HyperDimension Neptunia Rebir...

By KazumaAkimoto

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Akimoto Kazuma, the Adoptive brother of Fuyu and Hansuke Dragneel, who has lost his memories in the aftermath... More

Characters Introductions + Note for the readers
Prologue: Arrival in Gamindustri
Kazuma's awake, the story of the legendary Dragneel Family
Blanc's worries, Kazuma's depression
Planeptune's Mascot located, meeting with Linda aka Underling
Arrival in Lastation, meeting with Uni
Linda's strike again, Uni's revelation
The Oracle of Lastation, Kei Jinguji
Gathering the Materials, search for the Hematite & Treasure Gem
A dangerous encounter, GRIM REAPER's Ōkui The Sin of Gluttony
Kazuma's frustration, Uni's concern for him
Lowee, the land of White Serenity
Underling again ! the kidnapping of Rom
Reunion, The Lowee sisters
The Oracle of Lowee, Mina Nishizawa
The Mascot of Lowee, apparition of the Killachine
Reviving Lowee's Mascot, finding Rare Metal & Datanium
Saving Lowee from destruction, Vs Ikari The Sin of Wrath
Leanbox, the Land of Green Pastures
Meeting with the Idol and the Bodyguard, 5pb. and Cave
Pursuing Underling, Saving Chika from ASIC
GRIM REAPER's leader finally appear, Senbō The Sin of Envy
Helping a friend in need, Falcom's struggle against ASIC
Problem in Lowee, Rom & Ram got sick
Saving Lowee, Vs. CFW Trick & Hikari The Sin of Wrath
Uni's disappearance, Kazuma's worries.
The noble & respectable warrior, Vs. CFW Brave
Calm before the Storm, the girls decision
The Will of our family, Goddesses Awakening
ASIC's leader and Arfoire's loyal follower, CFW Magic
A warrior's promise, CFW Brave goes all-out
GRIM REAPER's counter attack ! Vs. CFW Trick
Retake Planeptune, Vs. CFW Magic
A monstrous apparition, the Deity of Sin appear
A dire situation ! The re-emergence of the Four Felons
the Final Battle for Gamindustri, Vs. True Arfoire
The long waited moment, The Keyblade Graveyard appear
What needs to be done, the fated battle against GRIM REAPER
A calamity reappear, The Reaper has revived
The will of living, The Chosen Ones's ultimate battle
For our family and for the world, Chosen Ones Vs True Reaper
Epilogue: The End of an Era and beginning of a new one, thank you Kazuma & Blanc

Stopping the rampaging rat, Vs Omega Warechu

75 3 0
By KazumaAkimoto

Compa's POV

Soon after we learn that Mister Mouse turn into a big version of himself due to the Deity of Sin's fragment within him, we chase after him as he head to Gamindustri proper and hours later, we arrival at the Gapain Field dungeon and immediately notice Warechu causing chaos and destruction around the area.


Red: golly, look at that thing ! if only he came out from the ocean with a reptilian roar... !

Neptune: ahaha ! dude, are you seeing thin ? he's barfing laser beams and stuff ! seeing this makes my day.

IF: this isn't a theme park ! we have to do something !

Compa: Mister Mouse, please stop !

Warechu: CHU... CHU CHUUU !

Broccoli: not even Compa's voice is getting throught to him now, nyu.

Kazuma: i hope you plan will work Chika.

Chika: trust me it will work, beside this form that rat might not be his first form.

Blanc: you mean.... when you explain to us your plan.

Kiana: everyone look at the Rat !!!

Everyone look at Warechu who turn into a very terrifying form know as Omega Warechu, this transformation isn't ASIC's doing apart from the Deity of Sin's fragment, it was most likely the work of GRIM REAPER.

Blanc: i should've known, only GRIM REAPER can give a terrifying form like this.

IF: i guess we have no choice, but to fight him.

Compa: Mister Mouse....

Nepgear: we have no choice, we have to stop him because he could cause more damages.

Uni: right, even in this transformed state, he won't stand a change against us.

Chika: yeah, eheheheh, we will show this Rat what we made off, am i right Mina ?

Mina: yes, let show him the strength of the Dragneel Family.

*Omega Warechu's battle theme begin*

We all rush at Omega Warechu to attack, he notice us and unleash a powerful shockwave that scatter us all around him.

Kazuma: that was quite a shock wave.

Blanc: yes, but that's not with this that will stop us.

Kiana: yeah, Bella with me.

Bella: yes mistresse Kiana.

Both Kiana and Bella gather their energy to unleash a combinate attack on Omega Warechu, he charge at them seeing what they doing but was stopped by Boruto.

Omega Warechu: grrrr......

Boruto: no you don't, Ryū Wakiokoru ("Dragon Burst")

Boruto hit Warechu with his fist, but he realize that wasn't enough and pull back as Warechu fire his breath attack on him, Kiana and Bella charge behind Boruto.

Omega Warechu: CHUUUUUUU !

Kiana: you won't escape, Moeru sensha no michi ("Blazing Chariot's Trail")

Kiana launch a powerful attack with her sword against Omega Warechu and continue to attack as the heat increase to 45 and trigger a global time fracture as the heat increase to 100.

Omega Warechu: CHUUUUU !!!

Bella: whoa ! so hot ! now it's my turn.

Bella kick Omega Warechu multiple time before punching him in the face before pull back as the Rat unleashed a very powerful dark beam at both Kiana and Bella.

Kiana: Bella ! watch out !

Bella: damn that rat !

Before the beam could hit Bella, Kazuma and lady Blanc jump in front of them and counter the beam by sending it back to Warechu who dodge it in time.

Blanc: stupid Rat, looks tougher than we expected.

Kazuma: indeed, but we have to beat no matter what, seeing him like this make me wonder about something.

Omega Warechu: CHUUUUUU !!!

Nepgear: no you don't, Mirage Dance.

Uni: got you, EX Multi Blaster.

Uni give sign to Nepgear to pull back which she do after she slash Warechu, she then unleash a powerful energy beam from her Rifle toward the rat which he take heavy damages.

Uni: he take heavy damages from my attack and still standing.

Mina: it is due to the influence of the Deity of Sin within him or a fragment of it.

Chika: the darkness within him is most likely GRIM REAPER's work, people like Warechu who have weak affinity to darkness are easily to manipulate without them noticing.

Rom: that's horrible....

Ram: those guys have some nerves using people as their pawns.

Red: watch out !

Omega Warechu unleash a shock wave at us and several dark pillars appear randomly from the ground, we dodge all of them as Chika and Mina charge at him in turn.

Mina: we won't let you destroy our nations, Ice Coffin

Chika: no where to run, Sylhet Spear

Mina use her ice magic on Omega Warechu as a the ice hit him hard before pull back as Chika use her attack she inherited from Vert and summon a magic spear that pierce Omega Warechu's body.

Omega Warechu: CHUUUUU !!!

Chika: had enough you monster ?

Demo: i don't think he's given up anytime soon.

Compa: take this, High Compressure.

I jump above Omega Warechu and shoot three compressed liquid shots at him, he counter the shot by unleashing two lightning blast at my direction, but before it could hit me, IF saved me in the neck of time.

IF: you okay Compa ?

Compa: yes, thanks to you Iffy.

Demo: eat this, Light Slash.

The impact of the attack hit Omega Warechu, before pull back as Warechu's mind become confuse as Compa's body begin glowing a lot which made Warechu to regain control of his body despite being in the state he's in.

Omega Warechu: huh ? what happen ? where am i ?


Compa's body was glowing so bright that he blind all of us including the rat, at this moment we notice that Warechu's personality re-emerge and taking his body back as he was confuse about what happened.

Kazuma: babe ! Compa's body....

Blanc: it shine brightly !

IF: Compa ! what's going on ?

Demo: so bright, i can't see.

Omega Warechu: CHUUUUUU..... h-huh ?

Kiana: guys ! look at Warechu.

Chika: his behavior is different.... does that mean his original personality re-emerge ?

Noire: Vert, do you understand what this mean ?

Vert: yes, i guess Compa's light was enough to dispell whatever overtook that rat's mind, but also it was a very dangerous aura. he did hold a fragment of the Deity if Sin, but there something else inside of him.

Neptune: like what ?

Vert: i don't know, but it is extremely dark and malicious.

Nepgear: must be GRIM REAPER's work, there's no doubt about it.

Uni: those guys..... i hate them so much.

Omega Warechu: huh ? what's this light... ? uh, what am i doing here... ? the last thing i remember i was in the Graveyars, chu... CHU ? i'm huge ! or, no... i'm shrinking ! what the heck, chu !?

Demo: the rat seems confuse !

Uni: now's our chance to defeat him everyone.

Kazuma: alright, everyone follow Uni.

All of us charge at Omega Warechu, as he tried to fight back unleashing massive attacks like summmoning dark pillars or firing lightning from above us, but those attacks didn't stop us at all as we about to defeat him in a combinate attack all together.

Omega Warechu: what is this ?!

Kazuma: Kōri no maō ekuripusu ("Eclipse of the Ice Demon King")

Blanc: Hard Break

Uni & Nepgear: Stark Vita

Rom & Ram: Ice Coffin

Neptune & Vert: Blade and Spear

Most of our attacks hit Omega Warechu very hard, even then he was srill stand and unleashing several slashes on us and a roar that pull us back.

Omega Warechu: those attack are strong, but not enough to defeat me !

Noire & IF: then how about this, Hardship Darkness

IF and Noire we're in position as IF hit the ground with her Katar as a magical circle appear below their position and Noire using the energy gathered summon a black hole right on Omega Warechu who is suck into it.

Omega Warechu: useless, useless !

Demo: you sure about that, hen how about this, Zwielicht Klinge

Red: we gonna help too, Cave, 5pb. with me.

Cave & 5pb.: okay.

Warechu shoot lasers from his eyes toward Red, Cave and 5pb. but they dodge it in time and retaliate using their attacks against him.

Red: hit this, R.E.D which mean Red Empreor Dragon.

Cave: hope you can handle this, Malicious Heaven.

5pb.: Heavenly Sound.

All three of their attacks hit Omega Warechu very hard as we sense that the influence of the darkness within him begin to weaken allowing me, Blanc, Uni and Nepgear to use our signature combinate attack on him.

Omega Warechu: wh-what is this light ?

Uni, Nepgear, Blanc and Kazuma: this is the end, Shinseina hikari no handan ("Judgement of the sacred light")

All four of them summon their Keyblade and gather their respective energy into one final attack as Omega Warechu charge at them with rage, but he couldn't reach them in time and they unleash their final attack as a big energy beam that pierce through the rat's body causing his defeat.

Omega Warechu: CHUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!

*Omega Warechu's battle theme end*

Noire's POV

We finally managed to beat Warechu after a difficult struggle under his Omega form, his defeat cause him to revert back to his normal form and complain about his defeat before collapsing on the ground unconscious as a result of our fight.

Warechu: i got beaten up without even knowing what's going on, chu....

Neptune: how do you feel Nep. Jr ?

Nepgear: good, i'm sorry for being such a handful sometimes....

IF: don't be, we just can't have you get down on yourself every time things start to look grim.

Compa: you should learn how not to take anything seriously, like Nep-Nep

Kazuma: *smile* Nepgear, we did well, so cheer up.

Nepgear: *smile* thanks Kazy.

Noire: anyway, keep in mind, this means that the Deity of Sin's revival is ongoing.

Uni: never thought such a tiny fragment of power was so strong... but again this is nothing compared to The Reaper's power.

Demo: indeed, we better not get our guard down.

Vert: we may not have much time to stand idly by.

Blanc: we should crush it before it revives completely.

Nepgear: we can't lose.... we can't let the Deity of Sin or The Reaper have their way !

Noire, Neptune & Vert: The Reaper ?

Nepgear: right, you three don't know him as much as Kazy and Blanc did.

Kiana: we'll explain on the way back to the Basilicom. for now, we better head back and report this to Histoire.

Kazuma: right.

We begin to head back to the Basilicom of Planeptune as Blanc explaining to me, Neptune and Vert about her arch nemesis which are GRIM REAPER and the deity that the Dragneel Family defeated years ago which they trying to revived to bring chaos and desolation in Gamindustri.

Vert: *shocked* oh my good....

Noire: *shocked* i can't believe that GRIM REAPER attempt to revived a calamity that was defeated and sealed by the Dragneel Family.

Neptune: *shocked* and on top of that, you, Kazuma, Nep Jr and Uni are know by GRIM REAPER as the Chosen Ones and destined to fight against the Four Lords of Death which are the people who led that organization !!

Nepgear: yes, we made our decision and we won't back down.

Uni: yes, not only we will help Kazy fight against GRIM REAPER, but also in the hopes of bringing our brothers back.

Noire: i understand....

Vert: you feeling guilty for your brother ?

Noire: *sad* yes....

Uni: big sis, it's not your fault, our brother was tricked by GRIM REAPER into joining them under the false promise to bring you back to life.

Noire: *sad* i know but still it is my fault if he made that decision....

Blanc: i understand how you feel Noire, but we have to fight them, that's the only way to bring their original selves back.

Noire: *sad* their original selves ?

Demo: yes Noire, your brother did die, but his strong will make him able to life on as a Nobody named Ōkui the Sin of Gluttony.

Noire: i see, but what happened to his heartless ?

Blanc: me and Kazy already defeated it, it happened during my time in his world along with my brother's Heartless.

Noire: i see, that mean if we defeat their Nobody counterparts, their original selves will come back.

Blanc: yes. but it will not be easy.

Kazuma: Blanc and myself know very well how strong GRIM REAPER's Four Lords of Death are, that's why we need to make sure no outside force intervene in our fated battle.

Vert: we understand, Kazuma, it seems that you and Blanc bear a heavy burden on your shoulders, now Nepgear and Uni due to their inheritance of your siblings most specifically the White Magic of Mars are seeing by GRIM REAPER as members of the Chosen ones.

Kazuma: yes, they inherited from my siblings, that's the reason why GRIM REAPER saw them as a threat of the same level as me and Blanc.

Vert: i see....

Red: one think for sure, GRIM REAPER threat to destroy our wolrd and re-create it to his own image, a world where evil run free.

Cave: we cannot allow that to happen.

Rom: yeah, we won't let them get away after everything they've done.

Blanc: yes Rom, they will pay for what they did and for lying to our brothers.

Noire: right.

Kazuma: for now, let's head back to Planeptune and report to Histoire about the situation.

Neptune: he's right, okay then everybody follow me.

We continue to head back to Planeptune and once arrive in the city directly heading to the Basilicom and give Histoire our report on the current situation regarding ASIC, but noneless, GRIM REAPER is testing us for the fated battle to come, but mark my words, they won't get out of this one, i promise, they will perish for good.

Chapter End

That's all for chapter 29, i hope you all enjoyed the reading

Next time in HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader: The Rise of a Hero

Chapter 30: A warrior's promise, CFW Brave goes all-out

See you next time everyone, take care

KazumaAkimoto out

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