Eiffel Tower- Colson Baker...

By Fanfictionorwhatever

101K 1.5K 382

Eiffel Tower- A threesome with two guys and a girl, where one guy is hitting it from behind, and the other gu... More



748 20 2
By Fanfictionorwhatever

Three weeks had passed and Kiana still couldn't adjust to family life without Pete there. She also couldn't handle the way Kells had been harassing her for Camila's new number and address.

It was another weekend and she had prepared the spend her last night of so called freedom listening to music as she drank a bottle of wine, until her doorbell went.

It already quite late so she wondered who it was as she opened the door. 

"What are you doing here? Now?" She frowned. 

"You shouldn't open your door like that without checking, I could've been anyone."

"You're right, if I had checked I wouldn't have answered." She smirked as the pair walked in side and sat on the sofa.

"Look I'm not going to give-"

"I don't want it, I mean I do...but I've come to realise it's for the best." He sighed.

"So why are you here Kells?..." Kiana shrugged as she continued to gulp down some wine straight from the bottle.

"I've been going to therapy...like I promised, and I've cut down on the drugs....now I just can't stop thinking."

"About what?" Kiana asked.

"Everything I've done, the way I've acted. I'm so sorry for the way I've treated women. You, Camila, Casie." He sighed.

"If somebody treated Cas the way I've treated you and Camila...I'd kill them." He continued.

"I don't blame you for hating me, and being so protective when it comes to Axel."  He leaned back.

"I appreciate that, I'm not lying when I say I hated your guts, but I guess it fizzled out into disappointment. I can't see you in the same light but I've been trying to appreciate how hard you've been trying to change." Kiana gave him a small smile.

" I also wanted to check on you, somethings been up with you lately and we're not...friends, so I felt awkward just showing up but I thought you might need somebody to talk to?" He said as Kiana sighed.

"It's stupid, I deserve this." Kiana chuckled as she quickly wiped the tear before it could roll down her cheek.

"It's not stupid, don't say that...talk to me."  He mumbled.

"It's taken all of this for me to realise Pete is the one, I just didn't want to be too forward or be a hoe, so I guess telling him wasn't enough."

"I can't take it, I don't know what this feeling is but, it hurts so much, I'm here on my own after everything." She continued.

"Heartbreak Kiana, that's what that is." Colson sighed.

"I can't say what does she have that I don't, because she has everything, she's everything I'll never be, it makes me feel so worthless." Kiana broke down.

"Oh Kiana." Colson gave her a tight hug as she cried.

She finally calmed down but she kept hugging him for a couple minutes until she fully stopped crying.

"It might not be Pete that's causing whatever this is, I've been feeling really down lately." She shrugged.

"Kiki I know Me and Pete aren't on the best terms, but why not tell him?" Colson asked.

The pair looked up as the doorbell went again.

Kiana went to the door, and opened it.

"Why are you here?" She said, her voice unintentionally came out as a whisper.

"Pete what are you doing here?!" She raised her voice a little as he walked straight in.

He didn't answer as he continued to walk in and saw Colson sat on the sofa.

"I knew I was wasting my damn time, I'm getting full custody of Arabella." Pete shrugged.

"What? What are you talking about?" Kiana couldn't stop the tears.

"I don't know what you think is going on, but you've got it wrong." Colson said.

"Why would I believe you. After everything he has done, to Camila, to me, TO YOU! What is wrong with you." Pete scoffed.

"I haven't done anything, he knocked my door and we spoke." Kiana shrugged.

"He shouldn't even be in your house. He's a liability." Pete shook his head.

"Ara isn't here Pete, she's meant to be with you, but she's with your new girlfriend I assume." Kiana said with her jaw clenched together.

"She safe and don't start acting like that, just let me happy." Pete sighed.

"I am letting you be happy, meanwhile you just threatened to keep my child from me because you thought we'd hooked up." Kiana said gesturing towards Kells.

"I meant what I just said Kiana, I don't want him around, so if you don't keep him away from the house I'll keep Arabella away from this house instead."

"I just came here to talk, I haven't done anything to put anyone at risk, I haven't even touched that." Colson said when he noticed Pete staring at the wine bottle.

"What we're y'all talking about?" Pete crossed his arms.

"It's not-

"Her being in love with you, you fucking asshole." Colson huffed.

"Kiana you don't love me, you just love the idea-"

"What's your fucking problem?"  Kiana said as Pete's expression changed.

"I don't trust you, I can't." He sighed .

"I feel like she's proved herself to you." Colson shrugged.

"I'm not fucking talking to you, I will fucking beat your ass if you talk to me again." Pete couldn't help but clench his jaw slightly.

"We're not even gonna talk about this right now, she's not coming back tomorrow." He huffed, and stormed out.

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