A Queen and Her Kings

By feastsonyourmemes

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Cassandra Mikaelson was many things; a seer, a witch, a vampire, a werewolf, a lover, a detective, defender o... More

Cassandra Mikaelson
To Play God
For the Love of the Moon
Love at First Bite
A Sheep in Wolves Clothing
Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus Draco
Our Souls will Never Leave Your Side
Mirror Rorrim
Welcome to the Queen's Domain
Realizations, Opportunities and the Morality of Trying to get Drunk in a Library
The Lamentations of Seven Souls
Mysterious Patrons and Leaky Roofs
Breakfast Debates and Enter, the Two of Spades!
He's a Trampola
If He Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will
The Patriarch and The Rivalry of the Spade and the Ace
The Beast Hunter and The Hunter of Love
The Trials of Sebek Zigvolt
A Sleeping Prince and The Art of Kicking Ass
The Shadow Man
Emo Big Bird Tries to Assert his Authority and Fails Spectacularly
The Start of an Epic Quest and The Backstories of The Cards
The Sword in The Stone
A Soul Laid to Rest and Mysterious Marks
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part One
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part Two
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part Three
The Gypsy Boy and The Cat, The Prince and The Popstar
A Plan Most Abhorrently Wonderful, Near-Trial-by-Combat and a Ancient Birthright
They're Only Human
The Legend of Excalibur
Well-Deserved Rest and A Fool's Crime
Magical Mishaps
Unwanted Infamy and the King of Diamonds
Painting the Roses Anything but Red
The Many Morbid Uses of Vines and Kalim's got Game
Play With Fire
Fae-Style Small Talk and The Tart Rebellion
Chestnuts and the Arrogance of a Lion
A Pining Idiot and Deuce Throws Hands
Baking Antics and Sleepovers
Mysterious Dreams and the King of the Mine
Force of Nature
Diamonds and Hearts
A Not so Very Merry Unbirthday
The Cheshire Cat
Knowledge is Power
The Crimson Tyrant vs. The Once and Future King
Down with the Bloody Red Queen
If Walls could Talk within this House of Cards
You and Me
Side Effects May Include
Subject Crimson and Unbirthday Party 2: Electric Boogaloo
Diasomnia Dinner Time! ...We're all Doomed
The Chaotic Dinner Party from Hell
Memes 2
After-Dinner Coffee and Roivoodorus
Under the Pale Moonlight
One Good Woman
Pretty Male Snow White and the Squirrel that Wasn't a Squirrel
Rebel Girl
Why You Shouldn't Make Important Decisions Drunk and a Baker Boy's love

Shock, Confusion, and Attempted Arson

824 20 1
By feastsonyourmemes

The headmaster and student population of Night Raven College were both very confused. A little over half an hour ago they had come to the dark mirror's chamber to begin sorting students, and found seven of the gates almost completely destroyed. Bits of them flung about the area, and the few that still had their lids attached looked as if someone had broken out of them from the inside.

What kind of beings were they to be capable of waking up from the powerful sleeping magic hours before the ceremony and punching holes in the gate lids? Just what had the dark mirror let into their school? The headmaster had declared they would sort the rest of the first years and then go search for the missing students, but as the last freshman, a Diasomnia student named Sebek Zigvolt, was sorted, everyone was reluctant to look for these mysterious students.

A certain white haired dorm leader shifted nervously, "So... which one of us is going to look for them?", he asked his fellow dorm heads.

"None of us, that's who, the headmaster is in charge of all the new students until they are sorted, so he should go and look for these wayward souls. Right, headmaster?", a particular deal maker said slyly as he pushed up his glinting glasses, causing the flamboyant man in question to flinch nervously.

A man with lion ears and long brown hair smirked, "Yeah, that's true. None of those seven are sorted yet, so none of them are our problem.", this caused the elaborately dressed man to take a few steps back from where he stood in line with his dorm heads. This wasn't good.

He wasn't weak, but that didn't mean he wanted to purposefully go looking for several possibly hostile unknowns alone. He was hoping he could shirk this particular responsibility off onto Azul or Riddle, but apparently even they were hesitant to take on the task. Dire Crowley sighed, this was certainly turning out to be quite the day.

A short red haired boy spoke up from beside the headmaster, "All misbehaving students are our problem, Leona!", but even he was slightly hesitant as he said this.

Nothing like this had ever happened before, not even during Malleus Draconia's orientation. Those sleeping spells were as old as the school itself and said to be modeled after one of the Witch of Thorns sleeping spells, and while the gates weren't as strongly enchanted it is still scary to think that people who can punch holes in three inch thick wooden lids are running around here unchecked somewhere.

A tablet floating a few feet above the ground echoed the sound of its owner electronically, "Do you really want to go looking for the people who did that to the gates? Even with your Unique Magic, Riddle, I doubt you could deal with them single handedly. They look like they have some protagonist level stats backing them up."

A beautiful blonde and purple haired boy nodded in agreement, "Yes, for once I agree with... whatever Idia just said. let's leave this up to the headmaster, it's his responsibility as an educator after all.", he said, smirking and looking pointedly at the man in question.

Crowley flinched and went to squawking in his own defense,though none of the dorm leaders would hear of it and it seemed that he was going to have to resign himself to searching for the missing students. But just as he was about to start towards the doors, they both slammed open loudly.

Everyone in the chamber turned towards the direction of the noise. There stood seven figures clad in the school's ceremonial robes. They all had their hoods up as far as they went, so no one could see their faces. All anyone caught a glimpse of was their glowing eyes. Two of them held the doors open as the other five walked in. They all walked in a diamond formation, with their robes rustling quietly as they walked.

The students moved out of their way without hesitance. The mysterious figures said nothing as they walked. The two who had held the doors open released them and joined the others in their odd formation. Without fail, they continued in the direction of the headmaster, and the one who seemed to be the leader of the figures stepped forward as the others stayed behind. They were of a taller than average height and seemed to be holding something in their arms.

"I take it you're the headmaster of this institution?", they said in a manner that was less of a question and more of a statement. Their voice was smooth and clear, and their tone told you they meant business.

Crowley gulped, "Yes, I am. I am Dire Crowley.", he said nervously.

They held a hand out to him, "My apologies for the damage my Court and I inflicted onto the... gates, was it? We had never heard of your school and its admission process, you see, and we panicked when we woke up in an unknown location in what felt like coffins. I hope they can be replaced.", they said sincerely.

Crowley startled, "You've never heard of Night Raven College?", he asked as he reluctantly took the leader's hand, feeling an odd sensation when he did.

The unnamed leader shook their head, feeling a similar sensation and choosing to ignore it, like most of the odd things that had occurred today, for the time being, "No, though the reason why, I believe, is a story to be told in private at a later date. We have spent the last few hours in your library reading about your school, so now we are more or less up to speed. I believe that, by your rules, we still need to be sorted?"

Crowley smiled nervously, "Ah, yes you do! So, which one of you would like to go first?", he asked.

"I will.", said the leader. He attempted to guide them to the mirror but they subtly waved him off and made their way to the mirror on their own.

The dark mirror's intimidating, mask-like face appeared in the glass, "State thy name, majesty.", he said in a softer than usual tone with a slight quirk to his lips, causing the students to whisper.

"Did it just call him 'majesty'?"

"The dark mirror never gets familiar with the students!"

"This guy has got to have cast some sort of spell on it."

"But that's impossible, it was crafted against that centuries ago!"

The still hooded figure ignored the gossip and smiled, "Hello, Henrik. We have got to stop meeting like this.", they said, as if speaking to an old friend.

The dark mirror nodded, "Indeed, highness."

"I have a favor to ask of you before you sort me, my friend.", said the figure.

The students whispered more furiously at this, and the hooded leader revealed what they had been carrying. It was a gray monster, with large, blinking blue eyes.

The monster looked up at the mirror, "His name is Grim and he wishes to attend this school as a student. Would you be so kind as to sort him?", they asked.

At this Crowley leapt out of his shocked stupor induced by the student's conversation with the mirror and marched up to the leader and their monster.

"Now wait just a moment! I tried to be lenient because you didn't know what was going on at first, but this is outrageous! You can't just destroy seven of my gates, run off for over five hours, raid my library, waltz back in here and demand the dark mirror sort a, a monster! Just who do you think you are?!", he said imperiously. Who did this person think they were? He was the headmaster, not this child. He made the rules, and this impudent creature was supposed to follow them.

The figure frowned and glared at him, "Who do I think I am? Who do you think you are, headmaster? The rules of this school state that the dark mirror chooses the students, not the headmaster. So long as Henrik allows it, Grim can be a student here and your opinion on the matter will be utterly invalid. Now, if you'll excuse us, I believe Henrik was just about to answer My and Grim's question.", the leader, their monster and the headmaster looked towards the dark mirror with pointed stares.

The dark mirror looked pointedly at the still hooded leader, "Majesty is right, it is mine choice as to whom attends this place of learning, and I chose to grant her crave. Join forth, creature, and state thy name."

The headmaster made a choked noise in shock as Grim bolted out of the leader's arms and came to a stop directly in front of the mirror, "Now that's what I'm talkin about! My name is the Great Grim!", the monster said proudly.

The dark mirror looked at Grim with narrowed eyes, "The shape of thy soul is...", but he never got to finish, as Crowley had apparently not had enough of a verbal beat down to back off just yet.

"Now wait just a minute! Dark mirror, as headmaster of this school, I order you to cease this at once!", he yelled, pointing at the dark mirror dramatically.

At this, the hooded leader and the other six who were with them, who almost everyone had forgotten were there at this point do to them not saying or doing anything and the much more interesting scene playing out before the student body, looked at each other as if they could not believe what was coming out of this man's mouth. Had he forgotten what Cassandra had said, the supposed rules of the school? What was it with magical headmasters and their inability to do their jobs properly and adhere to their own rules?

Grim then began to sputter, "You don't think I can be a mage because I'm a monster, huh?! I'll show you! I'll show you that I'm just as good as all you stuffy humans! GAHA!"

With that declaration, Grim began flinging blue fire about the chamber, causing students to flee the flames and scream. One of the students, a boy with white hair, had his rear end unfortunately catch fire.

"Hot! Hot! Some one help!", he yelled as he ran about like a chicken without a head.

"At this rate, the school will be a sea of fire! Somebody catch that raccoon!", yelled Crowley, attempting to avoid doing his job for what was not the first time that day.

"Che! What suck ups.", scoffed the lion eared man as he stood out of the way of the flames.

The beautiful blonde man glanced at him, "Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting? Doesn't it look like a nice snack?", he said teasingly.

The green eyed man sighed, "Why me? Do it yourself."

The silver haired boy smiled at his headmaster, "Mr. Crowley, please leave it to me. I'm sure the others couldn't stomach harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself."

The tablet spoke out from its position above the carnage, "That's Azul for you. Always trying to earn himself points."

"Umm, hey, could someone put my fire out already?!", The red eyed boy exclaimed, still running around in a panic.

Crowley put his hands on his hips and stood in front of his students, irritated, "Are you all even listening?!", he yelled out.

"No, your voice is annoying. You're in charge of one of the best magical academies in this world, if you can run this school, you can catch a magic arsonistic raccoon." one of the mysterious figures said as they crossed their arms. The voice sounded slightly effeminate.

The brown haired man glanced in the direction of the only other one of the mysterious students to speak before looking back at Crowley, "Yeah, he's right. If it's just catching some stupid raccoon, can't you do it yourself, Teach?", he said boredly.

"I'm not a raccoon! Why does everyone keep saying that?!", yelled out Grim as he continued to fling fire from his place in the air, his efforts now fueled by his annoyance at his nickname as well as a desire to prove these people wrong.

"Don't you think this has gone on for long enough?", asked one of the unknown students, who removed their hood to reveal golden hair.

The figure that critiqued Crowley earlier nodded in agreement and removed their hood as well, unveiling long, ebony locks pulled back in a braid.

"Agreed, though I believe it best to leave this to Cassandra. Grim is her familiar after all.", he stated as he looked in the direction of the person in question, the hooded leader. She stood with her back to the doors, her back straight and hands clasped firmly at her sides. With a single look in her eyes, the two knew she had a plan.

The boy with glasses sighed and pulled a pen with a grayish-lavender gem on the end from his side, "It certainly has moxie. Care to help me, Riddle?", he looked towards the redhead in question.

Riddle frowned, "I can't overlook those who break the rules. Let's hurry and get this over with.", he stated as he pulled out a similar pen with a red gem on the end.

A figure in the background sighed and declared loudly enough for all to hear over the rest of the noise, "I do believe that is quite enough."

Just as the two were about to attempt to apprehend the furry thorn in their sides, a loud snap was heard, and all the fire went out. Not just the flames the monster produced, but the flames on the torches as well. For a moment the chamber went quiet with shock, and the students' desire to speak only seemed to return when the lights did moments later. Even then, they only spoke in echoing whispers, wondering what had happened as their dorm leaders and headmaster were lulled into a shocked silence much longer than their own.

A woman walked across the room. She had long, wavy scarlet hair and her eyes glowed the same gold as the hooded leader student from earlier, who was oh so coincidentally absent. She was dark skinned, tall and voluptuous. She resembled an exalted figure more than a human, and was devastatingly beautiful.

The clacking of her shoes against the marble floor echoed as she made her way to the cause of the recent chaos. No one so much as breathed as she came to a stop in front of the monster and leaned down to reach for it. The monster flinched from its spot on the ground, having lowered itself down after the lights went out, as she came less than an inch from it, only to lean into her touch when she did not grab or hurt him. Instead, she petted him softly and picked him up like a toddler.

After the creature had calmed down the beautiful woman held it out in front of her so she could look it in the eye.

"Grim, why did you react like that?", she asked calmly in a voice matching that of the mysterious student leader, further cementing her identity.

"I-they were saying I couldn't be a mage, Cassandra!", he yelled out, upset.

The woman, now known as Cassandra nodded, "Yes, they were, but reacting like that will only prove their point. Is that what you want?", she asked.

Grim hung his head in shame, "No.", he muttered.

Cassandra released him to hover in the air and tilted his head up, "Chin up, Great Grim. World's greatest magicians don't hang their heads sulk, they admit what they did was wrong and try to make it right. So, what are you going to do now?", she asked.

Grim stared up at her, "Apologize?", he responded questioningly.

Cassandra nodded, "Yes, and the headmaster will as well."

Crowley started stammering out a protest, "I will do no such thing! That creature set my school on fire-!"

All it took for the bird-like man to shut up was a pointed glare from Cassandra, "First of all that creature has a name, it's Grim, use it. Second of all, he only reacted the way he did because you antagonized him and called him a monster. Would you have called him such a thing if he had hands instead of paws? I think not. Just because something doesn't make sense to you in your small-minded world doesn't mean it cannot happen, Dire Crowely. A monster can be a mage just as easily as a mage can be a monster. Third of all, it is still not your decision whether or not Grim attends this school. That choice is up to the dark mirror. I do believe I have made a sufficient argument as to who is mostly at fault for our little fire and brimstone incident, headmaster. I am not saying Grim was not also in the wrong, however. He should not have reacted to your insults by setting everything on fire, though I would not have completely faulted him for throwing one at just you. I do believe I have rested my case though if you still wish to oppose me after I have explained myself to you, then by all means, make your case against me and declare your beliefs for all your students to hear. Go on, then, we're all dying to hear your rebuttal.", Cassandra finished with a condescending smirk.

She had always hated close minded people like Crowley. They were the kind of people that gave her and her mates nasty looks on the streets when they kissed or held each other, and she couldn't stand it when people were excluded or treated badly for something they couldn't help, something that had been cemented throughout the years of seeing her father being made into a villain for his mistakes that he tried to repent for time and time again. People like this usually just needed a good verbal beat down to shut their mouths, though, so hopefully this wouldn't be a recurring event.

(She would later discover that 'famous last words' was a very applicable expression in this situation and that some people, particularly flamboyant crow men, just never learned.)

Crowley looked around nervously, all eyes were on him. He couldn't argue with the girl further or he would risk looking childish. That, and he really couldn't come up with a valid argument against her. She actually made a good point, something a lot of the student body was starting to realize.

She raised an eyebrow, "Well? That apology?"

Crowley sighed, "I apologize for calling your familiar a monster."

Cassandra looked at the headmaster pointedly, "Don't say it to me, say it to Grim."

The headmaster opened his mouth to say something, but immediately closed it and turned to Grim.

"I apologize for calling you a monster, Grim.", he said reluctantly.

Grim looked down at the ground from his place in the air, "And I'm sorry for setting the room on fire.", he said with equal reluctance.

Cassandra looked between the two, "Now, if there are no objections, I think we should resume Grim and I's sorting."

Without waiting for a response, she picked Grim out of the air and went to stand in front of the dark mirror. There was silence for a moment as everyone awaited the appearance of the dark mirror's face. When he appeared, he looked at the pair in front of him with first annoyance and then pleasant surprise.

"Greetings, highness.", he said respectfully.

Cassandra nodded in greeting, "Hello again, Henrik. I apologize for the delay, but some people always seem to have to make their very much invalid opinions known.", she gave a quick glare in Crowley's direction.

"Tis alright, highness.", he said reassuringly, "Now, state thy name, both of ye."

Cassandra smiled at him and nodded towards Grim, "Cassandra Mikealson.", she said firmly.

Grim grinned toothly at her and then turned to face the mirror, "Grim!", he exclaimed with excitement.

The mirror's face narrowed it's eye holes at them, "The shape of thy soul...", the mirror continued to stare at the two for a few moments until it widened it's supposed to be eyes.

"I do not know.", he stated with a hint of awe in his voice.

The air filled with whispering speculations of what was going on, and the dorm leaders looked on with confusion and interest. That girl had caused all this chaos and had most recently verbally punched their headmaster in the stomach. She was intriguing, and had managed to catch the attention of everyone else with her mere presence. They all continued to look on at the most recent impossible scene as the dark mirror declared its confusion with her and her familiar. They all anticipated the dark mirror's explanation of his answer with bated breath.

Cassandra raised an eyebrow, "What do mean?" she asked.

The dark mirror looked at her solemnly, "The familiar's soul burns like fire and colors blue like ice, but your soul, highness... burning fire, molten gold, honorable blood, blades of the highest caliber, an enchanted mist, lands long forgotten, a cunning mind, a table where all are equal and a just heart. These are just a few aspects of thou's soul, highness. A being that all of the seven would see a kindred spirit within. Thou, highness, are simply too versatile to fit with merely one of the seven houses.", the mirror said observantly.

The whispers grew into a jumbled roar as the mirror finished speaking, and the headmaster stepped forward after falling out of another stupor.

"So, does that mean that... a new dorm must be created for these two?", Crowley asked hesitantly.

The dark mirror nodded, "Aye."

And with that the screams of outrage and shock from the students began. It seemed as if there would be another incident similar to Grim's when the headmaster shouted out.

"Silence!", he yelled. When his students finally quieted, Crowley sighed.

"Well, I do believe this has been quite the night. I think it's best we send the sorted students to their dorms and finish sorting the rest of you once they're gone. Is this agreeable to you and your friends, Miss Mikealson?", he asked as he looked towards the girl in question.

Cassandra looked towards her Court, who nodded at her, "Yes, it is.", she said.

Crowley, now having her consent to follow through with his idea, turned to face his dorm leaders, "We had quite a bit of trouble along the way but this brings the entrance ceremony to a close. Dorm heads, please show the new students back to the dormitories."

Having finally taken the first long look he had been able to take at his dorm leaders all night, he blinked as realized that there were six. Six, not seven.

"Oh, it seems the leader of Diasomnia, Mr. Draconia is absent.", said Crowley

The lion eared man put one hand on his hip, "That's no different from usual, is it?", he observed aloud.

The white haired boy in the turban blinked, "What? Did nobody tell him about the ceremony?", he asked.

The purple eyed blonde gave him a side glance, "If you're going to complain you should have done it yourself.", he sassed.

The white haired boy crossed his arms and frowned, "But I don't really know anything about that guy.", he responded.

The whispers of the students picked up again, this time almost barely audible, as if a fear of some sort of unknown force was keeping them from speaking louder.

"By Draconia... do they mean that Malleus Draconia?", one of the first years asked

"Is he seriously attending this school?", another voiced in shock.

"That's a scary thing...", a third voice observed.

Cassandra frowned at the gossip. There these people went again, judging a book by its cover. This was really starting to piss her off. She just made a whole speech about why someone's outward appearance shouldn't affect your judgment of it, and they seem to have completely forgotten it in the span of fifteen minutes. This Malleus fellow was probably lonely, and someone was going to have to fix that.

Suddenly, a deep voice Cassandra could not recall ever hearing spoke, "I was correct.", it said.

She turned in the voices direction. There by th door stood a short man with red, cat-like eyes, pale skin, and black and magenta hair. He looked like every E-boy ever, but somehow the look appeared natural on him.

The man spoke again, "I thought he might come, but Malleus really didn't.", he sighed, "It seems the invitation 'never arrived' again.", he said in a resigned voice, as if this was not the first time this had happened and he didn't expect it to be the last.

Cassandra felt her resolve to befriend this Malleus Draconia strengthen as the pale man spoke. Mark her words, that boy was going to have her as a friend come hell or high water.

The silver haired boy, whose name she had heard earlier was Azul, began to speak with a fake smile plastered on his face, "My deepest apologies. I promise we didn't intend to-", he was cut off by Cassandra walking over to him and holding a hand up

"I'll do the talking.", she said with a tone of finality that caused Azul to shut his mouth. She then took a few steps towards the short man until she stood a few feet in front of him.

She smiled at him, "Hello, I'm Cassandra Mikealson. I couldn't help but notice you said that this Malleus's invitation to this event never arrived again. Does that happen often?", she asked as she held out a hand for him to shake.

The man took her hand, both feeling an odd but ignorable sensation as he did, and smiled, revealing a pair of fangs comparable to her own, "Lilia Vanrouge, and yes, that does happen often. Everytime there is a school event, actually.", the man now known as Lilia said, sighing.

Cassandra looked him in the eyes, "Well,", she said, waving over the shortest of her entourage. "I don't control who gets invited to school functions, but I can at least ensure that Malleus gets invited to something.", she whispered something in her friends ear, he nodded and sprinted off out of the chamber and down the corridor.

A few minutes later, the boy returned with a black canvas backpack. He ran up to the pair, sat the backpack down and unzipped it. He then reached inside and pulled out a black wooden box with a 'M' monogram on it with the image of a serpent underneath it. He opened it, revealing it to be a stationary kit. He then took out a black quill, a well of black ink, a piece of parchment paper, and an envelope. He sat down on the floor, dipped his quill in the ink, and began to write.

Cassandra continued to smile, "Tell Malleus that when my Court and I get set up somewhere, he is more than welcome to drop by for a meal and some conversation. This invitation is extended to you as well, of course.", she said and reached her hand out in the writing boy's direction without even checking to see if he was done writing, which he was. The letter was closed and sealed with a wax emblem the other boy has set about burning the wax for earlier, which bore the same sigil as the stationary boxes lid.

Cassandra took the letter between her fingers and held it out to Lilia. "This is a formal invitation to dinner addressed to one Malleus Draconia and all he deems appropriate to invite along. The date of the event is purposefully ambiguous given my Court and I's uncertain living arrangements as of right now, but this event will occur within the next two weeks come rain or shine and I will inform you when our housing problem is resolved. I hope to see the two of you there.", she declared, grinning.

Lilia's face lit up with disbelief and joy, "Yes! Yes you shall! Oh, Malleus shall be overjoyed! I thank you for this kindness!", Lilia said as he leaned into a bow.

Cassandra laughed slightly awkwardly at the formality, "Think nothing of it.", she said, attempting to wave off her kindness, "I just can't stand it when people are excluded for reasons that, I assume in Malleus's case, are out of their control. I saw and experienced enough of that back home. No one deserves to go through those things.", she said as her voice took a serious tone.

Lilia looked up at her in awe before shaking his head, "Well, whatever the case, you have my gratitude, Cassandra. As a thanks, you have my word that I will help you with whatever you may need during your stay in this world. Just say the word, and I will come running.", he declared firmly.

Cassandra blinked, "Ah, that isn't-"

"I insist.", said Lilia as he took her hand into his once more. "Whatever you desire will be yours. The fae are a people of their word, after all.", he kissed her hand lightly.

Cassandra didn't even flinch at the action and quickly turned the tables as she brought Lilia's own hand up to her mouth for a lingering kiss.

"Then I will hold you to it.", she said as she pulled away from his hand, and the two stared into each other's eyes, smiling for a moment before Lilia snapped out of it and turned to face the Diasomnia first years.

"Well, members of the Diasomnia dormitory can come with me. With this pleasant development, not being invited here hopefully won't upset him too much.", Lilia said as he glanced down at the black envelope in his hand.

With that, Lilia and the other Diasomnia students left the chamber. Cassandra looked back towards the dorm leaders, who were getting ready to leave as well, and her Court, who were all standing against the wall behind the dorm leaders.

Cassandra walked over towards the dorm leaders and held out her hand as she came to a stop in front of them, "Hello, you probably already know this by now, but I'm Cassandra Mikealson. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.", she said with a small smile.

They all looked at her with an odd sort of confusion, as if they were surprised she would bother to introduce herself. After a moment, the short red head of the six took her hand and shook it firmly, causing both parties to feel an odd sensation and Cassandra to feel a sense of deja vu.

"I'm Riddle Rosehearts, head of Heartslabyul. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Cassandra.", he said with a small smile. Though she had broken multiple rules in her short time here, he couldn't stay mad at this young woman. She seemed pleasant, and he liked her, something he decided as he tried not to get lost in her molten eyes.

The white haired boy in the turban came next. He practically shoved Riddle out of the way as he went to shake her hand vigorously, with both of them feeling that odd sensation. "Hi! I'm Kalim! I'm in charge of Scrabia! You're really pretty! Just like a desert lily!", said Kalim enthusiastically as he moved his face closer to her's, as if to better observe her beauty.

Kalim was soon pulled back by his collar by the beautiful blonde boy with purple eyes, AKA the one she had almost thought was a girl at first. "Down, Kalim. You're scaring the poor thing. By the seven, where is Jamil when you need him?", he sighed out.

Kalim laughed nervously, "He's busy at the dorm making a welcome meal for the first years.", he said as he winked at Cassandra with one final wave and left with his students, along with Riddle who gave her one final nod with a small smile before he left as well.

Cassandra held out her hand once more to the beautiful blonde, "Vil Schoenheit, dorm head of Pomefiore.", he said stiffly as he shook her hand firmly, unsurprisingly causing her to feel that same odd sensation again. Nonetheless, Cassandra smiled radiantly at him, causing him to widen his eyes and blush before looking away from her with a 'hmpth', and then marching off with his students without saying another word. Cassandra watched him leave with her smile still on her face, he reminded her of how Yue acted around new people. She found his attitude oddly adorable, now that she thought about it.

A figure even taller than she was approached her as Vil left. It was the man with lion ears, a lion beast man if what the library books told her was true. He eyed her up and down before he nodded solemnly and held out his hand, which she took. "Leona Kingscholar, dorm leader of Savannahclaw.", he said plainly as the sensation rolled up both their arms. He removed his hand from hers, gazed at her for a long moment, nodded at her once more, and then left with his students. Cassandra got the feeling she had just earned his respect, somehow.

Azul, the boy she had interrupted earlier, came forward and held out his hand to hers. She got the feeling he was some sort of dealmaker, and not the fair kind. "My name is Azul Ashengrotto, dorm head of Octavinelle , it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Mikaelson.", he said as he attempted to bring her hand up to his mouth for him to kiss, only to be thwarted by Cassandra as she pulled the same maneuver she did on Lilia. Which caused the silver haired boy to become flustered.

Cassandra smiled at him and said in a low voice, "Likewise, Azul."

This caused the boy to shut his mouth and make a not so subtle retreat, leaving with his students shortly after the incident. Originally, he was going to tell her of his business helping poor unfortunate souls, but his mind drew a blank the moment her lips touched his skin. It felt... wonderful, and he shivered at the lingering sensation of it as he left.

Cassandra held back a laugh as the boy left. She shook her head, she must be a sadist to enjoy tormenting people the way she did.

As she finished her train of thought, the floating tablet that had who she assumed to be the Ignihyde dorm head on the other came before her, stated "I'm Idia." in a rushed electronic voice, flashed a light in her face, and zoomed off out the door with the Ignihyde students. Cassandra blinked, well that was odd,

Now all that remained in the chamber was Cassandra, her very bored Court, Henrik, and a very nervous looking Crowley, who soon began to speak.

"I do believe it is time to sort the rest of your... court, Miss Cassandra.", he said hesitantly.

Cassandra nodded, "Indeed,", she looked towards the males in question, "You all can decide who goes when.", she said.

After a bit of deliberation, Skip went first, then Ash, Yue, Shorter, Eiji, and Griffin. All of their verdicts were the same as her's and Grim's (Who had fallen asleep on top of a gate a bit after his apology); they all belonged in this apparent soon to exist eighth dorm, which was good for them as they wouldn't be separated. That and they also had the 'spirits of knights', whatever that was supposed to mean.

With all that over with, she grabbed the sleeping Grim off the barely off the ground gate, grabbed her magic food bag and her backpack, and went over to Crowley.

"Where can we set up our dorm?", Cassandra asked bluntly.

Crowley stammered, "Ah-well, there's a rather charming old dorm no one has used in a while-"

"Where is it?", Cassandra asked, cutting him off.

He pointed weakly in the direction of the corridor, "Tenth door on the right, there's another mirror chamber with gates to the dorms and other locations. You'll find the gate to the dorm in there, it's the dusty one with spider web designs.", he said in a voice just as weak as his actions.

"Great, I hope I don't see you tomorrow.", Cassandra said as she and her Court turned and left without another word.

Crowley sighed as the doors to the chamber slammed shut behind them. He would have squawked about that last remark, but he was too tired. It had been a long night, and part of him was still hoping that this was all just a really strange dream. He sighed and tried to mentally prepare himself for tomorrow as he contemplated his coworker's reactions.

'Divus and Mozus are never going to believe this one.'

So I have come to a personal decision about love interests. Divus and Sam yes, Crowley no. Yes, I know they are both adults and Cassandra is 16, but they won't be doing satan's mambo for quite a while, also I do what I want. As for Crowley, I don't like him all that much and I am going to have way too much fun messing with him in later chapters. Also, sorry if I bullied Azul too much. I like him a lot but I also see myself in him way too much for it to be healthy. We both have divorced parents, absentee fathers, decent step dads, were bullied in elementary school and parts of middle school, have a grand total of two friends who come as a package deal, and our birthdays are a literal day apart with mine being on the 23rd of February. The minute I made the connection I screamed at the top of my lungs in the middle of psychology class like an idiot. Hope this chapter doesn't suck. So long and good night, Thackery Binx.

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