My Moon is My Life (KristSing...

By Yukino27_2020

73K 4.1K 708

One headline sprouted controversy, gossip and rumors. Two eligible and most popular bachelors, The perfec... More

Author's Note
First Glance
Our Wedding
Perfect Husband
The First Sight
Husbands' First Day
A Shopping Date
The Unexpected
What's KFC?
A Little Bit of Chaos
Cast & Characters
Something's Changed
Attack Before A Double Date πŸ”ž
The Double Date
The Double Date Part. 2
The Double Date Part. 3 πŸ”ž
Their Heated Afternoon πŸ”ž
The Shy Giant
A Little Bit of Fun
Too Cute To Handle
I Love You
A Bedtime Story
It's You!
An Innocent Hangout
Cast & Characters Part. 2
Touchy Krist
You Belong To Me, ONLY πŸ”ž
Hangover πŸ”ž
Love Is A Choice
Running Away
A Situation
A New Addition
Perth's Confusing Day
The Truth Revealed
The Key To My Heart πŸ”ž
A Glimpse Of The Past πŸ”ž
I Got My Eyes On You!
Krist's Dilemma
I Said No πŸ”ž
Let's Talk!
A Palace Visit
Domestic Routine
Domestic Routine Part. 2
Domestic Routine Part. 3
Domestic Routine Part. 4
I Want To Put Things Right
Knowing Godt's Past
Our Throuple
I'm Not Leaving, Ever
My Decision
You Are Ours πŸ”ž
Am I Okay? πŸ”ž
Meeting The Parents
Creating Balance
Welcome To The Family
Final Test
Meeting The Ex
Long-Awaited Moment πŸ”ž

Broken Together

573 29 7
By Yukino27_2020

A Recap From The Last Chapter...

After a few beers, Perth excuses himself for a toilet break. Walking back to the table, he bumps into a broad chest and stumbles back drunkenly. He meets a pair of teasing eyes, reminding him of Suthapong.

"Hello, pretty boy," He drawls sexily.

Perth gulps and pictures Suthapong again.

"Single? Free?"

Perth blinks and nods. Slowly.


"So... what do you say we go somewhere private? Just the two of us?"

Perth bites his lip and swallows hard when he sees the man leaning closer to his personal space. A flashback emerges in his mind before he is yanked apart by a pair of strong arms.

"Keep your hands off him!"

Dew snarls as his gentle eyes turn dark and threatening. The unknown man flinches and takes a step back before apologizing, leaving the dangerous situation.

"Why did you tempt him? He was drunk and so are you!" Dew frowns at Perth. Perth shrugs, knowing he does reckless things when he drinks alcohol. Dew sighs and gets him to leave. "I'll drop you home. Lee and Fluke already left."

Dew straps Perth to his passenger seat. He gets in the driver's seat and turns to Perth. "Where do you leave?"

Perth blinks. He only remembers one address. His old place. He has not remember the full details of his new apartment, only the route from the train station. He frowns and takes out his phone, scrolling through his messages until he reaches a text with an address.

"This one?" Perth blinks again.

Dew sighs and keys in the address on his phone map. "This better be the correct address. Have a nap. I'll wake you when we arrive." He knows Perth is on the verge of passing out.

"Mmm... 'kay..." Perth mumbles before closing his eyes. Dew lifts the edges of his lips for a moment, keeping his eyes on the road. Nothing but silence in the car. Dew drives steadily, following the directions on his phone until he arrives at an apartment block.

He double-checks the address to confirm their destination. Gently, he wakes Perth from his slumber. "Hey, we're here. Time to wake up."

Perth stirs and goes still before Dew shakes him again, this time more vigorously. Perth lifts his fingers to rub his eyes before meeting Dew's eyes. "We here?" Dew nods and gets out of the car to help Perth. Perth leans on Dew's shoulder before they walk slowly to the apartment.

"Do you remember which floor?"

Perth looks around groggily and mildly remembers being here. He subconsciously walks to the lift and presses a number. Dew supports his staggered body until the lift opens to a row of doors. Perth walks unsteadily pass the doors until he stops at a door identical to the rest.

Just as he was about to reach the doorknob, Perth remembers his key. He turns to Dew who has his backpack, unzipping the largest compartment to rummage through his things. He finds his key and turns back to the door. But a sound stops his movement.

A soft moan.

Followed by a deep grunt.

Perth blinks. He knows those voices. The very voices that penetrate his inner thoughts every single night in his dreams. The same voices that appear in his mind when his body scumbs to the lustful desire of mankind.

But he failed.

And now, he is standing on the other side hearing those voices in real life. It breaks his heart. He knows their history. He should not be affected by this. But he is. He should not have the right to be upset or mad as he has not chosen between them. But he does.

Perth feels a gentle caress and steadies his gaze, meeting Dew's worried expression. Only then he notices he has tears flowing down his cheeks. Before uttering a word, Perth hears movement in the apartment. The door swings open, Thanawat stands at the entrance dressed in a low-cut black boxers. He is panting heavily, his chest carries beaded sweat and musk. It was clear at glance what was happening.

Thanawat widens his eyes. Dew frowns and takes a step forward, giving Thanawat a full-force punch. Perth is still in shock, processing his thoughts when Dew picks him up and walks away. He places Perth back in the carseat and drives off.

"We're staying at my place tonight."

Hearing Dew's anger, Perth realises Dew might have misunderstood about the situation. He sighs and rests his head against the headrest, hoping to settle his mind once and for all. Dew is a great person to ask advice from. He might just need it.

"More booze before bedtime?" Perth offers. Dew chuckles and nods. Both friends disappear in the humid night of Bangkok.





"Well, I blame myself."

Perth slurs after a gulp of beer. Dew had taken his entire booze collection for the night, ready to waste away their weekend. Perth sits on the floor with a sinkable beanbag and a can of beer in his hand. His eyes are swollen and puffy from crying.

"I should have just stayed in love with Godt. At least I was prepared for my heartbreak. I wasn't prepared for loving another, not to mention two hot men I can't choose between. You know Dew, given my history with men; I should not even have fallen for two people."

Dew raises his own can of beer for a toast. "Well, we can't always have what we want. You fell in love. Simple as that. Now it's more like a thought on what will you do next."

Perth takes another gulp of beer. "I don't know. I don't have the confidence to accept their love. I don't..."

"Bullshit!" Dew scolds. "You know what you want! You're just a wuss! A coward thinking those two will be like your brothers! Well, from what you've told me; I can say they're not. So man up and face your feelings!"

"I'm a coward? What about you? You've been here for a month and I don't see you approaching Godt despite knowing his full weekly schedule!! Stalker!" Perth shouts back.

"That's different! Godt and I had a past! I can't just show up and casually chat about us!"

"Oh please! You're just scared he'll throw you away now that he has moved on in life! Just like how you threw him away years ago!"

Dew stands up in anger. "Take. That. Back. Now. You knew the situation. You knew why I had to do it."

"Doesn't mean you can hurt him! You fvcking hurt him! He's still hurt because of you! You made me choose between my friend and my crush!"

"I made you choose because I needed you! I'd died if you left me too... I can't loose both of you..." Dew chokes out.

Perth bites his lip, watching Dew cry. He regrets saying that. Alcohol makes people say things they don't mean. He walks over and hugs Dew. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say those things."

Dew hugs back in tears. "I'm sorry too... I made you choose. You had to leave Krist and Godt because of me."

Perth smiles in tears. "I'm okay. I made new friends. Godt and I are fine now. Krist and I are fine too. Don't beat yourself up. I'll help you with Godt okay... I promise."

"No... This is me. I have to do it myself." Dew sighs. "I put it off too long."

"Okay. And Dew? I'll talk to Thanawat and Suthapong. I promise too."

"Just know I'll be here when you need me. Happy or sad. Heartbroken or in love. I'm here."

Perth laughs and releases their hug. "We're both broken. Broken souls that can't be healed."

"Maybe one day we will," Dew stares at the open balcony with a faraway look in his teary eyes. "One day we'll be whole again."

"I don't wish to be whole again. I just wish there is someone to love my brokenness. To love my broken pieces."

Dew turns back and gives Perth a sincere smile that brightens up their sorrowful night.

"Wishes do come true. Hold on to that thought."



Two stories updated in one day!! Good job to me 🔥

A little insight to Perth's story and maybe Godt? Can anyone guess why Dew wants to meet Godt?

I'm sorry to those who are waiting to read KristSingto 😭 but I do want to put this part out so there's a progress on Perth's side. Please bear with me on this 🙏

For anyone who is curious, Dew is Dew Jirawat from F4 Thailand. I have not watched the series (waiting for it to end) but I do like Dew's character! Nani is growing on me though!!

(Dew's Smile)

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