I'll Wait Forever

Par twisted_transistor

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Frank has always been an outcast. At school, at home, even just walking down the street. He's a nobody- and h... Plus

Chapter one...
Chapter two...
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapta 9 y'all.
Chapter 10. Ily all.
Chapter 11...
-21 guns/pilots-


881 56 82
Par twisted_transistor

Hi. I hope you guys are havin a nice day...


I woke up the next morning on the couch to the smell of coffee. Hell yes. Wait... Why am I on the couch? What happened last night? There was wine, and movies, and- shit. I looked down and saw that, luckily, while my shirt was nowhere in sight, my jeans were still on.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Gerard said as he came in the room with a mug of coffee in each hand.

"Hey..." I took the mug and sent him a small smile before bringing it to my lips and burning my tongue. "So... What exactly happened last night..?"

Gerard choked slightly on his coffee before clearing his throat and turning to answer me, "Well... Um- we had some wine and watched a movie..." He trailed off.

"Yeah... I, uh, remember that part. I meant what happened after we watched the movie and stuff..?" He met my eyes for a brief second, causing me to blush and look down.

"We, um... We kissed a bit, and then I took off your shirt, and- uh, gave you those..." He pointed at my neck and laughed a bit. I reached and hand up and felt the small bruising patches- along with some questionable scratches and needle sized holes.

"H-how many are there?" I asked, my face flushing a dad shade of crimson.

"Quite a few." He laughed, "but don't worry. That's about as far as we got. You were pretty drunk, and I didn't want to take advantage of that. I hope you're okay... With that happening and stuff, you didn't really seem opposed to it last night."

"Oh, I mean I wasn't really expecting it to happen, but im not upset about it or anything." I said before sipping the last drips of my coffee and setting the mug on the table beside me.

"Alright, good. Just making sure you're okay, I mean, it's not like it mattered anyway. Just a spur of the moment, ya know?" He laughed.

"Oh. Yeah, it uh... Didn't matter... I'll just- uhm, get these mugs washed..." I stood up without meeting Gerard's eyes. I mean, it didn't really mean anything, but... I guess I kind of enjoyed being like that with Gerard. I didn't like him like that, did I? No... He's older than me, and I barely know the guy. I can't like him. Well, I can't... Well I can...

"Oh, and Frank?" I turned just as I was leaving the room, "Nice ass." He winked at me, causing me to blush yet again and quicken my pace out of the room and into the kitchen.


I was sitting alone in 'my room', bored out of my mind. Usually when I'm bored, I play guitar to get my mind off things. However, my guitar, and virtually everything else I own, is at my parents house. I flopped back on the bed and took out my phone. Three new messages-

Bob- ur a douchenugget. that is all.

Pete- so I tried dating one of those 'female' things. I found out I'm even gayer than I thought- she tried to kiss me in the locker room, and I pretended she had something in her eye so I wouldn't have to kiss her. needless to say it didnt end well.

Bren- me and pattycakes miss you :'( also... GUESS WHO HAS TWO THUMBS AND A HOTASS BOYFRIEND *points at self* THIS GUY *waggles thumbs*

God. My friends are so fuckin' weird. I decided that only Brendon's text was actually worthy of a response, so I texted him back-

Frnk- aww I miss you guys too :( and yes ryro does have a nice ass

While I waited for a response, I decided to see what Gerard was up to. I headed downstairs; he wasn't in the kitchen or den, so I decided to check his room. I made my way to the near solid-black door and poised my hand to knock- but... What if it's that thing like I saw before? The black eyed, pale skinned demon... No. That was a dream. I held my hand up and tapped on Gerard's door.

"Frank? Is that you?"

"Yeah. I'm just- uh, really bored. I was wondering if maybe we could just hang out or talk or something for a little while?" I answered timidly. I don't know why, but whenever I'm around Gerard, I get shy and awkward. Dammit brain.

"Oh, um, sure. Come in I guess." He answered after a minute of contemplation. I opened the door and stepped inside. "Ignore the mess, sorry I don't usually have people in here..."

"Oh it's fine. I honestly don't care." I had never really been in Gerard's room before, sure I'd sat outside the door, and saw the inside briefly in the 'dream', but I had never taken a good look around. The walls were painted a dark gray and covered in posters of both older and newer bands. His bed was to the right, with a dark red comforter. Across from that was the desk, which he was currently seated at, and it was covered in various papers. I looked closer and most of it appears to be sketches or drawings, with the occasional poem in their midst. There was a window on the wall across from the door with black curtains blocking out all of the sunlight. "I like your room..."

"Thanks, it's kind of my own little haven, ya know? This is where I always come when my emotions start to get the better of me... This is where I come to be who I really am, as cheesy as that sounds. I write in here, I draw and paint in here, I sing in here, I live in here. The way this room is... It's like a reflection of who I am, and who I'm not."

"Wow..." I took in a breath and walked towards Gerard's bed, "Can I sit, or..?"

"Yeah. Make yourself at home." He said.

"Thanks, so art and writing is kind of how you let your emotions out?" I asked.

"Yes. Everyone needs a creative release- whatever it may be. It's necessary for people to be able to express themselves how they want and be able to portray what they feel in a healthy way. Mine just so happens to be drawing and writing. Do you have a creative release, Frank?"

"I, um, play guitar, and I've dabbled in photography... If that counts for anything..." I mumbled.

"Well, I'd love to hear you play sometime..." He smirked.

"I would, but my guitar is sort of at my parents house." I said.

"It appears your in luck," he got up from his seat at the desk and went to the closet door and pulled it open. He rummaged around for a minute before pulling out a battered guitar and coming out of the closet, "here we are. It's not much, and it needs to be tuned, but she's got relatively new strings and a sturdy frame." He smiled at me and passed me the guitar.

"Oh wow... Thanks for letting me play her..."

"She's yours. I'm sure you'll give her more use than she's ever had in my ownership. All I do is keep her stuffed back in my closet..."

"Are you serious? You'd just give her to me? Seriously, thank you so much Gerard!" I set the guitar on the bed and got up and pulled Gerard into a hug.

"No problem, Frankie." I let him go and hopped back onto Gerard's bed and started tuning the guitar. She was a bit worn, but after I tuned her up she played beautifully.

I started strumming and unknowingly began singing a song I had written a few years ago,

"My ship went down
In a sea of sound.
When I woke up alone I had everything:

A handful of moments I wish I could change
And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade.

In a city of fools,
I was careful and cool,
But they tore me apart like a hurricane...

A handful of moments I wish I could change
But I was carried away."

Gerard started staring at me, I didn't mind though. I just kept singing.

"Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can keep all your misery.

My lungs gave out
As I faced the crowd.
I think that keeping this up could be dangerous.
I'm flesh and bone,
I'm a rolling stone
And the experts say I'm delirious.

Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can take back your misery.

Arrogant boy,
Love yourself so no one has to.
They're better off without you.
(They're better off without you.)

Arrogant boy,
Cause a scene like you're supposed to.
They'll fall asleep without you.
You're lucky if your memory remains.

Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can take back your misery.

I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can choke on your misery."

I finished the song off and stared down at my hands. I was honestly impressed that I remembered the song so well- it had been years since I played it.

"Frank... Wow, just... Wow. That was amazing." Gerard stared at me in awe and I just shrugged it off. "What song is that? I don't recognize it..?"

"Oh, it's one that I wrote. I haven't played it in a while so it was kinda rough, and my voice isn't the best, and-" Gerard cut me off.

"Frank, stop. That was amazing! Seriously, some of the best playing I've ever heard. And you have a great voice. You should sing more often." Gerard smiled reassuringly.

"Thanks..." I blushed, "but it's not that great. And you're a far better singer than I could ever be." I shrugged and pulled my sleeves down over my hands- a nervous habit I picked up.

"I'm really not, but thank you, Frank." I didn't respond, and he didn't push the conversation any further, so I settled on strumming random melodies while Gerard drew.

After a while, I decided to head to the kitchen for a drink and then maybe back to my room. As much as I enjoyed his room, I knew that he needed his space.

"Where are you going?" Gerard turned suddenly.

"To get a drink, maybe watch some tv. Do you want to join me?" I asked.

He thought for a moment before responding, "Yeah. You can pick the movie this time." He laughed and followed me from his room. "I, uh, have a question..." He frowned.

"What's your question?"

"Your song... Was there something deeper behind it?"

I hesitated before answering, "There's always something deeper than what you can see, Gerard..." He frowned a bit, but accepted my answer and followed me to the kitchen.

Once we had reached our final destination, I got two glasses out of the cabinets and put water in my own- Gerard on the other hand opted to finish the small amount of wine we had left from the previous night.

"Go pick a movie." He shooed me into the den and took a seat on the couch.

"Alright, alright... How about... Frankenstein?" I smiled.

"Sounds perfect!" He chuckled and patted the space next to him. "By the way, your ass looked great from there..." He snorted and I hit him in the arm.

"God, you're such an asshole..." I muttered.

"True... But, you like asshole... So that really shouldn't be a problem." He laughed at his own joke while I scowled and started the movie.

"I heard a quote once- it relates to Frankenstein," Gerard started. "It's like 'knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein isn't the monster, but wisdom is seeing that Frankenstein really is the monster'."

"Interesting... Ive never heard that before. That actually makes a lot of sense."

"Yup. Now, shut up and watch the movie." And that's exactly what we did.


Holy shit. Long chapter. Over 2000 words- but the song took up a lot of those anyway so yeah. Hope you guys are enjoying this, please vote/comment, and stay fabulous, killjoys.

Merci pour le venin...

Continuer la Lecture

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