Brawl stars x Reader One Shots

By EJsAFreak

189K 3K 4.3K

I enjoy Brawl Stars a lot so I decided "hey, let's write some fanficton." That is what I'll be doing and I ho... More

Intro (Hello Fellow BS Fans!)
Request Here! (Closed)
Ash x Reader (Body Guard) *Request*
Barley x Reader -Alt. Universe- (Long Live The King) *Request*
Barley x Reader (A Little Slip Up)
๐Ÿ‹Barley x Reader (Wired To The Core) *Smut Request*
Belle x Reader (Barracuda)
๐Ÿ‹Belle x !Fem! Reader (Mommy Loves You)
Bibi x Reader (The Visiting Biker)
Bo x Reader (Unexpected Guest)
Bo x Reader (This Is New) *Request*
Brock x Reader (Our Melody)
Bull x Reader (Bullfighting to Bullfriending)
Bull x Reader (Saddle Up) *Request*
Bull x !Fem! Reader (Got A Secret?) *Request*
Bull x Reader (Highway Lovin') *Request*
Bull x !Fem! Reader (I'm Not Jealous, You Are!) *Commission*
Bull x Reader (My Heart is Ticking For You) *Request*
Bull x Reader (My Kind of Rodeo) *Request*
Bull x Reader (Practice Makes Perfect) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Bull x !Fem!Reader (Who Has Your Heart) *Smut Request*
Byron x Reader (The Bargains & Deals to Make) *Request*
Carl x Reader (Magic Touch)
Carl x Reader (The Perfect Human) *Request*
Colt x Reader (Fixing The Broken) *Request*
Colt x Reader (The Traveling Stranger)
Colt x Reader (WANTED) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Colt x Reader (In My Head) *Smut Request*
๐Ÿ‹Colt x Fem! Reader (Revenge) *Smut Request*
Crow x Reader (Riddle Me This) *Request*
Crow x Reader (That Smile) *Request*
Edgar x Reader (I Call Dibs!) *Request*
El Primo x Reader (I'll Delete It)
El Primo x Reader (A Little Tipsy) *Request*
El Primo x Reader (I'm No Hero) *Request*
El Primo x Reader (Old Friend, New Beauty) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Fang x !Fem!Reader (Pay With Your Body) *Request*
Gene x Reader (Hold Me Close) *Request*
Grom x Reader (Trust Issues) *Request*
Jacky x Reader (Slip Of The Tongue) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Gamer Geeks) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Internet Fame) *Request*
Leon x Reader (Peek-A-Boo) *Request*
Leon x Reader (These Hands) *Request*
Lola x !Male!Reader (The Rival's Brother) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (A Little Fun) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (Committed) *Request*
Mortis x Reader (Follow My Lead) *Request*
Piper x Reader (We All Fall Down) *Request*
Poco x Reader (The Battle of Music) *Request*
Poco x Reader (Tongue Tied) *Request*
Bibi x Reader (Who's REALLY The Cool Cat?) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Poco x !Fem! Reader (A Touch Of Magic) *Smut Request*
Tara x Reader (Lose Yourself) *Request*
Tara x Reader (You're Beautiful)
๐Ÿ‹Tara x !Male!Reader (Not as Expected) *Smut Comission*
Sandy x Reader (Lost in the City) *Request*
Sandy x Reader (Upright Lovers) *Request*
Ash x Reader (False Judgment) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Sandy x !Fem!Reader (Unconscious Lust) *Smut Request*
Stu x Reader (A Little More On The Stunt Side) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Stu x !Fem!Reader (A Macsochist At Its Finest) *Commission*
๐Ÿ‹Stu x !Fem!Reader (Rockin' & Rollin')
Surge x Reader (Glowing Hearts) *Request*
8-Bit x Reader (Loved Hacktually) *Request*
โ™คSepration Chapterโ™ค
Barley x Reader x Stu x Reader (What If There Were Three?) *Request*
Gene x Reader x Tick (I Saw Them First!) *Request*
Bull x Reader x Barley (A Bull In A China Closet) *Request*
๐Ÿ‹Bull x !Fem!Reader x Colt (Adventures Gone Wrong) *Commission*
Fang x Reader x Stu (Who's The Bigger Man) *Request*

Colette x Reader (I'm A Fan Of You) *Request*

1.2K 22 21
By EJsAFreak

(First Person Pov)

Every year, there was always a Brawling convention in the city. People come from far and wide to meet fans and purchase some good merchandise. This time comes once a year and everyone is always filled with glee and excitement! Not just for the the thrill of meeting fellow Brawl fans but to also have the chance to meet their favorite Brawlers. A woman skipped happily through the convention with a wild, toothy grin and a book in her hand. She was radiating bright energy while hurrying through the crowds of people.

"Colette! Wait up!" A young man with dark hair shouted for the rushing lady. "No! We HAVE to see them! They'll be here to answer questions soon!" "THEY WON'T BE HERE FOR FIVE HOURS-"

The two finally came to a stop, looking around for the place they wished to be. "This is getting tedious-" "Edgar please! This is important to me!" Colette screeched with a bright smile as the man rolled his eyes.

"I know that but we have plenty of time to look around and do other things. What about looking at the plushies over there?" Edgar grumbled as he crossed his arms.

Colette was vibrating as she looked at her friend and slowly calmed herself looking in every direction with bright eyes. "Hmmmm... But we gotta be early!" "Yeah not five hours early! We can come back later."

The two walked around while Colette completely geeked out with excitement. She was such a huge fan of all the brawlers, she and Edgar both shared the dream of becoming Brawlers themselves but until then, they showed up to tournaments and conventions as fans.

"Hnnngg~ How much time now!?" Colette squealed with excitement as Edgar grumbled and looked at her bitterly. "It literally hasn't even been five minutes. Chill out!" "I CAAAAN'T!!" She fangirled hard, bringing the attention others.

"Think about it Edgar! We could get AUTOGRAPHS from NEW BRAWLERS!!" She chirped loudly as she walked backwards in front of the emo man. "Yeah. In like, Four in a half hours-" "What will I say when I see Emz!? Oh!! Or! Or maybe even Crow!? OR SPIKE-"

She was quickly cut off with a gasp when she accidently bumped into someone with great force. The two figures toppled to the ground while Edgar watched with wide eyes. "Oh my god." He stammered as he ran over to help.

Colette gasped as she laid on top of a figure. She quickly held herself up over the person so she wasn't crushing them while she looked at the figure with wide eyes. "Oh god! I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was-" She had lost her voice before she could finish speaking when she took a glimpse at the person's face.

They looked at her with the same, wide eyed expression as they examined Colette with sparkling, (eye color) eyes. "O-Oh! You're fine! I wasn't looking where I was going either." They stated with a soft spoken voice, completely different from Colette's loud, enthusiastic voice.

The fangirl was at a loss for words as she lost herself in the person's eyes. The world seemed to have stopped for her while her heart skipped a beat. They were charming, attractive, hell! They were beyond any description words could give them.

While Colette was lost in her own world, the person blinked several times from under her. A light blush dusted her cheeks while Edgar grabbed his friend by the scruff of her shirt and ripped her off the person.

"Dude get off!" His grumble only met Colette's ears as she snapped back into reality. "O-Oh- S-Sorry-" She stammered as her voice became shaky.

The person gently rose to their feet as the fangirl shakily fumbled with her hands and looked at the figure with a flushed face.

"Sorry about her... She can be a bit of a klutz.." Edgar grumbled to protect his friend from any angry comments. The figure however, didn't have a bit of malice in their expression. Instead, they smiled kindly and gently waved their hand through the air.

"Oh, it's no trouble at all!~ I'm a bit of a klutz myself." They joked with a laugh as they held out their hand to Colette, making the white headed girl flintch. Edgar nudged her shoulder, making her look at him then back to the figure's hand and gently shook it.

"My name is (Y/N)! It's a pleasure to meet you!" They chirped with a bright smile that completely blinded Colette.

Her blush grew darker as she choked quietly and shakily shook the figure's hand with a nervous expression. "I-I.. I a-am- m-my name- I- y-you can c-call m-me-"

"Her name is Colette and I'm Edgar.." The emo grumbled but (Y/N) was amused by the poor girl's stammering. "Cute names!~ I'm always glad to meet fans of the Brawlers.."

Their voice was so kind and soft yet confident at the same time, it completely fascinated Colette. Not to mention how charming they were. It only added to the fan girl's flustered state.

(Y/N) quickly walked past them with a wave as they grinned with a bright gaze. "Hope to see you guys at the autograph stands!"

With that, they turned and started hurring through the crowd, leaving both of them speechless.

Edgar slowly turned to Colette with wide, confused eyes as he pointed in the direction (Y/N) left in. "What the hell was that!?" He asked with utter confusion.

Colette, on the other hand, was completely star struck as she put her hands to her reddend cheeks while her eyes sparkled with shock.

"C-Cute... Th-They said m-my name was cute...~" She murmured with an indescribable gaze. It quickly turned Edgar's confused gaze into a flabbergasted one.

"Woahhh.. Holy fuck, I don't think I've ever seen you in... such a state.." He murmured, making Colette snap her head towards her friend with wide eyes.

"Huh?! Wh-What d-do you mean!? I-I'm fine! P-Perfectly fine see!?" She stated as she held her hands out with puffed out cheeks but the punk could see right through her facade.

His scarf quickly lifted up and poked Colette several times in the head, causing her to squeak and cover her forehead while Edgar crossed his arms.

"Are you kidding me?! Look at you! You're embarrassed and shy! You're never shy!" He stated seriously as his friend rubbed her forehead.

A growl gently rumbled in the back of her throat as she looked to the side with an annoyed glare. "I'm n-not shy! Just because they called me cute! And they were really sweet and... super dreamy~ and so cool..~"

Colette lost herself in her words as her mind recalled the moment oh so very clearly. It was like a movie in her eyes and she had met her knight in shining armor.

Edgar on the other hand, sighed softly and rubbed his temple. At least she wasn't freaking out about the autographs anymore. "Alright.. Let's go find somewhere to sit." He hummed with a huff.

He gently locked arms with the fangirl as he walked down the path while Colette kept looking back to where (Y/N) dissappeared to in the crowd. "You look like you're gonna pass out." The dark man murmured as he led his friend away.


It was only fifteen more minutes till the Brawler's would show up for the autographs and there were plenty of people who were desperate to grab a signature for their own.

Colette had pleanty of time to cool down from the sudden encounter and she was back to her wild shenanigans. Jumping, frolicking, fangirling, the usual stuff.

"Oh my GOD!! I can't wait to meet Colt! Or Shelly! Even Bull or Bibi!?" She screeched with excitement while Edgar casually rolled his eyes but deep down he was happy to see his friend so excited.

"Psh.. I don't know how you can show so much energy..." He muttered coldly. Even if he didn't show it, he actually really wanted to meet Bibi and Bull. They were always his favorite.

Soon, a few body guards stood next to the signing tables to protect the Brawlers feom any intense fangirls (like Colette) from jumping over and tackling anyone.

Some classic Brawlers walked to the tables with kind and soft gazes. It drove the fans wild, even Colette who was vibrating in place and screeching. "AAAAA- LOOK EDGAR LOOK!!"

Colt showed a flashy smile, Shelly waved politely with a kind gaze, Jessie held Pam's hand and walked in front of Bull and Bibi who were showing peace signs and sticking out their tongues like punks. Rico walked with his arm around Piper and kept a cool gaze while his partner blew kisses to the fans. Lastly, Brock walked out with Frank who shyly yet happily waved with a low grunt and Spike who just looked happy to be there.

It was like meeting gods. Edgar and Colette gasped with bright, starry eyes as their favorite Brawlers. "Oh fuck- Okay- Okay- You can do this Ed.. You got this..-" "EEEEEEE!! LOOK AT THEMM!! I HAVE WAITED FOR THIS MOMENT MY ENTIRE-"

The woman's words were brought to a complete stop when her eyes widened with both confusion and shock. (Y/N) politely walked out with Tara and Gene behind Spike and casually talked to the two with the same sweet smile they had before.

Colette's stomach started to turn and her heart fluttered while she became lightheaded. What the hell was (Y/N) doing with the Brawlers!? Did they accompany them? Were they some sort of agent? Were they themself a new Brawler!?

Several questions ran through the poor fangirl's mind while her dark friend gently nudged her several times. "Ayo... Isn't that the person you pummeled through earlier?" He asked softly, causing Colette's face to turn red.

Her loud and excited personality turned into a nervous, shy in only a few seconds. This was ridiculous! She shouldn't feel this way! (Y/N) was just some random person that she ran into. She shouldn't be feeling like this!

The line moved surprisingly quickly and before they knew it, they were the next ones to see the Brawlers. Colette was quiet and polite, which was FAR different then how she was actually going to act.

Even as the Brawlers signed her scrapbook, she couldn't help but glance over at (Y/N) from time to time. She had finally reached Tara who let out an elegant hum and carefully took her book in her hand while Edgar watched his friend curiously.

"I'm glad you could make it! I was afraid something would have happened." (Y/N) stated softly while Colette's ears burned red. "A-Ah! Y-Yeah.. W-Wouldn't wanna m-mis such an o-opportunity..' She hummed shyly with a soft smile.

Tara gently handed the book to Gene, who happily sat in their lap, babbled to himself as he slapped his hand onto an ink soaked sponge and patted his stained fingers on the paper.

(Y/N) let out a soft chuckle, bringing chills to Colette's spine as they held Gene close to the table. "You look so nervous.. Did you get the signatures you wanted?" They questioned while the white haired woman huffed softly with a dark blush.

"Y-Y-Yeah! I-I did..." She squeaked as she looked at the table. Tara quietly watched the seen, gently lifting a brow at Colette's behavior but she knew her way around love. She could tell when someone had feelings for someone else with great ease.

The card reader looked at (Y/N) with a narrowed gaze before gently tapping their foot under the table, however, they could see through her shyness with sweet eyes.

"Colette?" They asked softly, causing the fangirl to jump in place while her eyes shot open. "Y-Yes!?" She squeaked loudly, feeling chills all over her body from how they said her name.

(Y/N) smiled sweetly as they brought their hand to the table and delicately took Tara's pen. "Do you mind if I sign your book-" "NOT AT ALL-" Colette blurted out but quickly covered her mouth and nodded with embarrassment.

"G-Go r-r-right ahead..." With those words, the figure grinned with a bright chuckle and opened the book to one of the empty pages. They wrote quickly to keep the line moving then handed the book back to it's rightful owner with a smile.

"There you are! Hope to see you again sometime!" They chirped aloud while Colette shakily took her book and nodded. "Th-Thank you all! I-I'm overjoyed to have this!" She stated with a smile.

Her little smile made (Y/N)'s heart skip a beat. It was too cute and so different then how she looked with her toothy grin. "Of course! Be sure to come back!" They waved to the two as they walked away from the tables.

Edgar was a grinning disaster as he gave his best friend a shitty grin while nudging her. "So? What did they write huh?" "C-Calm down!! I-I gotta check" She squeaked as she turned the pages to where (Y/N) signed.

Colette stopped walking with wide eyes while Edgar looked back to her with a cocked brow. "What does it say..?" He quietly asked while the woman's legs became shaky.

'Darling Colette,

I'm very happy we bumped into each other! It wasn't the most formal introduction but hey, it was still cute! We should definitely have more cute moment's together. If you agree, hit me up any time!♡

Yours truly,

(Y/N) ~♡'

Their handwriting was like a god/goddess blessed the letters soaked into the paper. Below their signature was what seemed to be a phone number with  small hearts next to it.

Colette was too stunned to speak. Her lips curled into a large, goofy smile, clearly showing how she melted from the words. Her legs shook together while she showed a love struck gaze towards the book.

"Oh...~ Nothing..~" She hummed dreamily as she hooked arms with Edgar and almost fully leaned against him. "I.. I need to sit down..~ I-I'm gonna f-faint..~"

Her voice was airy and drifted quielty through the air as Edgar wrapped his arm around her waist and held her up. "Jesus! You can't just say some shit like that! Come on.." He growled deeply as he quickly hurried to a bench of some sort.

Colette's world completely changed adound her. So much had happened! She had the time of her life, met a charming person and even acquired their number!

She saw it oh so very clearly. Her and (Y/N) were going to have pleanty of fun moments together.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you have any ideas on what to write next! Thanks again for reading! :)

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