Always & Forever (Choni)

By NeireeWrites

156K 4K 3.7K

When Toni agrees to show her best friend Betty Cooper's cousin, Cheryl Blossom, around the school, she's imme... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 87

825 29 8
By NeireeWrites

2 months later (October)

"Aliana..." a soft whisper emitted from Cheryl's lips. She rubbed the girl's back gently as she continued to whisper her name. It was earlier than when she'd usually wake up the girl so she knew it'll be harder to wake her up.

After Aliana's 5th birthday two weeks ago, the couple knew it was time for them to enroll her into school. They knew they should've done pre-school first, since Alia wasn't ready to be put there yet, but the couple wanted to see how she could take it before making that decision.

"Alia, baby, it's time to get up," she whispered once more before reaching up to push some of the girl's hair from her face. Finally, Aliana stirred and turned her head to face Cheryl. The auburn-haired girl opened her eyes and her mother smiled softly. "Good morning, my love."

"Mmm." Aliana hummed tiredly as she tried to adjust her eyes.

"I know you're still tired, baby. But you start school today!" the lawyer tried to get her excited. Aliana only pouted. Cheryl huffed and sat up properly to pull the girl into her lap.

Aliana slumped when the redhead picked her up causing her to laugh. "Okay, baby, I get it. But this is important, okay? Just give it a try, I promise it'll be fun!"

"I wanna stay home with mommy, baby sister and brother." she pouted.

"Hey, I know it's scary to try new things. I remember when I started my first day of high school."

"Mommy went to school?" Aliana pulled her head away from her mother's chest. Cheryl nodded with a chuckle. "We all do, baby."

"I wanna hear!"

"Okay, so I had gone through some bad things-"

"Oh no. Mommy okay?" the girl's hazel eyes saddened. "Of course, I'm okay, princess. Look, I'm right here, see?" Aliana nodded and sighed in relief. "Where was I? Oh, right. So I had gone through some bad things and I had to be homeschooled, which is another form of schooling, through my teenage years. But once I turned 18, grammy blossom made me go back to school."

"You didn't want to?"

"No, I was so scared because I was just like you. Shy, nervous, and way too kind. But, Auntie Betty and momma made sure I was okay on my first day of school."

"Wait, you and momma see each other in school?" curious eyes stared up at her mother's blue ones. "Mhm." the woman nodded. "We met in high school and fell in love."

"Ouhhhh." the girl smiled. "I wanna fall in love like you guys." she nodded. "When you're older, my love." Cheryl chuckled before continuing her story. "Anyways, Auntie Betty and momma helped me on my first day. I was so nervous and didn't say any words. I got introduced to Betty's best friends and they immediately accepted me for who I am."

"Aww. I love momma and Auntie Betty."

"I do too, princess." Cheryl smiled. "Now, I want you to walk into that school with your head held high because you, my beautiful butterfly, are a Topaz. And us Topazes don't back down from a challenge."

At that, Aliana smiled and nodded excitedly. "I can do it."

"Yes, you can! Now let's get you ready so we can drop you and Hunter off early." Aliana immediately felt better when she remembered that her big brother is in her school. Cheryl carried to the girl into the bathroom where she helped her brush her teeth and brush her hair.

"Hairstyle?" she questioned softly.

"Two pigtails." Cheryl smiled at her through the mirror before parting her soft hair. She grabbed two small rubber bands and did the style her daughter wanted. Aliana jumped down from her step stool and ran to get dressed.

Lately, they've been letting Aliana dress freely. The girl was very independent and they knew that it was best for her to grow in her own space. Of course, she does ask for help since she is newly 5-years-old, but they don't mind. They absolutely adore that their daughter has her own mind and style.

Aliana chose one of her many Burberry skirts with a white T-shirt that had a cute bear on it. She chooses to wear her white air forces, which Cheryl knew she'd choose. Recently, Toni has been racking up on sneakers since she's an athlete and all that jazz. And of course, she couldn't have the drip without her family having the drip too. So, Aliana had about 12 brand new pairs of shoes to go with her collection of many others.

"You're good to get dressed by yourself?" Cheryl was shocked when her daughter shook her head. "Okay. How can I help?"

"I need help with my skirt," she grunted and showed her mother the zipper. Sighing softly, Cheryl made her way over to the small girl and bent down to do the zipper. "If you have to use the bathroom, just go like this, kay?"

Once Aliana understood how to undo her skirt in case of a bathroom urge, Cheryl helped her put her shoes on. Once she was dressed, the redhead led her downstairs and into the kitchen where her wife and 3 other kids retired for the morning.

"Ah, look at you." Toni smiled and picked her daughter up. "You look so pretty, my love."

"Thank you, mommy. I choose it myself." she smiled, showing off her perfectly white teeth. "I can tell. Your style just keeps getting better and better." the brunette kissed her cheek before setting her down.

Aliana ran over to Leileena and Grayson's high chairs to greet them. The 5-month-olds smiled at their older sister, happily reaching out for the hand she was offering to them.

The couple smiled at them before meeting each others eyes. "So, how did the wake-up call go?"

"Pretty well. She was reluctant to get up, but I told her about my first day of high school and how nervous I was. She felt better knowing she wasn't alone in that area." the blue-eyed woman smiled at her wife.

"Mmm." Toni hummed, wrapping her arms around the redhead. "You were pretty nervous, baby." she teased.

"But all thanks to you, I'm not that sheltered little redhead anymore."

"All thanks to me? Nah, baby, that was all you. I was just there to root you on. You should give yourself more credit, beautiful." Toni pecked her lips before pulling away. "I made waffles, you joining us?"

"You already know," Cheryl smirked and followed her wife further into the kitchen. "Good morning, my handsome love." the redhead greeted Hunter, pulling him into her side.

"Good morning, mommy." the boy replied. "Did you do your homework?" Cheryl asked and took a seat beside him. Hunter started 2nd grade a month ago and so far, he's been trying his best as things started to get harder.

"Mhm." he nodded. "It took me a while."

"Yeah? How did the 'I don't need help' thing work out?" Toni teased.

"I got it done." Hunter grinned and Toni stuck her tongue out at him before she set a fresh plate of waffles in front of him. "On a serious note, I'm proud of you, bub. You're doing great." she kissed his hair.

"I agree with your momma." Cheryl smiled and rubbed his back. "Keep up the good work."

"What about me, mommy?" Aliana pouted as she took her spot in front of her. "You're doing good too, princess. All you have to do is get through your first day of school without chickening out."

"Yeah, Alia. Don't be a chicken." Hunter mocked. "You shut up!" Aliana shot back. "At weast I'm not a wittle bwaby who can't handle school." the boy continued, using a baby voice.

"Hunter." Toni turned and glared at him. The boy sighed and his blue eyes met his sister's hazel ones. "I'm sorry, Alia."

"I don't accept!" she huffed, crossing her arms and looking away from him.

"Why would you tease your sister, Phoneix. That's mean." Cheryl accepted the plate her wife handed her after placing Aliana's plate in front of her.

"I said sorry." he huffed.

"Don't let it happen again, boy." Toni placed his apple juice down. "Okay." he nodded and took a sip of his juice.

"Ba-ba-ba-ba." Grayson slammed his hand down on his food tray. Cheryl chuckled and looked over at the curly-haired boy, "Are you demanding food, my love?" she cooed.

Grayson only smiled and continued to slam his hand onto the tray. "I'm coming, bubbas. I'm only one person." Toni sighed.

"I got it, baby." Cheryl stood up, wiping her hands of syrup before going to the fridge to get Lei and Gray's bottles. She warmed them up to a perfect temperature before handing them to the two happy, fussy, babies. Leileena rested her head on the back of her highchair as she held her bottle all on her own.

It was something the both of them have learned to do over the past month. "You two are just the cutest. Makes me want to have another one."

"No!" Hunter, Aliana, and Toni yelled at once causing the twins to become startled and for Cheryl to eye them. "And why not?" the redhead crossed her arms with a pout.

"I'm sorry, babe, but I think 4 is just enough." Toni nodded.

"I agree."

"Listen to momma, pwease." Aliana and Hunter agreed.

Huffing in defeat, Cheryl returned to her seat to continue eating. "Are you excited for today, Alia?" Toni asked her daughter.

"I don't know." Aliana shrugged. "Nervous?" the older woman questioned. "Mhm." she nodded.

"I get it." Toni smiled softly. "I promise, that if it becomes too much, let the teacher know and mommy will come to get you, okay?"

"Okay." she nodded. "And Hunter will only be a few classes down, so if you need him, you can also let your teacher know," Toni added. Aliana nodded and kept the thought in mind.

She wanted to get through the day without crying home. She didn't want to disappoint her mothers. And with that, she made it her mission to get through her first day of 1st grade.


Toni and Cheryl walked along side the principal, both holding Aliana's hand. After hurriedly dropping the twins off to Toni's parents for the morning, they rushed to the kid's school, thank god they were early.

"Okay, so this is Aliana's classroom." the man stopped in front of a door. It was decorated with spider webs, little pumpkins, and skeletons since Halloween is next week.

"And Hunter's classroom is right there." he pointed to the door 3 stops over. Toni felt relieved to see that they weren't too far from each other.

The principal knocked on the door softly and the talking on the other side stopped as the door opened. The woman that opened the door smiled softly.

"Good morning." she greeted. "You must be Mrs. and Mrs. Topaz. I'm Mrs. Laurie." she held her hand out.

"So nice to meet you. This is our daughter, Aliana."

"That's such a pretty name." the woman smiled before looking down at Aliana who was gripping her mothers hands tightly. "Hi, Aliana."

"H-Hi." the small girl smiled nervously. "I can tell you're a bit shy, but I promise that everyone has been this nervous for the first day of school. Even after doing it millions of times before."


"Yeah." the Latina insisted. "You aren't the only one." she smiled softly. She then met the couple's eyes. "She's in very good hands, you two. I know your older son, Hunter. He's a real sweet boy. He's a real protector during recess."

"Yeah. He's always been that resilient. Something he got from his momma, because I wasn't like that at all." Cheryl chuckled. Mrs. Laurie shook her head playfully. "Well, let's get you situated, yeah?" she addressed Aliana again.

Aliana looked up at Cheryl and the lawyer gave her a reassuring smile. "O-Okay." she reluctantly let go of her mothers hands and took the hand her teacher was offering her.

"Have a good day, princess." Cheryl waved. Aliana gave her a nervous smile before turning forward and entering the classroom.

"Is it just me, or did she grow up way too fast?" Toni frowned. "Like, it feels just like yesterday when I was on the verge of death trying to have her." the brunette added.

Cheryl slapped her stomach and the woman doubled over in pain causing Aliana to look back. Cheryl gave her another reassuring smile and blew her a kiss before she completely disappeared into the classroom.

"Too soon?" Toni asked as she held her stomach.

"Baby, it's always too soon. Stop joking about it." Cheryl huffed. She gave the principal a smile before pulling her wife away.

"It's how I cope with my trauma." the brunette recovered. "Did you forget that it was traumatizing for me too?"

"True. I'm sorry, my love."

"I'll let it slide." the redhead smirked. "Now, let's go get our babies so you can go to work."

"You're lucky to still be on maternity leave," Toni grumbled and rolled her eyes as she held the door open for her wife. "No, I'm not. Because I do enjoy my job."

"Hey, I love my job too!" Toni protested. "Then stop complaining," Cheryl smirked before opening the car door.


Cheryl typed on her laptop as the twins napped not too far from the couch. She looked up at the Tv and laughed lowly at the scene. "Silly little Cassie."

A little whimper came from the sleeping pin and Cheryl sighed before setting the laptop aside and getting up to see what was wrong. She looked into the sleeping pin and smiled softly at her son. "What's wrong, my little love? Hmm?" she cooed and reached into the sleeping pin to pick him up.

She bounced him in her arms gently, rubbing his back to get him to calm down. His little whines only got worse so Cheryl knew that he wanted a bottle. Sighing, she walked into the kitchen, still rubbing his back as she bent down to get his bottle from the fridge.

"Okay, Gray, baby. Okay," she whispered as she pressed the microwave. As the bottle warmed up, she continued to rub his back and bounce gently with gentle coos of affirmation.

The beeping of the microwave startled him causing him to cry now. Huffing, Cheryl opened the microwave and tested the bottle before laying Grayson down in her arms and handing him the bottle.

He didn't hesitate to latch onto the teat of the bottle, his cries instantly coming to a halt as he finally got what he wanted. When Cheryl picked the twins up from their grandparent's house, they had been sleeping and Marie informed her that they didn't eat, so Cheryl understood why he was so hungry.

The redhead took her spot on the couch once more and resumed her relaxed position. She watched as the scene on the Tv played out, rolling her eyes when Jules came into view. "I'd never dream of doing that to my wife ever."

Grayson let out a small coo and Cheryl looked down at him and chuckled. "You know what I'm saying, Gray? I'd never betray my wife like that." Grayson smiled from behind his bottle and the redhead jutted her lip out.

"You look just like your older brother when he was your age."

The sound of her phone ringing echoed through the room and she reached over to quickly silence it so it wouldn't wake Leileena. Sighing, she put the phone to her ear and shoulder as she continued to feed her son.

"Hello?" the redhead adverts her eyes to Grayson who was starting up at her as he drinks his milk.

"Hi, is this the guardian of Aliana Topaz?"

"Yes. This is she. Is she okay?" Cheryl's eyebrow raised, sitting up. "I'm afraid not, Mrs. Topaz. She had bit of an accident during recess and she is requesting to come home."

"I will be there right away." the lawyer instantly stood up. "Great. We will discuss the situation some more when you get here. Safe travels." the man said before the call ended.

"Oh god." Cheryl went to Toni's contact and called her. Her wife picked up after the 2nd ring. "Hey, baby, what's up?"

"Aliana had an accident at school. Will you meet me there?" the redhead huffed and she went to pick up a sleeping Leileena after discarding Grayson's empty bottle and getting him to burp.

"Oh no. Is our baby okay? I'll be right behind you, babe." her wife vowed. "I don't know. I hope she is. I'll see you there, baby. I love you, drive safe."

"I love you too. And I will, you do the same." the brunette said before the call ended. Cheryl held the twins in her arms properly before grabbing her purse and keys, successfully leaving the house. She struggled to open the car door, but got it nonetheless. After securing the twins into their car seats, she got into the car. She took a moment to gather herself because she knew that if she didn't, the situation would be way worse for everyone. And to the person who hurt her baby.

She pulled out of the driveway and hit the road immediately. She got to the school after Toni since the brunette was closer to the school.

"Hey, my handsome boy." Toni smiled at Grayson who made grabby hands at her. She took him from Cheryl and kissed his cheek repeatedly causing the 5-month-old to giggle contagiously, his blue eyes lighting up. 

She pecked Cheryl's lips as a greeting then jutted her bottom lip out upon seeing their sleeping daughter against her wife's shoulder. "It was naptime." the redhead chuckled.

"I can see." the soccer player nodded. "Let's go." she nodded towards the school building. The couple walked hand-in-hand into their kid's school and the woman at the front desk instantly guided them towards the office.

Upon entering, they saw Hunter, with an ice pack on his hand and a bruise on his cheek. His expression was an angry one and Toni immediately knew what he got himself into. Then their daughter, innocently little Aliana, was clinging to him as she sniffled and wiped her tears.

"Momma!" the distressed girl jumped up and ran into her mother's arms. Toni picked her up with her free arm without struggle and the girl clung to her just how she was previously clinging to her brother.

"It's okay, my love." the brunette whispered, resting her head on hers. Grayson also had his head on her shoulder.

"Goddamn, she's so strong. All that is mine." Cheryl thought to herself as she watched her wife hold Grayson and Aliana at the same time. "Mrs. And Mrs. Topaz." the principal cleared his throat as he opened the door to his office.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Grant." Cheryl cleared her throat also, snapping out of her naughty thoughts of her wife. "If you could just step inside, Hunter will explain what happened."

Toni glared at her son before nodding towards the room. Huffing, Hunter stood up and went into the office first. Toni knew the smaller boy had her temper, she can only imagine the extent he reached before anyone could've stopped him.

Cheryl and Toni followed after their son and took a seat on the couch that was across from Mr. Grant's desk. Once everyone was settled, the principal cleared his throat as he nodded at Hunter.

"I fought a kid for pushing Aliana down the slide," he mumbled.

"Hunter-" Toni started but Cheryl stopped her, giving her a look. Toni took a deep breath and let her red-haired wife take over.

"What happened, Hunter?"

"We were all playing at recess and I went to go check on Aliana because I remembered that she was having her first day and I wanted to make sure my sister was doing okay." he continued. "Before I could reach her, she ran up to me crying, and then told me that she was pushed."


"I'm sorry, mommy." he frowned. "I know I should've hit him but he refused to apologize and I got angry because I hated to see my little sister cry."

Aliana sniffles against Toni's neck as she refuses to let go out of the woman. Cheryl frowned upon the sight and sighed before turning to face the principal.

"What's his punishment?"

"Due to his act of violence, Hunter will be suspended for 2 days." he nodded. "And the boy's punishment? For pushing our daughter?" Toni spoke up.

"I gave him detention."

"Just detection?" the brunette raised her eyebrow. "He pushed my daughter off of the slide...with all due respect, Mr. Grant, I think that's bullshit."

"Baby..." Cheryl rubbed her arm. "No. He can't just sit here and tell me that my daughter got pushed off of a slide and that boy gets detention while Hunter gets suspended? Bullshit. Last time I checked, physical harm equals suspension." Toni glared.

"You're right, Mrs. Topaz. And I do apologize that Aliana's feelings are hurt, but she was not physically harmed from the push so it's only ruled out for detention."

"Well, what I think is that you're just picking fucking favorites."

"Mrs. Topaz, I can assure you that-"

"I mean look at her, Cher. She's crying. It's clear that she is in emotional pain, doesn't that shit still count?" Toni cut him off and turned to look at her wife while gesturing to their crying daughter. "And look at our fucking son. His face is bruised."

"Okay, baby, I got it. Breathe, okay?" the redhead said softly before adjusting Leileena in her arms.

"Mr. Grant, I can assure you that Hunter wouldn't act out in violence unless provoked. Did the boy hit him first?"

"He said that he did not."

"He's lying!" Hunter spoke up. "When I kept telling him to apologize, he pushed me. So I punched him. Ask Aliana."

The adults in the room turned to the distressed girl and Toni gently asked her if it was true. When the small girl nodded the principal cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. "Well, I did not know that."

"Of course, you didn't. Because as I said, you're picking fucking favorites." Toni growled. Cheryl rubbed Toni's arm once more and the woman took another deep breath. She knew how stubborn her wife was, she was surprised the brunette did yell yet.

Ignoring Toni's use of profanities, the principal picked up his phone and sighed. "Yes. Please send Bryce Mitchell to my office."

Toni rolled her eyes before looking down at her daughter and kissing the bridge of her nose, whispering words of affirmation.

"I deeply apologize for this mistake, Mrs. Topaz. I can assure you that wasn't picking favorites. I simply didn't know."

"Mhm. Okay. Is that all?" Toni asked, standing up and adjusting her kids in her arms.

"Yes, that'll be all. Uhm, Aliana can be excused for, however, she would like," he added. "Have a nice day you guys."

"You too, Mr. Grant. Thank you." Cheryl gave him a small smile before following her upset wife out of the office.

"Hunter, you know better than to lay your hands on anyone." Toni scolded him once they were out of earshot. "He pushed me, momma. You told me that if someone puts their hands on me, I have to defend myself. So I did." the boy defend himself.

Sighing, Toni only nodded and gestured for him to speed up. When they got outside, Toni took Aliana and Grayson to her car while Cheryl took Hunter and Leileena, who was still sleeping, to her car.

Once their kids were safely buckled in, Cheryl went to console her wife. "Breathe, baby, breathe." the redhead reminded.

"I fucking hate the school system, Cher. Fuck."

"I know, baby. I hate them too. But all we can do right now is be there for Aliana."

"It's her first day of school! First day! And she has 19 years more years of school to do. And she's such an angel." Toni frowned causing Cheryl to do the same. Toni was very protective over them, very. She knew the brunette felt helpless and she also knew how much said brunette hated to feel helpless.

Cheryl wrapped her arms around the tanned woman and kissed the crown of her head. "She'll be alright, baby. She'll be alright because she has me, you, and Hunter. And even though they're too small to understand, she has the twins too. She's our kid, she's tough."

"She gets that from you." Toni smiled a small one.

"Gets what's from me?" Cheryl asked and rubbed her arms. "How tough she is. You've been through so much. From the situation with your father, then losing him, then losing your nana. You still remain positive and hopeful."

"That is true. But don't discredit yourself, baby. You lost your mother at birth, dispute not knowing her, you're still apart of her. And I know the feeling of wishing and hoping for something that'll never happen. You're just as strong as I am."

"I try." Toni sniffled with a chuckle. "Now." the pale woman pulled away and rubbed her wife's arms before wiping away her tears. "Let's go home, make our kids some snacks so we can cuddle up and watch a movie. Oh, and so we can treat Hunter's hand and face."

Toni chuckled before nodding, quickly getting herself together. "Yeah, yeah, let's do that." Cheryl smiled at her softly before leaning forward and kissing her softly. Toni sighed against the woman's lips as she felt every negative emotion in her body be replaced with positive ones. Cheryl's touch does that to her.


When the couple got home, they put the twins down in the hamper, keeping them distracted with their singing teddy bear before going to help Hunter with his bruises. Toni helped Hunter while Cheryl comforted Aliana.

The small girl cuddled up to her on their bed and Cheryl just held her until she knew the 5-year-old was ready to speak. Aliana was very good at making her feelings known too.

Cheryl caressed her hair to calm her daughter down some more. "You'll be okay, princess. Okay?"

"Mhm." Aliana nodded. "Kids are mean, mommy."

"I know, baby." the redhead pouted. "I know." she sighed. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"I'm sorry for breaking my promise." the girl cried.

"What promise?"

"I-I pr-promised that I-I'd got through the day." Aliana cried some more. "Oh, baby." her mother frowned. "That is completely fine, princess. You had a rough day and you needed us. We told you that if you did, just let us know. And you did. I promise momma and I aren't upset with you."

"You aren't?" she breathed out heavily.

"We aren't. In fact, we are so proud of you." her mother assured. "You wanna know why?" when Aliana nodded sadly, Cheryl continued speaking. "Because you tried. And even though it didn't go as planned, you still tried and went. Even though you were nervous and hesitant."

"That's a good thing?"

"Yeah, baby. That means that you're so strong. Strong enough to face anything. And as I said earlier, us Topazes don't back down from a challenge."

"Yeah!" Aliana nodded, her confidence being boosted again. Cheryl smiled and wiped away her tears before adjusting the girl on her lap.

"Now, just let us know if you want to try again in a few days, yeah?"

"I want to go back tomorrow." she nodded. Cheryl was shocked. "Are you sure, princess? Hunter won't be there."

"I'm sure," Aliana confirmed. "I like my teacher and I have some friends."

"Oh really? That's so good, my beautiful love. I'm so proud of you." the lawyer smiled and pressed kisses all over her daughter's face, causing her to giggle and squirm around in her arms.

"I love you, mommy." the hazel-eyed girl cupped her mom's face.

"I love you more, my love." the redhead smiled at her softly.


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