Tranquility beyond

By Tangotkt

8.1K 751 62

A long time ago when the cold blooded King and the shape shifter King had made peace with each other having h... More

Tranquility Beyond
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 23

137 20 2
By Tangotkt

Zhavi's POV

How could he say that to me? He called me a freaking murderer. If only he knew the reason why I became a murderer was because of my family being murdered. Wait no he does know. It's not even my family that got murdered but a person that was dear to me because the other two I wish did die are still alive. I hate my parents with a passion!

Currently I'm in the arena with Samuel, we became close friends after that fight, only because he thinks he can date me. Luckily Shane doesn't know it, he would shut it down. He likes controlling me.

I'm not mad at their kiss, I'm mad that they took the decision to think that I will understand and let it go. I would've but why are they invalidating my feelings like that? Why would it be something so big for Holden?

Speaking of Holden, I saw a figure of him coming this way. I must be seeing things, he can't be at the castle can he?

The closer he came the more I realised.. it is him. "Hey! Why is it so obvious that the training grounds would be your favourite place to be?"

People seem to be taking this lightly, since when are they comfortable with him here? Or did Shane say that because he didn't want him and Lydia to meet? I'm confused.

"How are you normally just strutting here and no one is scared of you?"

"They are but they just can't act on it, Shane's orders." Figured.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Am I not allowed here? Oh no did you unfriend me?" He says playfully. I wish I was in the mood. I ignore his playfulness and continue to cover my knuckles and get them ready for the punching bag.

"What's got you sour?" I ignore him.

"Really? The silent treatment? You know I can annoy you right?" I sigh in annoyance.

"Is there another King in this world that wants to annoy me?" I say sarcastically.

"Ohkay this is serious. Come on spill it out." He says sitting besides me.

"You being calm is making it feel like I'm mad for a stupid reason." I say looking down.

"What reason? What's going on?"

"You easily forgave Lydia for kissing Shane? Why is that?" And why can't I do the same?

"Well yeah, they didn't know they had different mates." He says but j saw it bothered him but he was trying to brush it off.

"No, I'm talking about when they kissed even after Shane met me." I say, "maybe it's stupid since Lydia hadn't met you."

"Wait whoa whoa, this is recent? Zhavi that's cheating, he cheated on you?!" His eyes suddenly changed from blue to a dark crimson colour, "I'm going to kill him." He said before he went inside the castle in inhuman speed. Maybe he is just going to shout at him I mean they can't fight can they?

I don't have the energy to chase them so I continue what I was doing, I'm still mad but now I'm more confused than mad. The blue sky turns gray and became cloudy as fast as I could blink. Must be a storm?

The sound of glass breaking and growls made me turn my head to the direction. My mouth was wide open when I saw a bloody Shane in the middle of the air with a red eyed Holden with ripped clothes under him. They seemed to be fighting? What the actual fuck?

They both land with their two feet on the ground from a 30 feet window. Do they have a death wish? Holden seemed to be fuming while Shane was pretty calm. Everyone is witnessing the scene but they are not doing anything, some are even recording it.

They leap at each other fighting, it's like watching two gorillas fight, it's horrific. I don't think I have the strength to stop it so instead I ignore it.

"You're finally showing your emotions Holden. Are you mad because I won? Because we were together for 6 years?" He torments him. He is talking about Lydia. "Or are you mad about they fact that we were in love? She was obsessed with me and not you? Or the fact that she would scream my na-"

Before he could finish Holden went for the attack with full force. He pushed him off and shifted to his black and white wolf meaning he wasn't playing anymore.

He was bragging to him about him and Lydia. He was saying all of those things to get him mad but he didn't think I was there hearing all of that- that-

I starts to walk to the entrance of the castle so I can go cry in the shower. My heart is shattered, into pieces, his words hurt more than anything and I can't handle it anymore.

On my way to the door I see Greyson, Christian, Ginger, Raven and a crying Lydia witnessing the scene before them.

"They are going to kill each other somebody do something!" Lydia shouts at everyone. Such a drama queen.

I walk past them and notice they are expecting me to feel something because my face is straight, even though my heard is crying on the inside they don't have to know that.

Lydia roughly pulls my arm causing me to face her. "Where are you going? Do something!" What does she expect me to do?

"They are fighting over you, not me." I say freeing my arm from her grasp.

"Zhavi how could you be so selfish? If one of them kills them kills the other there will be a war! What if Shane kills him?!" She shouts again.

"You don't know the meaning of selfish Lydia. You really don't." I say about to make my leave.

"Of course you would because you will choose a bloodbath since you're so used to it! One of our mates could die and your shrugging it off! What do you think I'll do? How do you think I will feel when they hurt each other for me? What do you think people will say about me?!"


Along with my outbursts a bolt of lightning hits the ground next to Lydia and in a swift motion Holden was holding her in his arms.

"Don't tell me about being selfish! None of you have the right to call me that! I have been patient and I have been trying for people to like me how they like you! My mate whom you're speaking of was bragging about fucking you! Everyone in this place praises you! They see you as the rightful Queen and I'm nothing but a cold heartless hunter." My voice was breaking now as tears started to fall down freely. "I tried to be perfect but I can't. Trust me none of you could hate me more than me. I'm sorry Lydia if you think I'm being selfish when I don't try to break up a fight between two testosterone driven Kings that are fighting over you. I have more life threatening situations to deal with love than triangles." I said the last part with a river rolling down on my burning face.

I stormed back inside to the hallways. My heart aches and my limbs felt shaky. All I needed was a shower so I could cry my lungs out. I know that lightning had something to do with me.


Hey lovies! This was a sad chapter, Zhavi found out about the kiss and she is not happy:-(

Feel free to ask questions;)

Don't forget to vote and comment. Xoxo

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