up his world. Brighter than any army bomb or stage light had ever. So, when the concert ended, he knew he couldn't let it be the end. Even if she was only on vacation and probably going back to the states again, he had to see her up-close once more.
So he did. Sneakily avoiding Namjoon and using all his sense of place to find the girl. And finally, after opening so many doors he, with all his luck, found her. Yeah, it was risky, but he didn't even care. She had smiled and he didn't even care.

So when he was gathered with his friends in the kitchen-dining-living room he wondered if it would be too soon to text her. Jimin had always told him to play it cool and charming when flirting, but not to be desperate. Because who would want someone who was desperate Jungkook thought. So Jungkook decided not to text her. He probably would sometime later, now that the concerts were done, and he got to relax for a little while. But not now.

The team was always in a weird state after concerts, extremely exhausted, yet riding of the high of the concert and acting like literal crackheads. Army was their life support, an indescribable sort of life-giving mixture. Hearing them cheer and seeing their smiles, was probably the thing they valued the most in the entire world.

In times like this alcohol always was the best and perhaps the worst choice they could ever make. They didn't care. So, as they sat around their table Hoseok went to pull a bottle of champagne out. Jungkook watched excitedly as he popped it open and poured it into glasses. Jimin flushed it down like it was water, and soon enough all their faces were flush, and laughter was all over the place. Beers piled on the table and at some point, Yoongi put on some music, throwing his arms from side to side, like a one-man-wave.

"Agh, I'm so hungry." Jin confessed at some point through the night and clutched his stomach. The group stopped singing the currently melancholic song to listen and silently agree. Jungkook suddenly realized how hungry he was too; he had totally forgotten all about food. It wasn't a rare occurrence because they were so busy all the time.
"Me too, I would sell Taehyung for a bag of chips right now." Jimin mumbled from some corner and Hoseok immediately burst into laughing, rolling of his chair to land on the floor, right where Jungkook was walking. Making them both tumble on floor and banging their heads into the hard wood in laughter. Ahh how Jungkook loved alcohol.
"OI!" Taehyung yelled over the music and Jin's quiet fight! fight! chants. "Jimin-ssi, what is that supposed to mean!"
"Sorry Tae, or actually not sorry. Honey Butter chips are just that good." Jimin huffed and then broke into a loud laugh, making his eyes turn into sparkling crescents, when Taehyung faked a frown. Jimin danced his way over to Tae and puffed up his hair, much to Taehyung's protest and dismay.

"Fine, I'll make some food." Namjoon gruntled, already on his way into the kitchen. "You know, I actually watched a video earlier this morning about how to make your own cerea-"
"Oh please don't, I'll pay you not to."
"What? What's wrong with my food? Jungkook." The proud leader questioned with a raised eyebrow and a bag of crunchy cereal under his arm, eating it like it was popcorn. The quiet crunchiness filled the room.
"The question isn't what's wrong with your food, more like what isn't." Yoongi laughed from his secure place in his chair and was joined by Jungkook and Hoseok on the floor.

"Jungkook doesn't need food, he's all full on loveee-" Jimin snickered over Taehyung's hair and threw a dramatic hand to his forehead to feign swooning over someone. Jungkook's eyes snapped open.

"WHAt, no I'm nOT!" Jungkook squeaked, scrambling to stand up in an instance. He looked around at his hyungs to meet each of their amused eyes and felt incredibly small under their howling laughs.
"Oh yeah," Jimin challenged, leaning on Taehyungs shoulders that wouldn't stop bouncing from amusement "If that's true, then why did you keep staring at Y/n's ti-"
"OKAY okaY, LET'S JUST STOP RIGHT THERE!" Jungkook protested loudly, desperately fighting Jin's horse laugh for volume.

"Why did you invite her to the concert then?" Hoseok asked now leaning against the kitchen counter with crossed legs.
"What is this, an interrogation?!" Jungkook shrilled and tried to shift the attention and escape the whole escapade. He hid his face in his hands and shook it until he feared he lost all his thoughts.
"Yeah Jungkook, explain that." Yoongi added, chortling over a bottle of beer.
"Wait we are talking about that girl on the set, right?-"
"Yea, Namjoon we are." Taehyung deadpanned flatly, to which Namjoon hummed an understanding sound and continued eating cereal in peace.

"I just felt bad about her breaking her arm, that's why I invited her." Jungkook explained and spread his arms wide in surrendering. He was standing in the midst of the mess, a hyung at every side, feeling like he was cornered.
"How do you know she broke her arm?" Jin questioned with smirk and raised eyebrow, clearly knowing he had caught Jungkook.
Jungkook gulped, too knowing he had been caught. "I- I just assumed, b- because of how hard she fell and youknoweducatedguess..." The silence that followed was unbearable. Jungkook grimaced as they all stared at him.

"You went to see her after the concert didn't you, I saw you leave!" Jimin barked and pointed accusatory at the youngest member. Jungkook's head snapped around to look at Jimin.
"Well I-"
"YAH!! I was looking for you!" A very drunk Namjoon shouted over the chaos. Jungkook felt like they were all shooting arrows at him from all sides, making him a target. Yeah, he was the youngest, but he was also 21 years old and knew what was best for himself. Probably...
"Okay, so maybe I did, but-"
"Jungkookie's finally all grown up!" Hoseok cheered and ran his hand through Jungkook's hair, making it all messy. Jungkook felt dizzy from all the shouting, the exhaustion from the concert and the alcohol. Finally done with all his hyungs chaos, he pushed Hobi's hand away and began stumbling his way towards the hallway leading towards his room. They all cheered over Jungkook's new endeavor.
"Jungkook's finally getting sum," Jimin mentioned and happily clapped his hands, followed by agreements.
"You know what, I'm just going to ignore this whole thing happened and go to bed." Jungkook called over his shoulder and let out a heavy breath when he was finally in the hallway.

Jungkook loved his hyungs more than anything on the whole planet. They were his motivation and comfort, all he needed, and seeing them down brought him down. Jungkook loved living in the apartment complex with them and he could never keep mad at them for long. But man, sometimes they could be a bit much. They didn't mean any harm or anything but being around the same people 24/7 could be hard from time to time.

Jungkook walked into his room, and lazily plopped down on his big, fluffy bed. Not caring about all the makeup on his face, or how tight his jeans sat on his body. He was in a state where everything he saw was a hazily daze and his head pounded like never before.

Jungkook picked up the phone and found the newly added contact. Maybe he would text her a bit earlier than original thought.

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