caught in a Web

By anonymous46123

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After receiving gizmos from spiderman 2099 Miles and Gwen meet up again a year after destroying kingpins coli... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chatper 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43 (part 1)
chapter 43 (part 2)
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47 (part 1)
chapter 47 (part 2)
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75

chapter 15

615 13 1
By anonymous46123

Fast forward to Friday night

It was 5pm and Miles was preparing his stuff including his suit for staying over at Gwens place. Ok Dad I'm off to Gwens for the night Miles said to Jefferson. He replied back with have fun tonight but not to much if you know what I mean. Miles just glared at this dad with a you can't be serious look  to which Jefferson just laughed Miles slamed the door on the way out as a result of this joke by his  dad. He went out to the usual alleyway and entered the portal he made and arrived in Gwens dimension again standing in an empty alleyway near Gwens apartment he suddenly felt like he was going to throw up he couldn't tell if it was becuase he was back in the dimension where he was nearly killed or if he was nervous about meeting Gwens dad he started thinking what if he hates me. What if I embarrass Gwen. But he managed to make himself feel better and headed towards her place. When he arrived he knocked on the door and Gwen  wearing ripped jeans and a pink vest top greeted him with a big hug and a very long passionate kiss. Your early she said but thats good becuase I missed you so much Miles. I missed you to Gwen more than you can imagine she smiled at this and asked him how he was feeling about meeting her dad. Miles scratching the back of his head told her honestly I'm that worried that he doesn't like me  I almost threw up on the way here. Gwen looked at him with concered but thought it's so sweet he doesn't want to mess this up. She turned to Miles and said don't worry he gets on well with everyone so your going to be fine. Miles just said but parents are ultra protective of there kids and I ju and this point Gwen stoped Miles from talking by kissing him again and saying just relax it's going to be ok and they entered his place. Gwen said my dad is getting us a Chinese take out tonight after his shift he won't be back for another hour. How would you feel about watching a movie while we wait. Miles replied back saying he would love that. Gwen went to turn the TV on and asked Miles what he would like to watch to which he said you decide I'm just a guest and besides as long as I'm watching it with you I'm not bothered what we watch. Gwen smiled and your to sweet you know that to which he replied only to you. Gwen decided to stick a comedy movie in and then snuggled up to Miles on the couch with her head on Miles shoulder. An hour later Gwens apartment door opened and her dad entered telling her she was home she replied saying hey dad Miles is here btw the way at which they both jumped up and went over to which Miles stuttering said hello Mr Stacy pleased to meet you sticking his hand out for her dad to shake which he did he replied with pleasure to meet the guy who's stolen my little girls heart and no need for the Mr Stacy just call me George. Dad I'm not a little girl anymore Gwen replied Miles and George just laughed to which George said I know Gwen but you will always be my little girl. Gwen suddenly changed subject and said should we plate up and eat this takeout to which they both noded. As they started eating Miles broke the ice and asked George so  Gwen tells me your a cop so how's the crime rate in this dimensions crime rate. To which George replied it was bad a couple years ago but ever since Gwen got her abilities and helped out the police that that I approve of some of the methods but she doesn't it for the right reason it's actually not been bad there's a little robbery now and then but nothing serrious. Miles laughed and said My dad is exactly the same with me and how I save my new York. George then said to Miles so how long have you been spiderman for. Miles replied 15 months now Gwen was actually in my dimension at the time I got them and honestly thanks to Gwen and the others I wouldn't be the spiderperson I am today. Gwen spoke up and said it was always in you Miles you just needed that little push to help you. The rest of the meal went by without an issue infact Miles and George got on incredibly well. And George left Miles and Gwen to watch TV together it about 11pm When George said he was turning in for the night so Miles and Gwen did the same they were both in pyjamas. Miles said he would sleep on the floor to which Gwen said Miles your such a gent but there's plenty of space in my bed and I don't mind you being in during the night. Miles agreed without a hitch. (Time skip 2 hours) Gwen was dreaming again but she and Miles were fighting rhino in her dimension along with the green goblin they both took one of them each with Miles taking the goblin and making light work of him before helping Gwen take on rhino he vemon stuck him to the ground thinking he had knocked him out he then turned to Gwen saying your dimensions bad guys are so easy to beat before wrapping gwen into a hug before his sence went off but before he could react it was to late rhino and got up and charged into Miles impaling him with the horn killing him instantly. At this moment Gwen woke up shouting MILES. Miles woke up due to her shout and noticed her crying and in a cold sweat he hugged her tightly and asked her what's wrong. Gwen told him about the nightmare she'd just had and that he had died Gwen had a tear running down her cheek when she said this that Miles wipped away, Gwen continued saying that it felt so real before Miles stoped her with a kiss saying it was just a dream she replied with I know but I just don't ever want to lose you Miles. He wrapped her into a tight hug kissing her forehead saying you never will. Gwen kissed him saying thank you but can you do me one favour tonight. Sure Gwen whatever you need he replied to which she had hug me all night and don't let go I feel safe in your arms. To which Miles suddenly wrapped his arms around her and had her head resting on his shoulder saying like this. Perfect she said before they both fell asleep in each others arms. Little did they know after Gwens scream George was listening through her door and herd everything that was said and after they they had finished talking and went back to sleep he said to himself yep Miles is deffently the right man for my Gwen

Sorry about not updating yesterday just was a long day as was involved in a charity game and had a nightshift the night before so didn't really get the time to write

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