chapter 20

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Time skip 2 weeks (Gwens birthday)

Gwen woke up feeling fresh and was greeted with the smell or pancakes but when she went out of her room into her kitchen when she got the first of many surprises she would get when instead of her dad cooking it was Miles. Miles what are you doing here this early (he was ment to come over later and gwen was staying at his place during the night) Gwen asked. Miles replied with I wanted to surprise you babe oh and by the way it's the first of many on your special day. Gwen went over to Miles and hugged him and said if these surprises are anything like this I'm going to love it. Oh I'm sure you will Miles said I have a big one lined up for when we get back to my dimension. I'm looking forward to it. 20 minutes later Gwen finished her pancakes when her dad walked in. Hey sweetheart happy birthday. Thanks dad Gwen said as she was handed a present from her dad. She opened it up to see it was a white knee length dress with little pink details in down the side. Hope you like it George said. I Love it she said hugging her dad. You know you need to thank Miles he's been really busy over the the last 2 weeks making sure today is perfect for you. She turned to Miles kissed him and said your to good you know. I'm not Gwen I'd do anything for you he said kissing her back. After this Gwen went to get ready George spoke to Miles and said obviously you said if something happened to me you would take care of Gwen. Miles nodded and said yeah. Well Miles I've been thinking and Gwen Loves you more than anything so if I do not come back one day I want you to know that if you ever choose to pop the question to Gwen I'm letting you know now you have blessing. Miles spoke up George thank you so much but where both to young to even think about marriage. George looked at him and said Miles I thought that as well but age is just a number when you find the one who want to spend the rest of your life with and just to let you know Gwen can legally marry now in this dimention now she's 16 not sure what your dimension is though. Miles just went blank for a while before he spoke up and said i had no idea. George laughed a little before he asked Miles to follow him into his room. He followed him and he went to a draw and pulled out a small box with a ring inside with a  small diamond on the top. Miles this was the ring I proposed to Gwens mother with and I think it's only right that it's passed down to her. Miles looked at it and said George it's perfect for her and I will guard this with my life. Thank you Miles George said hugging him and Miles returned it. They then walked out in the living room as soon as gwen was leaving her room she was wearing her new dress but no makeup and was wearing white converse with it and an overnight bag. Miles spoke up and said how do you do it Gwen. Do what she asked. Miles smiled and said look amazing in everything. Gwen smiled and said nice before kissing him again. Anyways I think it's time we got a move on Gwen said. Yeah I think we should Miles said. They said there goodbyes to George then left and set foot in Miles dimension. However before they left Miles typed into his gizmo get everyone set in position. Gwen didn't notice. As they entered Miles apartment Gwens spider sence instantly went off she looked around frantically but couldn't see anything until she felt water drop on her haid she looked up and noticed some familer faces as to which one of them said Kon'nichiwa happy birthday Gwen. Gwen looked up in shock as she saw Peter b ham peni and noir all bunched together. They all jumped down and Gwen wrapped each of them in a hug. She turned to Miles after and give him a huge kiss causing all of them to smile bar peni who simply said ewwwwwww to which everyone laughed. So it took yous long enough Peter said I could tell there was an instant chemistry between yous to have your talk on the bus home infact it reminded is of me and MJ Peter b said. Speaking of which did you manage to sort things out Peter Miles asked to which Peter got his wallet out and showed them a picture of a baby scan saying you tell me. They all smiled and said congrats to Peter. Then ham spoke up saying. Peter I hope you have been able to pass on the abilities you have to the child. I hope so to Peter said back. Then Peni when it's born can me and my robot babysit? Peter replied of course all of yous can. Then noir spoke up saying guys it's great news but can we remember why we are hear as I feel like the attention has been shifted from the main person.

(The next part will be a direct carry on from the chapter)

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