Call Me Yours (Yandere x Read...

By LocketOfSecrets

417K 12.1K 3K

From classic crazy yanderes to more discreet and psychological ones, this one-shot book contains numerous cha... More

M. Extraterrestrial x F. Reader
M. Mage x Assistant F. Reader
M. Fury x F. Serial Killer Reader
M. Gambler x F. Election Observer Reader
M. Colonizer x F. Colonizer Reader
M. Yandere x F. Stripper
M. Yakuza Heir x F. Highschooler
M. Cannibal x F. Reader
M. Demon Lord x F. Harem Girl
M. Noble Demon x F. Maid Reader
M. Noble Demon x Maid Reader (Part 2)
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Phoenix x F. Framed Reader
M. Patient x F. Psychiatrist
YA: M. Ato x F. Reader
M. Common Dragon x F. Reader
M. Prisoner x F. Esteemed General
M. Geisha x F. Reader
M. Gymnast x F. Prodigy
M. Emperor x F. Palace Servant
M. Emperor x F. Palace Servant (Part 2)
Imprisoned Incubus x F. Ration Reader
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Golem x F. Witch
M. Child Maniac x F. Victim Reader
M. Yandere x Broken F.
Stubborn Prince X Warrior Noble Reader
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Kraken x Islander Reader
M. Emperor x Ward Reader x M. Prince
M. Slave Harem x F. Reader x M. Slave Trader
M. Guardian Angel x F. Reader
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Griffon Handler x F. Dragonkin
Psychologist's Journal: Entry 1
M. Bioweapon x F. Scientist
M. Child x F. Pixie Reader
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. ??? x F. ???
(Primary) Elemental Series: M. ??? x F. ???: Part 2
(Secondary) Elemental Series: M. Raiju x F. Spirit Hunter
M. Elven Royalty x F. Elven Royalty
M. Trust Fund Baby x F. Reader
M. Tribal King x F. Reincarnated Goddess
Psychologist's Journal: Entry 2
M. War Hero x F. Marquess
Y. Husband x F. Wife x P.Y. Son
(Flower Spirits) M. Panacea x F. Herbalist x M. Vine
M. Slave Harem x F. Reader x M. Slave Trader: Part 2
M. Crown Prince x F. Noble x M. Step-Brother x M. Playmate
Selectively Mute Husband x Runaway Wife
P.Y. Conqueror x F. Daughter
Noble Boy x F. Tutor
M. Basketball Captain x F. Popular Girl x M. Star Player
P.Y. Conqueror x F. Daughter (Part 2)
M. Exotic Dancer x M. King Reader
M. War Hostage x F. Marshall
M. Emperor x F. Blind Empress
M. Emperor x F. Blind Empress (Part 2)
M. Antigod x F. Deity
Y. Father x F. Mother
M. Young Master x F. Assassin
M. Yandere x F. Stalker
Victim x Bully
P.Y Prince x F. Princess x Y. Prince
P.Y Prince x F. Princess x Prince (Part 2)
M. Prince x F. Bastard (Part 1)
M. Prince x F. Bastard (Part 2)
M. Captain of the Knights x Handicapped Lady
(Flower Spirits): Part 2
M. Prince x F. Regent x P.Y. Brother
Y. Country Boy x F. Model x Tsu. Classmate
M. Fiance x F. Lady
M. Fiance x F. Lady (Part 2)
Human Prince x F. Vampire (Part 1)
M. Human Prince x F. Vampire (2)
(Tertiary) Elemental Series: M. ????? x F. Fiancee
(F.) Yin Shiratori x F. Reader
M. Actor x F. Heiress
M. Cambion x F. Lover
M. False Ethereal x F. Queen
M. False Ethereal x F. Queen (Part 2)
M. Imperial Prince x F. Thief
P.Y. M. Yakuza Bartender x F. Toddler (P1)

M. Prince x F. Bastard (Part 3)

2.9K 124 29
By LocketOfSecrets

Doing such a simple act of charity for the nearby villagers had gained Savino (Y/n)'s admiration. She looked at him with eyes of adoration as well, practically enamored with such a thing. As such, what could he do but continue with it? The more money he spent on others, the more she became drawn to him. In some ways, she felt embarrassed and ashamed he did so much just because she suggested it, and in others, astounded and grateful. He preferred the last option, her graciousness coming back to him in desirable ways.

The earliest instance of this was immediately after his first charity event in passing out food and other essentials as well as having students sign up for his new school. After everything had ended, she had tagged alongside him out of guilt. Wanting to do something to show her appreciation, he finally conceded. Of course, he acted as though the only thing he had in mind was charity and not her reciprocation. Still, he had kindly agreed to her request, asking her to spend some time with him in his room.

Eager to hear her, the author, read her first published fairy tales, she happily obliged. He was especially surprised when she refused the bejeweled, custom-made copy of her work, instead, holding up something decrepit. To his utter delight, however, it was the original copy of it all. It included her own story-building notes and even small doodles she had made. When she focused on reading the words on the pages aloud to him, he stared at it with eyes of desire and greed all the same.

That was his new goal. He was determined beyond everything to gain her adoration enough to the point where she would give it to him. Obviously, from the first moment he had met her, he knew her great love for that journal, having carted it around everywhere. However, the thought that she may someday give him that precious object - which she revolved her whole life around - sent shivers up his spine. In doing so, would she not be instating him as the new center of her universe? He so badly wanted to hold what she desired most and become it at the same time.

So for the next few years, he had focused wholeheartedly on performing other acts of charity. Generosity was the key to her heart, something he fully intended on monopolizing and exploiting for all it was worth. By building an overly elaborate school in every village and city in his domain, he was not only able to spread his love for her work, but also earn higher tax revenue from the citizens in the future. After all, most would have better jobs, their infrastructure improving. With that money, he could spend more on them.

With these massive donations, Savino was eventually recognized by the holy temple after citizens proclaimed he was a "saint". They were in awe of his leadership skills and utter kindness that they convinced themselves to offer him the highest honor they could. They had even sent their youngest high priest to deliver the news, telling the brunette he had a chance to try to touch the holy sword. Given to them by Isaia, the god of the light, it was said only the noblest of heroes could ever wield it. Only accepting the ownership of a noble and pure-hearted master, it would reject any others that sought to defile it.

Even the invitation was honor enough, but when the brunette sought out (Y/n)'s opinion, she gave that look of curiosity in her eyes. Though withdrawn, she held her fingers to her lip. He knew what she was thinking. It was a fairytale, just like the ones she wrote. That was when he began to think that maybe being given the "saint" title wasn't enough. Rather, if he were able to wield the celestial sword, he would become the holy knight. Wouldn't that excite her? As such, he accepted.

Though he was young, only twelve years old, he accepted the offer, a grand ceremony being held. He walked on a long red carpet to the sword, the thing held on a pillow placed in the grand priestess's hands. Even she, the highest of all holy people, couldn't touch it. With a gaze filled with greed, he approached it, every noble and foreign royal there to witness him accept it. He had made sure the (h/c) haired girl was in the front seats.

No one had anticipated he would be successful in dominating the holy sword. Yet, he, the "saint" of his people, placed his hands on it and lifted it into the air, a sparkling light blinding the audience for a bit. When their vision cleared, there stood Savino, the brunette chuckling under his breath before giving another greed-filled look at (Y/n). She was completely in awe, following suit as everyone began to bow. It didn't matter if it was his father or other kings of foreign nations. They all got on their hands and knees and regarded him as a hero sent from the gods.

From that point on, he had the older girl on his arm at all times. When everyone began to present him gifts at his celebratory ball held in the imperial palace, he waited patiently for her surprise. He held great expectations for his precious writer, so he hoped she wouldn't disappoint. And, indeed, she didn't. When it had all ended, she had given him the book she kept close to her heart at all times. It was on the verge of falling apart, but with the help of sorcerers, he reinstated it to its peak form, surprising even her. She had even given him a kiss on the cheek as "congratulations". Although he knew full well it was because she had fallen for him. It had all come together perfectly for him. Well, almost perfectly. One thing still plagued him even when he turned twenty-two.

Sitting in his study, feet placed on his mahogany table, his main aide stood while the brunette glared at the holy sword leaning against the wall. The young man to his side had advanced from one of the youngest knights in the royal guard to become such a figure. After all, Savino wouldn't accept anything less than perfection. Suffice it was to say that his aide had become a trusted figure in his life. He always knew what his master was thinking, and would often propose a solution to any of his problems if he didn't come up with it first.

"Does it still burn you, highness?" he questioned, watching as his master growled and snatched the thing.

The holy sword was the most perfect sword the brunette could have ever wielded. It matched his build, was perfectly balanced and sharp, and possessed special powers. To its true owner, it would heal anything from a stab wound to poison. Not only that, but it was what made the (h/c) haired girl firmly attached to him. The title of "holy knight" given to him because of the sword was something she was drawn to. The sign of purity and kindness was what she wanted most in a romantic partner. The issue was that it never did acknowledge the prince as its master.

Savino grabbed onto the sword with his gloved hand, his aide marveling at its shining splendor. However, not long after, it began to spark red electricity, the prince wincing at the unbelievable pain it caused him before dropping it entirely. Bleeding and scarring appeared on his hand as he removed his glove. It was only lucky for him that he had access to rare healing potions to erase them from his form. Hideous impurities like that would have deterred the older girl from him. His aide lowered his head, wondering what was to be done about the issue.

"The gloves aren't even working anymore!" the brunette howled, throwing both to the opposite side of the room, "At this rate, I won't be able to take it out on the hunt next week! Oh, (Y/n)'s going to ask questions! Then she'll know! She'll hate me and run away and dammit!"

"What about the high priest? He should be able to enchant some more with holy power."

"I killed him a while ago. He kept bothering me, telling me that the gods still loved me or whatever. Patronizing bitch."

In truth, the brunette had never earned the holy sword's blessing. Rather, when realizing what it would bring to him, he had planned to stage it all. Abducting the high priest that informed him of the opportunity, he had him put holy power into gloves and a belt. It would stop the painful shocks of the holy sword in addition to some enchants he had witches and sorcerers place on them. Then he had the latter put on a spectacle when he picked the sword up for the first time by using light magic. He had never thought the holy blessing would run out. Then again, it may have simply been because he killed the priest that had been supporting its power.

"It won't be easy to capture another...but I can arrange for an assassin to do the deed. It will take some time, highness."

"It better not be more than a week."


"And even if it's done in that amount of time, what is (Y/n) going to say? I always keep it on me! She's going to know!"

"May I suggest you occupy her with something else? I'll arrange an outing for you two to go into town today to the market, under disguise, of course."

The brunette grumbled, wondering if it would be enough. However, he trusted the young man beside him, so waved him off to get to work. In the meantime, Savino wondered how he was going to convince her to go out with him. No, how they would avoid being detected on their outing by the locals. They had all memorized his face ever since he had started charity for them. The students he had put in school had even painted his portrait to put in textbooks and learning sorcerers projected his image wherever they could.

Yet, eventually, he had to get up, making a beeline straight to the older girl's room. She had come of age just that year whereas he still had to wait two years for his. At times, it irked him that he was younger than her, and at others, it instilled him with great pride. Either way, he was lucky she didn't grow taller than him. He guessed it was because she was malnourished until eight years old. Even then, when she was supposed to be taller than him, she never was. This way he could keep her looking up at him.

Pushing forward on the doors to the girl's room, Savino couldn't help but smile no matter how sour his mood was. (Y/n) was always writing with her genius little head. It was thanks to him providing her tutors that she was able to correct her language use. Since her childhood days, she had moved on from fairy tales into writing more complex stories, but that didn't mean she never went back to her roots. It became painfully obvious to the brunette that she had begun to insert him as the prince or hero in some of her stories. He didn't mind it, though. Raking his fingers through her hair, he announced his presence, the girl tilting her head back in surprise. She smiled at the sight of him before giving him the gentlest of kisses that lingered on his lips.

"Good morning, Vino," she hummed, the male pulling her into another soft and longing kiss, "I missed you."

"But we saw each other at lunch, little chick."

"'re right..."

Embarrassed, the (h/c) haired girl blushed, bringing her hands to cover her mouth. However, she soon found both hands were captured by her "holy knight". With one hand, he placed both on the back of his neck, the brunette humming at her touch. She continued to be plagued with shame, her innocent nature spurring the male on. He traced her lips with his finger, moving them to trace his afterward. The brunette swore he could taste the bashfulness in doing so.

"How precious," he cooed, "Actually, I wanted to invite you out on a date, but you almost made me forget. Such a temptress."

He didn't get a response from her, but he knew it already. There was no way she would turn away any invitation of his. How sweet was she to blindly follow him out of love. He chuckled, proud of everything he'd done. The brunette was only worried that she would revoke that love should he fail to enslave the holy sword once more. Looking over her shoulder, the male began to read what she had begun to write. From what he had heard, it was a whole new story meant exclusively for him. That made him more excited than words could express.

"Ah, no! Don't read it!" she objected, placing her hands over his eyes.

"But I thought it was for me. Are you going to show it to someone else?"

"No, never! I just...want to finish before you read it..."

Savino's smirk widened beyond any he had ever made before. He immediately placed his arms around the girl's waist, hearing a quiet little squeak of surprise. Possessively, he desired more than anything to know what she was writing about more than ever. Was it finally a declaration of her undying love? Or a steamy scene between the two of them she was too scared to ask for? He hummed, nuzzling her eagerly.

"Hurry up and finish, won't you?"

After his impatient and nervous pacing, waiting for her to finish up a paragraph, he swept her away into the city. She had always liked meandering among the peasants. Though he despised it, he supposed it was best to keep up his facade. Still, in an attempt to keep her all to himself, he had their hair colors changed with magic, dressing them up in simple peasant attire. She seemed to find it exciting enough, holding onto his hand as they wandered from stall to stall.

Savino looked curiously at the sight of trinkets such as headbands, necklaces, bracelets, and all other kinds of jewelry. As he picked up a hairpin that matched the color of his temporary hair, he examined it closely. He would have loved to attach it to (Y/n), placing it in her hair and adoring the sight, but she wouldn't have let him. As frugal as she had been the day she had first come to the ducal estate, she vehemently refused any expensive gifts. Even on her birthdays, she was only ever pleased by something "from his heart".

"Look at this," the older girl giggled, holding up her newest book, "It's already come out."

"Well, I already have all your original copies, but...I really can't resist buying more."

"Don't be like that! You have more than enough!"

Laughing, she took the book from his hands, putting it back on the book stand. Of course, he had to take something in return, kissing her cheek. Regardless, their time touring the market was pleasant. He showed her a good enough time to even receive permission to buy her a flower. It was just a single lily, but he was overjoyed to see it placed delicately in her hair. She was gorgeous just like that.

The sight of her hanging off his arm with that flower sent him over the edge. He despised their age difference. Though just two years, he was on the latter side, meaning he wouldn't be recognized as an adult until he was twenty and she was twenty-two. Regardless, he desired her then and there. Marriage wasn't in the cards yet, but he wanted to have her in another way. Without the ability to resist his urges, he had to kiss her then and there. Pulling her into an alley, he held her against the wall with lecherous eyes.

"Vino?" the girl blushed, trying to avoid the male's gaze.

"Please, kiss me. I don't want you to hold back. I want to see how much you love me, how much you want me!"

Of course, the older girl was astoundingly gorgeous and brilliant, but he didn't want to defile her. Marriage was to come first. Following his saint-like image, he had to act reserved, so she had never seen such aggressive behavior for him. It was likely due to that she was withdrawn from his desire. Still, he pressed her against the wall, kissing her cheeks and neck in an attempt to draw out whatever sexuality she had stifled inside of her.

"Vino, wait," she squeaked as he hit a sweet spot, her hands on his chest as she pushed him away gently, "We can't do this. You're the holy knight! I can't make you descend into sin. What if it rejects you?"

The brunette paused, pushing more of his weight into the wall. With great irritation, he moved a bit away from her, using one hand to put his hand on his hip. That was before he decided on pulling away altogether, eyes narrowed and other hand placed against his forehead. He felt a headache coming on. Of course it would reject someone like that. It had rejected him the first time he had ever come into contact with him. And every time he tried to touch it, the stupid thing tried to scar him horrifically as if to make him look like the demon he was.

"You're right," he smiled, holding onto the girl's hands with delight, "Thank you for keeping me on the right track! You've always helped me be the best I could be. I'm so grateful."

(Y/n) nuzzled the boy's nose, the most affection she could ever show at a single time. Regardless, he had to play along as if he was satisfied with that measly action. She could do that to a cat and it would mean roughly the same thing. He felt his sanity slipping with every passing moment. Just two years and he would have everything he ever wanted. That was, of course, granted that the damned sword accepted him. But a thought kept popping up in his mind. What was he supposed to do if the sword's real master showed themself?

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