All I know - Lando Norris

By Tsuy0shi

143K 2.2K 217

"I knew that much: I was torn. Torn in the decision between my wellbeing and my career. I was torn between wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50


2.6K 72 10
By Tsuy0shi

It had become a ritual for Lando and I to ride to the circuit in the same car if I could make it to his races. Staying and spending time had become really easy since word got out we dated. We actually never posted or confirmed it in any interview. We just decided some day to post each other on our social media. It became pretty clear after these posts and some videos from fans were uploaded, when they met us in the streets or at the circuits. It was easier this way, and I feel like our relationship had really began when we could be ourselves together in public.

This was now about two years ago. A lot has happened since then. And if I say a lot, I mean a lot. 

On my side, I was still busy with acting and making music. Since the first movie and the second season of Toxic, I had been working on several projects, all enjoying them equally much. But one project was more successful than the others and it was no wonder it was a project I worked on with several big shot actors, such as Ryan Reynolds, Keanu Reeves and Natalie Portman. The Netflix adaptation of a book went to one of the most streamed movies on the platform within weeks and we had won several awards for it. I even won my first BAFTA award for leading actress. It was an honour and definitely something I didn't expect. Lando and I have also started to support several charities that are close to our hearts and were regularly doing collaborations and advertisements for. 

On Lando's side, the FIA had implemented a lot of regulation changes for the 2022 season. It took him, Daniel and the team some time to adjust to the new cars and regulations after spending and working with the old regulations for three years, but they came around eventually. Daniel had started dating a girl, which I had already met and I couldn't wait to spent more time with her soon. Unfortunately, she couldn't make it to this race. At the moment, McLaren was in a good second place in the constructor's championship going into this last race of the 2024 season.

Oh, and how could I forget: Lando could become a first-time world champion today.

 It was still crazy to think about or even say it out loud, but it was just the truth. If Lando wins this race today, or finishes higher than George Russell and Max Verstappen, he would become this season's world champion. I really wished he would. Not just because I was dating him, but because I knew how much he sacrifices for this sport and this team. Racing and the Mclaren team were his life. I not only wished it for him, but also his family, who I knew were so proud of him no matter what. They always supported him and it would be their win just as much as it would be Lando's.

They really became my family over the past years. I didn't know if it was because they knew I didn't have a family I talked to anymore or anything else, but they treated me just like a proper Norris family member and I couldn't be more grateful. My heart exploded with gratitude and love every time I saw them. 

"I just hope it's not like the final race in 2021.", Lando said. His eyes were glued on me and I didn't know if he was excited, nervous or on the verge of a breakdown. It had been hard to read him for the past few days. He had been quieter and more reserved as well. But I didn't mind. I knew what this means to him and I tried to be as supportive as I could possibly be. 

"I don't think I would handle that very well. Max and Lewis have a cooler head than me."

"I wouldn't say that.", I argued back. "You've never been in such a situation, so how would you know?"

"I think I would be freaking out so much."

"I don't think you will. You're calm right now." Lando laughed at me.

"Trust me, I'm not."

"Well, then you're handling it like a real professional." My voice was calm and soft. I had a small smile on my lips. 

"Thanks, Tia." His eyes went to the window to his right. 

"Hey, Lando?", I asked to get his attention back after some minutes of silently driving. We had been in the back of this car sitting across from each other for a couple of minutes now and I guessed it wouldn't be far to the paddock now. 

"Mhh?", he said and looked at me again. 

"Do you remember the first time we went to the Silverstone paddock together? When I visited you because I promised it to you?" Lando just nodded. 

"Well, I thought it would be a good time to give this to you again." I pulled out the stuffed llama and hold it in my arms as I watched Lando eying it with a big smile on his face. He had given it back to me after we started dating because he said I was his lucky charm now so he wouldn't need it anymore. Without saying much, I handed it over to him. While we were both leaning in, Lando gave me a quick peck on the lips.

Just at that moment, the car stopped in the paddock parking lot and soon after I found us walking to the McLaren facility. We had stopped for pictures, with the llama in Lando's hands, with fans and for the photographers for some minutes, but it was only briefly. I knew Lando wanted his quiet time before it's race time. Still, when he was taking a picture with a fan, I took one myself and posted it to my story, showing him the support and love he deserves. 

I let Lando have his time to prepare and sat down in the paddock lounge with the other girlfriends and wives of the other drivers. We spent some time chatting and having lunch. It was always nice to catch up with them and we always had good fun but the closer it got to the time the lights would go out, the more my nerves got out of hand. I was already sitting in the garage, in my preserved spot, when Lando walked in wearing his race suit. We made eye contact as he walked over to me. Every time he looked at me, I still got the same butterflies as on the first day I met him. I smiled at him reassuring, but somehow he seemed calmer, more collected. Ready to race. And most importantly, ready to win. 

We didn't talk before he got into the car. I didn't know if he wanted me to say something, but I guessed not. He knew what he had to do and he was determined to win. I didn't need to remind him. He kissed and hugged me, just like every other race. The only thing I whispered into his ear was a quiet 'I love you'.

It felt like only a split second passed before the installation lap was done and Lando was waiting in second place for the five red lights to go out. The air in the garage suddenly felt thick and warm. It was hard to breath and I hold my breath for the entire start straight. 

I screamed out of excitement, when I watched Lando having a tremendous start and pass Max in P1 right before the first corner. This was as perfect as you could dream it. He and the team just needed to hold onto that position for about 60 more laps. All the engineers and pitcrew members around me cheered as well. Jon next to me grabbed me by my shoulder and shook me a little. It was his expression of excitement. I felt my heart beating in my neck. My hands were shaking. The butterflies in my stomach were now wild bees flying around to find an exit. I felt sick, nervous and just prayed that nothing bad would happen. 

By the time it was a good timing for his pit-stop, the team decided to let him stay out a little longer. I watched Max and George pit through the screen in front of my face and I was asking myself why they didn't let Lando stop in the next lap. He had a good gap between them and they could easily change the tires. My anger and confusion started to surface when Jon tapped on my shoulder. 

"Look.", he said and motioned to one of the computer screens of Lando's race engineer. I watched as Lando continued to improve his lap times, even though he was on used tires. It calmed me down and I heard the radio message soon after where he said he could stay out a little longer. 

I was once more reminded that I had no idea about strategy and tire management, even though I have watched Formula One almost my entire life, when Lando had actually pitted. Max and George came a little closer at the end, but the advantage was on Lando's side. He was now on new medium tires, while the RedBull and Mercedes driver both were on used hard tires. Staying out longer had really payed off for Lando and McLaren and he just needed to hold this pace for ten more laps. Then he would achieve his life goal. 

From the time Lando started the last lap to the time he stopped on track in front of the big shield for the race winner, my perception and realisation was blurry. I knew I screamed when he crossed the finish line. I remember the tears that fell down my cheeks when I hugged Zak, Andreas and Jon. I remember wiping them away with my new hoddie that showed that Lando was a Formula One World Champion. I remember running to his parents and siblings, hugging them closely and congratulating them. I remember the walk to the track and finally being able to close him in my arms. 

He was crying. I didn't see the actual tears through his helmet, but I knew he was. His voice was trembling, but in a great way. I guessed he couldn't really believe what he had just won himself. He hugged me tightly and spun me around for a few times before setting me down again. 

"I'm so proud of you.", I said and reached to push his visor up. "I am so unbelievably proud of you. You have no idea, Lando." His eyes were wet from the tears but he smiled to both ears. I pressed my lips to the bottom of his helmet before releasing him from my arms. 

"Go celebrate with your team.", I told him. 

"Stay right here, please.", he told me just before running off and being hugged by all the engineers, pitcrew and other team members. I teared up again when I watched him but I completely lost it when I watched him walk over to his family. This feeling that I had in me when I watched him, the love of my life, interact with his loved ones after achieving his life goal is something I will never forget. I wanted him to win ten more championships just so I could see this again. So I could feel this again. I was so unbelievably proud of him it got to a point where I laughed and cried at the same time. I always prayed for him to feel like the best, like the hard work actually paid off, and now I was experiencing it. It made me eternally grateful and happy. 

I watched the love of my life walk back towards me when he had gotten rid of his helmet and was weighted by the FIA. My eyebrows narrowed with confusion. He should be with his team, celebrating his win of the world championship and getting congratulated by his opponents, but he was calmly walking towards me with the biggest smile on his face that I have ever seen on him. He looked determined, happy and relieved, but most importantly, he looked nervous. 

Why the hell would he be nervous now? And why was it more visible on his face now that the race is over. Before the race I couldn't tell if he was nervous or excited or just emotionally numb. But the feelings on his face as he stopped in front of me were cristal clear. I guessed the fans on the farthest stand could see them. He was nervous, but there was also love, happiness, admiration and determination.

"What are you doing here? You should be celebrating with the team and get your trophy."

"I just needed to do something before.", Lando answered me. The smile on his lips disappeared and mine dropped as well. I feared the worst, that he was breaking up, or that he was giving me some other bad news. I braced myself for everything I could possibly come up with in these couple of seconds. 

"Tia.", he started after taking a deep breath and looking down. Now his eyes burned back into my soul and the butterflies in my stomach were back. He grabbed my hands and I felt the nervous sweat between the palms of our hands. I just couldn't tell if it was me who was nervously sweating or him. 

"Do you remember the conversation we had one day, about motivation and inspiration and how I said that the history of the team and all my role models inspire and motivate me?"

I nodded. 

"Well, I'm sorry but I lied. I just didn't want to say the truth because I wanted it to keep it for this exact moment." There was a small moment of silence where he gathered and sorted his thoughts. 

"My motivation and inspiration is you, Tia. The way you support me, the way you always pick me up when I was feeling down, the way I can talk to you about everything, the way you act and behave towards fans, team members, fellow actors, coworkers, crew members, friends, my family. All of this not only inspires me, but motivates me to be my best. But most importantly, this face and expression that you have right now are the biggest motivation for me." His hand reached up to my cheek. His fingers brushed over my skin briefly and I felt the spots heat up just like any other time he touched me. 

"The way you look at me when you are proud of me is the reason I do all this and the reason I want to be the best Formula One driver there ever was. It's the reason I wake up every morning. It's the reason why I want to win races. God, it was the main reason why I wanted to win this championship because I just love it when you look at me like that. You look like I am the most important person in the entire world and this is exactly how I feel about you. I want you to be happy and I know you are happy when I am. And I have never been as happy as I have been in the past two years we have been dating. I want to spend the rest iof my life with you, because I love you more than anything in my life. That's all I know."

"All you know?", I asked back in only a whisper.

"All I know.", he repeated.

Another few moments of silence passed where he worked out the strength to continue talking. When his eyes went back to mine, the big smile on his lips was back. My brain finally put two and two together and I slowly realised what this was all about. The butterflies in my stomach went even crazier. I awaited the next moment with great anticipation. When I watched Lando slowly going down onto one knee and opening a ring box in his hand, I completely lost it. The tears started to run down my cheeks without any breaks and I covered my open mouth with one of my hands. Here I was, thinking I couldn't get happier than after Lando had just won the championship.

But boy, was I wrong.

This moment made everything so much worth it. Every little heart ache, every heartbreak, every inconvenience in my life and every major loss. In this moment, they all became irrelevant as he just deleted all of those memories out of my brain. My hands were shaking like they have never before. 

"I want this face to be mine forever. I want to have other big moments where I can be so proud of you as you are of me right now. I want to wake up to you for the rest of my life. I want to have a life, a big house, and a family with you. I want to experience every single major life even with you and nobody else. I want to see you grow and inspire even more people. So for that I am asking you: Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

"Of course, Lando!", I answered under my breath and started to sob. Lando's smiled up at me and took the ring out of the box. Our hands were both shaking when he slipped the ring on my finger. He hugged me tightly, spun me around for a few more times. When he sat me down his lips were immediately on mine. I heard the loud cheers in the background, not just from the stands but also from the teams, drivers and journalists.

Right in this moment, I was glad for my ex boyfriend to have pretended to date me only for publicity. I was glad that my mother and my other family members set all of this fake dating thing up. I was glad for every bad moment I had with my old manager Julian. I was glad for all the times I haven't eaten and I was set under pressure for simply being me. I was glad for everything that had happened in my life.

Because it led me to the happiest moment in my life. 

When Lando and I pulled apart from each other, we looked at each other. His forehead was still on mine. 

"I love you so much."

"And I love you.", I said back. "That's all I know."

"All we know."

And I knew our lives would be lovely. Simply because we had each other.

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