His Broken Submissive : Mercy

By Siberiantiggy

2.1M 68.9K 20.6K

After a setback in her recovery, Izabella begins to question everything in her life. Nightmares of her attack... More

1 Mercy
2 Go
3 Bewitched
4 Promises
5 Wish You Were Here...
6 Ready
7 Pineapple
8 Home
9 Important
10 Idiot
11 Stop and Smell the Roses
12 Home Stretch
13 Punish Me
14 Tell me Bella
15 Are You My Good Girl?
16 More...
17 Promise
18 The Game's Afoot
19 Be Good
20 Where I Need To Be
21 Dangerous Game
22 Whoops
23 Looks Good on Ya
24 Open Wide
25 Vision
26 Naughty Little Kitten
27 Well Shit
28 Vixen
29 Tell Me
30 Say the Word...
31 Bambi
32 Where Were You?
33 Safe
34 Becca
35 Naughty Christmas
36 This Won't Do...
37 Budding Bunny
38 Teased
39 Help
40 Boop
42 Scared
43 Mind Games
44 The Perfect Gift
45 Naughty Little Kitten
46 One Down
47 Intoxicating
48 My Good Girl
49 Use Me
50 Ironic
51 Elegance and Grace
52 Eyes On Me
53 Addicted
54 You Lied
55 Brat Trap
56 Stay Still
57 Canvas
58 Inside Job
59 Not in Oz Anymore
60 Little Mouse
61 Hell Hole
62 Try Again
63 I Know...
64 End of an Era
65 My Goddess
66 Memories
67 A Proper Bliss Send-Off!
68 The Best Laid Plans...
69 Please
70 Shattered
71 Now
72 Ghosts
73 Home Sweet Home
74 Debut
75 My Other Half

41 Izzy vs Brats

23.8K 839 273
By Siberiantiggy

Ordinary but intriguing...

"Just open it already!" Becca is practically trembling with excitement beside me. We've been staring at the perfect black gift box, wrapped with a red ribbon for what feels like an eternity.

"But he didn't say I could," I counter, trying to be the voice of reason. I'm not sure if I'm trying to convince her or myself... either way I'm failing.

"Did he say you couldn't?" She crosses her arms over her chest, eyeing me like she expects me to crack in an instant.

"He said after work he'd give it to me though..."

"Then why did he send it mid-shift? He wants you to peek!" She groans.

"Or he's teasing you?" Jack muses. "Not like a Dom would ever tease their subs just for the fun of it..."

We both glare at him but he's right. Even Jonathan has admitted that he likes to watch me squirm and beg. Lord knows we tease each other enough that Jack could be on to something.

"That sadistic bastard," Becca growls. She reaches out to open the package but I grab her hand to stop her. "What? Why else would he send this with two hours left of your shift?"

"The brat might be on to something," Jack murmurs. He rubs his chin as he looks from the box to Becca and back again. "You could always let her open it then you're in the clear."

"Jack!" I palm my forehead, feeling my resolve crumble.

"No, no, let's hear him out!" Becca grins like a kid on Christmas. I can practically see her salivating at the prospect.

"Lord knows no one can control her, so if she should happen to open it, no one could blame you," he reasons. Becca nods enthusiastically, trying to get me to agree. "That way we get to know what the hell is in the box!"

His logic is sound and so tempting! I've been trying to work and ignore the box since it arrived but this last hour has been an eternity! There's nearly another hour left, it feels like a year!

"Look, you can see her wheels turning," Jack whispers to Becca. "You can see it, she's coming around to our way of thinking... she just needs a little more-"

"Guys!" I whine. The inner struggle is brutal. I want nothing more than to be Jonathan's good girl and to earn that praise, but this is torture!

"Go get Nat," Jack snickers. "She won't be able to resist the three of us!"

"No! Breaks over, let's go!" I have to shove them out of the break room door and bar their way back in. Both pout and whine but eventually give up.

Thank God! Lord knows if I could have resisted any longer.

As if the cosmos see my struggle, Natasha and Viktor take a seat at the big booth in my section. She waves as soon as she spots me. I smile and head right over to take their order.

"Damn Izzy, that is hawt!" Nat hoots, shamelessly checking me out. I tuck my stray hair behind my ear to hide my blush.

"You're well?" Viktor asks. As always he's dressed in an impeccable black suit, tailored to perfectly fit his broad shoulders.

"Very, thank you." My gaze flickers only briefly to him before shifting to Nat. "Vodka and Daiquiri?"

"You know us so well." He chuckles and spreads out in the booth, casually throwing his arms on the backrest.

I nod and dash off to place their order, quickly clearing two tables on the way. Jack has both drinks ready and waiting by the time I get there, letting me drop them off in record time.

"Where's the old man?" Viktor asks.

"Jonathan will be by at the end of my shift, so about an hour? Maybe a bit less?" I mumble. He was a bit vague on the timeline.

Becca saunters over, mischief dancing in her eyes as she beelines for Natasha. I groan and try to bolt before she can get started and team up on me.

"Oh good, both the ladies I wanted to see!" Nat's comment catches Becca off guard and she looks around confused for the other person. "Very funny," Natasha drawls.

"Should you wait till their shifts are over?" Viktor cautions.

Bacca's jaw drops. "Please God no!" She begs. "One endless waiting game is bad enough, I don't think I can handle any more suspense tonight!"

"Oh?" Viktor arches a brow and leans in.

"Jonathan got Izzy a present and had it delivered but she won't open it." Becca pauses to give me a pointed look. "So it's been torturing us for over an hour now."

Viktor just lets out a hearty laugh and grins. "This one wouldn't last five minutes," he teases. Natasha just rolls her eyes at him. "Throw her a bone before the poor brat implodes."

Natasha digs around in her purse and fishes out two laminated passes of some sort. She grins and holds them out for me and Becca.

"Seriously?!" Becca gasps. Her eyes are glued to the pass like it's a golden ticket.

I flip it over and see leather and silk gala written across the front in elegant silver writing with model written below. Clearly, I'm missing something and wait for more.

"Well, can I count on you guys?" Nat asks, a pleading look in her blue eyes.

"Of course, but for what?" I ask.

"My talented kitten has landed a spot at the gala," Viktor offers. He beams, pride shining in his eyes as he looks at Natasha. "She needs models and you two were her first thoughts."

"Really?" I gasp. "I mean I'm so happy for you Nat, but I'm not a professional-"

"Don't even try and use that as an excuse," Nat cuts in. "If you don't want to do it, I'll totally understand, but don't say no for my benefit."

"I've seen the dresses, they're very beautiful," Viktor adds, trying to sweeten the pot.

I've seen some of Natasha's designs, she does incredible work. Anything she makes would be an honour to wear.

"I'd be honoured to help," I answer immediately. Natasha's gaze shines in triumph having scored me and sets to winning over Becca.

She stands there silently clutching the pass to her chest and even in the low light, I can see her eyes watering.

"Bec?" I whisper.

"S-sorry, I um... why?" She finally asks. "I mean why me? I'm sure you have friends more suited-"

"I did ask my well-suited friend," Natasha cuts in pointedly. "The two of you were my first choices, look..." Once more she dives into her purse and pulls out a shiny black folder that she lays open on the table.

"I designed this one for you." She points to the fashion drawing with an elegant black and red gown on it. The model has loose brown curls and has the same curvy body type as Becca.

The other drawing resembles me and is wearing a beautiful white gown looking practically ethereal.

"Well?!" Natasha asks, desperation lacing her voice.

"They're stunning!" I can't take my eyes off of the one that's for me.


"I can't believe you want me to do this, it looks amazing!" She finally admits with a grin.

"Honestly girls," Anne chides strolling over. "If you're not looking at that damn box you're gawking at?" Anne's words falter as she studies the drawings raising her brows as an impressed look takes over. "Those are impressive!"

"Thanks! Don't you think they will look good on them?" Natasha batts her lashes, trying to disarm Anne.

"You couldn't ask for better models to showcase your talent," Anne murmurs. "Naughty and nice... who have tables waiting by the way..."

All it takes is one arched brow and both of us bolt, not wanting to annoy her further. Every time I look over at Becca she's grinning, ear to ear. Natasha has made her night and taken her mind off of the box waiting for me. My distraction however was considerably shorter-lived and I'm once again dying to know what Jonathan got me.

Finally, the moment of truth arrives. I can't put my apron away fast enough and don't even bother with tips. By the time I get back to the break room, Becca and Jack are already waiting for me.

"Open, open, open," they chant. Both of them are bouncing around like kids on a sugar high.

I pick it up, intent on ripping the cover off but freeze. "What if Jonathan wanted to see my face when I opened it?"

"I swear to christ Izzy! If you don't open it this instant I will," Becca growls. The feral look in her eyes warns that she's not joking.

"Fine! Just a peek though..." I pull the delicate ribbon and feel my heart race as the bottom shifts, free to be open.

The breakroom door slams open as Jonathan bursts through it. "Izzy stop!" He yells.

I drop the gift box back on the table like it burns me and jump back. Jonathan's face is contorted in such anger I barely recognize him. In an instant, he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the room.

My heart drops and eyes water, totally at a loss for why he's so mad. Tears start to fall as he pushes past the gathered crowd in a blur before dragging me into Anne's office and locking it.

"Sorry." I wail, unable to hold back the tears any longer. I wrap my arms around myself, hugging tightly to try and hold myself together as I break down.

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